Thank you, Mr. Hoffman, for all your work. I am a law student in Dallas and am hoping to make precisely the types of changes in the world which you promote as the object of your studies- prosecution of America’s underground organized crime syndicate. I have a lot of learning to do yet, but the resources you provide are invaluable stepping stones into further inquiry. Pray for me, a sinner.

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I certainly will pray for you. It is hopeful news when young people aspire to leadership.

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Thank you for this intellectual treasure trove.

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Dear Mr. Hoffman,

I'd appreciate speaking, at your convenience, to discuss my company's development of Joseph Pearce's dramatic verse tapestry "Death Comes for the War Poets" as a live cinema storytelling innovation, which will be live-streamed from Péronne, France, in November.

Specifically, DCWP follows British War Poets Siegfried Sassoon and Wilfred Owen into the trenches of World War I, and then accompanies the actors who portray them onto the stone range of the present day, where each confronts hostile forces, personal demons, and the enduring Spirit of Death.

Our storytelling innovation will bring this poetic drama of sin, struggle, and transformation to life as a live cinema event — realized as a movie happening in real time.

Project teaser: https://www.manalivemediagroup.com/dcwp-teaser

Your insights (as a consultant on the project) would likely be of tremendous benefit to further strengthening several aspects of the framing of WWI. If this is of interest, kindly advise soonest how best to get on your calendar for a videoconference.

Thank you for your consideration; and Team Manalive wishes you continued success in your important work.


Douglas Dye

Co-Founder & CEO

Manalive Media Group


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Dear Mr. Dye

Thank you for the invitation. The website is impressive and I have been uplifted by some of the inspirational quotes (particularly from Sassoon and Eliot).

Before we proceed further, you may wish to run any potential participation in the project from this writer, past Mr. Pearce. I am not certain he would approve.

For further correspondence please use: Eisenmenger2007@me.com

Very truly,


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