Psychic Self-Defense and Revisionist History
Pursuing truth without comprise is the healing path for mind and spirit
Copyright©2025 by Independent History and Research •
Previously, I presented for your examination Mormon founder Joseph Smith’s ambition of serving as the archetype of The Avatar of Secret Knowledge and Wisdom in America (“Mormonism and Masonry”).
The zealous avidity for obtaining treasures from a supposed hidden lore of history and gnosis is right up there with money-love and lechery as abiding human temptations. Possession by this burning desire drove Adam and Eve to side with their enemy the Serpent, rather than the Creator who had bequeathed to them a paradise. The only fire their hankering achieved was a flaming sword which forever barred them from Eden (Genesis 3:24).
Isaac Newton’s Research
Thousands of years later, Isaac Newton’s research into physical science and the discoveries for which he is justly famous, took a back seat to his sleuthing of “lost secrets,” on a trajectory that descended steeply into rabbit holes, all the way back to primeval history.
“Although Newton withheld his theological works from the public, two were published posthumously: Chronology of Ancient Kingdoms Amended (1728), and Observations Upon the Prophecies of Daniel, and the Apocalypse of Saint John (1733.) Both works revealed Newton’s fascination with prophecy… Prophecy, with its symbolic language, was much more difficult to interpret and biblical narratives…
“Newton spent years decoding the symbolic language of prophecies, identifying prophetic events with those found in the Biblical narratives and extra-Biblical histories. He generated immense, detailed chronologies of world history and their prophetic counterparts. He attempted to describe the true monotheistic religion of Noah and its gradual corruption, which led to the pagan idolatries of Egypt, Babylonia, and Greece.
“Newton also argued that, as Noah's descendants fell further from the truth of the monotheistic religion of Noah, they slowly lost or corrupted the vast store of knowledge they had accumulated. We can see, Newton claimed, hints of this knowledge in the priest–scientists of ancient Egypt…who hid their knowledge from the ignorant masses. Ancient Greek philosophers also had a store of secret wisdom…But most of this knowledge was lost and Newton felt a burden to recover what he could.” (Mitch Stokes, Isaac Newton [2010], pp. 89-90).
Where do we draw a line between working for the advancement of knowledge by which humanity is liberated and strengthened—and delusions sold to us by hierophants of chaos as “the long-hidden wisdom”?
The Epistemology of Revisionist History Sleuthing
As I wrote in Twilight Language, 95% of the “Conspiracy Theory” movement is worse than useless, given that it is not interested in pursuit of truth. It’s a means of getting high on adrenaline-rush shocks of the week, or the month, that have about them the probability of a thrilling occult dimension. These people are seeking little more than to have their spine-tingled and their hair raised. Afterward comes the let-down, followed by the search for “The Next Big Thrill,” ad infinitum. This isn’t investigative reporting, it’s a medical condition, derived from inhabiting a Society of the Spectacle in which everyone with a cell phone, Internet connection or television, is a percipient.
The movement to decrypt Twilight Language and track secret society skullduggery sorely lacks an educated core of sleuths who are trained by that which is antithetical to the Spectacle, as for example, reading deeply the classic texts of the western canon, and otherwise gaining instruction in the fundamentals of investigative reporting and historiography, by which one is impelled to adhere to basic rules of evidence, judiciously weighing the merits of rival theories competing for one’s attention and validation, while we practice resisting our human inclination to seek data that confirms our preconceived ideas.
The revisionist challenges what he or she thinks is true by actively seeking information that may undercut one’s pre-judgements about history and current events. Some of you may be reading this essay for that very reason. If so, kudos!
I am almost daily cajoled to spectate at this or that video online. I grant you that a few are very informative, such as Max Blumenthal’s exceedingly valuable takedown of Israeli atrocity propaganda.
Most, in my view, in addition to being trivial distractions that often promise far more than they deliver, sometimes take an hour to convey information which in a transcript could be absorbed in ten or fifteen minutes.
Too what extent are our powers of analysis and reason enervated by the frequency with which we access the noise, flashing images and other attention-getting devices intrinsic to video? The printed page pales in comparison. Epidemic rates of attention-deficit may be in some instances, the result of our affinity for motion pictures in preference to the written word.
Permit me to recommend for your study a representative section (seven pages) of Time and Western Man, the 1927 classic by the writer and painter Wyndham Lewis (1882-1957), beginning with the start of the last paragraph on p. 226 and concluding with the penultimate paragraph on p. 233. In the section to which I have linked you will find his deconstruction of the theory of the “time mind” hatched by Oswald Spengler (1880-1936) a much-admired Right wing-anointed prophet and philosopher, in his principal work, The Decline of the West.
I am not recommending Lewis’s Time and Western Man for the truth or falsity of the claims of its author, but rather for the manner in which he attempts to dismantle Spengler’s argument.
For the cultivation of your own powers of concentration and discernment I suggest you study how the mind of Wyndham Lewis works, and the reasoning he employs in debunking Spengler. A professor teaching a class in epistemology might be well-advised to make Time and Western Man part of his curriculum. Some readers may be hoping that I’ll provide a synopsis of his postulation and spare them the task of taking up Lewis first hand. This would cause them to lose a chance of sharpening the axe of their cognitive powers. One should not forfeit that opportunity. Seven pages is not too much to study in one day.
Most modern people are in so much haste for the majority of their day that they can’t slow down long enough to study anything at length. They are cursed by the empty promise of shortcuts to edification which we encounter online with the frequency of the gross inducements to concupiscence and materialism which accompany even seemingly staid news and current events’ web pages.
When I was a teenager Spengler was a favorite, mostly because at that stage of my life I was enamored of the many popular analogies drawn between the crumbling of America and the fall of the Roman empire. In the ensuing decades I became troubled by flaws I perceived in Spengler’s pessimistic generalities on which his preoccupation with his theory of time was based.
I realize these concerns may be dismissed by some as pretentious intellectual meandering down largely irrelevant side roads. In my view that’s a lame excuse for evading the work required to train our minds to adopt the most insightful and potent methods of inquiry into the history of criminal politics and the Establishment’s latest forms of mind control.
Another worthwhile discipline of the mind is self-examination — the observance of our response to the revisionist felling of our own idols. Ouch!
It’s relatively easy to knock the illusions of others, particularly if we harbor toward that “other” an ethnic, religious or racial bias. Some people sign up for this column under the misapprehension that I am a comforting cheerleader for mutually shared animosities. Bing Crosby described himself as a “golfer who sings.” I am a waif who aspires to pursue the truth wherever it leads.
This makes for enemies, and not only the usual foes that one would expect that the author of Judaism’s Strange Gods, The Occult…Church of Rome and They Were White and They Were Slaves would attract.
The enemies I make on the Right are disappointed suitors, jilted devotees, would-be joiners and true believers who have concluded to their dismay that I have violated an unspoken promise never to dissent from their cherished totems and sacred cows. I guess they didn’t know that there is nothing sacred to me except the Lord Jesus Christ and His gospel. Or they assume that His gospel seamlessly corresponds to the convictions they hold dear. To their way of thinking, when I overthrow the latter I am blaspheming the former.
Sucker Bait
Wynham Lewis cherished Ezra Pound as a personal friend and astute editor (for example of T.S. Eliot’s The Wasteland). He studied his work, including in the field of economics, Pound’s intriguing essay, Jefferson and/or Mussolini. Yet, his judgment on Ezra’s financial and historical views was that Pound was a “revolutionary simpleton.”
This is a correct assessment, up to a point. Pound’s opposition to usury brought attention to the long-buried question of the morality of renting money. This was indeed, revolutionary. God bless Pound for that one.
However, being overcome with enthusiasm for the Renaissance and the robber barons of that era, Pound simplified and distorted the early modern chronicle of the West by beginning his history of institutionalized usury with the Whig/Protestant “Bank of England” founded in 1694. The usury operation he made most notorious was the dynasty of Rothschild who he held mainly responsible, in many respects, for predatory banking.
At that juncture the eminent poet/polymath morphed into a kind of simpleton: he was unconsciously serving the cause he sought to overthrow, by failing to alert his audience to the earlier foundational role of sizable usury banks operated by members of the Church of Rome.
On Substack earlier this month “Popehead” summoned the ghosts of Pound and his biographer Eustace Mullins, perhaps to rekindle the Lost Cause of Right-wing preoccupation with “Jewish usurers”—an obsession which serves to distract from the “Aryan” usurers who established loan-sharking as a financial enterprise long before the Rothschilds.
“Popehead” quoted Ezra Pound: "To be distracted by questions of administrative forms, race hatreds, man hunts, or socialisation of everything but the national debt, is merely swallowing sucker-bait.”
I wrote to Popehead: “Perhaps you should take the advice of old Ez.”
The persistent attempt to revive the meme which scapegoats the Rothschilds for all (or most) of what is wrong with money and finance, is a function of the sub-rosa conspiracy Pound missed—Rome’s papalist banking houses which instituted the empire of usury centuries before the Bank of England sprang to light.
Summoning the decrepit stereotype of Rothschilds as having the original monopoly on money manipulation from which all other financial gangsterism arises, without seeing beyond this myopic mania from bygone days, causes us to fail to spot the forces behind the induction of the misdirection — the sucker bait that makes mainly Judaic banking houses the principal financial villain of early modern history while insulating papalist and Third Reich usury cartels from scrutiny.
When in the Europe of the past the Rothschilds were indigent strivers struggling to pull themselves up from poverty, in Italy the Medici and Strozzi dynasties, and in Germany the Fugger banking house, were imposing the usury curse on Christendom with the blessing of the pope. This wreckage commenced with Leo X in May of 1515 and was fully unleashed, without a modicum of restriction, 300 years later, by Pius VIII.
Nazi Usury
In the Cryprocracy’s shell game the Right wing is directed to focus most of its revulsion and investigative scrutiny on usury committed by Jewish bankers, while the non-Jewish German and Italian money-lenders prey upon the people under a luxurious cloak of invisibility lent to them by Right wing nincompoops. Observe the tricknology:
Gottfried Feder (1883-1941) was an early National Socialist economist and one of the movement’s founding ideologues. His primary economic campaign centered on “breaking interest slavery” (Brechung der Zinsknechtschaft), which he, as well as Gregor Strasser and other leaders, saw as the key to liberating Germany from the Money Power. Feder’s views were disingenously adopted by Hitler and incorporated into the platform of the National Socialist German Worker’s Party (NSDAP), which significantly increased Hitler’s popularity among the people.
There is no evidence the Nazi dictator had ever intended to uphold the promise of Brechung der Zinsknechtschaft. Like the corrupt politician he was, he had merely exploited it for purposes of gaining power. After he did so, in early 1933, Hitler killed or exiled the anti-usury reformers in the NSDAP who had helped him win by campaigning for the complete abolition of interest on loans.
What Hitler objected to was the fact that anti-usury campaigners in Germany were intent on halting not only Judaic usury. They also sought to obstruct the “Aryan” usury banks which the führer believed he needed to put the German nation on a war footing and fund the construction of his military-industrial complex.
The pre-1933 Nazi Party advertised itself as the only vehicle of national renewal, of Volksgemeinschaft (“people’s community”), founded in part on their platform of the elimination of the “bondage of mammon,” i.e the complete eradication of usury banking in all its forms, by anyone.
Hitler had no intention of honoring that promise. Once in power he had one of the leading anti-usury activists shot (the Catholic Gregor Strasser), and the architect of the movement itself (Feder) internally exiled to the boondocks.
Usury banking rode just as high under Hitler as it had under previous German governments, with one crucial difference—the Rothschilds and other Jewish bankers were scapegoated in order to distract from the reality that usury in Nazi Germany grew exponentially in the hands of non-Jewish bankers who are invisible in the jeremiads of Ezra Pound and right wing polemicists who have followed in his wake.
From the Renaissance to the Nazis, the indignation of the people contra interest on loans was detoured and focused on “the Jews” (or in Pound’s world, “Jew-like Calvinists and Puritans”).
Under Hitler, “Aryan” usurers rented money to their plutocratic heart’s content without populist opprobrium being focused on their avaricious plunder.
You know you’re in the Cryptocracy’s Right wing propaganda territory when these facts of revisionist history are suppressed.
In Germany, Hitler’s betrayal played into the hands of Nazi financiers such as Hjalmar Schacht, a usury banker who worked within the global shylock system. Other Nazi-approved usury bankers included Walther Funk, Count Lutz Schwerin von Krosigk, Emil Puhl, Kurt Baron von Schröder, Hermann Josef Abs and a host of other gentile usury advocates and policy-makers who are in no way notorious. Do you think their obscurity is an accident?
[Information on non-Judaic usury bankers is in The Occult Renaissance Church of Rome: chapter 16, “The Breeders of Money Gain Dominion,” as well as Usury in Christendom, and Adolf Hitler: Enemy of the German People].
Knots of Contradiction and Psychological Self-Warfare
From a practical vantage, is it wrong to lie and dissimulate because of the spiritual penalty those sins exact from the human being who does so.
The double-mind that countenances Hitler’s “Aryan” usury as a necessary evil, and Jewish usury as utterly foul and unforgivable, will tie itself in knots of contradiction and psychological self-warfare. This in turn creates a divided psyche that is weakened by subconscious cognition of its own complicity with deceit and double standards.
The Cryptocracy in the 21st century is continually recycling to historically uninformed and credulous would-be reformers, a vintage 1930s mythos which ceaselessly chants, “Bank-of-England-bad, Rothschilds-worse,” with the persistence of a parrot. Inside the confines of this repetitious cartoon one sees and hears virtually nothing about Medici, Fugger, Funk, Schacht, von Krosig, et al.
This writer has profited from the many hours I have spent with the writings of Ezra Pound—studying Jefferson and/or Mussolini and reading his Pisan Cantos. I am the author of Ezra Pound: Poet and Reformer, a new history of this maligned giant of literature. In one section I observed:
Pound was gulled by the slick “monte” alibi of the Vatican bankers: according to them a “low rate” of interest was necessary to establish a monte d’pieta (“mountain of compassion”) poor people’s bank. Predicated on this “compassion” alibi, the Medici, Strozzi and Fugger “Catholic” banking dynasties managed to out-shylock Shylock and create an empire that bought, through bribery, the personnel of the Catholic Church and the ruler of Europe (the Holy Roman Emperor, in the person of Charles V of Spain).
Pound’s own history of the beginning of high interest-rate usury takes none of this back story into account. His jeremiad begins centuries later, with “the English Government whose main to hide the monstrous, fake and evil of the usury system...any nation that doesn’t crawl on its belly and take orders from London (from the most treacherous nation on earth) to suffer unlimited and unscrupulous blackmail, wangled by England.”
To this he added the familiar Right wing myth that “international usury had more Calvinism than Judaism in it,” and that “the Calvinist was more dangerous and deadly than the Jew.” This is ridiculous in that in Rome, Medici Pope Leo X granted the first significant permission for the renting of money in 1515, when John Calvin was a six-year-old Catholic kid in France.
Unbeknown to his followers in 21st century anti-usury circles, Pound was a strong supporter of the Church of Rome’s approved interest on debt which was put forth under the clever mafia alibi of the “monte d’pieta” (“mountain of compassion”). In his 1935 pamphlet, Social Credit: An Impact, Ezra described the usurious Italian monte banks in glowing terms, as “built for beneficence, for reconstruction...”
When Pound’s cosmic bogeyman John Calvin ruled Geneva there were no usury banks allowed under any circumstances. Yet Pound stigmatizes Calvin and “Calvinism” for how it was distorted in England and Holland one hundred fifty years after Calvin’s death. Pound favored the papal monte banking which escaped the invective Pound and his Right-wing successors have attached to Whig bankers in England and Calvinists in Holland who departed from Calvin’s doctrine.
The Rothschild bank began financing the papacy in the 19th century. This papal/Rothschild alliance attracts little of the infamy attached to the idée fixe of “Jewish Calvinism.” This misdirection has paid huge dividends to the Cryptocracy.
Reading Pound one finds him profoundly right and profoundly wrong on the same page. He was a persecuted poet and artist, not a rigorous empiricist. If one appreciates him on those terms, cum grano salis, he is a treasure. As a guide to the revisionist history of finance in Europe however, he falls abysmally short, acting as a buttress for Right wing myths with an endless shelf-life.
JD Vance in Germany
Vice President JD Vance’s address at the Munich Security Conference on February 14 spoke a limited truth to German and British power. Taken in isolation, it was music to my ears—an intrepid protest against the censorship of American social-media companies which are threatened with fines and imprisonment by British and European politicians; a German legislature that seeks to ban the country’s second most popular political party, as 124 German lawmakers attempted to do in January; or in the case of Britain, the madhouse arrest of Christians for silently praying hundreds of feet from abortion clinics.
German and British people did not vote for mass immigration. They did not chose to live in societies where keeping the peace meant the return of de facto blasphemy laws jailing those who reexamine and scrutinize enshrined, 80-year old Allied dogma about World War II.
There is nothing extremist or “far Right” about political parties in Germany and the United Kingdom opposing out-of-control immigration, assaults on family values, government tyranny and the bias of legacy media.
Yet, Mr. Vance articulated only a circumscribed truth. He dare not apply his ideals to the United States, where for example, even Harvard University has been coerced into accepting as a definition of anti-Semitism, most any “criticism of the Jewish state. Harvard has promised to obstruct students who express such criticism. Harvard has done so in the midst of the genocide in Gaza and Lebanon.
Dear Mr. Vance: You have self-censored. You choose not to talk about 2.5 million Gaza’s who have no free speech rights, or the 150 journalists murdered by the Israeli military since October 2023.
Vance won’t speak out concerning the writers and reporters who are canceled weekly on U.S. social media, and interdicted financially in terms of disruption of their payment providers, for advocating on behalf of Palestinian civilians who otherwise have virtually no voice in American politics or popular culture.
The president Mr. Vance serves seeks to deport millions of Palestinians from their ancestral homeland, where new arrivals from Brooklyn have vastly more rights than the indigenous people. This contempt for millions of Arab human beings, about 5% of whom are Christians, is due to largely to the Zionist weaponization of racist hate speech taught as dogma in the Talmud Bavli.
Zionist-Talmudism is an unacknowledged racist force among American powerbrokers of both major parties, who believe that Palestinians do not have any right to self-defense comparable to the rights of the Israelis—or to land, peace or self-determination when those rights impinge on the imperial ambitions of Greater “Biblical” Israel.
There is however, no warrant in Scripture for justifying the theft of a nation predicated on genealogically dubious claims of descent from ancient Biblical patriarchs.
Will J.D. Vance defend my writing from the forces of censorship holding sway in the United States? Don’t make me laugh. We are in the kingdom of the blind, where one-eyed people are kings.
The MAGA movement is of Janus, a characteristic it shares with its opponents in the Democratic Party who claim to champion human rights and then deny them to eight and nine month-old human beings in their mother’s wombs.
We live in a split-personality nation, whose spiritual crisis is exacerbated by a double-mindedness that excludes certain categories from consideration.
• Israel has the right to self defense (Palestinians don’t).
• Europe must practice vigorous freedom of speech, America’s college campuses must not.
• Trump is working for peace in Ukraine, while sending bombs to Israelis to continue the massacres in Gaza and Lebanon.
We inhabit a world of psychic dislocation where we must either cooperate with lies, remain silent in the face of them or stand up and confront them. The psychological stress this Hobson’s choice exerts is enormously destructive. The instability and vulnerability to mental illness which the pressure to conform sows, can destabilize organizations, institutions and entire movements.
Mental and spiritual health are premised on the bedrock principle that we don’t lie and we don’t cooperate with lies, not even for a “good cause”, or out of fear of a mighty earthly power.
All the good which Trump, Vance and Elon Musk may achieve will not only be tainted by their enablement of Israeli bloodshed and deception, it ruins it by planting the seeds of psychological self-destruction in those who cooperate with the trickery.
We tell the truth so that we will have life and have it more abundantly, free of self-recrimination.
Money and power cannot buy peace of mind. The best psychic self-defense is to know in your heart that when given the opportunity, you stand for the truth even when the whole world — your relatives, friends and employer — are shouting ‘sit down!’
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Copyright©2025 by Independent History and Research •
I am grateful to the paid subscribers who make these columns possible. Please give serious consideration to joining them.
I will continue this Truth Mission for as long as I have the resources to do so. Securing those resources is a constant struggle. We have not yet obtained enough paid subscriptions to sustain the full-time work required to produce these studies regularly. Donations toward the support of my research, writing and broadcasting are gratefully received: P.O. Box 849, Coeur d’Alene, Idaho 83816—or at this link. Thank you.
Revisionist historian Michael Hoffman is the author of They Were White and They Were Slaves: The Untold History of the Enslavement of Whites in Early America. He explores the ascendance of the Neoplatonic-Hermetic-Kabbalistic mind virus in his book The Occult RenaissanceChurch of Rome. He explicates the alchemical processing of humanity in Twilight Language. He is the author of eight other volumes of history and literature including Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare, as well as Usury in Christendom,Judaism Discovered, and Adolf Hitler: Enemy of the German People. Michael has written extensive introductions to Alexander McCaul’sThe Talmud Tested, Johann Andreas Eisenmenger’s Traditions of the Jews, and The 1582 Rheims New Testament.
He is a former reporter for the New York bureau of the Associated Press and a former paid consultant to the news department of the New York Times. Michael’s books have been published in translation in Japanese and French. Listen to his broadcasts on his Revisionist History® podcast, and find him on X (Twitter).
Revisionist History® is registered with the United States Patent and Trademark Office as the trademark of Independent History and Research, Box 849, Coeur d’Alene, Idaho 83816. All Rights Reserved.
Satanism in Theory and Practice
Stalking the Great Whore: The Lost Writings of James Shelby Downard
His study of hypnotism broke new ground and remains relevant today.
It appears he denied the existence of spirits and any baleful effects emanating from them, tracking anomalous phenomenon exclusively to the subconscious, an assertion with which I cannot agree.
Katya here, digging out of a snowstorm in so many senses with Roscoe --
Amen and Amen.
From E.A. Burtt on Isaac Newton's Metaphysics: that the knower (meaning us trying to use God's gift of cognitive exercise) was alienated from what he knew. (This might be Lewis telling us that the Time-Mind asks us to see [and reduce] everything 'sub specie temporalis').
Burtt has much to say about what the metaphysics of scientism did to our concept of time. His thesis, if I may, is that from Newton onward man, the human being, was written out of the equation of knowledge -- certainly a hermetic feat that would have had Pico della Mirandola rejoicing in hell.
Why do I know this? Because I, the lifelong follower of Dostoevsky, was beyond appalled at how quickly the new cancer treatments of the 90's killed my mother and we couldn't question the medical holy man (it's still happening!), where neither the oncologist, nor the literature --I looked it all up--nor we who cared for and spoke to our beloved, could find expressions for the individual suffering human being in our language. Not even the priests could.
Here's an example of non-human speech: "she may bounce back." I'll bet a few of you have heard that.
This is all in Dostoevsky, especially in the dream of the man who went out of his head (the queer fellow), but also in The Double, whose hero, "little naked man" (Golyadkin) is captured by the hermetic mind-virus (sense of time completely altered) who ends up in the insane asylum where we all are now, so assaulted by the devilish half-truths of impossibly sped up lives, impossibly false-indoctrinated lives.
Everything two-tiered. The triumph of false history. The triumph of usury. The triumph of the racial ideology which must have war, and war not only with others, but with ourselves, our families. It's all there, in the New Testament, in the apostolic writings, in great Christian literature which might have taught us how to live, how to use our Christ-like, God given minds.
I apologize for the length of this.
(Springtime is icumen in)