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“There were many paths that led up into those mountains, and many passes over them. But most of the paths were cheats and deceptions…infested by evil things and dreadful dangers.” —J.R.R. Tolkien
Solemn worship and joyous celebrations in December in connection with the incarnation of the Lord of our salvation, Jesus Christ, are not welcomed by the Cryptocracy, which is one reason why Christmas is often perverted into paganism and mercantilism. The expression “Merry Christmas” has been replaced by “Happy Holidays” and season’s bleatings.
Hollywood’s mockery is a constant. Consider “The Night Before,” a 2015 “comedy” from Sony Pictures, written by Jonathan Levine and Evan Goldberg, directed by Mr. Levine and starring Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Seth Rogen. In the film the fictional “Isaac Greenberg,” played by Mr. Rogen, vomits in a Catholic Church during Midnight Mass.
The movie’s bigotry and the identity of its creators are undisguised and brazen. Entitlement and immunity make it so. “The Night Before” earned $52 million at the box office.
A few days before Christmas Eve the New York Times published, “A Conversation about the Virgin Birth that Maybe Wasn’t” by Times columnist Nicholas Kristof who describes his source for his attack on Jesus and Mary as “Elaine Pagels, a prominent professor of religion at Princeton University and an expert on the early church.”
Of course if she’s bona fide “expert” on the early church. There’s nothing more to debate. Her claim that Mary was raped by a Roman soldier, become pregnant and gave birth to Jesus is more or less authenticated by her “expert” status conferred by the Times.
The New York Times states, Miracles and Wonder is the title of (Pagels’) fascinating forthcoming book. It raises questions about the virgin birth of Jesus, even pointing to ancient evidence that Jesus might have been fathered by a Roman soldier, possibly by rape.”
“Evidence?” In this writer’s study of the libel I have encountered nothing other than a jumble of Talmudic canards.
Kristof: “You cite evidence going back to the first and second centuries that some referred to Jesus as the son of a Roman soldier named Panthera. These accounts are mostly from early writers trying to disparage Jesus, it seems, so perhaps they should be regarded skeptically. But you also write that Panthera appears to have been a real person….You write that there were early accusations against Mary of promiscuity, connected to this allegation of an affair with Panthera..How should we think about this?”
Pagels: “Yes, these stories circulated after Jesus’ death among members of the Jewish community who regarded him as a false messiah, saying that Jesus’ father was a Roman soldier. I used to dismiss such stories as ancient slander. Yet while we do not know what happened, there are too many points of circumstantial evidence to simply ignore them. The name Panthera, sometimes spelled differently in ancient sources, may refer to a panther skin that certain soldiers wore. The discovery of the grave of a Roman soldier named Tiberius Panthera, member of a cohort of Syrian archers stationed in Palestine in the first century, might support those ancient rumors.”
Michael Hoffman: The 800 pound gorilla in the room is the Talmud of Babylon which is the source of these absurd and despicable accusations. The Left-wing Times rather conspicuously chose to suppress this controversial datum. On the Right wing “Ingraham Angle” on Fox News December 23, guest host Raymond Arroyo did a segment on Kristof’s column and the defamation of Mary and Jesus while also omitting the Talmudic source for the lie. Hate speech in the Talmud is kryptonite to the self-appointed gatekeeper supermen in charge of the legacy media.
The following information is excerpted from my textbook, Judaism Discovered:
The Babylonian Talmud attacks Mary the mother of Jesus with insults and aspersions against her moral character. Some of the Talmudic falsehoods about Mary are centered on tales of a certain “Pandera” (Babylonian Talmud Sanhedrin 67a), and his consort, called alternately “Sedata” and “Miriam the hairdresser.”
Blessed Mary, called “Miriam the hairdresser” in the Talmud, is vilified as a “promiscuous woman,” while the other name assigned to her, “Sedata” is a synonym for adulteress.
In a footnote to tractate Babylonian Talmud [BT] Shabbath 104b in the Soncino Talmud we read as follows: “In the uncensored text this passage follows: Was he then the son of Stada: surely he was the son of Pandira? —Said R. Hisda: The husband was Stada, the paramour was Pandira…It is as we say in Pumbeditha: This one has been unfaithful to her husband (satat da mi-ba'alah).’”
In the Talmud, according to tradition, the fool/magician (Jesus) is called ‘son of Stada’ and according to another tradition he is termed ‘son of Pandera.’ The Talmud is concerned about the fact that the same person is called by two different names.
Rav Hisda (a Babylonian amora of the third generation and an important teacher at the academy of Sura; died 309 A.D.), stated that the person in question had, as it were, two “fathers,” because his mother had a husband and a sex partner, and that Jesus was called ‘son of Stada,’ when referring to the husband, and ‘son of Pandera,’ when referring to the sex partner.
Let’s decode this name, “Stada” for the mother of Jesus:
His mother’s name was Miriam (Mary). “Stada” is a grave insult. Prof. Peter Schäfer in Jesus in the Talmud (2009, p. 226), found that “Stada” is derived from the Hebrew/Aramaic root word satah/seté (“to deviate from the right path, to go astray, to be unfaithful”). In other words, Jesus’ mother “Miriam” was also called “Stada” because in the eyes of the rabbis she was a sotah, a woman suspected, or convicted, of adultery.
The Steinsaltz edition of BT Sanhedrin 67a states concerning Jesus who is vilified as the “inciter”: “…the inciter’s mother was Miryam the (woman’s) hairdresser...a promiscuous woman: that one (setat da) strayed from her husband.”
The Babylonian Talmud is gratuitously insulting and defaming Christ and His mother. Mary was a chaste and humble Israelite woman. How can she merit any defamation whatsoever, except for the fact that she gave birth to the Messiah of Israel?
For that birth she is declared to have been lewd, shameless, an adulteress and a nymphomaniac, whom her husband (“Pappos ben Yehuda”) was compelled to lock up to keep her from having sex with other men (Babylonian Talmud tractate Gittin 90a).
In the case of Jesus and Mary, the Talmud is purely a vehicle for vengeance and resentment.
Notice the timing of the publicity the New York Times focuses on Pagels and her smear campaign against the Son of God and the Blessed Virgin — three days before Christmas Eve.
Coincidence? I think not. On April 10, 2014, a week before Good Friday, the Times published a report by Laurie Goodstein suggesting there was evidence that Jesus had married and had a wife. The headline of the article read, “Papyrus Referring to Jesus’ Wife Is More Likely Ancient Than Fake, Scientists Say.” Goodstein wrote, “…the tiny scrap of papyrus…contained a phrase never before seen in any piece of Scripture: “Jesus said to them, ‘My wife...’ …it also contained the words “she will be able to be my disciple.” Harvard University Prof. Karen King was cited as expert testimony supporting the claim and producing the papyrus. In 2020 Ariel Sabar published a book demolishing the abhorrent anti-Christian hoax promoted —then, just as another is now — by the Cryptocracy’s “most respected newspaper.”
This year the eight-day Hanukkah season began on December 25. The corporate media are filled with heart-warming stories upholding the absolute truth of the Hanukkah tale and recounting its beloved placed in custom and tradition. For example, in the December 27 issue of the Wall Street Journal (p. A13), in a lavish paean titled “Make Hanukkah Bright” the lofty nobility of Hanukkah is contrasted with the “materialistic and showy” Christmas of the gentiles: “God save us, too, from the inflatable lawn displays—an innovation our non-Jewish neighbors might have spared us.”
The article repeatedly cites the Talmud, not the Bible, as the basis for Hanukkah:
“It is a mitzvah—a commandment, or good deed— ‘to place the Hanukkah lamp at the entrance to one’s house on the outside, so that all can see it’ says the Talmud, the sixth-century compilation of Jewish teachings. If one forgets to light candles at sunset, that’s OK, according to the 16th-century Sephardic sage Joseph Karo in his (Talmud-derived) code of Jewish law. ‘He should go ahead and light until people stop passing through the marketplace, which is approximately half an hour,’ Karo wrote, ‘because then the people are passing and coming home and thus the miracle is publicized…
“And in a time of danger,’ the Talmud says, ‘when the Gentiles issued decrees to prohibit kindling lights, the Jew places [the hanukkiah] on the table, and that is sufficient to fulfill his obligation….”
The Wall Street Journal concludes by pointing out who it is that is the focus of the holiday celebration: “the work of proclaiming the miracle—not only that of Hanukkah but the miracle of the Jews, who continue to live and spread the message of ethical monotheism to all the world…” (italics added).
What a contrast with the picture we Christians must live with in our holy season, (or at least the nearly eleven million readers of the New York Times) —images of Mary raped (or submitting) to the lust of a man who was not her husband —and fathering Jesus as a result of this unholy tryst. The circulation of that Big Lie on no more evidence than ancient hate speech is beneath contempt.
Alas, Hanukkah is not what it is said to be by the masters of PR. Hanukkah is in fact a Talmudic holiday that is a burlesque of the Biblical account of the Maccabees. I could say more, but unlike the kind and angelic humanitarian progressives at the august New York Times, I will leave the folks who cherish their religious holiday in peace to celebrate it for the next eight days. If I publish a study I will put distance between the time I debunk it and the holiday itself.
Nittel Nacht
The Talmudic term for Christmas Eve is Nittel Nacht, a night regarded as highly problematic. There is a tradition of refraining from marital relations on Nittel Nacht. According to the Baal Shem Tov, to conceive a child on Nittel Nacht will result in the birth of either an apostate or a procurer (Sefer Baal Shem Tov, Vol. 2 :43a).
The most common minhag (custom) observed on Christmas Eve is to abstain from “Torah” (Talmud) study. There is an anxiety that one’s concentration on the Talmud may unwillingly serve as merit for Jesus’ soul, corresponding to the teaching that Talmud study gives temporary respite to souls of the wicked.
There is a custom of eating garlic on Nittel Nacht. The reason for this is attributed to the odor of the garlic which is reputed to repel the demonic soul of Jesus, which is supposed to wander on Christmas Eve (cf. Nitei Gavriel Minhagei Nittel), like Scrooge’s dead partner Marley.
Another custom in Talmudism is to make toilet paper on Christmas Eve, a practice made popular by the “Chiddushei Harim” (Yitzchak Meir Rotenberg-Alter; cf. Reiach Hasade 1:17).
There are luminous angels in the Christmas story and a radiantly beautiful woman, an exemplar who is due the highest honor and respect—the Blessed Virgin Mary—accompanied by her chaste spouse, Joseph. In the Talmud Bavli however, we encounter another view of women:
“The Sages say that the halakah [the law] decrees that a man may do with his wife as he desires; because the matter can be best compared to a man who purchased meat from the butcher: if he wishes he eats it raw, if he wishes he eats it boiled, if he wishes he eats it roasted over coals.” [Tractate Kallah 2].
“If a man on leaving a toilet should immediately afterward have intercourse, then his children will be epileptic because the demon of the toilet accompanied him to the bedroom.” [Tractate Kallah 2].
“If one has intercourse by the light of a lamp, he will have epileptic children.
If one has intercourse sitting, he will be subject to diarrhea. …If (during intercourse) he is below and she above, he will be seized with convulsions.” [Tractate Kallah 2].
Gloria in Excelsis Deo

Contrast the preceding grotesqueries with the account of the Holy Family in Bethlehem: the luminescent Virgin, the Christ child, humble shepherds, and angels conferring blessing.
Moreover, tractate Kallah 3 contains among the ugliest anti-Christian hate speech in the Talmud Bavli. Referring to Jesus as “the bold-faced,” it describes Him as a bastard and the son of a promiscuous niddah (in this case, a woman who conceives a child during her period of menstruation):
“The elders were once sitting in the gate when two young lads passed by; one covered his head and the other [Jesus] uncovered his head. Of him who uncovered his head, R. Eliezer remarked that he is a bastard; R. Joshua remarked that he is the son of a niddah; R. ‘Aḳiba said that he is both a bastard and the son of a niddah.
“They said to R. ‘Aḳiba, ‘How did your heart induce you to contradict the opinion of your colleagues?’ He replied, ‘I will prove it concerning him’. He went to the lad’s mother [Mary] and found her sitting in the market selling beans. He said to her, ‘My daughter, if you will answer the question which I will put to you, I will bring you to the World to Come’.
“She said to him, ‘Swear it to me’.
“R. Aḳiba, taking the oath with his lips but annulling it in his heart, said to her, ‘What is the status of your son?’
“She replied, ‘When I entered the bridal chamber I was niddah and my husband kept away from me; but my best man had intercourse with me and this son was born to me’. Consequently the child [Jesus] was both a bastard and the son of a niddah. [Tractate Kallah 3].
You call yourself a Christian? Then never fall into the trap of execrating the people who may believe or practice these things. Love them and pray for their conversion; do good to them, as our Lord, the fount of wisdom commands us (Matthew 5:44) for good reason. Do not presume to second guess or circumvent that which He has enjoined. If you love Him obey his commandment in Matthew 5. Many who claim to be Christian, defy Him in this regard. They are no better than His avowed enemies.
Psychological Pressure during Christmastide
In the past three years the state of Wisconsin has been the site of two mass murder sprees in the weeks approaching Christmas. In the city of Waukesha, located on the 43rd degree of north parallel latitude, a massacre occurred November 21, 2021, during that municipality’s annual Christmas Parade, when Darrell Brooks Jr. intentionally drove his SUV into dozens of people, killing six and injuring 62.
Three years and 25 days later, on December 16, 2024, on the same latitude, police and the legacy media reported that 15-year-old Natalie Rupnow shot and killed a teacher and a child at Abundant Life Christian School in Madison, Wisconsin; injuring 6 others. It has been alleged that Rupnow committed suicide afterward.
A photo of the supposed shooter, said to have been posted on her father’s Facebook page, shows her aiming a rifle at a shooting range and wearing a shirt advertising the German heavy metal band KMFDM — one that is allegedly similar to a KMFDM-branded garment worn by Columbine school shooter Eric Harris.
Another photograph, reputed to be a self-portrait of exhibited on “X” social media by Rupnow herself, shows her wearing a different version of the band’s apparel.
KMFDM is an acronym for “Kein Mehrheit Für Die Mitleid.” Some media outlets are claiming this denotes, “No pity for the majority.” Harris was seen in photos wearing one of the band’s T-shirts before he and Dylan Klebold murdered 13 people in the 1999 Columbine High School massacre in Littleton, Colorado.
A Gender Issue Synchronicity in Biology and Grammar
Kein Mehrheit Für Die Mitleid is a somewhat encrypted phrase, given the fact that when translated verbatim from German, the sentence reads, "No majority for the pity.” In German grammar the articles preceding the words Mehrheit and Mitleid are declensionally the wrong gender.
Switching the two nouns however, produces “Kein Mitleid für die Mehrheit,” which is the correct meaning attributed to the acronym—literally: "No pity for the majority."
In response to a question at a December 16 press conference, Madison Chief of Police Shon Barnes stated, “I don’t know if Natalie was transgender, and quite frankly I don’t think that’s even important.”
Drones over the U.S.
Adding to the psychic stress during Christmastide are the mysterious drones over the northeast, and in particular in the skies of New Jersey. A common sentiment often articulated goes something like this: “Nobody believes that the government doesn’t know about it. No one really believes the government.”
Oh, but we do! We do believe the government — whenever Congress funds Israeli genocide in Gaza, and Slavic fratricide in Ukraine and Russia—we believe that the funding advances goodness and freedom, and other warm fuzzies.
If we don’t believe the government line on drones, then why do we believe the government line on Israel and Ukraine? Could someone be holding aloft a celestial mirror that reflects back to us an image of our divided psyches?
I have always detested “The Matrix” movie for its sales pitch for “redemptive” violence, and its inherent double-minded, Janus dimension. The contradictions are in plain sight, as Joshua Clover notes, “…the film’s delight in the power and pleasure of the new digital technologies, against its dour cautionary tale of absolute danger at the end of the digital rainbow…the story’s far-reaching critique of the spectacular and the spectacle, so at odds with the movie’s status as itself a spectacle.” —The Matrix (British Film Institute, 2004) p. 69.
The Clown-like Aspect of the American Sideshow Carnival
Double-minded people are possessed of the ridiculous aspect of a clown in a sideshow carnival. Consider the Republican jokers who were ordered by the Israeli lobby this month to block the nomination of Muslim-American attorney Adeel Mangi to a seat on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit. In return for favors to The Lobby the MAGA movement has been paying a high price. Senate Democrats agreed to comply with the Republican request. In return, the Republicans continued the GOP’s submission to President Biden’s nomination of far-Left, woke judges to the Federal judiciary. The New York Times reported on December 17, “In exchange, Republicans agreed to limit procedural roadblocks to confirming remaining district court nominees. That would pave the way for the Senate this week to confirm the 235th judge of Mr. Biden’s tenure, surpassing the total placed on the bench during President-elect Donald J. Trump’s first term and hitting a benchmark Democrats have long had in their sights.”
Ukraine and Mossad
The tactics of the SBU, the Ukrainian secret police, are increasingly resembling those of Mossad. Consider the assassination by bombing of Russian Lt. Gen. Igor Kirillov. The Wall Street Journal of December 18 reported: “…The attack on General Kirillov was part of an escalating campaign by Ukraine’s security and intelligence services to kill high-profile figures in Russia’s war effort. Its aim is to bring the fight to Russia, raising the immediate costs of the war for Moscow’s leaders.”
Question: Based on this “good terrorism” media logic, would it be permissible for Palestinians in Gaza to do as the Ukrainians have and “bring the fight to Israel, raising the immediate costs of the war for Jerusalem’s leaders”?
To what extent is Ukrainian and Israeli assassination chic blighting American society —murder rendered benevolent when it is for a “good cause”?
For example, according to the December 19 New York Post, Luigi Mangione, the reputed assassin of United HealthCare CEO Brian Thompson, arrived at a Pennsylvania courthouse, “as at least 100 protesters gather outside to show support for the alleged killer…The demonstrators waved ‘Free Luigi’ and anti-insurance signs outside the Blair County Courthouse as Mangione, 26, arrived for an extradition hearing. ‘Health Insurance Practices Terrorize People,’ one sign read. ‘Murder For Profit Is Terrorism, Free Luigi,” was inscribed on another sign.
NY Times, December 19: “… in some corners, Mr. Mangione was lauded as something of a hero, a characterization that has been denounced by community leaders and law enforcement officials. Jessica Tisch, the commissioner of the New York Police Department, said she was appalled by the ‘celebration of coldblooded murder.”
Wall Street Journal: “Increasingly, the focus (of the Ukrainian SBU) has been on important military targets including a senior naval officer and a missile scientist (the scientist, Mikhail Shatsky, was shot dead in a forest near Moscow on December 12)…part of a drive to use asymmetric measures to disrupt and demoralize the Russian war machine.”
Observation: Assassination by select parties, when described cosmetically as an “asymmetric measure” will not elicit an outcry in the media, or from the American government or the European Union (EU) when it is employed to “disrupt and demoralize” a “war machine.”
Question: Is it morally permissible for Palestinians to undertake similar “asymmetric measures” to “disrupt and demoralize” the Zionist “war machine”? I have a hunch that the US and the EU would in no uncertain terms denounce Palestinian disruption as “terrorism.”
Wall Street Journal: “Ukrainian security officials say the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU), is modeling itself on Israel’s Mossad, renowned for its relentless pursuit of enemies abroad…Targets have included war propagandists…”
“Renowned”? The Wall Street Journal appears to be celebrating coldblooded murder. Mossad is justly notorious for its killings. More than 100 journalists attempting to report Israeli war crimes in Gaza have been assassinated by Mossad or Israeli troops. No doubt those reporters were “war propagandists.”
In 2022, Darya Dugina, a 29 year-old journalist working for the Russian television networks Tsargrad and RT, was killed in a car bombing outside of Moscow. According to an autumn, 2022 assessment by US officials, the Ukrainian government authorized her murder. She was a “war propagandist,” so it was OK.
Cheats and deceptions.
Taxpayer-funded “good” terrorists, and journalists who, according to “America’s allies,” deserve death.
Amid this darkness comes a light from Bethlehem, “Behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy which will be to all people.”
This light shines whenever we recall and believe upon He who volunteered to incarnate on this earthly plane, take human form, accept crucifixion for our salvation, and resurrect from death, defeating it forever.
I wish you a blessed Christmas!
Copyright ©2024 by Independent History and Research •
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Revisionist historian Michael Hoffman explores the ascendance of the Neoplatonic-Hermetic-Kabbalistic mind virus in his book The Occult Renaissance Church of Rome. He explicates the alchemical processing of humanity in Twilight Language. He is the author of eight other volumes of history and literature including Secret Societiesand Psychological Warfare, as well as Usury in Christendom, Judaism Discovered, and Adolf Hitler: Enemy of the German People. Michael has written extensive introductions to Alexander McCaul’s The Talmud Tested, Johann Andreas Eisenmenger’s Traditions of the Jews, and The 1582 Rheims New Testament.
He is a former reporter for the New York bureau of the Associated Press and a former paid consultant to the news department of the New York Times. Michael’s books have been published in translation in Japanese and French. Listen to his broadcasts on his Revisionist History® podcast, and find him on X (Twitter).
Revisionist History® is registered with the United States Patent and Trademark Office as the trademark of Independent History and Research, Box 849, Coeur d’Alene, Idaho 83816. All Rights Reserved.
Katya here again, sorry to be so wordy but I must, re Christmas and its Enemies: Michael brings up my favorite little book by mentioning Marley's ghost in that story meant to be for all the year round, "A Christmas Carol."
Marley is of course a patron saint of the Money Power, sent out of Dante's Hell, with vivid company of demons all around and the weight of the chains of continuous sin, to put a light, Christ-like, in the dark and duplicitous heart of Scrooge, to whom the breeding of money (usury, interest) has become God. ( "Let them die, then, and rid the world of excess population.")
I will continue with another quote from Michael's brilliant book on Christmas Present -- I mean Usury in Christendom: "The Money Power could not have reached its zenith through Judaic usury alone. It has achieved most of its power by cozening Christians and gentiles, but this fact does not fit classic conspiracy theory, repeated as a truism in dozens of volumes purporting to decode the 'secrets of money,' but which mainly help to ensure THAT WE NEVER GRASP THE HIDDEN HISTORY OF HOW THE MONEY POWER CAME TO ASCENDANCE IN CHRISTENDOM." (emph. mine, p. 330).
To read his brilliant epilogue, from pp 331-343, would give you insight you may crave regarding the great battle with bloody lawlessness in the world around us, which may only touch you now in terms of the cost of things (the "low" price of gas being another dead giveaway). Dickens was the great Christian writer venerated by Tolstoi, (War and Peace) who had Dickens' portrait over his desk, and Dostoevsky, who echoed and amplified his essential themes in all of his great books.
Michael Hoffman takes their places as the great Christian writer now, who in his non-fiction, reveals and amplifies the essential threats to our Christian faith in God's Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church, which Christ purchased with His precious blood to preserve unconquerable by the gates of hell forever.
What an honor it is that Michael tirelessly shares with us in such clearly written and spoken form his colossal research, truly a God-given gift to us. A humble thank you, Michael. Praise God.
And do we even know if those were paid protesters set up to set others up to protect and defend murderers so that they can grow the domestic terrorists they hope to grow, normalise insanity and vigilante acts? What a constant trap they set for the mentally vulnerable. Let's hope few fall for it. I think few it will be but that won't stop them from making it look the opposite.