Various statements such as the one you wrote (see below) are racist generalizations your comment is going to be removed for that reason. If you persist in attempting to turn this comments section into a billboard for your bigotry you will be blocked.
Mr Topham wrote:
“ The Jew has no claim to consideration on account of his success in money- getting.”
I wish to add that Mr Topham published another comment that I have removed containing bigoted remarks directed at Hindu and Mongol people. He had been strongly cautioned that any further expressions of that tenor and he will be blocked from this comments section.
I am working for a better world and the advancement of knowledge not a repetition of age-old prejudice that wounds the image of God we all bear and obstructs understanding and respect between people.
Excellent article and appreciate the reiteratation of Jesus connection to the name of Yahweh, as in your article responding to Guyenot. Not surprising the enemy would want to suppress the name of God, a name they fear and tremble at just as they do the name of Jesus. Also how fascinating that Philippians 2:10-11
[10] so that at the name of Jesus every knee will bow, of those who are in heaven and on earth and under the earth, [11] and that every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. The word Lord in verse 11 is kyrios...Yahweh I imagine.
Another Super Bowl weekend. Many people think WWIII has already broken out. The Serbians, Orthodox Christians of the former Yugoslavia, thought it broke out in 1999. Clinton bombed the country with “low level” nuclear weapons, namely depleted uranium, which does hideous things wherever it hits.
I noticed how fashions in girls’ clothing — women’s too — changed fairly suddenly, though the theme of harlot had certainly been creeping in, when I took my daughter shopping for school clothes, 3rd grade, Clinton presidency. I had to say No to everything she wanted, it was so slutty! What had happened? How was it connected to “foreign policy?”
This is the part of Michael’s writing that it makes me absolutely sick to try to understand. The “unifying theme” of the takeover of a once Christian culture by the satanic. (The Occult Renaissance Church of Rome)
In April of 2023, Mr. Hoffman wrote a substack entitled “Via col Vento in the United States of Amnesia,” in which he talked about the war in the Ukraine (not a nation or an ethnic group, btw, “ukraine” in Russian means borderland). The “butcher’s bill” there? It’s an abattoir, as he says, a slaughterhouse, a mangled population with almost no men of any age left. “Via col Vento” means Gone with the Wind, a reference to the satanic fratricide that was our country’s “Civil” War.
I can hardly bear to read this latest, “Satanism in Theory and Practice” because it so true, every word of it, that we are so conditioned to the harlotry, the deathplans, the swamp of corruption and commerce (all the golden billionaires), girls fashions!, open satanic worship —
that we do not see how we praise our executioners and walk to our destruction and live willingly in hell, thinking we worship God.
Nuclear war with Russia and Iran? The Thelemic Occult goal and dream? The nuclear annihilation as cosmic blood vengeance/ritual murder??? “Civilization” as an abattoir?
A football game with half time “entertainment” (initiation, hazing, indoctrination through visual and auditory and sexual assault)—?
Please read Michael Hoffman’s books before it’s too late. You don’t have to understand them. You can overcome the sickness you may feel at the emotional shock of recognition. Try to save your children. Try to come out of the fog and brain death, the spiritual and mental death that he always writes about. You can if you wish read all about the satanic history of the British throne and empire which still annihilates from 400-500 years ago. But read about “The Rocket Man”, p. 200 in “Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare” to grasp what underlies our aerospace, planes, and bombing industry.
Try to save your children. And read Ephesians 6:10, the Armour of God.
FYI at the top where it says "the FBI gained accepted", it should read, 'acceptance'.
First off the Bible itself is a SPIRITUAL guide, NOT a physical one, so whatever you interpret it as is unto you alone, and of course God. Secondly, as stated in The readings of Carlos Castaneda, your sexual energy is the greatest command 'God' gives one from birth. Your greatest energy and thus exactly what a satanist would target. I will not go into the many obvious reasons why this is true and will leave that up to those who want only truths.
As far as satanism in the govt, this is also obvious (the greatest trick the devil ever pulled...). This is a war of attrition and energy is the weapon defacto by way of lies. Energy in every facet of your imagination in every direction. Sex?, well that's just the best one to destroy if you want to destroy someone, or so say the devil.
Using Universal Laws (of energy), in conjunction WITH the Law of Attraction, in reverse or upside down if you will, is how they can cause so much destruction. Don't use the words "Truth" or "Lies", say "mis/dis-information", and you too can play along with Satan. I will not. Nice article but too lengthy to be of any real use.
Swift is just another in the long line of those the System tells the sheeple are great artists. Madonna Ciccone, Stefani Germanotta, Prince Rogers Nelson, Michael Jackson, etc. Swift will be mostly forgotten in a few years. SUPPORT LOCAL MUSICIANS!
In my comment to S K Bain, I did not realize that Benedict XVI submitted his resignation on February 11, 2013, exactly eleven years before SB58. Bain is big on elevens. I may have missed the boat elsewhere as well.
Finally the time and freedom to comment on your work. Up until December 20th, 2023 I was under my last Probation Order that ended at midnight on the 19th. An end to ongoing litigation that began back in 2012 when I was first arrested for having published a satire on my former website; one which the Jewish lobby didn't approve of. Condition 4 in the P.O. stipulated the following:
Condition 4: "You shall not publish or post on any internet site, printed publication or social media platform where the content can be viewed by any member of the public and information concerning; a) the Jewish religion or any reference to the Jewish religion; b) any reference to the Talmud or Talmudic; c) any information or reference about persons of Jewish ethnic origin or Jewish religion; d) any reference to Zionists or Zionism; e) the name of any person known to you to be of Jewish religion or Jewish ethnic origin except Shasta Topham and persons related to Shasta Topham, provided you do not refer to their Jewish religion or Jewish ethnic origin; and f) any reference to Israel or Israelis'".
As a result my ability to comment on many of your posts was somewhat limited.
Anyhow, I see that you've been posting material related to my old friend Adolf. :-) But what I really got a chuckle out of was your current article Magica Sexualis. Back around 1973 a good friend of mine loaned me a softcover Bantam edition of a book that first came out in March of 1971. The title was THE CONFESSIONS OF ALEISTER CROWLEY. It had quite an affect on me. No, not that it transformed me into a sexual deviant or anything like that. It was the overall effect of his life as was laid out in the book. Today, whenever Aleister Crowley's name comes up it's always about sex and magic. As for the rest of his life, his literary pursuits, his mountain climbing expeditions around the world, especially on Kangchenjunga in the Himalayan Mts., and many other aspects of his adventurous life all tend to be by passed and the focus laid on one section of his amazing life.
One thing that he taught me was to keep a spiritual journal, a daily record of my experiences. The result of that was just such a journal that began in 1973 and ran consecutively right up until 1998 when I began publishing The Radical in June of that year. Thanks to Aleister I had 25 years of self-discovery recorded along with the mundane events that transpired throughout that period.
I began to collect Aleister's works and those related to his own adventures. As a result I have all of his collected works including The Equinox and a number of others like the Sacred Magic of Abra Melin the Mage.
I'm sure you must have read his Autobiography. His early childhood (in Hell as he described it) was fascinating. The Plymouth Brethren story itself is a most telling tale as to just how these Protestant churches operated in his day.
Aside from AC in your current piece here you made mention of The Jerusalem Bible and it struck a note with me. I've been an avid book collector for the past half a century and my library has well over 10,000 volumes on a number of genres and one is religions of the world. As I was reading I thought to myself I have a copy of that book. I went to the section and there it was all 500 pages and in beautiful condition. It's copyrighted at 1966 by Darton, Longman & Todd, Ltd. and Doubleday & Company, Inc.
Best I sign off here but I just wanted to let you know how much I appreciated you coverage of the Gaza genocide that's still going on as I write. Your articles should have been right up there with Tucker Carlson's interview with Vladimir Putin. :-)
When a demonic individual openly reveals to us his true character and we fail to separate from him, fail to withdraw all our energy and abominate and protest his iniquity, then we become a partner in the degeneracy and complicit in the evil.
Millions of so-called “Catholics,” and Democrats are immoral degenerates on the basis of that litmus test.
Contrast that dead zone apathy with a human reaction from the pages of history. Aleister Crowley was an occult avatar of drug addiction, semen and menstrual fluid drinking (to summon “entities”), and British Intelligence. He was a flamboyant exponent of the Enochian sorcery of Queen Elizabeth I’s astrologer royal, Dr. John Dee, and the Satanism of Thelema, which he formed into the OTO, one of the most influential secret societies of the 20th century, which at its core is a Tantric magica sexualis cult with rites much too disgusting to further elaborate in a public forum like this.
In 1924 Crowley attended a weekend seminar hosted by the mystic G.I. Gurdjieff, himself an enigmatic character, in France, in Fontainebleau. James Webb recounts the confrontation in his book, The Harmonious Circle:
“Crowley arrived for a whole weekend and spent the time like any other visitor to the Prieure; being shown the grounds and the activities in progress, listening to Gurdjieff’s music and his oracular conversation….Gurdjieff treated him like any other guest until the evening of Crowley’s departure. After dinner on Sunday night, Gurdjieff led the way out of the dining room with Crowley, followed by the body of pupils who had also been at the meal. Crowley made his way toward the door and turned to take his leave of Gurdjieff, who by this time was some way up the stairs to the second floor.
‘Mister, you go?’ Gurdjieff inquired. Crowley assented.
‘You have been guest?’ – a fact which the visitor could hardly deny. ‘Now you go, you are no longer guest?”
(Mr. Webb is demonstrating that Gurdjieff, with his formal observance of Old World courtesy, sought to establish that Crowley was departing his home, and was no longer owed the courtesy of a guest):
“Crowley…indicated that he was on his way back to Paris…Gurdjieff, having made the point that he was not violating the canons of hospitality, changed on the instant into the embodiment of righteous anger:
‘You filthy,’ he stormed, ‘you dirty inside! Never again you set foot in my house!’ Gurdjieff worked himself into a rage which transfixed his watching pupils.
Crowley was stigmatized as the sewer of creation, was taken apart and trodden into the mire.”
This anecdote illustrates the reaction of a real mensch when in the presence of the personification of evil, whether that person is Joe Biden, the Pope of Rome or Aleister Crowley.
Let me respond as grief-maddened mother here. I don’t have the articulation or the breadth of knowledge that you men have, but I have watched the “child trafficking” and the luring away from our destroyed families of our young, it seems forever, all our lives. All that Michael says is true and it is all coming to pass before our averted eyes, our retreats into abstract analyses, our programmed tongues— we can’t speak, even though we stare at the spectacle as if staring at a bloodied murder weapon.
Patriarch Kiril of the Russian Orthodox Church said in October of 2022, that as long as Russia remains an island of freedom, the rest of the world has hope. In Russia now the satanic ideology of the alphabet/transgender movement is banned. I believe abortion is banned. Just a few months ago, Putin declared this year to be the Year of the Family. You have to realize the spiritual battle with truly satanic judeobolshevik ussr, our Cold War enemy, that this represents. They are protecting their children, rescuing families from the demonic forces that western modern life has imposed on the globe.
I meant just to say you could read in Dostoevsky, The Brothers Karamazov, Part IV, Book Eleven (hope you’re paying attention, Al), ch. 9: “The Devil. Ivan’s Nightmare”. It is exactly as Michael writes, “…Satanists as unassuming guys with short hair and business suits working in the DOJ and the FBI…”—the Devil, well dressed, tells Ivan why the new ways of life and thought and spectacle are somehow good, moral, progressive. Ivan realizes it’s all a Big Lie, but it costs him dearly: costs his sanity and health.
As for the Thelemic-Epstein trafficking of our children through t.v., school, and fashion,
You could read at the end of D’s novel Crime and Punishment, about Svidrigailov’s dream of trying to save a 5 yr old girl who turns into a prostitute before his eyes — his name means “witness” or testimony. He then commits suicide. The S K Bain article that Michael indicates at the end of his piece could be an extension of the novel Crime and Punishment. (Also, Michael has described the Talmudic teaching that sex with toddler girls and infants is fine.)
Why do I say all this? Having read Michael Hoffman’s works, I am a grief-maddened mother watching everything we once believed in being stolen away, our children sacrificed — Michael saw this coming long ago. We’ll see if S K Bain’s story comes true today. In his interview with Tucker Carlson, Putin invoked Dostoevsky. During the Cold War, Kruschev said Russians can’t win the Arms Race (that was then), but they can win the intellectual/literacy race. Alexander Dugin says that for the world to survive, the satanic west must be nullified. “O Heavenly King, O Comforter, The Spirit of Truth…” We’ll answer for all this at the Pearly Gates …
Your comment contains truth, but the leaders of the Russian government are either evil and/or incompetent in other ways. They want to save their children, but then send their young men to slaughter Ukrainians and be slaughtered unnecessarily. I understand that the US/EU/NATO did not respect Russia's legitimate concerns, and Russia had to protect the people of Donbass. I am not a military expert, but the Russian leadership let its armed forces fall into a trap, far worse than any recent experience of the US armed forces. Putin, of all people, being a fighting sport athlete, should have known better.
To the point of your article, I noted on social media after the game last night, most talk of any symbolic goings on was focused mainly on a music industry fiend of Taylor Swifts, a rapper by the name of Ice Spice, who was with her in the stands wearing an inverted cross and shown giving the devil's horns hand sign.
Whereas everyone anticipated some sort of ritually symbolic halftime performance, I saw also a number of comments to the tune that they were delighted this year's Super Bowl halftime show did not contain any overt satanic symbolism and appeared rather 'normal', some even praising God for that. Yet the performance contained what appeared a fairly obvious component of sex magick symbolism in the stark white and red outfits and accompanying stage props of the two main performers, Usher and Alicia Keys, as can be seen here:
... as well as being sexually charged with Usher grabbing Alicia by the hips, spooning and putting his hand over her bosom. (For anyone that doubts the sexually charged nature of it, even entertainment tabloids were baiting their readers with the juice on Keys Husband's reaction to the performance).
This overt white/male and red/female symbolism along with the sexual charge is consonant with what you detailed herein about the "eucharist" consumed by sex magick practitioners. It seems many observers were looking for pyramids, all seeing eyes, pentacles and inverted crosses, and missed what was right in front of them, perhaps because it doesn't fit the familiar guise of the dark occult as popularly portrayed.
I didn't watch the game but I tuned in for the opening ceremony. I was disappointed by the singing of "America the Beautiful" by the guy with the tattooed his face, the anatomical part which is most representative of the status of all humans as God's image-bearing creatures, "endowed by their Creator." His increasingly high profile visage will certainly increase the trend toward defacement of the imago Dei and the lowering of individual self-respect and dignity; that dignity being under heavy assault by the Adversary.
Reba's rendition of The Star Spangled Banner was underwhelming.
Various statements such as the one you wrote (see below) are racist generalizations your comment is going to be removed for that reason. If you persist in attempting to turn this comments section into a billboard for your bigotry you will be blocked.
Mr Topham wrote:
“ The Jew has no claim to consideration on account of his success in money- getting.”
I wish to add that Mr Topham published another comment that I have removed containing bigoted remarks directed at Hindu and Mongol people. He had been strongly cautioned that any further expressions of that tenor and he will be blocked from this comments section.
I am working for a better world and the advancement of knowledge not a repetition of age-old prejudice that wounds the image of God we all bear and obstructs understanding and respect between people.
I’m not privy to the controversy.
The above screed should be in the dictionary beside the definition of 'logorrhea'.
Excellent article and appreciate the reiteratation of Jesus connection to the name of Yahweh, as in your article responding to Guyenot. Not surprising the enemy would want to suppress the name of God, a name they fear and tremble at just as they do the name of Jesus. Also how fascinating that Philippians 2:10-11
[10] so that at the name of Jesus every knee will bow, of those who are in heaven and on earth and under the earth, [11] and that every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. The word Lord in verse 11 is kyrios...Yahweh I imagine.
Another Super Bowl weekend. Many people think WWIII has already broken out. The Serbians, Orthodox Christians of the former Yugoslavia, thought it broke out in 1999. Clinton bombed the country with “low level” nuclear weapons, namely depleted uranium, which does hideous things wherever it hits.
I noticed how fashions in girls’ clothing — women’s too — changed fairly suddenly, though the theme of harlot had certainly been creeping in, when I took my daughter shopping for school clothes, 3rd grade, Clinton presidency. I had to say No to everything she wanted, it was so slutty! What had happened? How was it connected to “foreign policy?”
This is the part of Michael’s writing that it makes me absolutely sick to try to understand. The “unifying theme” of the takeover of a once Christian culture by the satanic. (The Occult Renaissance Church of Rome)
In April of 2023, Mr. Hoffman wrote a substack entitled “Via col Vento in the United States of Amnesia,” in which he talked about the war in the Ukraine (not a nation or an ethnic group, btw, “ukraine” in Russian means borderland). The “butcher’s bill” there? It’s an abattoir, as he says, a slaughterhouse, a mangled population with almost no men of any age left. “Via col Vento” means Gone with the Wind, a reference to the satanic fratricide that was our country’s “Civil” War.
I can hardly bear to read this latest, “Satanism in Theory and Practice” because it so true, every word of it, that we are so conditioned to the harlotry, the deathplans, the swamp of corruption and commerce (all the golden billionaires), girls fashions!, open satanic worship —
that we do not see how we praise our executioners and walk to our destruction and live willingly in hell, thinking we worship God.
Nuclear war with Russia and Iran? The Thelemic Occult goal and dream? The nuclear annihilation as cosmic blood vengeance/ritual murder??? “Civilization” as an abattoir?
A football game with half time “entertainment” (initiation, hazing, indoctrination through visual and auditory and sexual assault)—?
Please read Michael Hoffman’s books before it’s too late. You don’t have to understand them. You can overcome the sickness you may feel at the emotional shock of recognition. Try to save your children. Try to come out of the fog and brain death, the spiritual and mental death that he always writes about. You can if you wish read all about the satanic history of the British throne and empire which still annihilates from 400-500 years ago. But read about “The Rocket Man”, p. 200 in “Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare” to grasp what underlies our aerospace, planes, and bombing industry.
Try to save your children. And read Ephesians 6:10, the Armour of God.
FYI at the top where it says "the FBI gained accepted", it should read, 'acceptance'.
First off the Bible itself is a SPIRITUAL guide, NOT a physical one, so whatever you interpret it as is unto you alone, and of course God. Secondly, as stated in The readings of Carlos Castaneda, your sexual energy is the greatest command 'God' gives one from birth. Your greatest energy and thus exactly what a satanist would target. I will not go into the many obvious reasons why this is true and will leave that up to those who want only truths.
As far as satanism in the govt, this is also obvious (the greatest trick the devil ever pulled...). This is a war of attrition and energy is the weapon defacto by way of lies. Energy in every facet of your imagination in every direction. Sex?, well that's just the best one to destroy if you want to destroy someone, or so say the devil.
Using Universal Laws (of energy), in conjunction WITH the Law of Attraction, in reverse or upside down if you will, is how they can cause so much destruction. Don't use the words "Truth" or "Lies", say "mis/dis-information", and you too can play along with Satan. I will not. Nice article but too lengthy to be of any real use.
Swift is just another in the long line of those the System tells the sheeple are great artists. Madonna Ciccone, Stefani Germanotta, Prince Rogers Nelson, Michael Jackson, etc. Swift will be mostly forgotten in a few years. SUPPORT LOCAL MUSICIANS!
In my comment to S K Bain, I did not realize that Benedict XVI submitted his resignation on February 11, 2013, exactly eleven years before SB58. Bain is big on elevens. I may have missed the boat elsewhere as well.
Thank you, greatly.
Dear Michael,
Finally the time and freedom to comment on your work. Up until December 20th, 2023 I was under my last Probation Order that ended at midnight on the 19th. An end to ongoing litigation that began back in 2012 when I was first arrested for having published a satire on my former website; one which the Jewish lobby didn't approve of. Condition 4 in the P.O. stipulated the following:
Condition 4: "You shall not publish or post on any internet site, printed publication or social media platform where the content can be viewed by any member of the public and information concerning; a) the Jewish religion or any reference to the Jewish religion; b) any reference to the Talmud or Talmudic; c) any information or reference about persons of Jewish ethnic origin or Jewish religion; d) any reference to Zionists or Zionism; e) the name of any person known to you to be of Jewish religion or Jewish ethnic origin except Shasta Topham and persons related to Shasta Topham, provided you do not refer to their Jewish religion or Jewish ethnic origin; and f) any reference to Israel or Israelis'".
As a result my ability to comment on many of your posts was somewhat limited.
Anyhow, I see that you've been posting material related to my old friend Adolf. :-) But what I really got a chuckle out of was your current article Magica Sexualis. Back around 1973 a good friend of mine loaned me a softcover Bantam edition of a book that first came out in March of 1971. The title was THE CONFESSIONS OF ALEISTER CROWLEY. It had quite an affect on me. No, not that it transformed me into a sexual deviant or anything like that. It was the overall effect of his life as was laid out in the book. Today, whenever Aleister Crowley's name comes up it's always about sex and magic. As for the rest of his life, his literary pursuits, his mountain climbing expeditions around the world, especially on Kangchenjunga in the Himalayan Mts., and many other aspects of his adventurous life all tend to be by passed and the focus laid on one section of his amazing life.
One thing that he taught me was to keep a spiritual journal, a daily record of my experiences. The result of that was just such a journal that began in 1973 and ran consecutively right up until 1998 when I began publishing The Radical in June of that year. Thanks to Aleister I had 25 years of self-discovery recorded along with the mundane events that transpired throughout that period.
I began to collect Aleister's works and those related to his own adventures. As a result I have all of his collected works including The Equinox and a number of others like the Sacred Magic of Abra Melin the Mage.
I'm sure you must have read his Autobiography. His early childhood (in Hell as he described it) was fascinating. The Plymouth Brethren story itself is a most telling tale as to just how these Protestant churches operated in his day.
Aside from AC in your current piece here you made mention of The Jerusalem Bible and it struck a note with me. I've been an avid book collector for the past half a century and my library has well over 10,000 volumes on a number of genres and one is religions of the world. As I was reading I thought to myself I have a copy of that book. I went to the section and there it was all 500 pages and in beautiful condition. It's copyrighted at 1966 by Darton, Longman & Todd, Ltd. and Doubleday & Company, Inc.
Best I sign off here but I just wanted to let you know how much I appreciated you coverage of the Gaza genocide that's still going on as I write. Your articles should have been right up there with Tucker Carlson's interview with Vladimir Putin. :-)
When a demonic individual openly reveals to us his true character and we fail to separate from him, fail to withdraw all our energy and abominate and protest his iniquity, then we become a partner in the degeneracy and complicit in the evil.
Millions of so-called “Catholics,” and Democrats are immoral degenerates on the basis of that litmus test.
Contrast that dead zone apathy with a human reaction from the pages of history. Aleister Crowley was an occult avatar of drug addiction, semen and menstrual fluid drinking (to summon “entities”), and British Intelligence. He was a flamboyant exponent of the Enochian sorcery of Queen Elizabeth I’s astrologer royal, Dr. John Dee, and the Satanism of Thelema, which he formed into the OTO, one of the most influential secret societies of the 20th century, which at its core is a Tantric magica sexualis cult with rites much too disgusting to further elaborate in a public forum like this.
In 1924 Crowley attended a weekend seminar hosted by the mystic G.I. Gurdjieff, himself an enigmatic character, in France, in Fontainebleau. James Webb recounts the confrontation in his book, The Harmonious Circle:
“Crowley arrived for a whole weekend and spent the time like any other visitor to the Prieure; being shown the grounds and the activities in progress, listening to Gurdjieff’s music and his oracular conversation….Gurdjieff treated him like any other guest until the evening of Crowley’s departure. After dinner on Sunday night, Gurdjieff led the way out of the dining room with Crowley, followed by the body of pupils who had also been at the meal. Crowley made his way toward the door and turned to take his leave of Gurdjieff, who by this time was some way up the stairs to the second floor.
‘Mister, you go?’ Gurdjieff inquired. Crowley assented.
‘You have been guest?’ – a fact which the visitor could hardly deny. ‘Now you go, you are no longer guest?”
(Mr. Webb is demonstrating that Gurdjieff, with his formal observance of Old World courtesy, sought to establish that Crowley was departing his home, and was no longer owed the courtesy of a guest):
“Crowley…indicated that he was on his way back to Paris…Gurdjieff, having made the point that he was not violating the canons of hospitality, changed on the instant into the embodiment of righteous anger:
‘You filthy,’ he stormed, ‘you dirty inside! Never again you set foot in my house!’ Gurdjieff worked himself into a rage which transfixed his watching pupils.
Crowley was stigmatized as the sewer of creation, was taken apart and trodden into the mire.”
This anecdote illustrates the reaction of a real mensch when in the presence of the personification of evil, whether that person is Joe Biden, the Pope of Rome or Aleister Crowley.
Let me respond as grief-maddened mother here. I don’t have the articulation or the breadth of knowledge that you men have, but I have watched the “child trafficking” and the luring away from our destroyed families of our young, it seems forever, all our lives. All that Michael says is true and it is all coming to pass before our averted eyes, our retreats into abstract analyses, our programmed tongues— we can’t speak, even though we stare at the spectacle as if staring at a bloodied murder weapon.
Patriarch Kiril of the Russian Orthodox Church said in October of 2022, that as long as Russia remains an island of freedom, the rest of the world has hope. In Russia now the satanic ideology of the alphabet/transgender movement is banned. I believe abortion is banned. Just a few months ago, Putin declared this year to be the Year of the Family. You have to realize the spiritual battle with truly satanic judeobolshevik ussr, our Cold War enemy, that this represents. They are protecting their children, rescuing families from the demonic forces that western modern life has imposed on the globe.
I meant just to say you could read in Dostoevsky, The Brothers Karamazov, Part IV, Book Eleven (hope you’re paying attention, Al), ch. 9: “The Devil. Ivan’s Nightmare”. It is exactly as Michael writes, “…Satanists as unassuming guys with short hair and business suits working in the DOJ and the FBI…”—the Devil, well dressed, tells Ivan why the new ways of life and thought and spectacle are somehow good, moral, progressive. Ivan realizes it’s all a Big Lie, but it costs him dearly: costs his sanity and health.
As for the Thelemic-Epstein trafficking of our children through t.v., school, and fashion,
You could read at the end of D’s novel Crime and Punishment, about Svidrigailov’s dream of trying to save a 5 yr old girl who turns into a prostitute before his eyes — his name means “witness” or testimony. He then commits suicide. The S K Bain article that Michael indicates at the end of his piece could be an extension of the novel Crime and Punishment. (Also, Michael has described the Talmudic teaching that sex with toddler girls and infants is fine.)
Why do I say all this? Having read Michael Hoffman’s works, I am a grief-maddened mother watching everything we once believed in being stolen away, our children sacrificed — Michael saw this coming long ago. We’ll see if S K Bain’s story comes true today. In his interview with Tucker Carlson, Putin invoked Dostoevsky. During the Cold War, Kruschev said Russians can’t win the Arms Race (that was then), but they can win the intellectual/literacy race. Alexander Dugin says that for the world to survive, the satanic west must be nullified. “O Heavenly King, O Comforter, The Spirit of Truth…” We’ll answer for all this at the Pearly Gates …
Your comment contains truth, but the leaders of the Russian government are either evil and/or incompetent in other ways. They want to save their children, but then send their young men to slaughter Ukrainians and be slaughtered unnecessarily. I understand that the US/EU/NATO did not respect Russia's legitimate concerns, and Russia had to protect the people of Donbass. I am not a military expert, but the Russian leadership let its armed forces fall into a trap, far worse than any recent experience of the US armed forces. Putin, of all people, being a fighting sport athlete, should have known better.
Greetings Mr. Hoffman,
To the point of your article, I noted on social media after the game last night, most talk of any symbolic goings on was focused mainly on a music industry fiend of Taylor Swifts, a rapper by the name of Ice Spice, who was with her in the stands wearing an inverted cross and shown giving the devil's horns hand sign.
Whereas everyone anticipated some sort of ritually symbolic halftime performance, I saw also a number of comments to the tune that they were delighted this year's Super Bowl halftime show did not contain any overt satanic symbolism and appeared rather 'normal', some even praising God for that. Yet the performance contained what appeared a fairly obvious component of sex magick symbolism in the stark white and red outfits and accompanying stage props of the two main performers, Usher and Alicia Keys, as can be seen here:
... as well as being sexually charged with Usher grabbing Alicia by the hips, spooning and putting his hand over her bosom. (For anyone that doubts the sexually charged nature of it, even entertainment tabloids were baiting their readers with the juice on Keys Husband's reaction to the performance).
This overt white/male and red/female symbolism along with the sexual charge is consonant with what you detailed herein about the "eucharist" consumed by sex magick practitioners. It seems many observers were looking for pyramids, all seeing eyes, pentacles and inverted crosses, and missed what was right in front of them, perhaps because it doesn't fit the familiar guise of the dark occult as popularly portrayed.
I didn't watch the game but I tuned in for the opening ceremony. I was disappointed by the singing of "America the Beautiful" by the guy with the tattooed his face, the anatomical part which is most representative of the status of all humans as God's image-bearing creatures, "endowed by their Creator." His increasingly high profile visage will certainly increase the trend toward defacement of the imago Dei and the lowering of individual self-respect and dignity; that dignity being under heavy assault by the Adversary.
Reba's rendition of The Star Spangled Banner was underwhelming.
I prefer less casual, more intense dedication to the singing of our national anthem.
Dear Mr. Hoffman, This is a great and important article. You inspired me to purchase the New Jerusalem Bible. I could only afford the 1999 edition.