The concept of Satanism implanted in our minds in literature and Hollywood is of the sepulchral gothic. This had been its defense. We look for it in Masonry, metal bands and Mason gangs.
With the Jeffrey Epstein saga and, if we are well-informed, the Sir Jimmy Savile network around England’s (then) Prince Charles, and Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher—the fine-tuning of outer perception commenced, and Satanists as unassuming guys with short hair and business suits working in the Department of Justice and the FBI gained accepted as a potentially accurate picture, though Satanic theology remained locked away, counterfeited in Hammer horror films, lurid published screeds sprinkled with revelations in exclamatory CAPITAL LETTERS, and YouTube and Bitchute videos purporting to furnish the real skinny on devil worship.
The actual purpose many of those shoddy books and slick videos serve is to generate background “noise” which conceals “the signal” and fatigues and misdirects the seeker until he is so demoralized he departs the trail of investigation, more confused than when he first undertook the quest.
While there are a dozen or more major Satanic societies of virtuoso accomplishment operating in the upper echelons of the West, in the 20th century one branch began to acquire particular potency, British intelligence agent Aleister Crowley’s “Thelema,” derived from Franciscan friar Rabelais’s utopian-themed Abbey of Thelema, whose only rule was the epigram, “Fay çe que voudras” (“Do what thou wilt” or in the 1960s parlance, “Do your own thing”). Crowley termed it, “the whole of the law.”
Over the main entrance to Sir Francis Dashwood’s Satanist Hellfire Club were Rabelais’ words. Walter Gore Marshall, the multi-millionaire shipping heir and author (Through America), built the Hambleton House mansion in 1881 in Oakham (Rutland) England. Over its entrance he too ordered the Thelemic motto carved.
Thelema as practiced by Crowley’s Ordo Templi Orientis involves ritual magic derived from Pharaonic Egypt, the guiding esoteric theology of the western secret societies, in addition to a New Age version of the Kabbalah (almost always spelled “Qabalah in these circles),” a text which is itself of “Hermetic” (i.e. Egyptian) origin.
The spiritual descendants of the priests of Pharaoh preside over Washington D.C. and Rome, Italy. One has only to glance at the Egyptian obelisks (or copies thereof) which tower over the centers of those cities (cf. The Occult Renaissance Church of Rome).
The Vatican proffers the flimsy alibi that the obelisk in “Saint Peter’s Square” was erected to demonstrate the victory of Christianity over paganism (there is a tiny cross atop the obelisk). If you buy that line, then I’m tempted to erect a 130-foot granite swastika in my front yard, with a tiny cross affixed at the top so you can witness the victory of Christian faith over Nazism.
The Federal building in downtown Spokane, Washington displays no crucifix or depiction of Jesus but it does have on its south wall a conspicuous bronze image of an unfinished Egyptian pyramid, absent a capstone that has yet to be placed.
In the secular separation of Church and state, the state will always have a divine worship, a de facto state religion that few recognize as such. The US government’s religion, like that of Rome, where the contagion first entered the West with the Medici-connected Ficino and Mirandola, is the theology of the slave empire of sorcery-saturated Egypt.
Whether in London, Rome, the District of Corruption, or Spokane, the symbols of our bondage to Egyptian gods is unmistakable, yet so prosaic that we take them for granted. This conditioning aesthetic becomes part of the everyday mise en scene and thus overlooked, it is absorbed and accepted as business as usual.
In this Revelation of the Method era, near the time when the capstone will be placed and the pyramid’s construction finished, secrecy is less of a requirement for our would-be subjugators.
For instance, the premier contemporary study manual on demonic work, David Shoemaker’s Living Thelma: A Practical Guide to Attainment in Aleister Crowley's System of Magick (Weiser Books, 2022), was published with little notice. Ho-hum, another Satanic Bible like Anton LaVey’s.
The Taylor Swift Rumors
Not quite. The mischievous Mr. LaVey, who died in 1997, did not believe in a corporeal Satan. He opined in the style of his fellow SanFran wordsmith Ambrose “Bitter” Bierce, that “Satan has been the best friend the church has ever had, as he has kept it in business all these years!” He was referring to the cardboard spook used to scare up donations and thralldom to prelatical tyrants who are themselves secretly devoted to Hermeticism’s Set/Shaitan.
LaVey defined as Satanic elements glamor and showmanship—the trickery and deceit inherent in makeup, fashion, fast talk and mesmerizing patter—anything that causes people to mistake appearance for reality. In his mind most modern people in the West were fellow-travelers in the use of the wiles and masquerade of enchantment.
Now in 2024 his daughter, Zeena LaVey Schreck is in the news, associated with her alleged “clone,” Taylor Swift. The claim is the usual Internet drivel. The question to ask is why is Swift being linked to a supposed Satanist in so public a manner? Who spread the rumor and caused it to successfully obtain national publicity?
The Swift flap could be a barometer of the psychic pressure cooker which Americans inhabit, beneath the glittering facade of our desperate maintenance of an appearance of normalcy. Taylor Swift’s life has the look of an origin story rooted in apple pie goodness and wholesome, small town Mayberry USA values. The association of her with an alleged Satanic personality, however false the connection, may be a case of a psychic alarm leaking from the fractured facade of the “average people” in America, when those people are profoundly uneasy and unaccepting of facile assurances that all is well for homo economicus.
There is a sense that we have irretrievably forfeited the “American Dream” of home ownership and a living wage. Our future is manifesting as a self-inflicted narrative of dispossession in which Americans are becoming strangers in their own land.
Tucker Carlson and Elon Musk stand on the ramparts and on occasion radically contradict official propaganda. Their audience is large enough to register among the masses the destabilizing truth of the horror this duo uncovers.
Reflecting the pressure exerted on our tortured national psyche, Taylor Swift, of the sweet and benevolent image, is falsely rumored to have a clandestine connection to the daughter of the founder of the Church of Satan, to Pentagon manipulators and even to George Soros. In other words, our nation’s beloved Super Bowl Cinderella may be a witch! Based on the evidence at hand, this profile is a fake.
It’s a projection, possibly timed and coordinated with the suppressed fear and anxiety of our collective Group Mind which has become deeply suspicious about the possibly disturbing sub-rosa character of an entertainer placed on the national stage by the powers that be.
A speaker at a NATO conference in 2019 suggested Taylor Swift could serve as a psychological operations asset in the Cryptocracy’s war with online populists. The speaker who made the “suggestion” allegedly was promoted to employment with Graphika, a private contractor for the Department of Defense that acts as a thought policeman focused on assisting the Pentagon in fighting “misinformation.”
If anything, positing Swift as a Pentagon mind control asset without evidence that she consented to the role constitutes an attack on her by the NATO speaker, not an endorsement. It serves to warn Swift not to wander off the “reservation,” otherwise false claims even more damaging will be placed in circulation.
The rumors of an alliance with Soros are downright bizarre. She has been a vigorous detractor of the Soros organization. In 2019 The Times of Israel accused Taylor Swift of “anti-Semitic sentiments” after she criticized Soros’ affiliates, as well as Scooter Braun’s Ithaca Holdings and the war-profiteering Carlyle investment group of “another case of shameless greed,” in supposedly misappropriating her music catalog.
Demonic Possession as National Rite
We don’t invoke the reality of demon possession lightly, in part out of concern about sparking unjust persecution of the innocent, leading to witch hunts that historically have been exploited to settle personal scores with individuals who the witch hunters envy or detest. Nonetheless, demonic possession is real, as Jesus demonstrated in His spiritual combat.
The West has substituted psychology for exorcism. Consequently, we stand deeply perplexed and immobile in the presence of crimes of heretofore unimaginable intensity and heinous perversity. Bloodshed, carnage and sexual perversion so extreme they are inexplicable in psychiatric terms, manifest daily on our streets, television screens and front pages. When in the study of these horrors demonic motives are policed from consideration, we lose a dimension of reality and can become lost in psychological domains overseen by academic madmen with letters after their names.
The Tetragrammaton in Magica Sexualis
In our dossier, Tetragrammaton Magic we pointed out that the use of God’s personal name Yahweh —“Lord” is not His name, it is a title, like captain or doctor—was suppressed against His express command, and reserved for abuse by the occult, in whose precincts it is revered as the magic powerhouse of the science of onomatology.
Yahweh’s blessed name is generally not invoked in the church worship of “Christians.” The “forbidden fruit” aura surrounding His holy name has been energized and diverted into occult ceremonials and more specifically, magica sexualis, where it is invoked in the temple worship of Satanists.
The obsessive emphasis among sorcerers on the Tetragrammaton, the Hebrew name of God transliterated in four letters and pronounced Yahweh (in English, “Jehovah”), will surprise some readers, given that God’s personal name is seldom depicted as being central to the twisted objectives of the western secret fraternities.
In our times the book Living Thelema is a bona fide grimoire. In it we read:
“In keeping with Crowley's theses in the preface to Magic in Theory and Practice, we may define initiation as the process of applying an appropriate force (the ritual itself) to an inert object (the candidate) to give it a specific magical trajectory…In one fundamental sense, initiation is defined by its results. Given a potent and unbroken chain of power through the Four Worlds (the pronunciation of the Tetragrammaton), these results will occur, for this chain is predicated on its harmony with the laws of nature” (Living Thelema, p. 149)
“Sex magic is first and foremost, magic. As such, it is founded on the same definitions and processes that we associate with any other magical technique…One useful definition of an effective magical operation is that (the) magician ‘utters’ the name of Tetragrammaton…in all the Qabalistic Four Worlds simultaneously…It utilizes imagery, and energies that may allow you to activate consciously those aspects of the psyche (and beyond) that correspond to the Tetragrammaton (pp. 108 and 153).
The power of the invocation of the four elements of Yahweh’s name becomes the door through which the Thelemites imagine Egyptian deities are propitiated in ceremonially choreographed sex acts.
Babalon’s “Eucharist”
“…we are given a specific pantheon of the Thelemic deities, the polarities Nuit and Hadit, and Ra-Hoor-Khuit…These deities are ripe and ready to use as living images of and gateways into, the inner processes of sexual magic…you need an internally consistent symbol system that includes emotionally charged avatars of the universal polarities…In Thelema we have Hadit and Nuit, The Beast (or Chaos) and Babalon…you need to have a connection to the symbol sets so that you can effectively enflame yourself in ever intensifying adoration and ecstasy…” (pp. 108-109).
Babalon is a reference to the “Great Whore of Mystery Babylon” of the Book of Revelation 17:6, “…the woman was drunk with the blood of God’s holy people, the blood of those who bore testimony to Jesus.”
Here we need to exercise caution in affixing the Babalon/Babylon “scarlet woman” or occult prostitute label to women who have been superficially profiled as “loose,” with the suggestion they are inherently given to immorality of a demonic nature.
Nothing in the Gospel of Jesus supports this notion about women. Rome’s polemicists perpetrated a type of this falsehood by unjustly attributing to Anne Boleyn, King Henry VIII’s second wife, attributes of witch and whore. This was a queer way to treat a Roman Catholic queen. The unexpected revisionist fact is that there is scant evidence that Anne was anything but Catholic. She devoutly attended Mass throughout the reign of Henry and supported the monasteries against the dissolution engineered by her nemesis, Thomas Cromwell. She did seek reform of corrupt clergy and supported the cause of Bible translation into the language of the people. Her reform called for a revival of the spiritual and intellectual energy of the medieval Church. She has been completely misunderstood and misogyny bears some share of the blame.
For sex magic, the “physical components of the Eucharist—the combined sexual fluids,” identified in the Book of Revelation as a “golden cup filled with detestable things and unclean things from her sexual immorality” (17:5), are indispensable to summoning the spirit of the Egyptian deity Nuit and the Enochian spirits allegedly called forth by Protestant heroine Queen Elizabeth I’s counselor and astrologer, John Dee (pp. 110-111).
After having sex with a partner as if the partner was channeling the Egyptian deity itself, “orgasm” is “offered to the object” of the ritual. Then in the chalice of the “eucharist” are added semen, and if possible, menstrual fluid.
“With the eventual consumption of the Eucharist…its use as a consecratory agent for talismans or sigils…is ‘locked in’ as a template…Complete the formal working with the consumption of the elixir…(and) using it to anoint sigils or talismans. You then close the ritual space, including covering any talismans or sigils to protect their charge…” (116).
[A talisman is an object; typically an inscribed ring or stone, that is thought to have magical powers. A sigil is a pictorial “signature” of an “angelic” spirit].
From the 1960s onward, Thelemic sex magic has been indirectly promoted in news stories and directly in Hollywood films and popular literature (particularly science fiction), with the objective of disseminating the elements of the rite throughout society. In this way, each percipient is liable to become imprinted by conditioning that is made public as a mass initiation; a civic sorcery.
In Crowley’s magica sexualis the actual participants “become ‘hard-wired’ to link certain symbols, phrases, images, and divine names to these intrapsychic experiences…” (p. 112).
Via the media of mass communication, this processing is extended to millions of Americans whose sex lives have perhaps never been more promiscuous and disconnected from pregnancy and the transmission of life. At the same time, the level of unhappiness of Americans seems unprecedented, dwelling as so many do in the thanatos zone of their “liberated” will.
Our post-modern world declares that sexual transgression (“lifestyle) can’t be wrong in that it is the consequence of “doing what you will.” Hence, it only seems to be wrong:
“… the task of working with the transformative energy of the Devil involves seeing past the appearance of evil” (p. 143). “Even those of us who consider ourselves sexually liberated Thelemites may discover that we have some residual shame and guilt complexes that need to be rooted out. Accordingly, in order to fully comprehend, experience, and express the divinity of the sexual force and the sexual impulse, we first need to wash away—to purify —those residual shards of shame and guilt that may cling to us” (p. 110).
“In the Qabalistic model which forms the foundation of the system (of initiation), the aspirant must fashion him or herself into a true ‘grail’ …the adept then takes up the task of aspiration unto the true and ultimate grail, the supernal cup of Babalon” (p. 150).
Aleister Crowley was fornicating, hooked on cocaine and heroine, sodomized in homosexual trysts, invoking demons in North African deserts, Sicilian groves—and through Jack Parsons at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California—all in the early 20th century. Here was the Archetypal Man of the sexual revolution. To say he was “way ahead of his time” is an anemic understatement.
One can choose to believe that the “sexual revolution” and the separation of the engendering of human life from the act of sex, were either at least partly a result of his invocations and those of others like him, or an accident of history which merely coincided with this “magick.” One thing is certain, however. The Satanism that was formerly the sole province of a sliver of western humanity is now a social media phenomenon in North America and Europe, so pedestrian it is banal—requiring ever more extreme thrills to slake the desires of the insatiable hungry ghost called lust.
There are no references to ritual murder—that other pyramid ashlar—in Living Thelema. And no doubt author David Shoemaker, who we accuse of no wrongdoing, is firmly opposed to it.
Beyond the kingdom of the secret societies, America is an abattoir of ritual murder of unborn human beings in the womb, and of youthful soldiers and Marines who died in forever wars on the sands of Iraq and Afghanistan, in addition to the many thousands of women and children who the American taxpayer-financed Israeli war machine has murdered.
Many persons ascribe this ocean of blood solely to the usual human folly and avarice of the military-industrial behemoth. They see no high priest and witness no Fay ce que voudras mumbo-jumbo. They imagine that all the killing is of a piece with the routine crimes and homicide of recorded history.
Yet some of us do intuit a special brand of evil now, a more virulent toxin derived from the laboratory where it has been synthesized out of the malignant sorcery built upon the depraved abuse of God’s personal name.
“ people, which are called by my name…” (2 Chronicles 7:14).
“God said moreover to Moses, 'You shall tell the children of Israel, 'Yahweh, the God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, has sent me to you.' This is my name forever, and this is my memorial to all generations." (Exodus 3:13-15).
6,800 times Yahweh’s name appears in the Old Testament, yet Christians are not allowed to use it in worship because Mishnah Sanhedrin 10:1 forbids it. St. Jerome and the King James translators followed the Mishnah’s superstition and submitted to the will of men rather than the God of the universe. What could go wrong?
The Pope Bans Yahweh
Yahweh came to the notice of Catholics, including the intelligentsia, with the publication by Doubleday in 1966 of The Jerusalem Bible, and in 1985 of an updated edition, The New Jerusalem Bible. Both of these translations restored God’s personal name to the Old Testament. Catholics responded to the restoration with enthusiasm and renewed interest in the Scriptures.
On August 8, 2008, the U.S. Catholic Bishops’ Committee on Divine Worship announced a new directive from His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI regarding the use of the name of God in the sacred liturgy. “Specifically, the word ‘Yahweh’ may no longer be ‘used or pronounced’ in songs and prayers during liturgical celebrations. The decision was based on long-standing Jewish and Christian traditions of not pronouncing the divine name wherever it occurs in the biblical text.”
Vatican City, Sep 3, 2008, Catholic News Agency [CNA]—“The Hebrew name for God is not to be used or pronounced in liturgical celebrations, songs and prayers, Cardinal Francis Arinze, Prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments, has said in a letter addressed to the bishops’ conferences of the world. The letter concerns the use of the ‘Tetragrammaton,’ the name which uses the four Hebrew letters YHWH. In English the name is pronounced ‘Yahweh.’ The Tetragrammaton is to be translated as the equivalent of the Hebrew title ‘Adonai’ or the Greek title ‘Kyrios.’ He lists as examples five acceptable translations of the title in five European languages: Lord, Signore, Seigneur, Herr, and Señor.
“Regarding translations in the liturgical context, the letter instructs, ‘Adonai’ is to be translated in English as ‘Lord’ and the Tetragrammaton YHWH is to be translated as ‘God.’ The cardinal describes YHWH as ‘an expression of the infinite greatness and majesty of God,’ which he says ‘was held to be unpronounceable and hence was replaced during the reading of sacred Scripture by means of the use of an alternate name: Adonai, which means Lord.”
On February 11, 2013, less than five years after his prohibition on the name of Yahweh, Pope Benedict XVI announced that he would become the first pope in 598 years—since Gregory XII in 1415—to resign the papacy.
In 2019, in accordance with the dictates of Vatican apparatchiks, a Revised New Jerusalem Bible was published with Yahweh’s name completely removed from the text.
“The restoration of the name of the Almighty to any translation of the Scriptures should require no justification. After all, it was the Almighty Himself who originally placed his name in the Scriptures at least 6,823 times. It was human beings who decided, for reasons that made sense to them, to delete His name, and to replace it with something ‘more appropriate’ in their view.” (Institute for Scripture Research).
The fact that insanely arrogant men had the gall to go through the Scriptures and alter the name of God is the very definition of nullification and falsification. Print the Bible as it is, verbatim et literatim, would seem to be a compelling directive to which all believers would assent. It has not been the case.
I’m providing a tiny sample of the thousands of times God manifests in the Bible, not as the “Lord” but by His own name. On page after page He asserts His identity and commands its usage:
“Then Yahweh said unto Jacob, ‘Return unto the land of thy fathers and to thy kindred, that I may be with thee (Genesis 31:3).
“Yahweh…This is my Name forever” (Exodus 3:15).
My People shall know my Name (Isaiah 52:6).
“I am Yahweh, that is my Name (Isaiah 42:8; Jeremiah 33:2).
“Yahweh commanded Moses when they apportioned the land” (Joshua 14:5).
“As Yahweh commanded him, so Moses did” (Numbers 17:11).
“Yahweh spoke unto Moses, thou shalt say unto the assembly of them, holy shall ye be, for holy am I, Yahweh” (Leviticus 19:2).
“…revere Yahweh and harken unto His voice…” (I Samuel 12:14).
“Unto thee, O Yahweh do I cry, O my rock!” (Psalm 28:1).
“Give thanks to Yahweh, for He is good” (Psalm 106:1).
“Hear ye the words of Yahweh” (Ezekiel 13:2).
“Return thou, O Israel, unto Yahweh for you have stumbled by your iniquity” (Joel 14:1).
“Benedictus qui venit in nomine YHWH” (Blessed is He who comes in the Name of Yahweh [Psalm 118:26]).
Our Savior did fulfill benedictus qui venit in nomine: The Hebrew name of Jesus, Yehoushua, literally means, “Yahweh saves.”
Satanism turns upon the perverted abuse of the Tetragrammaton and the suppression of the name which etymologically and intrinsically forms the name of Jesus, “the name above all names” (Philippians 2:9).
Like the innocenticide that is abortion by the millions, the repercussions from forbidding what the Almighty has commanded, while it is simultaneously ritually embraced in the sewer of Mystery Babylon, are incalculable.
Post-Script: With Super Bowl Sunday in Sin City looming on the horizon, S.K. Bain, author of the important volume, The Most Dangerous Book in the World, has written a profusely illustrated examination of the occult symbolism purportedly surrounding the event, “Super Bowl LVIII: Another Spin of the Wheel.” There is much to disagree with, although as a (glamorous?) tour-de-force it invites scrutiny.
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Michael Hoffman is the author of the banned 2008 textbook Judaism Discovered(1,102 pages), and nine other volumes of history and literature, including Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare and its sequel, Twilight Language. Also: The Occult Renaissance Church of Rome, and Adolf Hitler: Enemy of the German People, as well as 122 issues of the periodical, Revisionist History®.
Michael is a former reporter for the New York bureau of the Associated Press and a former paid consultant to the news department of the New York Times. His books have been published in translation in Japan and France. Listen to his broadcasts on his Revisionist History® podcast, and find him on X (Twitter). He resides with his family in Idaho.
Revisionist History® is registered with the United States Patent and Trademark Office as the trademark of Independent History and Research, Box 849, Coeur d’Alene, Idaho 83816. All Rights Reserved.
Excellent article and appreciate the reiteratation of Jesus connection to the name of Yahweh, as in your article responding to Guyenot. Not surprising the enemy would want to suppress the name of God, a name they fear and tremble at just as they do the name of Jesus. Also how fascinating that Philippians 2:10-11
[10] so that at the name of Jesus every knee will bow, of those who are in heaven and on earth and under the earth, [11] and that every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. The word Lord in verse 11 is kyrios...Yahweh I imagine.
Greetings Mr. Hoffman,
To the point of your article, I noted on social media after the game last night, most talk of any symbolic goings on was focused mainly on a music industry fiend of Taylor Swifts, a rapper by the name of Ice Spice, who was with her in the stands wearing an inverted cross and shown giving the devil's horns hand sign.
Whereas everyone anticipated some sort of ritually symbolic halftime performance, I saw also a number of comments to the tune that they were delighted this year's Super Bowl halftime show did not contain any overt satanic symbolism and appeared rather 'normal', some even praising God for that. Yet the performance contained what appeared a fairly obvious component of sex magick symbolism in the stark white and red outfits and accompanying stage props of the two main performers, Usher and Alicia Keys, as can be seen here:
... as well as being sexually charged with Usher grabbing Alicia by the hips, spooning and putting his hand over her bosom. (For anyone that doubts the sexually charged nature of it, even entertainment tabloids were baiting their readers with the juice on Keys Husband's reaction to the performance).
This overt white/male and red/female symbolism along with the sexual charge is consonant with what you detailed herein about the "eucharist" consumed by sex magick practitioners. It seems many observers were looking for pyramids, all seeing eyes, pentacles and inverted crosses, and missed what was right in front of them, perhaps because it doesn't fit the familiar guise of the dark occult as popularly portrayed.