World War III and the Agents of Paralysis
The Israeli slaughter in Gaza has led to another round of false prophecy
On Nov 3, 2023, at 12:44 PM, Michael S. <> wrote:
Dear Mr. Hoffman
I can't help but think that the movie Oppenheimer was an occult signal that was released this year to help usher in the next phase of the Cryptocracy's agenda, which I think is the escalation of the current disastrous war in Ukraine and the middle east into a larger and more destructive world war three. So that the survivors will be traumatized into accepting some sort of official one world technocratic global government. Also, early in 2020, (double cross) Hollywood released "The Tomorrow War" on Amazon. Right before the war between Russia and Ukraine started. The Tomorrow War predicts a huge global war, worldwide global draft, and the reduction of the global population. I believe both these movies are revelation of the Method signals. — Sincerely, Michael S.
Dear Michael S.
Thank you for your note. You wrote: "I believe both these movies are revelation of the Method signals."
Either that, or the script-writers are attempting to paralyze us into fear and awe at the prospect of an imminent apocalypse.
The agents of paralysis have been inculcating those beliefs for decades.
Psychological warfare mainly consists of inducing demoralization and hopelessness.
In the wake of the Israeli war on Gaza this autumn, numerous voices online were predicting that Iran and even Pakistan were going to launch missiles and super weapons at the Israelis. The Russians and Chinese would join them and Word War III would be at hand.
The Israelis have been bombing, eviscerating, incinerating and assassinating Arab civilians for the past 75 years. At no time in the past 45 years was the Zionist regime in danger of attack by the military of an Arab government other than Saddam Hussein’s Iraq, or from non-Arab states such as Turkey, Pakistan or direct intervention by Iran. Indirectly, Hezbollah, a militia [not the army of a government] and ally (“proxy”) of Iran, defeated Israeli proxies in South Lebanon, including liberating the Al Khiam concentration camp, which had been subsidized by American tax dollars and administered by Israel’s Fascist Lebanese mercenaries.
The Al Khiam torture camp was preserved as a museum by the Lebanese —one of the few examples of such perspicacity in the entire Middle East. The better to deny their atrocities and war crimes in Lebanon, the Israelis bombed the museum in 2006. This act of history denial has not been made a subject of hand-wringing and consternation in the West, where almost nothing has been reported concerning the horrors of Al Khiam, or for that matter, the war crimes the Israelis perpetrated against civilians in Lebanon, such as their summer-long, indiscriminate bombing-genocide in the city of Beirut in 1982.
If people knew the actual history of the Middle East they would appreciate that the slaughter transpiring in Gaza as I write these words is nothing new. Beirut suffered even more, yet it is almost all forgotten, in part because fabulously wealthy, sybaritic Arab sheikdoms which are capable of financing and building gleaming, state-of-the-art museums documenting Israeli crimes and kindling that memory for future generations, could not care less.
Prior to October 7, the Saudi Crown was eager to establish relations with the gang of Zionist mass murderers in Jerusalem. In most cases the Arab people have been reduced by their own rulers to the status of the wretched of the earth, tyrannized by vicious despots in Egypt, Bahrain, the UAE, and Saudi Arabia—enablers of the Israeli slaughterhouse.
Agents of Paralysis
The far-Right wing has been, since the 1970s, sold on the idea of a cataclysm right around the corner, which has relieved them of the responsibility to raise a large family (or support those who do so), organize churches and schools, and undertake the other unglamorous hard work that culture-bearing, family-oriented men and women pursued when America was the republic we yearn to restore. Fortunately, here in Idaho the reverse is true: latter-day pioneers with hope in their hearts are having three, four or more children, staying married and building a future for their posterity.
But why bother if World War III is imminent?
Delusions like that, sown by our enemies, are the alibi many of us seize on to drop out and engage in the pastime of sedentary consumption of screen-based media, whether televised or online [psychologists abbreviate it as TVSE].
In partnership with this phantasmagoria are the Tim LaHaye Dispensationalist, misnamed "evangelical Christians” who imagine that the Bible's prophecies of apocalypse have yet to be fulfilled, when in fact much of eschatological prophecy came about in 70 A.D. when the most formidable human army that ever marched destroyed the Temple at Jerusalem and that entire ungodly religious system, as Jesus had predicted to His generation (Matthew 24:34-35).
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