The Democratic Party’s Revolutionary Brutalism
The Neo-Leninists who rule us are certain they are on the path to victory
“Victory is not possible without the very cruelest revolutionary terror.” — V.I. Lenin
Brutalism in architecture is what we have had for the last 70 years in the design of public edifices, and buildings dedicated to commercial enterprise. These often resemble prisons and hospitals. This architecture is a reflection of modernism and postmodernist trends toward an anti-human frisson, a public confession of soullessness.
Brutalism in politics can be seen in the policies and atrocities of Vladimir Lenin and his disciples in the Democratic Party.
“From his first few hours as leader of Russia, he (Vladimir Lenin) laid the ground for rule by terror,” Victor Sebestyen writes in The Man, the Dictator, and the Master of Terror. On his second day in power he began to censor the press. On Dec. 7, 1917, he set up a secret police, the Cheka, to combat “counterrevolution, speculation and sabotage.” He abolished the legal system in favor of “revolutionary justice,” which legitimized every perversion of the law.
“To us,” Lenin pontificated, “all is permitted. … Blood? Let there be blood.” For victory was not possible “without the very cruelest revolutionary terror.”
Brutalism is in politics is the equivalent of a fighter who has another combatant pinned to the ground while repeatedly punching him in the face.
A 16-foot statue honoring Soviet mass murderer Vladimir Lenin stands in Seattle's masonic Fremont district. Lenin butchered millions of Christians and outlawed Christianity in Russia. The Cryptocracy is ok with that. In Seattle, Communism's idol is untouchable.
Impunity in our time is redolent of the Democratic Party and its ideological guide, V.I. Lenin.
Neoconservative State Terror
Let's not make the mistake of thinking there isn't a similar force of unbridled sadism within the Right wing. There is, but the level of fanaticism necessary to drive it is lower.
Where it is present it is almost exclusively a branch of the Neoconservative movement, functioning as an arm of Israeli realpolitik and the war Zionism that drove the US to invade Iraq for the sake of the Israeli regime, transforming its enemy Iraq into a toothless, permanently crippled ogre. As George W. Bush declared, “Mission accomplished!”
After the Sept. 11, 2001 terror attacks, Skull and Bones secret society initiate Bush had his “Reichstag Fire” pretext for passing the Patriot Act, which further curtailed rights that had been abridged under the administration of Bill Clinton in the wake of the bombing of the Murrah Center in Oklahoma City.
Under Republican hero Bush, the director of Homeland Security (a newly minted secret police bureaucracy), was Michael Chertoff, every inch a Leninist in the style of Merrick Garland.
The revolutionary Left-wing brutalism of Merrick Garland, Joe Biden, Christopher Wray, Victoria Nuland, Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer is unique in American history for being unconcerned with the consequences of the overpowering might which they employ with undisguised amusement and defiance.
Deputy Secretary of State Nuland, who with Vice President Dick Cheney was an architect of the invasion of Iraq, predicted on Jan. 22, 2022, “If Russia invades Ukraine, one way or another, Nord Stream 2 will not move forward.” The pipeline was subsequently bombed by Ukrainian assets, as if on cue.
Nuland was appointed to high office by George W. Bush, as well as by Barack Obama and Joe Biden. She is part of the permanent government “Deep State” that rules our nation, whether a Republican or a Democrat is president.
Nuland’s husband Robert Kagan co-founded, with Bill Kristol, the Neocon “Project for the New American Century” which before the terror attacks in New York City, stated in their position paper, “Rebuilding America's Defenses” (September, 2000), that America needed a new Pearl Harbor:
“…the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event – like a new Pearl Harbor.”
Pearl Harbor allowed President Franklin Roosevelt to declare war on Japan. 9/11 allowed Bush to invade Afghanistan and in 2003, Iraq. Both of those Neocon adventures cost hundreds of thousands of lives and trillions of dollars. Unlike Trump’s 91 felony counts which are to be decided by hostile juries, no member of the Bush administration has been charged with seditious conspiracy or waging aggressive war.
Crimes galore revealed, but taking the pulse of the Group Mind reassures the Cryptocracy that they are secure in their power
Those members of the Proud Boys convicted of “seditious conspiracy” for plans they made on January 6, are facing up to 30 years imprisonment, while Antifa terrorists who function as the Democrat party’s militia, consistently receive suspended sentences, or probation for bombings of government buildings and beatings of police and political opponents such as conservative activist Andy Ngo.
Babies are aborted up to the ninth month of pregnancy because the body of a woman is said to be autonomous, but that same woman’s body, if hired by the government or the military, can’t refuse a Covid inoculation.
A massively indebted America continues to pay billions of dollars to secure Ukraine’s border while our own southern border has none.
In part the Ukraine war is also being advanced by the Cryptocracy as a form of genocide of the Slavic race. The New York Times estimates that a total of 190,000 troops (Ukrainian and Russian) have been killed since the war commenced 18 months ago. Another 310,000 are reported to have been wounded. The Cryptocracy demands the unconditional surrender of Russia as a condition of any peace agreement, a provision they are aware is nearly impossible, short of regime change in Moscow. The fratricide is intended to grind on for years, like the conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan which witnessed the defeat of US and NATO forces after years of warfare.
Polls that were dead wrong in the 2016 and 2020 presidential elections continue to be monotonously cited by media including FOX News, as if they were infallible prophecies — “scientific” indicators of who has the lead in an election campaign for the presidency which is more than a year off.
Coverage of which candidate eats what hot dog at the Iowa State Fair substitutes for investigative reporting of criminal politics, the mass murder and dispossession of the Palestinians by a racist Israeli regime financed by American taxpayers, and assassinations of people like Jeffrey Epstein and Whitey Bulger while in “high security” Federal custody.
No matter how foolish Trump acted on January 6 (and what he did was precisely what the Crypocracy ardently desired), it does not obviate the fact that repeated indictments of a sitting Democratic president’s alleged leading opponent, constitutes election tampering on a scale that far exceeds anything Trump may have attempted in 2021. The unfairness and the criminal nature of the operation is blatant, yet the optics do not trouble the exceedingly cunning players working to deny the White House to a populist like Robert F. Kennedy Jr. or a family values Republican like Gov. DeSantis.
The Cryptocracy has taken the collective pulse of the American Group Mind and it leads them to believe that they don’t need to deceive us as much as they did in the past.
Consequently, the revelation of all of the preceding does not diminish their hold on power.
They don’t care about their stature with the people, just as they are not concerned that their media are held in disrepute by tens of millions of Americans. Corporate advertisers with a morality and values similar to those of Target and Budweiser fund newspapers, television news, and social media; advertiser dollars are what maintains the operations of the Orwellian press. Corporations like Pfizer are not protesting Left wing bias in the news or boycotting liberal papers and broadcast outlets.
Due to our moral and spiritual decline, the Cryptocracy isn’t worried that we are glimpsing their diabolic objectives. Our spiritual decay signals to those who hate us and our children, that we are giving them our consent to proceed to alchemically process us with Twilight Language — conditioning us to accept the ever more radical, anti-human, anti-life dimensions of post-modern culture: same sex marriage, followed by xy chromosome bearers presented as xx chromosome bearers, and now the current alchemical stage is that of incremental acceptance of adult sex with children. Further down the yellow brick road it will be sex with animals— the latter synchronized with the incorporation by “scientists” of human genes into animals, with the resulting creation of Island of Doctor Moreau “manimals.”
Seldom in history have we had the opportunity to observe so sweeping a panorama of alchemical change in humanity, in so brief an interlude, much of it accepted as “settled law.”
There has been some resistance, as the Target department store chain that attempted to make “Pride Day” a major American holiday, and Budweiser, which featured a female impersonator on a can of its beer, have learned to their surprise and dismay.
Make no mistake: the Cryptocracy is not overly concerned about losing one or two battles in what they conceive as a war of extermination against all who stand in their way. The promotion of a morality directly overthrowing God’s design for the family is a doctrine of their revolutionary religion which is non-negotiable, and for which they fight tenaciously, in the name of tolerance.
Who is willfully stupid enough to believe the “tolerance” advertising slogan? After working, in the name of tolerance, for decades for the sexual union of homosexuals to be legally recognized as marriage, revolutionary change agents then worked to be certain that those ‘gay’ couples would have the right to adopt young children, also in the name of tolerance.
The Ultra Intolerance of the Revolution
But these revolutionaries are not tolerant of us and 6,000 years of Biblical morality. They believe that their opponents have no rights. Ultra intolerance is their policy. It was reported this week that a Catholic couple in Massachusetts with otherwise sterling moral credentials, were turned down as candidates for adopting foster children because of their conservative values, which the state of Massachusetts has ruled renders them ineligible to be fit parents, in that they do not subscribe to the LGBTQ+ religion and its inviolable dogma. Where is the “tolerance”?
William McGurn reports, “The Massachusetts Department of Children and Families’s decision to deny Michael and Kitty Burke’s foster-care application comes less than a decade after the Supreme Court’s 2015 ruling in Obergefell v. Hodges, which held that states could not deny marriage licenses to same-sex couples. In a short but tart dissent, Justice Alito raised a red flag that …Obergefell was not a victory for a live-and-let-live America.
“It will be used to vilify Americans who are unwilling to assent to the new orthodoxy,” Alito wrote. “In the course of its opinion, the majority compares traditional marriage laws to laws that denied equal treatment for African-Americans and women.... The implications of this analogy will be exploited by those who are determined to stamp out every vestige of dissent.”
“…The state, in its assessment of the Burkes, acknowledged the family’s ‘strengths.’ In the license study describing the family, the Massachusetts Department of Children and Families (DCF) noted that ‘Kitty and Mike are devoutly Roman Catholic…
“Once upon a time that would be an endorsement. Today it’s an indictment. DCF stated, ‘with regard to LGBT issues…their faith is not supportive and neither are they.’ Ultimately the license review team concluded the Burkes ‘would not be affirming to a child who identified as LGBTQ’ and the Burkes were rejected.”
Much of the Establishment’s power depends on commanding language and maintaining language police, as Orwell explained beautifully in the appendix to 1984, “The Principles of Newspeak.”
This weekend turn off the wifi and the TV and take the time to read Orwell’s appendix, as well as the testimony of the IRS whistleblowers who demonstrated the extent of the Justice Department’s criminal obstruction of the prosecution of Hunter Biden.
Several years ago our Overlords decreed that journalists who wanted to obtain or keep jobs with the national media would no longer term women who sold themselves to the pimps as “prostitutes.” The Newspeak dictionary had a new entry. Henceforth, they were to be known by the more respectable term, “sex worker.” All good people were supposed to comply because Those Who Know Better talked down to us and explained from their celestial perch how wrong it was to term selling sex prostitution. The new instruction obliged us to see it as a job, like any other— legitimate work which deserved respect. Only a thought criminal would term a sex worker a prostitute.
Those of us with wives, daughters and sisters questioned the wisdom of this linguistic rehabilitation of a demeaning form of oppression of women. Liberal dictators who appropriate to themselves the right to decide the limits of language ruled our questions and our resistance to change as beneath contempt and indicative of a sexist mentality.
The preferred term which all progressive people were — and mostly still are —expected to use is sex worker, whereby prostitution becomes as “lightly transactional as the purchase of packaged meat from the supermarket.”
Oh, but that Newspeak was so yesterday. The Daily Newspeak Report contains another change, promulgated like a papal bull by the pontificators at the New York Times — ordering us back to the previous usage!
New York Times columnist Pamela Paul (August 17), wants us to know that the Times is not abandoning the manipulation of language and the creation of outlawed words:
“In recent years, language has undergone drastic shifts in an effort to reduce harm….Sometimes these shifts make people feel better without changing anything of substance. And sometimes they do move the needle toward positive change, which is always welcome.”
Pardon me New York Times, but are truth or accuracy any consideration to the Lexicon Lords as you reinvent our thought processes?
Those paramount categories don’t seem to be part of the discussion. The limits on language are imposed by the demands of woke ideology; in the words of the neo-Leninists, it is their progressive “effort to create a vocabulary that better reflects commitments to agency, equity, fluidity and humanity.”
You will note that truth and accuracy are not high on the agenda of the ideological purists who believe we must be programmed to think exactly as they do. This is language as a weapon of dogma, formerly religious and now partisan Leftist.
New York Times columnist Pamela Paul:
“The media use terms like ‘sex work’ and ‘sex worker’ in their reporting, treating prostitution as a job like any other,’ said Melanie Thompson, a 27-year-old woman from New York City who introduced herself as a ‘Black sex-trafficking and prostitution survivor.’ The language of ‘sex work,’ Thompson argued, implies falsely that engaging in the sex trade is a choice most often made willingly…I urge the media to remove the terms ‘sex work’ and ‘sex worker’ from your style handbooks,’ she said.”
Here’s a memo to the Times: authentic Christians follow the Bible, not a media “style book” and the social engineering which the university professors, united with the editorial room authors of Newspeak, appropriate to themselves as pompous guides to our enlightenment.
For ourselves, we never submitted to the sex worker Newspeak.
The NY Times owes us an apology for whitewashing the evil of prostitution by imposing the cosmetic term “sex worker” on the public. A little humility is in order. The NY Times, the majority of the corporate media, and many college-educated women coined and submitted to the Newspeak. The rest of us did not. In fact, we resist all attempts to flip the nature of reality by linguistic distortion.
NY Times: “…the term ‘sex work’ suddenly appears to be everywhere. Even outside academic, activist and progressive strongholds, ‘sex work’ is becoming a widespread euphemism for ‘prostitution.’ …It’s now commonly used by politicians, the media, Hollywood and government agencies. But make no mistake: ‘Sex work’ is hardly a sign of liberation.”
We didn’t make the mistake of thinking it was liberating. Your newspaper did. The New York Times, now acting as a scold on the issue, actually was among the first to popularize the euphemism. There are dozens of examples from its pages. Here are four:
“Parliaments in Britain, Canada, Australia and New Zealand have sought to contain sex work…looks to New Zealand for sensible sex-work policy…There are economic reasons to legalize sex work…The Washington Post’s Charles Lane looks across the Atlantic as well, but what he sees as the fruits of sex-work legalization” (NY Times, June 25, 2014)
“Juggling her careers in sex work and academia, the author lays ‘bare the soul-crushing difference in pay… (NY Times, Oct. 6, 2022)
“The hullabaloo over Amnesty’s stance on sex work started last summer…Sex workers’ rights groups (including, in the U.S., Sex Workers Outreach Project USA…)…The human rights group also issued reports on sex work and the law……In Norway, women engaging in sex work…One sex worker told Amnesty… (Emily Bazelon, NY Times, May 25, 2016)
“The performers work for tips, to accommodate laws that regulate sex work…Raie usually does freelance work outside of sex work…you have to support sex workers all year round…” (Gabrielle Drolet, NY Times, April 12, 2020, Section ST, Page 1).
The New York Times now asks, “Why, you might wonder, does exchanging money for sex need a rebrand?” To which we reply: What gives the New York Times the right to “re-brand” the English language?
The Times: “The term ‘sex work’ emerged several decades ago among radical advocates of prostitution. People like Carol Leigh and Margo St. James…used ‘sex work’ in an effort to destigmatize, legitimize and decriminalize their trade. Not surprisingly, this shift toward acceptability has been welcomed by many men, who make up a vast majority of customers. The term subsequently gained traction in academic circles and among other progressive advocacy groups…”
It also “gained traction” in the New York Times which pretends otherwise and now takes the moral high ground.
The Times: “…research from those who work with survivors indicates that only a tiny minority of people actively want to remain in prostitution…Most prostitutes are poor and are overwhelmingly women…Many, if not most, enter the trade unwillingly or underage…That some prostitutes eventually come to terms with their situation does not mean that they would have chosen it if they had better options. Melanie Thompson, who was kidnapped and sold as a prostitute at age 13, said at (a) meeting last week that by age 16, she told herself prostitution was her own choice. ‘We had to believe that in order to continue to endure,’ she explained. The urge to maintain that illusion is understandable. The term ‘sex work’ whitewashes the economic constraints, family ruptures and often sordid circumstances that drive many women to sell themselves.”
Yes, the New York Times-imposed phrase “sex work/er” whitewashed a terrible sin and the corrupt corporate media as a whole are guilty of that Newspeak whitewash, which continues in other forms, for example terming the killing of unborn human beings “reproductive health care.”
The Pharisee’s Lament
The only IRS employees to come forward with facts about the Justice Department’s Hunter Biden dirty deal — a fraud known to a dozen or more IRS staffers— were two men, one of whom is a homosexual. It makes me grin when do-nothing Conservatives feel superior to Special Agent Joseph Ziegler, the intrepid homosexual IRS whistleblower. In Conservative churches I have also witnessed from the pulpit laments about the growing position of women in leadership roles.
It doesn’t occur to the Pharisees who criticize women who have filled the breech, that when men are no longer virile and abdicate their duty, someone must intervene. When we see women and homosexuals doing the courageous thing by heading up the charge, it should be understood as a sign, portent and witness to the cowardice of those men whose providential responsibility has been shirked.
Permanent Control Achieved?
The indictments of Donald Trump on 91 charges, have the potential to tear the country apart. The Left as represented by the Democratic Party is not concerned about the prospect of a civil war; that fact is most instructive. It signifies their belief that in the long term they have already won permanent control over the United States.
No matter which way Trump’s base, comprised of bitter-enders, express their anger, it will be tantamount to Boer anger over the victory of the ANC in South Africa — in other words, the Cryptocracy believes that Trump’s people are headed for the junk pile of history; i.e. the pollution fields of East Palestine, Ohio; in other words, the losing side.
One can kill Boer civilians without compunction (the British ruling class starved or otherwise killed 26,000 Boer women and children in concentration camps at the turn of the 20th century), or poison an impoverished Ohio Republican town on a rail line, and there is no retribution; no prosecution or trials, not even much loss of reputation.
Two Examples of Iron Fist Revolutionary Brutalism
I. Merrick Garland’s Department of Justice sent an FBI SWAT team to the home of a pro-life Catholic because he shoved a threatening pro-abortionist away from his young son. Meanwhile militant abortion terrorists have firebombed multiple Christian pregnancy counseling centers with near impunity (almost no arrests).
II. There have been 81 violent attacks on pro-life crisis pregnancy centers, and 130 attacks on Catholic churches, but only two persons have been charged. Since the leak of the Supreme Court decision that overturned Roe v. Wade, no domestic terrorist group has been more vocal and active in violently attacking pro-life individuals and institutions than the “Jane’s Revenge” gang. They have taken responsibility for numerous attacks, including firebombings and acts of vandalism. The same group has now issued a letter declaring “open season” on all so-called “anti-choice” groups, calling for terrorist attacks against these groups by anyone “with the urge to paint, to burn, to cut, [or] to jam.”
In Congressional testimony in March, Mr. Garland claimed not to have known about Jane’s Revenge until the previous month. With similar chutzpah, Christopher Wray in Congressional testimony pretended not to know if there were FBI undercover agents present in the mob that attacked the Capitol on January 6. This is a public display of bold contempt of the people’s right to know on the part of the director of the nation’s premiere federal law enforcement organization.
Sen. Marsha Blackburn responded to Garland as follows, “You told me earlier that you didn’t know who Jane’s Revenge is. They are all over Twitter.” Garland did not contest what she attributed to him.
In these two examples we observe the iron fist of revolutionary brutalism. Dostoyevsky in his novel The Devils demonstrated that the revolutionaries have the courage of their convictions. They will sacrifice their reputation, bank accounts and freedom to advance their dictatorship.
Among Conservatives, it is often not so. The charitable and well-documented Judaica and occult studies and anti-usury books we publish are banned as disreputable and liable to cause harm to “the movement.”
Conservatives generally won’t debate us or permit advertisements for our work in their publications. Privately some tell me they wish it were otherwise, but whisper that they could be “shut down” by thought control groups such as the ADL or the scandal-ridden SPLC, kicked off YouTube and maligned by Wikipedia, if they were to sell our company advertising space, or offer serious consideration of our theses.
Cowards do not deserve and will never attain victory.
About modern people W.B. Yeats observed, “The best lack all conviction while the worst are filled with passionate intensity.”
The hell of it is, Conservatives do have convictions but they imagine that they will prevail by begging revolutionary brutalists for fair play and tolerance.
Some even claim to be followers of He who said, “I am come to send fire on the earth; and what will I, if it be already kindled?” (Luke 12:49).
Copyright ©2023 Independent History and Research • Box 849 • Coeur d’Alene, Idaho 83816
I’m grateful to the paid subscribers who make this column possible. Thank you. —Michael
Historian Michael Hoffman is an independent scholar who defies labels and categories. He’s the author of ten books, three of which are banned while others are under threat of suppression, and 122 issues of his newsletter studies (1997-2022). Those who cannot debate or answer him seek to bankrupt him.
A former reporter for the New York bureau of the Associated Press, his books include Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare(2001), Judaism Discovered (2008), Usury in Christendom: The Mortal Sin that Was and Now is Not (2013); The Occult Renaissance Church of Rome (2017), Adolf Hitler: Enemy of the German People(2019), Twilight Language (2021) and three other dissident volumes. His contrarian histories have also been translated and published in Japanese and French. He hosts the podcast, Michael Hoffman’s Revisionist History®
For Further Research
Hunter Biden’s Aristocratic Prerogative
Robert Oppenheimer and Zhou Enlai in the Summer of our Discontent
The Lenin-prototype hero in Dostoevsky’s “Demons” says, on p. 418, that there will be “No need for education...but obedience must be set up. Only one thing is lacking in the world: obedience. ... We’ll extinguish families. ... we’ll get drinking, gossip, denunciation going; we’ll get unheard of depravity going; we’ll stifle genius in infancy.” And earlier, on p. 415, this “hero” discusses the “technique” of binding people through crime, any crime, all crime, the bloodier the better. Dostoevsky wrote all this 170 momentous years ago, and we are held hostage, spell bound, like the public in his novel. The real hero of this novel discovers as he is dying that man’s salvation lies in his belief in eternal life (he had lamented his criminal failure to stand up for his rights). This brings us to the Brothers K: the loss of belief in eternal life, promised by faith in Jesus, is the murder of mankind. —Thank you, Michael, as always—
If you ever wondered why your writings never go beyond a tiny niche appeal. The answer stares at you in the mirror. For all your grand ideas about yourself, expressed in all its absurdity in your pompous and verbose vocabulary, your effect on the world remains impotent. A certain mental disorder fits the bill.