The Holocaust in Gaza
Memo to Trump, MAGA and the Democrats: God loves Arab people, including the Arab Christians slaughtered by Counterfeit “Israel”
Copyright©2025 by Independent History and Research •
Trump’s Ugly and Heartless Demand: Deport Millions of Palestinians from Gaza
In the wake of the Israeli mass murder of more than 60,000 Palestinians, Trump has “threatened that he could cut aid to Jordan and Egypt if they refused his demand to permanently take in most Palestinians from Gaza, substantially increasing the pressure on key allies in the region to back his audacious proposal to relocate the entire population of the territory in order to redevelop it…Jordan and Egypt, both major recipients of U.S. military and economic aid, have rejected any suggestion that Palestinians be relocated to their countries.
“In an interview with Fox News, Mr. Trump said he did not envision Palestinians who left Gaza to make way for the redevelopment plan, ever returning. Asked in the interview whether the Palestinians would eventually ‘have the right to return’ to Gaza after his proposed construction projects had been completed, the president said, “No, they wouldn’t.’
“Once moved out,’ he said, Palestinians…would not need to return (to the ancestral lands they hold sacred —Ed). “Trump has repeatedly returned to the idea, saying that other nations in the region would pay for it and that he believed it was feasible to move Gaza’s population elsewhere.”
—New York Times, February 10, 2025
President Trump seeks to transform the site of the holocaust of tens of thousands of innocent Palestinians into a seaside resort—Miami Beach east. Clearly, the lives of the slaughtered have no value in his eyes. The corpses of many of them remain buried under the rubble of Gaza. Perhaps they will be used to fertilize the gardens of his playboy paradise. His insulting and degrading scheme, forever erasing the memory of the Israeli war crimes and massacres perpetrated in Gaza, is equivalent to the Poles seeking to build a Slavic Disneyland on the ruins of Auschwitz.
Mr. Trump is telegraphing his utter contempt for Palestinian human beings. By so doing he is proving he is a godless puppet of the racist, Jesus-denigrating Talmudic state of counterfeit “Israel.”
“Trump is certifiably insane and tone deaf times a million. No thought at all to how incredibly angry this will make an already beleaguered people who have suffered immeasurable traumas and losses.
The notion that removing all Palestinians from Gaza is a fresh new idea that was conceived of by Trump is one of the most ridiculous narratives pushed by the mainstream political/media class today. Driving Palestinians out of their historic homeland has been the Zionist mandate for the region since before “Israel” was conceived as a state, and its actions from 1948 on have born that out. Zionism has always been dedicated to ending the existence of Palestinians in Palestine.
“This is what happens when you put someone who is willfully ignorant of history and culture, someone who sees everything as transactional and has not a shred of empathy nor an ounce of nuance, in charge of a situation as tenuous as the Middle East.”
— Angus McEvoy
“It may be time the USA stops paying Israel millions of dollars a day as per original 1948 agreement. Israelis have free education and medical which sounds like they are living better than Americans.
“Netanyahu can't seem to stop killing Palestinians and he is up to 60,000. Trump thinks America should clean up the bombing mess in Gaza and relocate the remaining Palestinians so that he and Netanyahu can build beautiful resorts.”
— D.H. Hallstrom
“Look at the Talmudic mentality weaponized by Zionism: indigenous natives have no rights compared with recently arrived Judaic immigrants from Eastern Europe and Brooklyn.
A Palestinian “right to self-defense” is never asserted. Only an Israeli right.
Trump treats Palestinian civilians like soul-less cattle. All his rhetoric about pro-life, family values, faith and nation has no application to millions of Palestinians human beings.
“In his eyes they have no nation. The Christian faith of tens of thousands of them is irrelevant.
The savagery of what fake “Israel” has perpetrated, it's intentional, routine targeting of civilians and civilian infrastructure—the criminality of it is unprecedented in this century. Not since the bombing of cities in the Second World War have we seen a civilian metropolitan death toll like that in Gaza and Lebanon.
“The media, the Biden administration and now Trump spread the propaganda of Jerusalem: they claimed that Israel was not trying to kill civilians on purpose; every time Palestinians were killed it was because they were being used as “human shields.”
Completely ignored was the purposeful destruction of infrastructure—water, sewage and desalinization, in order to make life impossible.
“The mainstream media and “evangelical” churches are willing to shill for any monstrous Israeli lie and act as stenographers for Zionist Talmudism’s racism. They view everything through an Israeli prism.
Ersatz-Israel, the enemy of Jesus and His gospel, inhabited at present by immigrants with genealogically dubious claims to being the genetic descendants of the Biblical patriarchs, is at the center of their world.
That’s also true of secular, non-church-going elites throughout the West. It’s the one thing Biden, Harris, Hillary and Trump have in common.
“Israelis burn with napalm, indiscriminately bomb Arabs in Palestine, Lebanon and Syria. With little outcry from the US press, the Israelis have killed at least 150 independent journalists attempting to report the genocide.
“Short of full scale extermination, there will continue to be for decades to come a large Arab population in those three nations who despise the ground the Israelis walk upon.
“The Israelis are sentencing themselves to eternal war and eternal hatred, as one would expect from a nation founded upon the rejection of Israel’s Messiah-Jesus.
“Like every president since Lyndon Johnson, Mr. Trump’s policy is ‘America Second.’ You know who, comes first.
It is a betrayal that undercuts whatever good Trump claims to be doing domestically. He cannot be trusted.
He speaks with a forked tongue about what is in fact, and what has been for millennia, the land of Syria Palaestina, founded by the Roman emperor Hadrian where Judea had once been, after God ordained the extirpation of the Antichrist zealots who were behind the Bar Kokhba revolt, which was definitively defeated 1,890 years ago. Ever since then, it has been Palestine.
“ I don’t go in for half-truths.”
—Michael Hoffman
Trump is the Golden Calf of Our Time
“They did not stop worshiping demons—idols made of gold…Nor did they repent of their murders, or their magic, or their fornication, or their stealing.” (Revelation 9: 20-21)
More of Trump’s disgusting idolatry has been broadcast on his official Truth Social account, in a 33-second video (“Trump Gaza”)— showcasing his godless vision for Gaza as a new sin city, featuring bearded, dancing transvestites, an orgy of garish consumer-materialism, and strip-club type nudity. He ordered this trash produced by AI (artificial intelligence). It was being showcased on his Truth Social account as of February. 27. President Trump is showing us who he really is and it’s a terrible sight to behold. Here is The Revelation of the Method:
Columbia University’s Prof. JEFFREY SACHS, PhD., an adviser to presidents and parliaments, in his Feb. 19 speech to the European Parliament, held Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu responsible for instigating many of the wars which the US and CIA have waged:
“The Iraq war was directly concocted by Netanyahu and his colleagues in the US Pentagon. It was a war carried out for Israel. It was a war coordinated by Paul Wolfowitz and Douglas Feith.”
Dr. Sachs: “…General Wesley Clark…was NATO’s Supreme Commander in 1999. He went to the Pentagon around September 20, 2001. He was handed a piece of paper explaining the prospect of seven US wars of choice. These were, in fact, Netanyahu’s wars.
Netanyahu’s idea was and is that there will be one state…in all pre-1948 Palestine. Yes, only one state. It will be Israel. Israel will control all the territory from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea. And if anyone objects, we will overthrow them. Well, not Israel, exactly, but more specifically our friend, the United States. That’s been US policy…
Netanyahu’s idea has been around at least for 25 years. It goes back to a document called “Clean Break” that Netanyahu and his American political team put together in 1996 to end the idea of “the two-state solution.” You can also find that document online.
Israel has driven so many American wars and we (US government) say that's our greatest ally. These wars have been a huge cost to the United States, a cost of trillions of dollars, and geopolitical costs. Somehow, we gave away our foreign policy to Israel years years ago and it's been absolutely devastating.
In 2002, in October, Netanyahu came to the US and testified in the Senate. There’s video of him promising how wonderful the war in Iraq is going be, because Saddam Hussein has weapons of mass destruction. He says he’s 100% certain—complete lies, by the way—and they knew that they were lies at the time. And it's going be wonderful. We're going topple that dictator, and then dictators are going to be toppled everywhere, and then the young people of Iran are going to rise up.
This is his idea, together with his Neocons in the US government for the last 25 years. They have never apologized for dragging the United States into countless wars in the Middle East, spending trillions of dollars running up US debt and doing what? Creating chaos. Just to go back to the seven countries.
It’s worth remembering: Lebanon barely exists as a functioning country now. Syria, it's going to be picked to pieces…Iraq, we know what happened with Iraq, trillions of dollars, a complete destabilization of the country. Look at the other three wars the United States started…the CIA broke apart Sudan.
Sudan was an enemy of Israel, so we break apart Sudan. We supported war by the South Sudanese. Now we have the real trifecta, massive civil war in Sudan and massive civil war in South Sudan. We broke apart the country because it was an ally of the Palestinians and now there's civil war in both halves of the country…As for Somalia, after we finished with it, it basically doesn't exist as a country. Libya, after Obama and Hillary, doesn't exist. It's a battlefield; a perpetual war zone.
According to studies by Brown University, Americans have paid something like $7 trillion to do Israel’s foreign policy bidding, which makes no sense—it doesn't lead to any peace. It leads to a vast war zone across the Middle East. Congress and the White House say this is good for America. What has the United States benefited from any of this? We haven't gotten anything out of this except death and debt.
This project went on since the 1990s. Bombing Belgrade, the capital of (Christian) Serbia 78 straight days in 1999 was part of this project. Splitting apart that country —yet borders are supposed to be “sacrosanct,” aren’t they? Except for Kosovo, that is. Borders are sacrosanct except when America changes them. Breaking apart Sudan was another US project. Consider the South Sudan rebellion. Did that just happen because South Sudanese rebelled? Or shall I give you the CIA playbook?
Let us please understand as grown-ups what this is about: military campaigns are costly. They require equipment, training, base camps, intelligence, finance. That support comes from big powers. It doesn’t come from local insurrections. South Sudan did not defeat Sudan in a tribal battle. Breaking Sudan was a US project.…That war was part of the game of US unipolarity.
There have been around one hundred regime-change operations by the US since 1947, many in European countries and many all over the world.
(Political scientist Lindsey O’Rourke documented sixty-four U.S. covert regime-change operations between 1947 and 1989. Cf. O’Rourke, Covert Regime Change: America’s Secret Cold War [2018]).
That’s what the CIA does for a living. Please know it. It’s a very unusual kind of foreign policy. In the American Government, if you don’t like the other side, you don’t negotiate with them, you try to overthrow them, preferably, covertly. If it doesn’t work covertly, you do it overtly. You always say it’s not our fault. They’re the aggressor. They’re the other side. They’re “Hitler.”
That comes up every two or three years. Whether it’s Saddam Hussein, whether it’s Assad in Syria, whether it’s Putin (they’re all accused of being “another Hitler”); that’s very convenient. That’s the only foreign policy explanation the American people are ever given—we’re facing “Munich 1938” (“if we don’t go to war it’s appeasement”). They tell us “we can’t talk to the other side. They’re evil and implacable foes.” That’s…the model of foreign policy we hear from our government and mass media…
Trump won the 2016 election and then expanded arms shipments to Ukraine. There were many thousands of deaths of ethnic Russians in the shelling by Ukraine in the Donbas. … Then Biden came into office in 2021. I hoped for better but was profoundly disappointed once again. I used to be a member of the Democratic Party. I now am a member of no party…The Democrats became complete warmongers over time, and there was not one voice in the party calling for peace…
On the Middle East, the US completely handed over foreign policy to Netanyahu 30 years ago. The Israel lobby dominates American politics. Please, have no doubt about it. I could explain for hours how it works. It’s very dangerous. I’m hoping that Trump will not destroy his administration, and far worse, the Palestinian people, because of Netanyahu, whom I regard as a war criminal…
Netanyahu’s greatest dream in life is the war between the United States and Iran. And he’s not given up. It’s not impossible that a US-Iran War will also come. Yet Europe could stop it – if Europe has its own foreign policy.
…In my view, most importantly, we need peace. And my basic point is there are no deep reasons for conflict anywhere because every conflict I study is just a mistake. We are not struggling for Lebensraum. That idea, which essentially came from (Rev. Thomas) Malthus and later became a Nazi idea, was always wrong, a fundamental intellectual mistake. We have had race wars, national wars of survival, out of the fear that we don’t have enough for everybody on this planet, so that we are in a struggle for survival.
As an economist, I can tell you, we have plenty on the planet for everybody’s sustainable development. Plenty. We’re not in a conflict with China. We’re not in a conflict with Russia. If we calm down, if we ask about the long term, the long term is very good, that is, if we don’t blow ourselves up beforehand. So, this is my point. The prospects are very positive if we construct the peace…
A transcript of Prof. Sachs’ address is available here.
Holocaust or Genocide: What’s in a Name?
Readers may have observed that the most critical scrutiny of the commission of Israeli war crimes in Gaza is termed, even on the far-Left, at most, as “genocide,” whereas this writer terms the butcher’s bill in Palestine and Lebanon a “holocaust.” In terms of risking cancellation online, I have ventured into dangerous territory.
Just as it has been decided (from on high), that humans bearing xx chromosomes are free to describe themselves—and have their self-description officially accepted on passport, employment and driving license applications—as a person possessed of xy chromosomes, it has also been adjudicated, again from a stratospheric height where we kulaks have no say, that there was only one holocaust.
To suggest there have been others over the course of 12,000 years of human history is, even in the domain of the secular, considered blasphemous. This monopoly on suffering has been declared inviolable. No others need dare to apply.
The word holocaust is from the Greek, holokauston: holos ‘whole,’ and kaustos ‘burned’ (i.e. wholly burned), which is an empirically accurate description of the fate that befell thousands of Gazans as Israeli jets and helicopter gunships poured fire on them and their kids, and pounded their neighborhoods to inhabitable rubble, as collective punishment for the criminal deed Hamas perpetrated on one day in October.
The Holocaust in Gaza has a Handbook:
An authoritative Talmudic murder-manual having halakhic authority, issued in 2009 by Yitzhak Shapira and Yossi Elitzur, two Orthodox Israeli rabbis, has been distributed to the military high command, as well as Israeli troops on the front lines, and Protestant-funded terrorist “settlers.”
It is titled, Torat ha-Melekh Berure Halakha Be’-inyene Malkhut U-Milhamot: (“The King’s Torah: Halakhic Clarifications Regarding Matters of Kingdom and Wars” )
Rabbis Yitzhak Shapira and Yossi Elitzur teach in one section of Torat ha-Melekh that it is permitted to kill non-Jewish infants on the enemy side during warfare “if there is a good chance they will grow up to be like their evil parents.”
Other reasons the rabbis furnish for the permission to kill non-Jewish children include if they “block the rescue of Jews...Little children are often situated in this is permitted to kill them because their very presence facilitates the killing (of Jews)...(p. 215).
“It is also permitted to kill the children of the leader (of the enemy) in order to put pressure on him...” (p. 215).
In another instance, Shapira and Elitzur write, “Every citizen of our kingdom who opposes us and who encourages [our enemies’] fighters, or expresses satisfaction with their deeds, is considered an assailant and may be killed....”
On p. 185 the rabbinic authors state that whoever uses freedom of speech (such as journalists do), to “weaken the Jews,” is considered to be a rodef (“pursuer”) and can be killed. They base this on the ruling by the Maharal of Prague, Rabbi Judah Loew, who determined that whoever causes Jews to be reluctant to kill (“faint-hearted while at war”) deserves death (cf. Gur Aryeh on Parashat Mattot).
In chapter four of Torat Hamelech, the authors state that because the life of the Jew is superior to that of the non-Jew, “...there is a consensus among the halakhic (legal) sources that it is permitted to kill non-Jews to save the lives of Jews...
“It is permitted as well in cases in which we exploit the presence of innocent young children (and harm them) in order to harm their parents” (p. 199).
The rabbis further state, “There is a svara (a compelling reason founded on intuition) for hurting young, non-Jewish children if it is clear that they will grow up to harm us, and in such cases, we should aim our destruction specifically towards them. Young children will benefit from this killing since they would have grown up in an unrepaired way (betzurah lo metukenet), that would require their killing anyway. Therefore, it would be better to kill them now” (pp. 205-207).
Rabbi Dov Lior, the former Chief Rabbi of Hebron and Kiryat Arba, endorsed Torat ha-Melekh, as did Rabbi Yitzhak Ginsburgh, a Chabad Lubavitch-affiliated halakhic authority and Kabbalistic “sage.” Lior wrote a letter of commendation (haskama) on behalf of the book’s thesis. (Other Orthodox rabbis have criticized the book).
I have been often reminded during much of my career as a historian and journalist, that any study of Israeli genocide, anti-Arab racism, Zionist land theft and inordinate media influence, constitutes bigoted anti-Semitism.
To be intimidated into silence in the face of these baseless claims would be a grotesque betrayal of my conscience and everything I believe.
The Palestinian and Lebanese Arab people are the most dehumanized and devalued human beings on this planet—mainly due to an accident of history: living for many hundreds of years (at least) on land claimed by recent colonizers from eastern Europe and Russia armed with a bogus Biblical mandate predicated on a Master race ideology.
So let the chips fall where they may. Plain speech concerning the holocaust in Gaza is what is required, and the actual truth boldly told if we are to save both Arab and Jewish lives from the fires of perpetual war and hatred.
Copyright©2025 by Independent History and Research •
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Revisionist historian Michael Hoffman is the author of They Were White and They Were Slaves: The Untold History of the Enslavement of Whites in Early America. He explores the ascendance of the Neoplatonic-Hermetic-Kabbalistic mind virus in his book The Occult RenaissanceChurch of Rome. He explicates the alchemical processing of humanity in Twilight Language. He is the author of eight other volumes of history and literature including Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare, as well as Usury in Christendom, Judaism Discovered, and Adolf Hitler: Enemy of the German People. Michael has written extensive introductions to Alexander McCaul’s The Talmud Tested, Johann Andreas Eisenmenger’s Traditions of the Jews, and The 1582 Rheims New Testament.
He is a former reporter for the New York bureau of the Associated Press and a former paid consultant to the news department of the New York Times. Michael’s books have been published in translation in Japanese and French. Listen to his broadcasts on his Revisionist History® podcast, watch his videos on Rumble, and join him on X (Twitter).
Revisionist History® is registered with the United States Patent and Trademark Office as the trademark of Independent History and Research, Box 849, Coeur d’Alene, Idaho 83816. All Rights Reserved.
Documentary film: Max Blumenthal’s exceedingly valuable takedown of Israeli atrocity propaganda
I couldn't agree more. After 1,890 years I think a people have a right to claim ownership of the land. Yes Trump has some things right, but on the Middle East he is indeed not representing America and worse he is supporting a ruthlessness that is a threat to the entire world. The 'never forget' attitude guarantees endless war.
Mr. Hoffman,
Thanks again for this brutally honest piece. This whole picture is beginning to feel as if America is indeed being subjected to a massive hermetic ritual powered by human sacrifices, Satan's best friend Mammon and of course lots of... mixed messaging*. I am also recalling the picture of that poor woman with her triplets that you put up in your article from January 28th; that image still brings tears to my eyes. How is this dehumanization of others any different than the very same tactics that which the modern day CCP uses on its own populace? I'll pray that more people on the right and left in this country snap out of this alchemical haze and take 5 minutes to look at what is going on outside our country... or at least beyond our video drome monitors and phone screens.
*On the note about mixed messaging, Mr. Trump himself is obviously familiar with Mr. Sachs; see this posting that Trump made on January 7th:
His chaotic messaging almost indicates to me a raw form of psychological / spiritual assault, in the same vein as Pike and Crowley's diabolic concepts of "initiation". You obviously may see something else going on that others are missing, and I welcome your insight.