Author’s Note: Part Two of “The Whiskey Insurgency: The People vs. George Washington” will be published Monday, June 17, for paid subscribers. It will be somewhere in the neighborhood of 8,000 words, with an estimated reading time of more than an hour. I cannot see the utility of splitting it into a third part. Therefore, I am hopeful that readers will invest the time to encounter in the second and final part of our revisionist study, heretofore buried facts of our nation’s history. These are sure to surprise, appall and offer insight into the 21st century tyranny exerted by a Washington leviathan that draws it malignant inspiration in part from the one that oppressed the working class on the American frontier in the last decade of the 18th century. [Part One is at this link]
Questions for Bobby Kennedy’s Adviser Charles Eisenstein
By Michael Hoffman
As “Director of Messaging” Charles Eisenstein is a member of the Kennedy presidential campaign and Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s inner circle.
On June 13 Mr. Eisenstein penned a lengthy essay on Substack, “How to Heal the Wound of Gaza,” advocating a peace plan for Palestine. It’s worth reading. On its face it appears to be a strong dissent from Kennedy’s reprehensible support for the Israeli holocaust of the past eight months.
However, there are portions of his statement that are regrettably reflective of vestiges of (perhaps unconscious) Zionist hubris, and these need to be addressed. For example, Mr. Eisenstein describes Palestinian nationalists as “anti-Semites” while their Zionist tormentors are profiled as merely “Fascists.” There’s a subtle difference. An anti-Semite is a racist. A Fascist is an authoritarian. There is not necessarily a racist component to Fascism (before he fell under Hitler’s malevolent influence, approximately one-quarter of dictator Benito Mussolini’s Fascist movement was comprised of Judaic people).
Thus, Eisenstein posits racist Palestinians in a war with merely authoritarian (“Fascist”) Zionists. An equation like that is sorely unbalanced—predicated on either Mr. Eisenstein’s ignorance, or his suppression of Zionism’s weaponization of the ferocious anti-gentile racism of the Talmud Bavli (Talmud of Babylon); a murderous bigotry which pervades the Israeli leadership.
He also proposes to disarm the Palestinian terrorists while the Israeli terrorists will retain their weapons. This renders his plan unworkable from any practical standpoint.
I e-mailed him to raise these points. I would not have done so except for the fact that I have have been informed by a friend who knows of him that Mr. Eisenstein is a decent man frustrated by Kennedy’s contempt for the Palestinian people.
My challenge to Charles Eisenstein follows below.
After it was e-mailed I was courteously contacted by Patsy Kuo Eisenstein, a lady who appears to be his wife. She promised to forward my e-mail to Charles, which is where matters stand at present.
Dear Mr. Eisenstein
Your essay “How to Heal the Wound of Gaza,” confirms that you are a utopian, creating equivalencies between the oppressed and the oppressor; a “both sides are right / both sides are wrong” notion which, to qualify as true and sincere, you must also apply to World War II Nazis and Jews. Will you?
I challenge you to substitute Nazi for Israeli, and Jew for Palestinian, and let’s see whether you will continue to uphold your blurring of distinctions between the oppressor and the oppressed.
There is no peace without truth. The gospel peace which Jesus grants began with an acknowledgement of the overwhelming evil of the Pharisees (Matthew 23: 13-36). These proto-Talmudists were targets of severe invective Jesus employed contra no other group; whereas for the Roman centurion He reserved among the highest words of praise He ever uttered, “Greater faith than this I have not found in all Israel” (Matthew 8: 5-10).
Your equation of the robbed and massacred Palestinians with homicidal war-Zionists, as they have weaponized the racist Talmud Bavli in seeking the extrusion and extermination of the indigenous people of Palestine, is the pipe dream of a naive and seriously uninformed observer, who nonetheless appears to be a man of good heart and spirit.
Lastly, I will take under advisement your supposition that Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s unconscionable support for the genocide in Gaza is due not to venal political and monetary motives, but a deluded misreading of history and current events. But I doubt it.
Michael Hoffman
Copyright©2024 by Independent History and Research
We are grateful to the paid subscribers who make these studies possible.
Michael Hoffman is the author of the seminal revisionist history, They Were White and They Were Slaves: The Untold History of the Enslavement of Whites in Early America, and nine other volumes of history and literature, including Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare and its sequel, Twilight Language. Also: The Occult Renaissance Church of Rome, and Adolf Hitler: Enemy of the German People, as well as 122 issues of the periodical, Revisionist History.®
Michael is a former reporter for the New York bureau of the Associated Press and a former paid consultant to the news department of the New York Times. His books have been published in translation in Japan and France. Listen to his broadcasts on his Revisionist History® podcast, and find him on X (Twitter). He resides with his family in Idaho.
Revisionist History® is registered with the United States Patent and Trademark Office as the trademark of Independent History and Research, Box 849, Coeur d’Alene, Idaho 83816. All Rights Reserved.
With all due respect Mr Hoffman all the psychopathic genocidal racism is baked right into the Torah and old testament. Instead you single out the Talmud which is indeed bad, but isn't even what the genocidal, racist Zionist leadership of Israel reference...Amalek which is in the old testament It is Deuteronomy that contains the following: "And the lord spake uno me saying...this day I begin to put the dread of thee and fear of the thee upon the nations that are under the whole of heaven, who shall hear report of thee, and shall tremble, and be in anguish because of theee...And because he loved thy fathers, therefore he chose their seed after drive out nations from before thee greater and mightier than thou art. to bring thee in, to give thee their land for an inheritance...and when the Lord thy God shall deliver them before thee, thou shall smite them, and utterly destroy them; thou shalt make no covenant with them, nor show mercy unto them, neither shalt though make marriages with shall destroy their altars and break down their images...and thou shalt consume thy people which the Lord they God shall deliver thee; thine eye shall have not pity upon them...Every place whereon the soles of your feet shall tread shall be yours...even unto the uttermost sea shall your coast be...of the cities of these people which the Lord thy God doth give thee for an inheritance, thou shalt save nothing alive that breatheth...thou shalt lend unto many nations and thou shat not borrow" This sounds an awful like what is going on in Gaza!