Exceptionally fascinating interview Michael - thank you for posting. May I ask which version of the Bible you consider most true to the Word? I feel like I've seen you mention the 1611 King James Bible previously but I thought I'd clarify first. Will look forward to your next book on the War on Working Class Whites.

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Dear Smoke Signals

The battle over which is the most accurate English version of the Bible is an intense one which generates enormous ill-will and hostility. I use a number of versions, and we published, in a modern typeset font with modern spelling, the original 1582 Rheims New Testament (which is of interest both as having been a banned book in Elizabethan times, as well as being a slavish English translation of Jerome's Latin Vulgate). N.T. Wright's English translation of the New Testament is due to be published next month.

It troubles me when God's personal name Yahweh is omitted and printed as LORD in many otherwise useful translations. On the other hand, some versions that contain His name are mediocre or stilted in most every other respect.

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Hello Michael

Thank you for your considered response. I appreciate your insights and you taking the time to answer. I will gladly be ordering the Rheims New Testament from your website as well as the upcoming English translation by N.T. Wright. Thank you again for all that you do.

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Very interesting. I appreciate the hopefulness that accompanies the encouragement of continuing to fight a righteous battle not yet lost and perhaps won't be for a long while. That would be nice.

Who led the Q&A in this interview? Is it a real person or a self-conducted query/response?

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Michael, your self-conducted interview device is ingenious, innovative and insightful. Your posts, especially the last two, comprehensively explicate your positions and are better than any university education on the subjects of those posts.

You rightly state that their have been setbacks for the cryptocracy and that we should be invigorated for battle. But in a twitter (X) post you compared Jack Smith to Stalin's Soviet prosecutor Andrey Vyshinsky and Robespierre. Having read Victor Sebestyen's excellent and magisterial "Lenin" (1-see note), I conclude that there is no way you can compare anyone connected to the Biden administration to early Soviet times (not yet, anyway, and hopefully never.)

In Vince Palamara's "Honest Answers" about the JFK assassination, former secret service agents speak of JFK's numerous and very public sexual "trysts". I find it funny that you write "The millions of fathers who stay loyal to their wives..." right after mentioning JFK.

The "...This day you will be with me in paradise” quote of Jesus leads me to wish you will do a future post on Bento/Benedictus Spinoza's (and Albert Einstein's) theological views. (See the book "Spinoza" by Steven Nadler.) (2-see note).

Finally, you wrote "Church Provan", instead of "Charles Provan" or "church scholar Charles Provan".

1-Sebestyan's "Lenin" covers everything about Lenin until Lenin's death in January 1924 and the cult surrounding Lenin's embalmed corpse. Thus, the book does not have information about Vyshinsky's career. ((A future cult concerning Biden's corpse would be redundant). Sebestyan gives all the names and information about everyone involved in the murders of Tsar Nicholas II and his family, but he lets the reader draw the conclusions as to the ethnicities of those behind the planning, coordination and management of the murders, so as not to be accused of "anti-Semitism".

2-Steven Nadler's "Spinoza" is excellent, except it has absolutely nothing on the enslavement of Africans that some Sephardic Judaics of Amsterdam, Portugal, Brazil and the Netherlands Antilles were so heavily involved in. It would have been interesting to know Spinoza's views on the slave trade.

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Dear Arnold

John F. Kennedy failed his duty to his wife in many respects. From what I have read after she suffered a miscarriage he ended his adulteries and endeavored to be a true husband to her.

Substack's automated spell check changed Mr. Provan's name from Chuck to Church. We fixed that on our Substack column's webpage as soon as we spotted it, but after the column was e-mailed.

Spinoza was placed under a "cherem" (spell check is trying to spell it "charm"), by his local synagogue. A cherem is a formal curse. His post synagogue views are so in extremis heterordox that they are, for me at least, nearly Delphic. About his courage however, there can be no two opinions.

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Hi Mr. Hoffman, you said in this great interview that "freemasons were involved in campaigning for Pius IX’s promulgation of papal “infallibility.” I was wondering if you believe the dogma was then invalid, or do you still consider it a valid dogma, though with this bad influence behind it? Thanks for all your work.

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Dear Mr. Caldas

When examining any doctrine we must ask if it adheres to what the Church has always taught "everywhere, always and to everyone" ("ubique, semper, et ab omnibus"), otherwise it a modernist innovation or an invasion of situation ethics.

Did the Church always teach that when the bishop of Rome (pontiff) declares a theological point to be absolutely true, and does so ex cathedra (from the chair or throne of his office), he is "infallible" i.e. incapable of error? Was St. Peter "infallible"? (Galatians 2:11).

Rev. Fr. Ignaz Dollinger prophetically wrote in the wake of Vatican I, terming the Council’s papal infallibility doctrine, “a revolution.” He stated that Pius IX had initiated a new “Vatican Church” that stood in contrast to the “One Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church as set forth in the ancient creeds.”

This illustrious priest-scholar, regarded as one of the foremost Catholic historians of the age, was excommunicated in 1871. He offered his final High Mass on Easter Sunday, April 9, 1871 in Munich at Ludwig II’s Royal Chapel, after which he was refused the sacraments and all right to offer them, having “incurred” excommunicatio major. A cleric so labeled has been effectively handed over to Satan for disposal.

This was an example of true Catholicism being suppressed by the usurper Church of Rome. John Henry Cardinal Newman termed Dollinger’s excommunication a “cruel trial” and wrote to him as follows: “I am sure you must have many hearts, feeling and praying for you and astonished that so true a servant and son of the Catholic Church should be so tried.” (Howard, The Pope and the Professor, p. 174).

Newman’s 1874 treatise on on the inviolable rights of one’s conscience, "Letter to His Grace the Duke of Norfolk," -- “offered implicit support to Dollinger’s defiance that would appear to contravene some of Newman’s more explicit comments on Dollinger’s situation.” (Howard, p. 206).

There is more on this subject in my books, "Usury in Christendom: The Mortal Sin that Was and Now is Not;" and "The Occult Renaissance Church of Rome," as well as "Revisionist History®" issue no. 103.

Michael Hoffman


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Bravo! So proudly you hit the bullseye onto what is left of man. Wonderful, and much needed for me.

How many times do the Bible scriptures tell us to be not afraid?


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In your last newsletter (Issue 3 Autumn 2023), page 7, you stated: "Two books, "The Occult Renaissance Church of Rome" and "Usury in Christendom, The Mortal sin that Was an Now is Not", are the keys to unraveling this mystery of iniquity". I've read these books two times and many sections multiple times. I continue to read them and each time more is revealed. Truth really is beautiful to behold. Thank you Michael.

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Dear David

I’m grateful for your kind remarks.

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—Michael— I so wanted to post this comment, and have thought I went through the hoops, but it won’t post!! Sometimes certain questions seem terribly urgent! We are in such times, and if there is to be a breakthrough of the soul, I feel it will come from your work! Thank you—Kate


Concerning “absolute obedience to the papacy” and the “process of usurpation”: now, of course, we have absolute obedience to The Science. Isaac Newton—I wonder whether it is generally known that he hid a chest filled with the writings of Hermeticism in the attics of the Royal Society, discovered by John Maynard Keynes, another great hoodwinker, early in the 20th c. (Revealed on purpose?)

Occultism lies at the heart of our (lying) science, and medicine—the pharmakos—ruled by big pharma and the money power...

And speaking of usurpations in our language and thoughts: what has happened to the soul to soul conversations we used to have with each other, family and friends, replaced now by slogans, fixed ideas, legalisms, psychologisms, within the ever-changing p.c. All the “predictive speech” and command words, the neurolinguistic programming, because instead of souls now we have nervous systems.

These are just a woman’s wonderings as I wander through the fields of explosive thought given to us by Michael Hoffman’s extraordinary work. To quote Nadezhda Mandelstam, whose poet husband was liquidated by Stalin for his free use of language, “we are not woodchips on a rushing stream.” We are still human beings, if we can but just learn to read what Michael puts before us, by the grace of God.

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Hello Kate

I'm not sure why your comment did not appear here, but we have published it for you.

When referring to the perils and egomania of technicians, whether medical, pharmaceutical, genetic, chemical, atomic or cosmological, it is useful to employ the word "scientism" which is perhaps “le mot juste” in this case, in order to distinguish scientism’s abuse of "scientia" (knowledge), which is the root of the word science.

Cancel Culture doesn't regard the advancement of scientia as a prime mission of human beings, second only to loving our Creator and our neighbors. However much a knowledge-practitioner (scientist) advances knowledge, she or he will be deplatformed if their discovery undercuts the dogma of the gatekeepers.

Concerning the extraordinarily unnatural and psychotic state of the Western world (you mention some of its symptoms), the followers of Jesus should be at peace in mind and spirit. Let's re-read Exodus from chapter 3 to 16 with a new awareness. I will be giving a talk about this which will be broadcast on our podcast soon. In this brief space:

Look at Pharaoh in Exodus. Consider the ten terrible plagues that befell Egypt, each worse than the preceding catastrophe which Yahweh visited upon the Pharaonic kingdom. One might suggest that these are analogous to the plagues America and the West are undergoing. Many of us can't comprehend how Joe Biden in the White House, Newsom in California, Pritzker in Illinois, Trudeau in Canada, and the leaders of Britain, Ireland and Scotland can continue enabling the war against human genetic nature, the war against poor and working class white people, the war against natural agriculture, the war against honest money and lending, the war against the Palestinians...

May I suggest the likelihood that Biden, Newsom, Pritzker, Trudeau etc. are all types of pharaoh? Exodus 4:21 repeated at 7:3-4: "I will, harden Pharaoh's heart, and although I will multiply my signs and wonders in the land of Egypt, Pharaoh will not listen…"

What if, as in Exodus, it is the sovereign will of God that these latter-day pharaohs of the 21st century will not release God's people from slavery until they (the pharaohs of the West) are nearly utterly destroyed?

Yahweh re-states His awesome judgment repeatedly (Exodus 8:15, 8:19, 8:32, 9:7, 9:12, 9:35, etc.). God reiterates his Exodus 7 declaration in 10:1: "I have hardened his (Pharaoh's) heart, and those of his servants in order to display these signs of mine before him."

Not even the very real science (sorcery) which the high priests of Egypt indeed possessed (Exodus 7: 11, 22; 8:7) availed them.

Hence, we observe the Cryptocracy’s sorcerers in the 21st century employing genuinely potent mind control techniques involving the manipulation of symbolic words, number and images, as well as a medical scientism which can fashion genetically engineered "food" as well as a simulacra of genetically modified gendered-humans. Collectively grouped under the rubric of science and we observe authentic power on earth which the masters of Egyptian magic also possessed. The aforementioned plagues are visited on the "Egyptian" West and Biden and company can't change, even if they wanted to because it is God Himself who has "hardened their hearts."

Therefore, we ought to be at peace as we witness the drama of our salvation enacted. Satan is not in control. Biden is not in control. The UN is not in control and neither is Bill Gates, nor any politician or billionaire you can name.

Yahweh is in control, may His name be glorified!

Romans 9:18: "The Lord has mercy on whomever he chooses, and He hardens the heart of whomever he chooses."

He is sovereign.

His plan, His divine "conspiracy" is unfolding on schedule. The New Testament is our road map to discover how we can be a part of the fulfillment of His Will on earth.

Be at peace, dear Kate.

Michael Hoffman


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Yes, yes, God bless you and thank you. Mitya (Dmitri) Karamazov (means black earth) was sacrificed to truth (innocent but convicted of the crime of parricide), and he went with love and joy and complete trust. Our Lord Jesus Christ is sovereign.

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Dear Mr. Hoffman,

In the link below is an article where a mass shooting survivor claims to have been shot in the back 7 times with an AR 15 firing .223 cal. high velocity rounds. He then scaled a fence and ran for safety. The claim is patently ridiculous. There are other equally preposterous claims in other spectacular crimes you write about. I find it worrisome that you appear to accept stories such as the one I link to below at face value.

Col. Fletcher Prouty in chapter 3 of his book JFK: The CIA, Vietnam, and the Plot to Assassinate John F. Kennedy (available online at archive.org) goes into detail how the intelligence services stage fake terror attacks and fake shootings as Psychological Operations (PSYOPs) in Psychological Warfare. Indeed, he states the bulk of the Cold War consisted of both sides using just such operations on a daily basis with news outlets dutifully reporting them as fact. Are the intelligence agencies no longer using PSYOPs in pursuit of their objectives?

With all due respect, sir, I do not know what to conclude regarding your apparent gullibility in this matter.




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Dear Willard,

Despite your disagreement with me, I appreciate the civility in which you express it.

I’m not sure I understand your question. In my books “twilight language” and “secret societies and psychological warfare” I study and deconstruct several mass shootings that were occult psychological warfare operations.

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Dear Mr. Hoffman,

Thank you for you prompt response. I am sorry for the confusion. I am afraid I have been chary in my approach to this topic and may have been too circumspect.

Club Q survivor Barret Hudson claims to have been shot in the back 7 times with high velocity .223 rounds. He then claims he scaled a 12-foot fence and ran a quarter of mile to a 7/11 after leaping off the ledge of a parking garage.



Mr. Hoffman, how can you not be skeptical of such a claim?

Consider the equally preposterous story of Norman Casiano of Pulse Nightclub fame, shot 4 times in the back (later changed to 2x) only to be released from the hospital, in his words "noonish" the next day. Impossible.

Again, I mean no effrontery in repeating the question Mr. Hoffman, but how can you not be skeptical of such claims?

Edgar Allan Poe's famous aphorism of ratiocination-the truth is what remains after the impossible has been determined — no matter how improbable that truth may seem. (see "The Murders in the Rue Morgue") applies here.

What truth is left over once the impossible has been dismissed? Well… if we can agree that it is impossible to for Mr. Hudson to performed the feat he describes then why create such a phony story if the event were real?

Falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus.

The concern I have Mr. Hoffman is that in your writings on occult PSYOPs, you operate with the premise that people were actually killed in these events. At the risk of losing my audience, I would assert, (with a few exceptions) it is unlikely anyone is killed in the spectacular crimes you write about. Rather, what we are witnessing are Psychological Operations that Flecher Prouty describes in his aforementioned book. Indeed, in chapter 3 "The Invisible War', he goes into great detail about how none other than General Edward Lansdale did this exact thing in the 1950s in the Philippines. The very Edward Landale allegedly photographed at Dealy Plaza. (https://steemit.com/jfk/@popeye-dtrh/e3r6kxah)

While I do not deny the PSYOPs' sorcerous effects, and while the psychological devastation rendered on the targeted population can not be overstated, I am skeptical about the reality of people being killed. Baudrillard's Simulacres et Simulation does have real-world effects. However, like Rumpelstiltskin, once you can identify what it you are seeing, the spell is broken.



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Dear Willard

I don't understand how the existence of reports of some victims having improbable or non-existent wounds supposedly negates the wounds and death of the victims of an entire massacre.

You wrote:

"Club Q survivor Barret Hudson claims to have been shot in the back 7 times with high velocity .223 rounds. He then claims to have scaled a 12-foot fence and run a quarter of mile...

...Norman Casiano of Pulse Nightclub fame, shot 4 times in the back (later changed to 2x) only to be released from the hospital, in his words "noonish" the next day. Impossible."

There may indeed be anomalies with two of the people reported as victims. However, by what leap of logic do you extrapolate from them the claim that ALL of the reported victims and deaths in those tragedies are fake?

How well did that notion hold up in court concerning what Alex Jones recklessly asserted about Sandy Hook? The dead kids were crisis actors? The grieving parents were too?

On a foundation of the sand, of flimsy speculations, you wave a wand and by invoking Poe, Baudrillard's Simulacres et Simulation and Rumplestilskin something is supposed to be proved. What?

The victims at the Las Vegas Harvest 91 massacre are fakes and all the hundreds of witnesses, survivors and relatives?

The little girls killed by the Double Initial strangler aren't dead?

The women killed by the Son of Sam cult are alive? Michael Carr is alive? John Wheat Carr is alive?

The Uvalde school children are all alive and hidden somewhere? Their parents who were wracked with grief actually deserve the Academy Award? The six Christians in Nashville murdered by the trans shooter are on a beach in Bali? Their classmates and parents are all liars? Where do these malicious fantasies end?

You wrote:

" I would assert, (with a few exceptions) it is unlikely anyone is killed in the spectacular crimes you write about. Rather, what we are witnessing are Psychological Operations that Flecher Prouty describes in his aforementioned book. Indeed, in chapter 3 "The Invisible War', he goes into great detail..."

I am fascinated by the psychology -- that you have chosen to believe that the Cryptocracy annually recruits many hundreds of children, adults, parents, neighbors, bystanders into faking national tragedies and year after year all the actors and impersonators maintain strict silence and relocate to some distant fantasy island for the remainder of their lives with no trace of their existence detectable.

And this palimpsest of secrecy is never shattered or violated, and contrary to human nature, all of the perps, accomplices and enablers involved, numbering in the thousands, never squeal, inform or break their silence.

Where were the wizards of this hypnotic belief when Alex Jones needed them for his legal defense?

All the hucksters and scribblers ran for cover when they knew that lawsuits were in the offing and they might have to prove in a court of law their claim that no one died at Sandy Hook, instead of merely bloviating from a podcast bully pulpit.

Denials like the ones that have seduced you can only gain cachet in the alchemical cauldron of century 21's Black Jack dissolution of what it means to reason and attain one's full humanity.

Michael Hoffman


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Frankly Mr. Hoffman, I was not at any of the events you described nor do I know any of people involved so I do not know what happened. I did say there were exceptions. I did not wish you any ill will. Nevertheless, I can not reason with someone who believes Alex Jones is who he says he is.

God Bless.


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Hello Mr. Hoffman,

At the risk of beating a dead horse, I feel compelled to share this news report regarding the Perry high school shooting. In the link below, @:55 second mark the reporter states that a fifteen year old victim had 21 gunshot wounds with one bullet traversing the lungs and “… narrowly missing the spine. “


A fifteen year old youth shot 21 times and still alive? Pretty far fetched if you ask me.

You write “I don't understand how the existence of reports of some victims having improbable or non-existent wounds supposedly negates the wounds and death of the victims of an entire massacre.” Perhaps you have a point.

However, consider the first photo in the following link from the Aurora theater shooting, an event you write about in great detail in your book “Twilight Language.”


There is no blood on the seats of the numerous victims alleged to have killed by James Holmes. I would argue that the absence of blood on the seats of the victims (or in any other photo for that matter) in the Aurora theater negates the possibility that 12 people were killed and 58 wounded from a fusillade of high powered rounds. (Keep in mind the Colorado District Attorney’s office avers these photos as evidence of a bloody massacre.)

Honestly, Mr. Hoffman, what else are we to conclude? Must we consign our children to fear filled lives engendered by the shadow play of the Overlords?



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SACRED NAME OF GOD? or BLASPHEMY? https://remnantradio.org/Archives/articles/sacred_name.htm

Interviewing Deprogrammers: In the House of the Strong Man Sodomy is the Key


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I have removed u3kg's comment once already, yet this person persists in attempting to use my column to refer readers to texts that constitute flagrant disinformation or unabashed delusions.

At the first link we read: "...Josef Mengele was one of the 'chosen ones' [a Rothschild] to bring forth the Anti-Christ….When Rothschild survivors are being sodomized, the name Joseph is chanted and inbedded into their subconscious. They inately know that Josef Mengele is a Rothschild...Mengele...was a devout Catholic and was reported to have all the Catholic spiritual gifts, including, stigmata…"

At the second link, is this anti-Biblical drivel: "...We know that Esau married into the Cain race and adopted their Pagan religion which had actually originated with Cain himself, in the worship of his father, Satan, called at that time Enlil, but in later centuries Bel….Some individuals have adopted the YHWH name from the Edomite Jew's O.T."

The right wing fever swamp is on notice: you will not use my column to cause young or impressionable readers to descend into your maelstrom of falsification and dementia. There are many sites on the Internet where you can indulge your sad fantasies disguised as history and theology. This is not one of them. Any further attempts by u3kg to post links like the preceding will be blocked.

I respect differences of opinion which are evidence-based. Hallucinations do not qualify.

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