Churchianity’s Hypocrites Point the Finger of Degeneracy at Joe Biden
Right Wing Christendom in the Psycho Ward
“For many reasons, too variegated to go into here, the Jews are a high performance people. This means that when they are bad, they are high performance bad. And when they are productive contributing members of society, they are high performance fruitful and good. Anti-Semites frequently point to the high preponderance of Jews among the Bolsheviks, say, or pornographers, or the Frankfurt School. What they don’t do is point to the counterpart phenomenon when we are talking about violin masters, or patent holders, or Nobel Prize winners, or the Austrian School of economics.”
—Douglas Wilson, “A Brief Introductory Glossary on the Relationship of Christians and Jews” (bold type added)
The influential non-Zionist Calvinist Rev. Douglas Wilson of Christ Church, Moscow, Idaho claims that considerable opposition to Judaic people in America is rooted in envy at their business success and acumen, and not from principled objections to chicanery and tribalism. He says he has witnessed this venal envy often. I’m not one to doubt him, although extrapolating from his circle of midwestern and western associates a grievance formula for the whole of the United States is, I think, unsustainable. In fact, this native New Yorker is willing to say it’s borderline nonsensical.
Perhaps most of the Judaic people in the Pacific Northwest and the tiny handful in rural Idaho fulfill the biased stereotype of being all “clever Jewish businessmen.” I wouldn’t know. I’m not in circulation in the mountains and grasslands out here; Pastor Wilson is.
Samuel “Dictionary” Johnson referred to himself as a “drudge” in his years as a painstaking lexicographer. It’s a working definition of yours truly.
God gave me remarkable eyesight, a gift I used as a 12-year-old squirrel hunter equipped with a single-shot bolt action .22 in the forests of the Finger Lakes region of upstate New York—readers of my Twilight Language book know it as “42nd degree line” country.
(I learned to shoot in the NRA-certified rifle range located inside our new Junior High School —in those days as kids we were happy and well-adjusted enough to be trusted with firearms on school grounds—something that appears like science fiction today).
Over the past three decades I’ve been using my optical aptitude to study many millions of words in books, court and government documents, letters and diaries—hunting the history other scholars have missed, or excluded for reasons of wokery.
The wilderness is not far from my Idaho home but other than a few pristine swimming holes I visit in summer, where the water is so pure it’s potable, my world is circumscribed by libraries and archives. Some day, Deo volente, I’ll make it north to Glacier National Park and south to the Frank Church River of No Return wilderness. For now I’m the bibiophilic son of dear old Dictionary Johnson.
It was not always so, however. Before I ever set eyes on my beloved Idaho, I was in and of the streets of New York, from Auburn to Ithaca to Syracuse; from Oswego to Manhattan.
In “the City” I had relatives and we knew Judaics from all walks of life—rich and yes, poor—most of the latter were impecunious but genteel amid their straitened circumstances.
Among the religious there was a contingent of schnorrers of which Rev. Wilson, the “high performance Judaic” doctrinalist, appears blissfully ignorant. Schnorrers are a class of mendicants who typically appear at a simcha —a wedding, bar mitzvah or other festive occasion—begging for money or some other tangible asset. In my experience not very many New Yorkers are envious of them. In Wilson’s eyes it would seem they are “high performance” scroungers.
Oswego, New York, home to the state university, might seem as nearly off the beaten path as Wilson’s Moscow, Idaho, save for the fact that when I attended classes there the student body was about one-quarter Judaic kids from around New York, among them the future comedian Jerry Seinfeld. Possibly there were scions of hedge fund millionaires in the group, but if so I missed them.
Oswego isn’t Harvard. It was a largely working class university that was founded in 1861 as New York’s ‘State Teachers College’ and morphed into a university with big ambitions in the 1960s, impressively situated on the shore of Lake Ontario. By the time I matriculated it boasted an excellent Radio and Television School, and a Political Science department where this writer studied under the brilliant Palestinian Prof. Faiz Abu-Jaber, who first set me on the path of investigating the masonic assassination of William Morgan.
Two of my best friends at Oswego, Joe and David, were Jewish, from working class families. What was to envy, except for their humor and joie de vivre?
My girlfriend in Oswego was a Judaic student whose parents managed a resort hotel. In winter they took other work to make ends meet. Her mother operated a perfume stand in the off-season. I should be jealous? The father of Ronnie, another Judaic friend, toiled as a laborer for New York State Electric and Gas.
They were “high performance” in their humanity, like countless other members of our human family. I couldn’t say however, whether in their labors at the perfume counter or the gas and electric company, the work they performed was at a higher level than that of any other ethnic group in America. It seems to me that Rev. Wilson’s oft-stated “high performance” generalization about Judaic people is the kind of racial buffoonery one might utter after lifting too many glasses in a boondocks tavern; that he has made it a plank in his weltanschauung causes one to question his lucidity.
Rev. Wilson may not know it, but a goodly portion of New York’s Judaic people were and are of the working class. The customers at the resort hotel my girlfriend’s parents managed were mainly Jewish-proletarian.
As a young man on a one-week solo winter vacation, the hotel where I lodged on the cheap in Miami Beach, Florida had no phones in the rooms, a small herd of mice, one aged bellhop who doubled as the front desk clerk, and a clientele almost exclusively comprised of vacationing or retired Judaic salesmen, appliance, watch and typewriter repairmen, book-keepers, bakers and “entertainers”—the latter all amateurs.
I call them ‘entertainers’ because their animation, exuberance, complaining, tale-bearing and volubility contributed to an atmosphere of intense liveliness. What they lacked in money they made up in energy, as well as the pride some were able to take in accomplished offspring, about whom they bragged, and for whom they had worked and borrowed in order to pay for their education at schools of dentistry, law and accounting—as well for training and licensing as plumbers, cosmetologists and real estate dealers.
My fellow hotel guests were almost all non-religious. This was the 1970s and Talmudism had not yet gained the social and cultural acceptance it has now. Many of them esteemed Orthodox rabbis from afar, while some respected union organizers more, but there was little chance these non-kosher food imbibers and dance floor afficiandos were going to give up their small pleasures to volunteer for bondage in the Talmudic micromanagement of their lives.
I can testify to seeing little jealousy of Jews growing up in New York. On the contrary, where I did observe envy it was sometimes Judaic people envying Anglo-Saxon Protestants living what appeared to them to be lives free of intense drama and hangups. This wasn’t actually the case of course, but WASPs tend to hang their dirty laundry inside, and consequently the spectacle prevalent in working class Judaic-American culture was not as evident.
In the past I regarded Rev. Wilson’s insistent, almost doctrinaire notion that a good deal of Jew hate is derived from gentile resentment toward Jewish prosperity, as an eccentricity which, in light of his many other triumphs as a Bible teacher and marriage counselor, ought to be only lightly contested. I surmised that if this idée fixe of his was his worst sin, then compared with my wild, transgression-filled past, he was a saint.
Last November, Wilson burst that bubble when he published American Milk and Honey, his book on Judaism and the Israeli enterprise in the Middle East. (I reviewed it at length on Substack. Amazon published a condensed version of my review at this link. Registered Amazon users can vote for it).
In his book Douglas Wilson regurgitates demonstrably false Israeli propaganda about Palestine and Palestinians without having troubled to study scholars on the Palestinian side of what is a highly disputed controversy.
What is unprecedented about American Milk and Honey is the fact that after frankly conceding the presence of blasphemous and extremely vile teachings in the Babylonian Talmud, Pastor Wilson proceeds to offer, in his own words, “Two Cheers for the Talmud,” an act one might term depraved, were it not for Wilson’s record of decency and otherwise faithful exposition as a minister of the Gospel. Something else must be at work other than moral derpravity, but what?
Fecal Obsessions and Massacres of the Innocent
American Milk and Honey came out of left field and struck me like a sledgehammer. I was at a loss at first, so great was my admiration for the author.
When I recovered and disabused myself of my misplaced faith, I was left with a shock of recognition I have long sought to dispel, the return of my suspicion that many 20th and 21st century Protestants possess a kind of aberrant spiritual pre-disposition to adore Judeans—aberrant given that the original reformers of the sixteenth century, Martin Luther and John Calvin, had been free of the malady.
Wilson, a non-Zionist who asserts there is no Biblical basis for the founding of the Israeli state; who maintains there were many holocausts and not just one, nonetheless exhibits the veneration both typically, with his firm support for Israeli land theft, and atypically, with his theory that a substantial amount of the Christian opposition to Judaic people is venal, not Scriptural—from covetous and not Biblical motives.

Moreover, on “Sanctity of Life Sunday,” January 21, a day dedicated to defending human life from abortion and euthanasia, a ministerial colleague of Wilson, who pastors an allied church in Idaho, also firmly anti-Dispensationalist, could not find it in his heart to acknowledge from the pulpit the humanity of Palestinian people and refer even fleetingly, or in the slightest degree tangentially, to the Israeli massacre in Gaza, which by January had slaughtered thousands of Palestinian mothers and their children, both in the womb and outside of it. His silence was deafening.
Furthermore, when that same minister’s church was closed one Sunday, the minister recommended that his congregation attend a Dispensationalist church which is locally notorious for hosting Talmudic advocates of war Zionism. When I challenged him on this he replied that the pastor of the other church was a superb Christian, a conservative holy warrior who tirelessly fights woke ideology and trans iniquity. Moreover, it was his firm belief that the pastor of that Zionist church, as he expressed it, would get to heaven before he would.
Get to heaven first, when his friend the Dispensationalist pastor, shills for an ideology responsible for the indiscriminate bombing of tens of thousands of innocents?
On this subject many otherwise good men who pastor “family values” churches behave irrationally, in ways that have no Biblical warrant and can be attributed to extra-cerebral adoration of “the chosen people.”
Reading Wilson’s book, youths in his congregation and among his national audience, which numbers in the hundreds of thousands, will find no impediments to joining the US military to fight the Palestinians on behalf of the Zionist state.
Under the influence of Wilson and his book, Christians will give qualified assent to the supposed virtues of the Talmud of Babylon, a sinkhole of racism, misogyny, magic, superstition, and hate speech against Jesus Christ and His Mother Mary. Thanks to Wilson’s book, they will do so fully aware of the existence of some of the most horrible Talmudic dogma extant, including sexual teachings which are too terrible to be printed here. Rev. Wilson has taught them to give “two cheers” to the Talmudic hermeneutic, nonetheless.
Conservative “evangelicals” often refer to America under Joe Biden as an insane asylum. Perhaps they should look to their own psycho ward first.
There they will discover taxpayer subsidies supported by the vast majority of Republican law makers for the mass murder of babies and their mothers in Palestine, and a Talmud newly rehabilitated for the next generation of Christians—volumes which teach that the Son of God is burning in hell forever, “boiled in excrement,” followed by a Talmudic successor text (Nizzahon Vetus), which identifies Jesus’s mother Mary as being synonymous with excrement, and imparts the belief that Jesus was born in excrement.
These fecal obsessions comprise volumes recommended, admittedly with reservations, by a conservative Protestant preacher with a large and growing domestic audience who imagine they are defenders of western civilization.
And whited sepulchre church-goers dare to point the finger of decrepitude and degeneracy at Joe Biden.
“Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees…for ye are like unto whited sepulchres…ye outwardly appear righteous unto men, but inwardly ye are full of hypocrisy and iniquity.” (Matthew 23: 27-28)
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Michael Hoffman is the author of the banned 2008 textbook Judaism Discovered(1,102 pages), and nine other volumes of history and literature, including Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare and its sequel, Twilight Language. Also: The Occult Renaissance Church of Rome, and Adolf Hitler: Enemy of the German People, as well as 122 issues of the periodical, Revisionist History®.
Michael is a former reporter for the New York bureau of the Associated Press and a former paid consultant to the news department of the New York Times. His books have been published in translation in Japan and France. Listen to his broadcasts on his Revisionist History® podcast, and find him on X (Twitter). He resides with his family in Idaho.
Revisionist History® is registered with the United States Patent and Trademark Office as the trademark of Independent History and Research, Box 849, Coeur d’Alene, Idaho 83816. All Rights Reserved.
I was able to shoot from a long distance into forest leaves with squirrels at the top of trees. Even now many decades later I can read restaurant menus posted on walls from across the room and subtitles in movies on the living room TV set from the back of the room.
Thank you Jesus!
That piece was worth the yearly subscription fee all by itself. Thank you.