Revisionist History Website
Revisionist History® is registered with the United States Patent and Trademark Office as the exclusive trademark of Independent History and Research, Box 849, Coeur d’Alene, Idaho 83816. Copyright ©2025. All Rights Reserved.
Dedicated to love for all human beings. I am pro-Semitic. I strive to love as Jesus did.—M.H.
NEW: The Holocaust in Gaza: Utter Contempt for Palestinian Human Beings
Trump calls for the Removal of Millions of Indigenous people in the land of "Syria-Palestina”
The Nazis and Abortion: Documented Facts
Extermination of Disabled Human Beings Through Abortion
The White Supremacists Who Domesticated Black History Month
History of Early American Rebellions Series:
A Revisionist History of Shays' Rebellion: 1786-1788
Whiskey Insurrection: Frontier Americans Revolt Against Hamilton and Washington
Whiskey Insurrection II: The People vs. George Washington
Strauss and Plato’s Occult Dictatorship: From the Chinese Communist Party to George W. Bush
Confirmation Bias: Truth in History’s Most Formidable Enemy: Self-doubt and relentless scrutiny are the obligations of the revisionist scholar
When Does Vigilance Become Paranoia? The Perils of Neo-Phariseeism in Right Wing Conspiracy Theory
British History Series:
British Masonic Monarchy—Introduction: Bloody Mary and Elizabeth the Butcher—A Lesson in Trickery by Omission
Britain’s Masonic Monarchy—Part One: Slavery and Pederasty
Britain’s Occult Imperium—Part Two: Psychogeography Haunts the World
Conjuring the British Empire—Part Three: The Pirate Queen’s Slave Traders
Britain’s Occult 007—Part Four: Magic and Paganism
Church of Rome History Series:
Memo to Pope Francis: "God cannot and does not bless sin"
In Defense of the Indefensible—The Excruciating Convolutions of E. Michael Jones: Utilization of Usury in the Situation Ethics of Rome’s Apologist
The Crisis of Authority in the Catholic Church: An Occult Lineage from Sixtus IV to John Paul II and Francis, 1480-2025
From Magic to Science and Back Again: Pico della Mirandola, the Supreme Magus of the Occult Imperium
The File on Jesuit Malachi Martin: Vatican Double Agent Hoodwinked Catholics and the Public for Decades
The Revelation of the Method of John Kerry, Pope Francis and Tim Walz: Tracking the Next Stage in the Process of Human Alchemy
U.S. Prisons Violate Biblical Law: The Prison Abolition Movement has it half-right while the Right has it all wrong
Lincoln, Robert E. Lee and Trump: Hidden Dimensions of American History
Resistance to Freemasonry in Early America Series:
Mormonism and Masonry: A New Investigation
Freemasons in the American Civil War: A Conspiracy of Preferential Treatment
Christian Exegesis Series:
Christmas and its Enemies
Media Big Lie: "Jesus fathered by Roman soldier, possibly by rape"—New York Times channels Talmudic hate speech
Banksters and Gangsters in Capitalist America
The Death of Jesus: The “Blame-it-on-the-Romans” Ruse
Refuting Thomas Dalton’s Rabbinic Contention: Subverting the Old Testament by Conflating it with the Talmud
The Gospel According to Laurent Guyénot: The Neo-Nazi Attack on the Bible
Churchianity’s Support for Israeli Genocide and “Cheers for the Talmud”
The Bar Kokhba War and the Creation of Palestine
Attack of the Woke Mind Virus: Satan the Imitator at War with Divine Creation
Christian Nationalism: Blessing or Menace?
Dresden, February 1945: The Ash Wednesday Apocalypse—The Allies' Mass Murder of Civilians during “The Good War”
Tin Foil Hat—Wear It Proudly
Cryptocracy-Orchestrated Conspiracy Hoaxes: Discrediting Credible Conspiracy Theories with Incredible Ones
Meshuggeneh 'Israel'— Ensuring a Forever War in the Middle East
Should the Palestinians Continue to Engage in Armed Resistance to Save the Lives of their Women and Children? A Contrarian Christian View
Secrets of the CIA: Crime and Conspiracy from Allen Dulles to Charles Manson
Satanism in Theory and Practice: Magica Sexualis in the Shadow of the Sin City Super Bowl
Stalking the Great Whore: The Lost Writings of James Shelby Downard
Lynching White People in Montana: A Politically Incorrect History Rescued from Oblivion
Immanentizing the Lexicon: Transgenderism's Language Police Take Command
Historical Illiteracy and the Perpetuation of Anti-Catholic Stereotypes: Right Wing Agit-Prop in the Age of Ignorance
The Democratic Party’s Revolutionary Brutalism: The Neo-Leninists
The War on 'Misinformation': Outlawing Dissident Data on the Road to Tyranny —Judge Terry A. Doughty's Defense of the Right to be Wrong
White Slaves (not "servants"): Euphemisms and weasel words employed to conceal forced white labor
Robert Oppenheimer and Zhou Enlai in the Summer of our Discontent
The Appropriation of Conservative Populism by Israeli partisans: Is there a Moral Obligation to denounce anti-Gentilism?
The Crimes of the "Expertocracy"— Crackpots brand Bobby Kennedy Jr. a Crackpot
How California’s Policies Forced Me to Give Up My Farm and Move to Texas
The attack by Hamas is a disaster for Palestinians and Jews
The Disaster of Israeli Zionism: The Cryptocracy’s Covert Stratagem for the Destruction of the Jewish People
World War III and the Agents of Paralysis: Another Round of False Prophecy
Warrant for Genocide: Netanyahu urges Israeli troops to regard the Palestinians as "Amalek”
Ezra Pound: Poet and Reformer
The ADL, Elon Musk and Hate Speech
Invigorated by Battle: An Interview with Michael Hoffman
Nazis and Zionists: Hate Speech in Nazi Germany and Talmudic-Zionist “Israel”
Gaslighting Harrison Butker and our Humanity: The Systematic Erosion of the Rights of Conscience
Anatomy of a Hate Crime: Police in Massachusetts Seize Flyers Protesting Massacres in Gaza and Lebanon
If Nothing is True, Then Everything is Permitted
Nazi Usury and Hitler’s Betrayal
Via col Vento in the United States of Amnesia
A Diabolic Gun Control Strategy
An Ethically-Fraught Minefield
Unnatural "Ingredients" in Corporate Media and Woke Culture
Assassination Revelation (of the Method): The Cryptocracy is laughing at us
Kamala, Trump and the US Secret Service in the Alchemical Crucible
Satanic Summer 2024: Sowing Crisis Actor Confusion and the Devil at the Cineplex
Zionist Derangement Syndrome: The psyche torn in half by mutually exclusive beliefs is ripe for every type of mesmerism
AI is not what you think it is: the real threat is Superintelligence in the Flesh
Who is entitled to sculpt black activist Harriet Tubman?
Darkness Visible Over America “Uglification” takes command
Winston Churchill: Enemy of Western Civilization
Hidden History of the Papacy and Church of Rome
The Morgenthau-Roosevelt Plan to Ethnically Cleanse Post-War Germany: New Documentation
The Ecclesiastical History of Usury Part One
The Ecclesiastical History of Usury Part Two
Hitler’s 1935 Talmud
Introduction to the Talmud and Talmudism
Michael Hoffman is an independent scholar without institutional affiliation. His contributions to the advancement of knowledge are a benefaction to humanity. Donations from truth seekers sustain Michael’s continuing research, writing and speaking. Consider making a donation by credit card — or donating via postal mail: send a US check or money order to: Independent History and Research • Box 849, Coeur d'Alene, Idaho 83816. Thank you.

Adolf Hitler: Enemy of the German People by Michael Hoffman. Quality softcover. 218 pages. $23.50
Twilight Language by Hoffman (sequel to Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare). Softcover, 343 pp. illustrated. US price: $27.95
Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare (our bestseller). Quality softcover. Illustrated. 215 pages. $29.95
Usury in Christendom: The Mortal Sin that Was and Now is Not by Hoffman. Quality softcover. Illustrated. 416 pages. $24.95
The Occult Renaissance Church of Rome by Hoffman. Second edition. Softcover, 723 pages. 42 rare plates. $54.00
The Occult Renaissance Church of Rome by Hoffman. Rare First Edition with the 42 magnificent color plates printed on gloss paper. Only a few copies remaining. $499
They Were White and They Were Slaves: The Untold History of the Enslavement of Whites in Early America by Hoffman. Quality softcover. 137 pages. $27.95
Judaism Discovered: A Study of the Anti-Biblical Religion of Racism, Self-Worship, Superstition and Deceit by Hoffman. Massive textbook: 8.5 x 11 inches. 4.4 lbs. 1,102 pages. Indexed, illustrated. $64.95
Judaism’s Strange Gods: Revised and Expanded by Hoffman. Quality softcover, illustrated, 381 pages. This is a condensation, for the general reader, of the textbook, Judaism Discovered. $29.95
Judaism’s Strange Gods: Revised and Expanded: WHOLESALE —Case of 32 books $610
By Prof. Alexander McCaul, D.D. with an extensive introduction by Michael Hoffman:
The Talmud Tested: A Comparison of the Principles and Doctrines of Modern Judaism with the Religion of Moses and the Prophets. Quality softcover. 715 pages. $42.95
Suppressed New Testament—Banned and Burned:
The 1582 Rheims New Testament With an explanatory introduction by Michael Hoffman providing historical context. Quality softcover. 8.3 x 5.4 inches. Introductions: 45 pages. 1582 text in modern type and spelling: 533 pages. 578 pages total. $34.95
Tetragrammaton Magic: The Use of Yahweh's Name in the Ceremonial Magic of the Secret Societies. By Hoffman. Magazine format. 16 pages. $10.00. Order from the Pamphlets link
King-Kill/33 by James Shelby Downard and Michael Hoffman. “…the assassination of JFK was ultimately masonic.” Photocopied Manuscript. 88 photocopied pages in a ring-binder format. $38.00. Order from the Pamphlets link
2025 Revisionist History® Wall Calendar researched and compiled by M. Hoffman. More than 360 entries reviving forgotten people and events. $24.50
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Jesus sets His believers free. We are commanded not to submit to bondage of any kind (Galatians 5:1). Encourage free inquiry. Question authority. Support the rights of dissidents and non-conformists. Jesus requires this of us in gratitude for the liberty He has bestowed on all who believe on Him as Savior and Messiah.
Thank you for this intellectual treasure trove.
Thank you, Mr. Hoffman, for all your work. I am a law student in Dallas and am hoping to make precisely the types of changes in the world which you promote as the object of your studies- prosecution of America’s underground organized crime syndicate. I have a lot of learning to do yet, but the resources you provide are invaluable stepping stones into further inquiry. Pray for me, a sinner.