Zionist Derangement Syndrome
The psyche torn in half by mutually exclusive beliefs is ripe for every type of mesmerism
Copyright ©2024 • Revisionist History Website
J.D. Vance has accused Kamala Harris of “anti-Semitism” for having passed over Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro as her running mate, choosing instead Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz.
Mr. Shapiro is a former member of the genocidal Israeli army. Years ago, in a racist op-ed titled, “Peace Not Possible” he stated, “Palestinians will not coexist peacefully…They do not have the capabilities to establish their own homeland…They are too battle-minded…” This from a Zionist true believer whose holy state had already slaughtered tens of thousands of Palestinians and driven hundreds of thousands off their ancestral land.
Semitic Semantics
“Semite” is a racial description in the empiricist tradition of nineteenth century Aryanism, predicated on biological notions about the origins of humanity. Israeli geneticist Dr. Eran Elhaik (Associate Professor of Genetics, Lund University, Sweden), is currently the best source on the lineage of the people known today as Ashkenazic, having descended largely from Turkic-Caucasian Khazars, not Semites; while some say that Palestinians possess many of the genetic markers for Semitic peoples.
My views on the authentic identity of the Israelites (“Shem-ites” i.e. Semites) approximate the observations in one part of the book, God’s Covenant People by Ted Weiland concerning this particular issue. Who are the Jews? Who are the Israelites? Mr. Weiland addresses these questions with scholarly clarity. It is important to note however, that I unequivocally reject his “saved by race” thesis. I believe in the scriptural truth that The Church is Israel Now.
Assigning to the Judahites alone (and their descendants) the name “Semite” was a function of the western secret society gnosis as it manifested in nineteenth century pseudo-scientific “Aryan” racism. It was promulgated as empirical fact that the Semites were racially the polar opposite of the Northern European people, when in truth it was highly probable that those Nordic, Celtic and Germanic people were in fact the nations descended from Shem. In the nineteenth century Teutonic progenitors of what would become Nazi racial mysticism equated everything Semitic with everything diseased and deformed. This was a device for alienating Northern Europeans from the “alien” Old Testament, when in truth it was their book.
In the latter half of the nineteenth century two rabid German Jew-haters, Wilhelm Marr and Theodor Fritsch, diverted attention from these facts by conferring upon the Ashekenazic Judaics of Europe the spurious title of Semite. Being despisers of the Old Testament, in their eyes “Semite” was a negative designation. Fritsch termed Semites sub-human “vermin,” foreshadowing Hitler’s bigoted taxonomy.
Trump’s running mate Vance, like thousands of other talking heads, is pandering to Israeli supremacy and trading in the perfunctory generalities of the herd. The herd thinks it knows what a Semite is.
Moreover, Vance is embracing the diversity ethos of the woke mind virus by insinuating that Harris was obliged to pick Gov. Shapiro because he is allegedly a Semite.
The errors historic and racial in Vance’s simplistic attack on Harris reflect the immense psychic strain of the multiple deceptions and eggshell-thin assumptions in which politicians and pundits traffic after having succumbed to Zionist derangement syndrome.
There comes a point where the lies we tell sabotage us. We internalize them and become divided in spirit. We may wear the mask of sanity but beneath the false front is psychic dislocation which breeds self-mockery which in turn predisposes us to mocking those who follow and believe in us.
We observe “pro-Life” Republicans oblivious to the hundreds of pregnant Palestinian women who have been gratuitously murdered in Gaza by indiscriminate Israeli bombing and shooting. Meanwhile advocates of strict immigration and border control base their movement on fealty to the “Conservativism of Ronald Reagan,” the first presidential turncoat to sign into law amnesty for millions of illegal aliens.
As early as 1984 Reagan stated, “I believe in the idea of amnesty for those who have put down roots and lived here, even though sometime back they may have entered illegally” (“A Reagan Legacy: Amnesty for Illegal Immigrants,” National Public Radio: All Things Considered, July 4, 2010).
The psyche torn in half by these mutually exclusive beliefs is ripe for every type of mesmerism, including the most potent form extant, the Revelation of the Method, the mass theater rooted in mind control perfected over centuries of occult alchemy and Rosricrucian dialectics.
The Presidential Campaign
Kamala has named Tim Walz as her running mate. Governor Walz is Gavin Newsom in avuncular Midwestern garb. He says howdy and resembles your duck-hunting uncle, or the easy-going principal of a rural town’s high school. He doesn’t look like a coffin-riding Leftist bent on the decline-and-fall of America into a “sanctuary,” like the one Walz has fashioned in Minnesota for underage Trans youth who are seduced into undergoing mastectomies and castration, and ingesting carcinogenic chemicals.
Twenty-five years ago even Clintonistas would have recognized the malice and medical malpractice in seducing children into unnatural, irreversible, but highly lucrative surgeries and pharmaceutical interventions. The corporate media have dubbed the zealot responsible for these atrocities a “commonsense centrist.”
In Minnesota this revolutionary has incentivized law-breaking by campaigning for taxpayer-funded health insurance and college tuition for illegal immigrants, as well as issuing driver’s licenses to them to facilitate the Democrats’ vote-harvesting on election day. During the COVID19 panic he mandated vaccinations for every state employee and shuttered schools for long periods. He ensured that infanticide by abortion is permitted into the ninth month of pregnancy. Under Mr. Walz the Department of Health is not permitted to maintain data on the number of abortions or in what trimester they occur.
On the Republican side, one is tempted to speculate as to the intent of the shooter who wounded Trump. Was he spared the kill shot so that he would morph into an assassination survivor canonized just below Netanyahu in yahoo Churchianity’s firmament of semi-divine prophets and anointed high priests?
His cringe-worthy exhibitions of vanity are routine —with the exception of those twenty eloquent minutes in Milwaukee, when he humbly recounted his ordeal in Butler, PA and for a few moments was transformed into a humble, vulnerable fellow human, rising with statesman-like noblesse oblige, above America’s bitter sectarianism.
After which he quickly reverted to form and returned to his usual tiresome recitation of his 2020 election grievances and impersonation of Archie Bunker—petty, personal attacks on “Kamala the dummy, Kamala the low IQ. Kamala’s not black. Kamala’s hostile to Jews” (though she’s married to a Judaic man).
Last weekend he held Georgia’s Republican Gov. Brian Kemp up to public ridicule even though he needs Kemp to get out the vote in Georgia. He even attacked Kemp’s wife.
His speeches on the national stump have been a farrago of whining, off-the cuff blabber and ruminations that preclude anything approaching a disciplined dossier recounting the disastrous policies of Vice President Harris and President Biden.
Trump is too full of himself. Since he was spared death his narcissism has risen to new heights of conceit. He thinks all he has to do is display his celebrity self to cheering crowds and he’ll be elected.
If he debates Harris you’ll see her coming at him with a string of carefully memorized policy details and refutations she will have learned over the course of hours of debate prep. Trump will prepare for the debate on the ninth hole, with an aide occasionally whispering a suggestion or two in his ear, if his caddy allows it. When he faces her, he will impersonate Don Rickles while she will attempt to project an image of a dignified woman of color rising above personal attacks and invective.
The Trump-Vance ticket is without discipline. If The Donald fails to win over independents and swing voters he will lose the election.
“All Trump has to do is talk about his positions, like he did in 2016,” said Ann Coulter, the conservative commentator who broke with Mr. Trump some years back, largely because of his inability to focus on the issues she cared about.
“But, no, he’s going to spend the first 20 minutes of every rally attacking the popular Republican governor of Georgia or trying out stupid nicknames for Kamala.”
“Ms. Coulter added that ‘Republicans who expected Trump to run a smart, disciplined campaign are going to be sorely disappointed.” (New York Times, August 8).
There’s no one to vote for in the presidential contest now underway. All the major candidates are afflicted with Zionist derangement syndrome, a profound psychological malaise which tears at the very fabric of their psychological well-being.
I will not help to elect an automaton who submits to whatever edict the murderous Israeli junta issues. I know that so-called “Israel” is not “the Jewish state.” I understand, after thirty years of study, that the Babylonian Talmud is not a holy book for God’s people. I am cognizant that imposters who abuse the sacred name of Jew by falsely ascribing the designation of Semite to themselves, are not my superiors in matters spiritual or ethical.
Torture, Starvation and Assassination: Undisguised Israeli Policy
Having secured the near total obeisance of the corporate media and the GOP, the Israelis have confidently dropped their pretense of benevolence toward subject peoples and in their hubris Israeli supremacism is now embracing a self-destructive candor. Talmudism weaponized by Zionist ideology has judged that the homosexual rape of Palestinian POWs (called “Nukhba”) with an Israeli soldier’s penis—or a broom handle, pipe or sundry foreign objects—is not only acceptable, it is incumbent.
The rectum is the new field of Israeli warfare and the spectacle of Palestinians requiring emergency surgery to have their anuses rebuilt after being sodomized is a delightful one for the ghouls who comprise the Israeli legislature, cabinet and their amen corner in Congress and the “evangelical” churches.
In the Wall Street Journal of August 3, Giora Eiland, a former Israeli national security adviser spoke in the wake of the Mossad’s assassination of the Hamas ambassador in Tehran. She celebrated the Israeli government’s policy of murdering any individual it chooses: “Assassinations help Israel to regain not only self-confidence but also some abilities to deter our enemies.”
It’s terrorism when Muslims assassinate an adversary. When Israelis do it, it’a kind of self esteem-building therapy.
On August 5 the racist Israeli Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich declared that he believes blocking food supplies to Gaza is “justified and moral” even if it causes two million civilians to die of hunger. The contempt is complete.
Last October the Israeli Minister of ‘Defense',’ Yoav Gallant stated, “I have ordered a complete siege of Gaza. No electricity. No food. No fuel. No water. We are fighting human animals and we act accordingly."
Over the course of 200 days the Israelis subsequently dropped 75,000 bombs and artillery shells on the “animals,” twenty times more than the US exploded in Iraq during six years of warfare.
Make no mistake: Zionists are Jew-haters. They brazenly perpetrate unconscionable horrors in the name of “the Jewish state,” thereby associating being Jewish with being a torturer and a butcher, which is a lie.
America’s politicians and media may not know it, but outside of our Khazarian hothouse, most of humanity is disgusted and infuriated by so dehumanizing an agony imposed on prisoners of war institutionally.
Baby-killer Binyamin Netanyahu, the Israeli commander-in-chief ultimately responsible for these crimes against humanity, in Congress on July 25 received one of the most tumultuous and obsequious receptions ever witnessed at the capitol, rivaling the kowtowing accorded Emperor Yingzong in the dynasty of Ming. Netanyahu was repeatedly interpreted by applause and standing ovations. All hail the mass murderer.
No crime against the innocent which the Israelis commit, no matter how abominable—starvation, rape, assassination, and the wholesale bombing of everything that moves in Gaza, including the young and the old— can stay the servility of the “Republican family-values campaigners” from adoring their godling.
One is reminded of the old joke about the dilemma faced by the president in the Oval Office, when his secretary asked him which honored guest she should usher in first, the pope or the Israeli Prime Minister.
“The pope,” the president responded. “I’ll only have to kiss his ring.”
The fact that this sardonic anecdote continues to ring no less true now than when it was circulated forty years ago, is a commentary on our Republic’s terminus worthy of Juvenal.
Copyright ©2024 by Independent History and Research • RevisionistHistory.org
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Revisionist historian Michael Hoffman explicates the alchemical processing of humanity in his book, Twilight Language. He is the author of nine other volumes of history and literature including Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare, as well as Usury in Christendom, Judaism Discovered, The Occult Renaissance Church of Rome, and Adolf Hitler: Enemy of the German People.
Michael is a former reporter for the New York bureau of the Associated Press and a former paid consultant to the news department of the New York Times. His books have been published in translation in Japan and France. Listen to his broadcasts on his Revisionist History® podcast, and find him on X (Twitter). He resides with his family in Idaho.
Revisionist History® is registered with the United States Patent and Trademark Office as the trademark of Independent History and Research, Box 849, Coeur d’Alene, Idaho 83816. All Rights Reserved.
For Further Research
Kamala, Trump and the US Secret Service in the Alchemical Crucible
(Katya) This is so very sad.
Read again "The Occult Renaissance Church of Rome". How many times does the Pied Piper come and take the children, who are never seen again.
"Now will I sing to My Beloved a song of My Beloved regarding My vineyard. ... Hades ... opened its mouth continually." (Isaiah 5). Tim Walz is a shocker. For 16 years I lived in Minneapolis, raising kids, teaching at the U of M, attending Catholic Mass every Sunday and often on weekdays. I won't name names, but I witnessed the blessings of gay and lesbian couples, not knowing what I was watching; heard heresies spoken so eloquently in the Cathedral, not knowing what I was hearing... Tim Walz is a superb public speaker, mesmerizing in fact with his authority, signing into law abortion through the 9th month, sanctuary for children whose parents oppose gender change, and sanctuary for hordes of border invaders. In the name of freedom for all, Tim Walz abolishes all borders -- Divine, moral, and traditional. When he opens his giant mouth to grin or laugh on stage with Kamala, you might see the mouth of Hades opening (Isaiah 5:14). You might recollect Moloch devouring children.
"Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness... Woe to those who are intelligent in their own eyes and expert in their own sight ... who justify the ungodly with a bribe" (Isaiah 5:20-24).
All of this has happened on our watch, with our priests and pastors, under our eyes. Mesmerized. We are guilty. Where are our contrite hearts, our confessions, bless me Father, for I have sinned. O Holy Trinity, pardon my transgressions.
And please also read "Judaism Discovered" for an exhaustive exposition of the holy book of revenge.
"During the COVID19 panic..." In RH Bulletin (Summer 2024), #3 of nine Master's Degree level questions on what Michael terms "Twilight Language", Michael asks, "How does Twilight Language manifest in today's world? Provide specific examples..." It seems "pandemic" is "Twilight Language" for panic. The book "Blood on the Altar" asserts that in the Occult, the mythological Pan god is historically associated with panic and the deepest level of occult trance. The COVID panic certainly induced completely unnecessary panic in the majority of the world's population.
Is there any study extant on the manifestation and influence of "Twilight Language" in languages other than the Western European varieties?