I couldn't agree more. After 1,890 years I think a people have a right to claim ownership of the land. Yes Trump has some things right, but on the Middle East he is indeed not representing America and worse he is supporting a ruthlessness that is a threat to the entire world. The 'never forget' attitude guarantees endless war.

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Mr. Hoffman,

Thanks again for this brutally honest piece. This whole picture is beginning to feel as if America is indeed being subjected to a massive hermetic ritual powered by human sacrifices, Satan's best friend Mammon and of course lots of... mixed messaging*. I am also recalling the picture of that poor woman with her triplets that you put up in your article from January 28th; that image still brings tears to my eyes. How is this dehumanization of others any different than the very same tactics that which the modern day CCP uses on its own populace? I'll pray that more people on the right and left in this country snap out of this alchemical haze and take 5 minutes to look at what is going on outside our country... or at least beyond our video drome monitors and phone screens.

*On the note about mixed messaging, Mr. Trump himself is obviously familiar with Mr. Sachs; see this posting that Trump made on January 7th:


His chaotic messaging almost indicates to me a raw form of psychological / spiritual assault, in the same vein as Pike and Crowley's diabolic concepts of "initiation". You obviously may see something else going on that others are missing, and I welcome your insight.

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Your use of the word “holocaust” is apt. From the commencement of the atrocities the Zionist leadership have been using biblical and religious terminology. The Nazis never assigned any religious connotation to their atrocities. I understand that Hebrew “shoah” or catastrophe is the term that many Jews think more accurately describes the Nazi extermination.

Now Trump wants to relocate the residue (as he views them). The final solution - the forced expulsion of Palestinians from Palestine.

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Thank you Mr. Hoffman, I fully support this article!

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