Invigorated by Battle: An Interview with Michael Hoffman
A conversation with the scholar of magic, mind control and the revisionist history of the occult conspiracy
Interviewer: You have a radically different view of current events from most any dissenter—you see a complete breakdown of the human person, particularly in America, and the ability of that person to remember the crimes committed against them or their countrymen. You have hope for the future as well.
Michael Hoffman: The intent of the planned dissolution of what it means to be human is to induce in us a loss of hope. The further we are processed into dehumanization and bestialization the deeper we descend into hopelessness, which is followed by defeatism. To regain our humanity we should, as Ray Bresmer advised, “see what there is to celebrate even in the darkest penal hole.”
Interviewer: We’re in the precinct of psychological warfare.
Hoffman: Psychological warfare in its fuller meaning encompasses the manipulation of sexual repression by Mesmeric techniques, neuro-linguistic programming through Twilight Language command words, and the repeated success of the Cryptocracy in accomplishing extraordinary feats of criminal enterprise without prosecution, conviction or punishment.
In this Revelation of the Method era the people are allowed to become aware of what has been done to them; less is kept secret. They’re processed to gain the knowledge of their victimization. And when they fail to act meaningfully to campaign to bring the perpetrators to justice they are processed a second time. Their indifference or impotence in the face of the revelations is a major hit on their psyche and dignity. They sink further into numbness and a form of low self esteem that blinds them to their nobility as God’s image-bearing creatures.
Interviewer: You trace America’s head-spinning cultural and transformative sexual revolution to texts and methods put into play by the Rosicrucian Brotherhood 400 years ago. Can you prove it?
Hoffman: If there remains a reading public beyond a tiny sub-set of researchers, then I can give evidence of it. But what segment of the American population reads deeply and at length any more? I’m not alluding to romance novels.
Members of the conspiracy theory fraternity who contact me are seldom recommending that I read Finkelstein’s Gaza: An Inquest into Its Martyrdom, or Pappe’s A History of Modern Palestine, or State of Terror by Thomas Suarez. Rather they are advising I watch a “must-see, blockbuster video about the Israeli war on Palestine.”
In the realm of the occult they recommend “films streaming online” rather than the 670 pages of Meditations on the Tarot: A Journey into Christian Hermeticism, or the 408 pages of John Opsopaus’ of The Secret Texts of Hellenic Polytheism: A Practical Guide to the Restored Pagan Religion of George Gemistos Plethon (which confirms one of the central theses of The Occult Renaissance Church Rome); or even the 344 pages of Plato’s Persona by Denis J.J. Robichaud.
In every category of criminology and historiography the visual now takes precedence over the printed page among “truth campaigners” who claim to be part of the solution. If all of the visual material were first rate (a tiny handful of the films are indeed instructive), then an argument could be made for those videos being a necessary part of our education, rather than cheap escapism. The sharpest analysts and investigators I’ve encountered are mostly all deep readers capable of sustained concentration on texts.
Most of the conspiracy videos I have sat through as recommended to me are clickbait by “activists” one level above what James Shelby Downard termed “huckster witches.” The people selling us on their aversion to the Establishment and predictions of the Next Big war, apocalypse or “bombshell revelation,” are often shady characters or even outright crooks and con-men whose buncombe would be more obvious if it were written down and is less transparent when accompanied by a stream of visually seductive images not that different in occult technique from what the Cryptocracy peddles. Study the Cass Sunstein factor in evaluating these distractions and dead ends.
Interviewer: You’ve emphasized that some conspiracy theories represent covert ops associated with former Obama official Sunstein.
Hoffman: As Ron Unz observes: “…establishment forces may easily take advantage of such psychological weaknesses…the late Michael Collins Piper, a leading conspiracy-researcher, strongly suspected that many of the implausible conspiratorial theories he considered so damaging to his cause may have been seeded and promoted by pro-establishment operatives engaging in Cass Sunstein-type deceptions, protecting official lies by manipulating excitable activists into discrediting their entire community.
“This situation has played out on our own website. Last September we published a long 9/11 article by Laurent Guyénot, who has produced a series of useful and important works on that topic over the last decade. However, his latest piece drew upon very thin evidence to argue that the simultaneous attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon had actually been organized by entirely different groups of conspirators for entirely different reasons.
“I was even more dismayed to see him suggest that no actual planes had been hijacked nor had hit the World Trade Center, claims that I regarded with extreme skepticism. Unfortunately, this No Planes Hypothesis dominated much of the resulting discussion in the comments, which easily exceeded a half-million words. As it happens, I recently came across a short video taken by a visitor to New York City who was filming the first tower as it burned and then captured the second plane as it hit. The street scene and all the other details seem totally authentic to me and I would hope that the partisans of the No Planes Hypothesis will watch it and abandon their mistaken theories but I doubt that almost any of them will do so.
“Similarly, several weeks ago we published an article by Mark H. Gaffney. The first half of his presentation did a fine job of summarizing the implausibility of the official 9/11 narrative and described some of the strong evidence that military-grade explosives had been used to destroy the two towers in NYC.
“But in the second half, he then promoted the theory that the World Trade Center attacks had also involved fission-fusion nuclear blasts, a hypothesis I consider extremely implausible given the lack of any detectable radiation or noticeable large-scale explosions, and a longtime commenter who is a Stanford Physics Ph.D. was even more scathing in his criticism. Unfortunately, I have heard that this nuclear 9/11 theory has gradually become popular within some influential conservative and anti-establishment circles, and I wonder whether it has not been deliberately promoted by those who seek to make 9/11 Truthers look ridiculous” (end quote from Mr. Unz; italics added).
Interviewer: It seems Sunstein’s succeeded. Like the Sandy Hook denial which destroyed the operations of Alex Jones.
Hoffman: Here’s the line they seed: flat earth; no one died at Sandy Hook; Jeffrey Epstein was not actually assassinated; no one was killed in Uvalde, or at the Nashville Christian school, all the victims were “crisis actors.”
The useful idiots who promote that stuff may be so decayed in mind and spirit that Sunstein & hoc genus omne need not be involved or responsible. Watching the Zapurder film repeatedly slayed the mind of Freddy Prinze well before he put a gun to his head. As I wrote in Twilight Language most conspiracy theory is worse than useless. Many conspiracy theorists are among the most alchemically processed of all people. Ironic is too light a word to describe the perversity — the sad, pitiable tragedy of the processing of the anti-processors.
We’re focused too much on tactics and the misdirection that continues to frame the reaction to the occult Cryptocracy. We are little interested in origins. The Cryptocracy would not have been possible without the publication of four Rosicrucian texts issued in rapid succession, 1614-1617:
The Fama Fraternitatis; the Confessio Fraternitatis; The Chemical Wedding of Christian Rosenkreuz; and Atalanta Fugiens: Hoc Est Emblemata Nova De Secretis Naturae Chymica.
Some have likened them to the grimoires of medieval magical practice, though they more closely approximate our era’s prescriptive science fiction and inevitabilist Hollywood scripts that emanate from a directed Rosicrucian progression that helped to birth our 21st century psychopathology.
Almost exactly a century earlier the Epistolae Obscurorum Virorum (“Letters of Obscure Men”) were published with a view to mock and overcome an early 16th century movement inside the Catholic Church to counter the growing support in the Vatican hierarchy for the Kabbalism of Johannes Reuchlin and the late Pico della Mirandola. That conservative Catholic movement was defeated and Kabbalism achieved a permanent grip on the papacy. Epistolae Obscurorum Virorum, written by Catholic gentiles, stigmatized Catholic opposition to Kabbalism and Hermeticism as ignorant obstructionism.
Interviewer: What did the Rosicrucians signify by the words “Chemical Wedding”?
The “(Al)Chemical Rosenkreuz wedding” in the eponymous Rosicrucian manuscript, heralds the pharmacological science of our time, in which hormonal drugs are administered to chemically alter a man into a simulacra of a woman, or—as pictured in the alchemical engraving from emblem 33 of Atalanta Fugiens—a hermaphrodite.
These are signs of alchemical times, ritually propelled from Pharaonic Egypt forward. The bridge to the Egyptians was forged in the papal Renaissance under the rubric of Hermeticism and its legendary emissary “Hermes Trismegistus,” whose portrait inlay was engraved and venerated circa 1485, in the cathedral of Siena, Italy, in the Piazza del Duomo, bearing the inscription, “Take the letters and the laws of the Egyptians.”
The historian of science Antonella Gozzoli writes, “…the inlaid flooring illustrate(s) the story of man and the search for salvation. On entering the main door, worshippers are welcomed by the…figure of Hermes Trismegistus, symbolizing the approach to the divine sphere by traveling the road of wisdom…representing…the beginning of earthly knowledge which, at the same time, introduces one to sanctity…Hermes Trismegistus wears a white robe (symbol of the Revelation), and stands out against a black ground (symbol of non-knowledge). The chromatic solutions adopted are particularly fascinating as they refer to the alchemical symbology of colors.”
Interviewer: It looks like it was the Catholic Church that super-charged the occult and then lost control over it. I always thought the Catholic Church was anti-occult.
Hoffman: It was and is anti-occult, because the gospel is anti-occult. Consider what’s been at work. Examine the process of usurpation. As the Hermetic-Neoplatonic-Kabbalistic gnosis infiltrated and then gained firm purchase over the papacy, the Catholic Church was usurped by a new ecclesia, the Church of Rome. Since the priests and people wouldn’t stand for the replacement, the changes were almost, with the exception of the incremental permission for usury, confined to the top of the pyramid. The folks in the pews were free of it until the time for initiating the laity and the parish priests arrived some 500 years later.
Interviewer: In the 1960s.
Hoffman: In the ‘60s. Yes.
Interviewer: In The Occult Renaissance Church of Rome you claim they lost control over their own creature.
Interviewer: I didn't say “lost control.” At some level, the “Catholic” theology of Plethon, of Marsilio Ficino and Pico della Mirandola—the godfathers of what would morph into the Rosicrucian “reform”—its dissemination to the wider world, was planned. The infiltrators who ordered popes to murder Savonarola, gradually lift the restrictions on the renting of money; encouraged the publication by Catholics of the Talmud, and homage and devotion to Hermes and the Kabbalah, were not authentic Catholics. They detested the Church as it had existed for more than a thousand years; like Pope Francis and his cardinals who deplore and detest what’s left of it today.
The one dogma not subject to change over the course of this revolution was the dictatorship of the papacy, which is why Giordano Bruno was burned. There were many dozens of sorcerers and occultists freely at work within the Church when he was executed, all of whom recognized the claims of the papacy to supremacy. Bruno did not; that was his crime, not his occultism.
Freemasons were involved in campaigning for Pius IX’s promulgation of papal “infallibility.” The occult has, since the Renaissance, needed absolute obedience to the papacy in order to use that obedience to covertly steer the Church toward the point at which it arrived in the 21st century, after a long journey on the path of “Solve et coagula.”
Interviewer: One of the most shocking revelations in your book is the history of how Freemasonry, the occult and Rosicrucianism were originated within the Renaissance papal Church itself, emerging as rivals later.
Hoffman: Ford and Toyota are rivals; Apple competes against Microsoft. Note that the competition, however fierce, doesn’t subvert the goal of advancing the marketing of automobiles or computer technology. The battles between the Masons and the Church were not over the extirpation of the occult.
Just as in Freemasonry, in the Church of Rome certain occult beliefs and practices were untouchable. Leo XIII is advertised as “the anti-occult pope,” which is a case of false advertising. Leo left Kabbalism and usury unmolested, as did Pius X, the “anti-modernist pope.”
The Rosicrucian Brotherhood owes its provenance to its father, the Church of Rome. Like many young men, in its adolescence it rebelled against Daddy, but the apple never fell very far from the tree. From the Rosicrucians came Kabbalism-for-gentiles, otherwise known as the masonic lodge. They all have their origin in the Renaissance and post-Renaissance Church of Rome.
Interviewer: You’ve said we’re in the Revelation of the Method time; the end of secrets.
Hoffman: At some point in our lifetime a nearly complete end to secrets may come to pass. At present, it’s amazing enough that the mask has dropped from so many of the agent-identities and clandestine operations that previously, when people were fully human and likely to undertake retribution, were deeply hidden. We’re not yet at the point where we’re so utterly degenerate that the Cryptocracy can announce, “Hey everybody! We're going to mass murder your children at the Uvalde school tomorrow.” Some plans, some crimes, some strategy and tactics, remain hidden, while other criminals and their iniquity are intentionally made manifest to the public.
There remains a remnant of a secrets-keeping process necessary to the execution of policies that are against the will of some of the people who have not lost their minds. On the other hand, there is also an expansive body of revelation that is unprecedented, often along the lines of boldly revealing to us the nature of our leaders.
For example, Biden laughed when questioned about the murder of the Christians at the school in Nashville.
Pope Francis publicly honored Andreas Serrano, the unrepentant “artist” who notoriously submerged a crucifix in a vat of urine as an “artistic exhibit.”
On June 23 Serrano accepted a papal invitation to Michelangelo’s Sistine Chapel, where Pope Francis received him, grasped his hand, smiled, and bestowed upon him a “thumbs up” sign of encouragement.
Back on March 28, Mr. Biden was asked whether he agreed with the belief that the Christians at the school in Tennessee who were shot to death the day before, were specifically targeted due to their Christian identity. The bored and annoyed Biden impatiently replied to reporters on the White House South Lawn with the words, “I have no idea.”
When a reporter informed the president that Senator Josh Hawley (R-Missouri) believed that the shooting was in fact a hate crime against Christians, Biden retorted, “Well, I probably don’t (believe it) then.”
And then Biden laughed and remarked, “No, I'm joking.” He concluded by stating with casual indifference, “I have no idea.”
What the President was signaling was that he could not care less. It did not trouble him as to who in the nation knows that fact; it was not a subliminal message spoken in Twilight Language.
When a demonic individual openly reveals to us his true character and we fail to separate from him, withdraw all our energy and abominate and protest his iniquity, then we become a partner in the degeneracy and complicit in the evil. Millions of so-called “Catholics,” and Democrats are immoral degenerates on the basis of that litmus test.
Contrast that dead zone apathy with a human reaction from the pages of history. Aleister Crowley was an occult avatar of drug addiction, semen and menstrual fluid drinking (to summon “entities”), and British Intelligence. He was a flamboyant exponent of the Enochian sorcery of Queen Elizabeth I’s astrologer royal, Dr. John Dee, and the Satanism of Thelema, which he formed into the OTO, one of the most influential secret societies of the 20th century, which at its core is a Tantric magica sexualis cult with rites much too disgusting to further elaborate in a public forum like this.
In 1924 Crowley attended a weekend seminar hosted by the mystic G.I. Gurdjieff, himself an enigmatic character, in France, in Fontainebleau. James Webb recounts the confrontation in his book, The Harmonious Circle:
“Crowley arrived for a whole weekend and spent the time like any other visitor to the Prieure; being shown the grounds and the activities in progress, listening to Gurdjieff’s music and his oracular conversation….Gurdjieff treated him like any other guest until the evening of Crowley’s departure. After dinner on Sunday night, Gurdjieff led the way out of the dining room with Crowley, followed by the body of pupils who had also been at the meal. Crowley made his way toward the door and turned to take his leave of Gurdjieff, who by this time was some way up the stairs to the second floor. ‘Mister, you go?’ Gurdjieff inquired. Crowley assented. ‘You have been guest?’ – a fact which the visitor could hardly deny. ‘Now you go, you are no longer guest?”
(Mr. Webb is demonstrating that Gurdjieff, with his formal observance of Old World courtesy, sought to establish that Crowley was departing his home, and was no longer owed the courtesy of a guest):
“Crowley…indicated that he was on his way back to Paris…Gurdjieff, having made the point that he was not violating the canons of hospitality, changed on the instant into the embodiment of righteous anger: ‘You filthy,’ he stormed, ‘you dirty inside! Never again you set foot in my house!’ Gurdjieff worked himself into a rage which transfixed his watching pupils. Crowley was stigmatized as the sewer of creation, was taken apart and trodden into the mire.”
This anecdote illustrates the reaction of a real mensch when in the presence of the personification of evil, whether that person is Joe Biden, the Pope of Rome or Aleister Crowley.
Interviewer: This is the soul-destroying apathy. Depraved indifference from people who see themselves as good Catholics or good humanitarian Democrats. It’s like we’re waiting for a cue to be told who to confront and denounce, like the cops condemned after the death of George Floyd. When we get the cue we’re not afraid to speak out.
Hoffman: We spew our revulsion without timidity when directed to do so by our moral superiors, or rather I should say, those who imagine they possess that exalted status.
Interviewer: What’s your next foray into occult studies?
Hoffman: I’m finished.
Interviewer: What do you mean?
Hoffman: I’ve done my best, since King-Kill/33 appeared in 1977 and Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare was published in 2001, to put forth the strongest possible psychic self-defense that I am capable of offering by the grace of Jesus. I hope people find it of value and that it will someday soon be allowed to be advertised, discussed and built upon by other writers. I’ve also written occult studies that were published in issues of Revisionist History newsletter and in my books Twilight Language and The Occult Renaissance, as well as on podcasts and in this column. That’s a fairly substantial body of work. It constitutes the sum total of my studies on magic and mind control. It “says it all,” for the time being.
One issue for me is the difference between writing about the occult in my book on the The Occult Renaissance and writing about the far-out dimensions of sorcery in Twilight Language, and Secret Societies, and other studies in the latter genre. There is an element of intuition involved, which academics reject. They insist on the empirical alone, which is understandable, and to which I confine myself in books such as The Occult Renaissance.
Endeavoring, in various interviews, to explain the concepts in Twilight Language, which was published in 2021, has occasionally been like trying to nail jello to the wall. In occult studies it seems to me that some people are predestined to know and understand, and others are not.
It’s a chore for me to attempt to elucidate occult control mechanisms of an esoteric nature and their action in contemporary current events. The process is more amenable to poetry and novels than historiography; the duty of enhancing people’s comprehension of occult praxis is an arduous one; so much of it is centered around evanescent phenomenon that people find the study of abstruse and impenetrable.
Thanks to my supporters I’ve been given the luxury of returning to the writing of empirical history. My next published work will hopefully be a textbook, “The Ruling Class War on Poor and Working Class Whites.” It’s a huge project.
Interviewer: Are you quitting your studies of the esoteric side of Judaism?
Hoffman: No. That’s a separate matter, at least in one respect. Conspiracy studies in my opinion are above all about processing knowledge—how it is fed to us or how we find it for ourselves, how we accept it, and what we do with it. I see the task of teaching the epistemological nature of the weapons arrayed against us as being distinct from the higher pursuit of Biblical truth, the gospel’s salvation message and the glorification of the names of Yahweh and Jesus according to Romans 9:17, and Psalm 118:26: “Benedictus qui venit in nomine Domini.”
Interviewer: What's the significance of that to you?
Hoffman: When linked to the Divine Will it signifies power on earth, and in heaven, and in every corner of the universe. A power compared to which the mightiest Satanism is the shabbiest junk science.
Interviewer: You feel you’re blessed then because you “come in the name of the Lord”?
Hoffman: Any Christian who does so in accord with the will of Jesus Christ, as detailed in the Bible — in that case, absolutely yes, everyone who sanctities His holy name or that of His Father Yahweh, is abundantly blessed. Romans 9:17: “For this very purpose have I raised you up, that I may show my power in you, and that my name may be declared in all the Earth.”
Interviewer: And those who use the name of Jesus to make money or promote their own ego or to serve the occult, then what?
Hoffman: They are engaged in the profanation of the Holy Name of Jesus, which is the same as profaning the name of YHWH (God, Yahweh). I will quote to you from my study, Tetragrammaton Magic, p. 14:
“The name of God’s Son is Yehoshua, which denotes “YHWH is salvation.” The shortened form is Yeshua (“He will save”). In old “Middle English” it was translated Iesu. Should we suppress the name Jesus because it is an English language derivation of Yehoshua? Most of us would consider the proposition petty quibbling and gnat-straining (Matt. 23:24). There are no grounds for banning the use of either Yehoshua, Yeshu or Iesu (the latter became “Jesus” in the 1600s).
“Moreover, ‘Jesus’ is not a title, like LORD. Jesus is the English name of the Son of God, sourced from His Hebrew name, Yehoshua.
“We are not splitting hairs. The crux of my concern and the central point of my study is obedience to what YHWH has commanded, translated in good faith in the most accurate form possible. The rebellion that nullifies Exodus 3:15, Isaiah 42:8 and 52:6 has led to the nullification of God’s other commands.”
Moses asks God to show forth His glory. And in Exodus 33:19, God utters His personal name in reply: ‘I will make all my goodness pass before you and I will proclaim my name Yahweh before you.” The way to experience God’s glory is to see and hear His name adored and glorified. To know the name Yahweh is to know God Himself. He reveals Himself by speaking His name.
Interviewer: How does this relate specifically to Judaism?
Talmudism is the profanation of the name of God; “chillul hashem” to borrow a phrase from the Talmudists’ lexicon. In the Mishnah and Gemara—their holiest books—they propound a universe of falsehoods. Orthodox Talmudism teaches that the God of Israel gave Moses a series of oral laws: תּוֹרָה שֶׁבְּעַל־פֶּה [Torah sheBeal peh], in addition to the written תור שבכתב (Torah Shebich tav).
When the Talmudists announce that they are “Torah true” they are stating that they are true to the spurious oral law of their own imaginations, of a pagan derivation. They teach that there is no greater threat “than the denial of the oral law given to Moses on Sinai.” Talmudism is entirely different from and inimical to the Bible, though it cloaks itself in Hebrew names and feigned allegiance to the Old Testament.
Their misuse of the Biblical term “Torah” is one example of the deception contrived to confuse, first and foremost, Judaic people. The main victims of Rabbinic Judaism are the Jews.
Interviewer: In what way?
Hoffman: Only anti-Semites would render synonymous the holy name “Jew” with the Zionist nation that has ethnically cleansed and dispossessed the Palestinian natives. The Zionist government is not “the Jewish state.” It is not Biblical Israel.
No Jew is saved by studying the halacha (law) concocted by the rabbis in the Talmud Bavli, but that’s what the yeshiva education system is predicated upon: decreeing the sacred books of Talmudism as of supreme value for salvation, while the Messiah of Israel is degraded as “Yeshu haNotzri: Yimakh shemo ve zikhro” (“Jesus the Christian, may his name and memory be obliterated”).
Interviewer: You’re forgetting that people have argued equally strongly that Christianity is a fable.
Hoffman: You can turn the tables, sure. The problem with your argument however, is that Talmudism is a protected theology surrounded by layers of media gate-keepers and NGO thought police. As a result, people know almost next to nothing substantial about the errors and insanity of the Talmud, whereas mockery and denunciation of the gospel of Jesus Christ is a growth industry at the major universities, television stations and legacy newspapers. There’s no comparison.
Lest we forget, history teaches that Judaic people were compelled to accept the religion of the oral law. The supreme law giver in Ashekenazi Judaism, the medieval Rabbi Moses Maimonides, the “Rambam,” decreed that a Jew who says the oral law is not of divine origin can be put to death by any fellow Jew. There is no need for witnesses, a warning, or judges in order for such freethinkers to be killed —and whoever kills the dissenter receives a a blessing for having removed an impediment from the people.
The New York Times is shameless with regard to not only the hate speech but the disgusting filth and insanity in the Talmud. Chuck Provan, my late partner and colleague in the study of the Talmud, would often joke that the authors of the Talmud must have been smoking some very potent hash.
Interviewer: The product of sick minds.
Hoffman: No, sir, the Talmud is the product of demonically possessed minds.
Interviewer: I’ll bet if the ADL reports this interview that’ll be their headline, “Anti-Semite Claims Jews Demonically Possessed.”
Hoffman: Jews are not demonically possessed, but some adherents of the Talmud are. The ADL doesn’t report all the facts in context and permit their readers to draw their own conclusions. They suppress any moderate, qualifying or charitable statements I make, thereby eliminating the context in which I articulate my controversial views.
Interviewer: Are you ever tempted to self-censor in order to keep yourself from being canceled?
Hoffman: I believe in the advancement of knowledge as the scholar’s mission. Look at how the Islamic Quran is freely traduced and denigrated by Neocon and Right wing media empires. There are many dozens of books accusing the Quran of every type of hatred, terrorism and primitive barbarism, but if I say a word critical of the Talmud I’m an evil “anti-Semite,” even though the Talmud is responsible for the oppression of hundreds of thousands of semites whose lives are micromanaged and debased by it. Double standards are infuriating; even more exasperating is the cowardice that enables them.
Interviewer: A couple of lines that say terrible, disgusting things probably should not result in the discrediting of all the books of the Talmud.
Hoffman: A couple of lines? Have you got a couple of hours? The Talmud decrees Jesus is in hell boiling in excrement. It studies to determine how many glasses of wine it will take to cause a woman to have sex with a jackass in the public market. The Talmud seeks to ascertain whether a Jewish priest should be permitted to marry a 12-year-old girl who has been sodomized by a dog. The Talmud studies to determine what should be done with a baby who has been eaten by a wolf and then appears alive in the wolf’s excrement. The Talmud anticipates the question of when a man wishes to sanctify his wife with ox excrement, may he use excrement from an ox owned by a gentile.
Might it be at least a tad permissible for researchers and sleuths to question the lucidity of this holy book and investigate its premises and theology for the sake of the advancement of knowledge? Must a scholar seek permission from the ADL before undertaking a critical study ?
Every frum (“observant” of the halacha) Orthodox Judaic person is micro-managed, down to the most intimate particulars of his or her daily life. The Talmud is the very spirit of bureaucratic regulation and micromanagement. Gedolim, poskim and the other prodigiously energetic legal authorities of Orthodox Talmudism, clarify, modify, squabble and split hairs over puerile trivia, such as whether a Jew may go to sleep while wearing shoes.
The answer, by the way, is no, because wearing shoes while sleeping is “a taste of death,” according to Yoma 78b. However, if the shoes are to be worn during a brief nap, it could be allowed, as specified in Lekutei Maharich Tefillas NB’H, p. 107. What happens if during his supposedly short nap the Judaic person oversleeps? The response to that requisite question is found in another dozen rabbinic sources.
There are hundreds of rules supervising kashrut, (kosher food and drink), and many hundreds of laws severely governing women’s gynecological cycles—the Halachos of Niddah. There are dozens of rules on how to go to the bathroom in a “holy way.” Rabbinic Judaism’s oppression of the individual Jew is unending. As Jesus declared in Matthew 23:4, “They bind with heavy burdens...”
Talmudism is comprised of a universe of lawyers who bear the name rabbi. It’s the domain of a theocratic bureaucracy so overgrown with laws, regulations, stipulations and minutiae that it makes the Circumlocution Office in Charles Dickens’ Little Dorrit, look like a libertarian picnic in comparison, yet the Conservative movement in the U.S. is increasingly advised to turn to the followers of the Talmud for guidance on how to interpret our Constitution and fend off intrusive bureaucracy.
My work is in defense of semites. If more people were acquainted with the contents of the uncensored Talmud and its successive halachic sacred volumes, they too would discern that freedom from the Talmud is a source of liberation for Jews.
A major reason Hitler was led to target, extrude and kill one of Germany’s most significant human resources—the highly educated, advanced, mostly non-Talmudic German-Jewish population—was in obeisance to a deep cover occult dogma. In one of the unsung obscenities of our time, two of the world’s leading Talmudic rabbis have approvingly described Hitler as an “avenging angel” sent to punish the Jews who spurned the Talmud. What is more anti-Semitic than that?
Interviewer: Do you believe that we in the West continue to have freedom of speech?
Hofffman: To a point, and for which we should be grateful. Be grateful for blessings so that you may receive more. This interview would not be published and read by thousands of people if you and I did not have a degree of freedom of speech.
Interviewer: A rapidly diminishing degree.
Hofffman: That’s the position of a person exhausted by battle. There’s a war underway for the First Amendment. Let’s win it! We have had victory in some of the skirmishes of this war. The Department of Homeland Security has had to retire its proposed Orwellian “Disinformation” board. The revelation of the government role as revealed in the Twitter files, in interdicting the speech of COVID dissenters on social media, has been a significant setback for the censorship machine. Furthermore, courts are ruling the Biden administration must cease its meddling in online speech.
Naturally, the Enemy will come back at us with new initiatives for limits on speech and writing. So what? That’s the nature of ideological war. It’s what our ancestors waged to procure for us the rights of liberty bequeathed by the Magna Carta and the U.S. Constitution. Enervated weaklings view these struggles as in themselves a sign of the End, of Doom and eclipse. No, not all. It’s a war. You win some and lose some, but you never surrender. You’re invigorated by battle.
We call on the Almighty for grace and guidance so that we do not succumb to the demonic temptation to hate our enemy; we detest only the transgressions of the enemy. Christianity is nothing if it is not an acknowledgment of the power of Jesus Christ to convert the most wicked among us. Saul the vicious persecutor of Christians becomes Saint Paul the apostle.
In the whole Bible you will not find any prophet or king who gained the most extraordinary view on earth as it was bestowed on a lowlife thief — the thief who hung on a cross next to the Son of God—the repentant criminal to whom Jesus Christ said, “This day you will be with me in paradise.”
That’s the counter-intuitive, invincible power of true Christianity. That’s our advantage over Satan and his hundreds of millions of followers. We love our enemies and seek to convert them. There are enemies today who will be our allies tomorrow; a fact that haunts the Cryptocracy.
Interviewer: You’ve often have said that the Cryptocracy lives in fear.
Hoffman: They are in fear. They serve Satan, their betrayer; that’s a rather major source of trepidation. They fear the renewal of our humanity. They fear the appearance of another Roman General Titus who cosmically clobbered their system in 70 A.D.; another Francis of Assisi, the hammer of the Money Power, another Anthony of Padua, the hammer of usurers; another Thomas Jefferson, Ezra Pound, John F. Kennedy.
The millions of fathers who stay loyal to their wives—fathers who remain sober, who go to work every day as honest carpenters, plumbers and truck drivers to feed their families and educate their children in the knowledge and love of the Lord—perhaps the Cryptocracy fears those men, and the women who stand with them, most of all.
Copyright©2023 by Independent History and Research, Coeur d’Alene, Idaho 83816-0849
For the Advancement of Knowledge contra Cancel Culture
Michael Hoffman is a former reporter for the New York bureau of the Associated Press and the author of ten books of history and literature including Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare (2001), The Occult Renaissance Church of Rome (2017) , Twilight Language (2021), six other books published in the United States, as well as overseas in Japanese and French translation; and 122 issues of Revisionist History® newsletter, 1997-2022. He is among the most censored, suppressed and targeted historians at work in America today. His truth mission is made possible by donations, voluntary fees from Substack subscribers, and the sale of his books, newsletters and recordings.
For Further Research
Exploring Revisionist History’s Heretical Mission
Exceptionally fascinating interview Michael - thank you for posting. May I ask which version of the Bible you consider most true to the Word? I feel like I've seen you mention the 1611 King James Bible previously but I thought I'd clarify first. Will look forward to your next book on the War on Working Class Whites.
Very interesting. I appreciate the hopefulness that accompanies the encouragement of continuing to fight a righteous battle not yet lost and perhaps won't be for a long while. That would be nice.
Who led the Q&A in this interview? Is it a real person or a self-conducted query/response?