What are the odds that within 72 hours two elderly Asian men, Huu Can Tran, 72, would kill eleven mostly fellow Asian people on Saturday on the 34th degree of north parallel latitude in in Monterey Park, California, and then on Monday, 380 miles north, a Chinese man, Zhao Chunli, age 66, murders seven people at locations near Highway 92 in the vicinity of Half Moon Bay, on the 37th degree of latitude, some of them said to be Hispanic farm workers? What are the odds? One in a million? We don’t believe in coincidences.
It has been alleged that Huu Can Tran killed himself and that Zhao Chunli made himself available for apprehension. It’s too early (January 24) to offer an informed opinion on a motive for either massacre.
Other shootings in the US recently involve massacres of families — typically where a father wipes out his young children and wife and then murders himself, as for example in Enoch, Utah (also on the 37th degree of latitude), where the perpetrator was a Mormon. (We note, for the record, that the Biblical Enoch, who was the great-grandfather of Noah, was only one of two individuals in the Old Testament who did not apparently die [Genesis 5:24]). Statistically, there has been a high incidence of these domestic violence killings, “nearly every 3 1/2 weeks for the last two decades, on average.” We intuit that these tragedies have at least some connection to an increase in publicity and debate over the dehumanization of unborn children via their mass murder in the course of the millions of abortions that have been committed. The fathers who massacre their own families are at least vaguely aware that unborn babies are treated as refuse by our throwaway society, so why the hell not take out your own family with equally unrestrained violence? Though one is not allowed to make the point in elite circles, the dehumanization of human beings in the womb leads inevitably to dehumanization of humans outside the womb. Ours is an ungodly, war-mongering nation that rejects this truth. Bloodshed seems to be a part of our national DNA. Our government concluded a decades-long war in Afghanistan in 2021 only to supply, finance and help to instigate a fratricidal war in Central Europe in 2022, to massive applause from Congress and no significant resistance from the people.
“Gun Violence”
The term “gun violence” is a Big Lie incessantly repeated for branding purposes by the Cryptocracy’s mouthpiece media; it’s an abuse of language and logic. We’re so far sunk in the depths of delusion that it actually needs to be said that inanimate objects do not possess consciousness or volition.
When six senior citizens were intentionally run down and killed in Waukesha, Wisconsin in 2021 by a killer whose weapon of choice was a motor vehicle, the Ford Escape SUV that he used to inflict his carnage did not get the blame, and there was no talk of “vehicle violence,” or of Ford Motor Co. being sued for having manufactured the instrument of their deaths. The murders in Waukesha were accurately attributed to the killer and not the tool that was his weapon, yet when people are attacked by a perp with a firearm, the criminal’s culpability becomes subsidiary and the main malefactor becomes the gun itself.
Guns aren’t all bad in the eyes of our media gods, however. Joe Biden’s bodyguards are blessed with a monarchial right to possess AR-15 “weapons of war.” Let us all give thanks that our noble rulers enjoy that formidable level of protection. As for the rest of us, we are expected to meekly accept that wiser heads than our own have decided that nefesh-deficient peasants, rednecks and hillbillies don’t deserve the same level of security as our betters. This is the message of the “Power to the People” Democrat party—they work for the imposition of the two-tiered legal system that was the prerogative of the royalty of the Old World, which the Founders of our nation execrated and sought to forever extirpate.
The Alchemy of XX and XY Denial
Scapegoating firearms is only one ludicrous aspect of America’s turn toward insanity, moral rot and mental breakdown on a mass scale. Another, at least as mad, is the entrenchment of the denial of biology —the fiercely enforced dogma that a person with XX chromosomes is actually a person with XY chromosomes. All good people must believe that this chimera is perfectly real, utterly healthy and eminently human. Those who cling to nature and reject the make-believe are stigmatized as nefarious haters who must be silenced for the sake of the advancement of the new medical enlightenment (and profit).
Unfortunately, gutsy dissenters from this mass delusion are operating in a vacuum wherein they surmise that the biological sorcery is of recent development. This ignorance of the intellectual history of the West is due to the incompetence and mediocrity of what passes for the “academic profession.”
Turn to page 247 of our book Twilight Language and gaze upon “Emblem 33” from the 400-year-old Rosicrcucian alchemical text, Atalanta Fugiens. The emergence of an undisguised civic sorcery has been a long time coming. The process is complete and Emblem 33 is now our national symbol, amid the eerie indifference of the American masses, which is an indication of the magnitude of their psychological decay.
The response of a spiritually healthy people would be the withdrawal of all possible energy from any System implicated in the overthrow of a reality so fundamental as biology, rather than taking refuge, as too many Americans have, in the same old routine of football, basketball, Budweiser and the boob tube.
There will be those who will mock our history of the Rosicrucian-Alchemical coterie as an overwrought figment of a hysterical imagination. Yet, we fear not the mockers. Their power to ruin the reputation of revisionist truth-tellers is on the wane. They only wear the mask of sanity. Their supercilious hauteur as self-appointed guardians of fact is undercut by the madhouse prattle that has taken possession of their souls.
For whom doth the bad half-moon rise?
It rises for thee, ye servants of Cryptocracy.
Copyright ©2023 by Independent History and Research
About Michael Hoffman
Author of nine controversial history books and 122 issues of the periodical, Revisionist History,® he is a former reporter for the New York bureau of the Associated Press. Michael’s talks on epistemology, the praxis of the western secret societies, and history from the Renaissance to the post-modern period — from the Church of Rome to the cult of Churchill—are heard on the podcast, Michael Hoffman’s Revisionist History.® He is at work on a new book chronicling unfree labor in Britain and America.
A frequent target of calumny, censorship and cancel culture, he writes: “I am opposed to every form of hate with every fiber of my being. The movement to ban this writer's books and cancel my presence online should be seen for what it is: a partisan political effort to repress a legitimate opposing viewpoint and curtail the contribution my dissenting scholarship makes to the advancement of human knowledge.”
RevisionistHistory. org
Thanks for this analysis. The 2 shootings in 1 day - & in conjunction w/Chinese NY - struck me as very odd - & too coincidental to be coincidences. Odd also b/c the men were too old & Asian-Asian gun violence is the lowest - as I recall - on the rates by ethnicity in the US.
Didn't take but a 'New York Second' for gun-crazy Dianne Goldman Berman Feinstein to step into the arena again with her ANTI-SECOND AMMENDMENT federal "assault weapons ban" fiasco. It's too damned bad the White Panther Party wasn't more successful in their 1983 Feinstein Mayoral Recall effort. Just think of how great things might have been if Feinstein had been recalled... and NEVER became a U.S. Senator!!! To get a real taste of the digs from where Feinstein crawled out, just review the lurid, lewd and licentious details of the election of San Francisco Mayor George Richard Moscone, Feinstein's assassinated predecessor.