It is my hope that this Christmas season, Mr. Wilson might find and watch the 2013 film by Yasmine Perni, “The Stones Cry Out,” a film about Palestinian Christians. If he has seen it, he will know how terribly besieged the world’s oldest Christians are, and what terrible attacks the little town of Bethlehem has been under, especially since the 2nd Intifada (rising up and shaking off) of 2002. It is truly heartbreaking. I count myself blessed to have a rosary from Bethlehem.

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Dear Katya

He was in Palestine recently and while he was there, he emailed and informed me that he had prayed with Palestinian Christians.

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Thank you, that is good to know. I think of C.S. Lewis, also a favorite author of Mr. Wilson I believe. In his preface to St. Athanasius’ “On the Incarnation,” Lewis cautions us regarding the blindness of our era because of the “great mass of common assumptions” we fall prey to simply by living when we do. He calls it “the error with which we are already gravely ill.” —I’ve seen no one describe this as well as you have.

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Thank you for this post, and especially, for the many footnotes/citations. Digging in now.

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This was very well written and researched. Thank you.

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Good article. I miss the writings of Gilad Atzmon. I feel his exasperation in all of it though. He told me something like, ‘I gave up because no one listens.’

‘As an’ American, I hope we can avoid further escalation in the region. 🤞🏼. Bibi scare me though.

‘As a’ Southerner and ‘As a’ Jazz lover, I know the struggle for equality. ✊🏾.

Life if full of irony, hypocrisy, double standard, duplicity, and on and on and on, as mere humans message their id, egos, and super egos. There are plenty of psychopaths walking around.

‘As a’ Nurse, I have treated all walks of life. We humans, all bleed red, we all stink, and we will all turn to dust.

I can certainly ‘get where the Jew comes from,’ with regards to the unclean, the gentile, goy, heathen or beast. I get it. Trust me. I was locked up in prison with plenty of them.

But in the end, this is God’s creation, all of it, every walk of life. I instruct my own son to ‘protect the innocent and those lesser than yourself. respect the world and it will respect you back.’

Peace be with you.

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Dear Mr Blackwell

Your bigoted generalization is not welcome here. You wrote:

“ I can certainly ‘get where the Jew comes from,’ with regards to the unclean, the gentile, goy, heathen or beast. I get it. Trust me. I was locked up in prison with plenty of them.”

The expression of negative racial and ethnic stereotypes is integral to Talmudism and has no place in this forum.

Our allies among Judaic people are cherished and loved. I am exceedingly weary of aspersions cast on a category which haters maintain: “the Jew.”

Without the ability to make distinctions no true history or science can advance. Does it really need to be stated that there are good and bad in all nations?

Thank God for “the Jew.” As Jesus declared, “Salvation is of the Jews.

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Will all do respect, heathens are everywhere. See America.

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There are a lot of trans-heathens out there as well.

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As well, the ancient world was brutal. You were killed or enslaved. Much writing from back when, was in an entirely different world in which we live today. Yes, there is reform Judaism. Yes. There are good and bad in all. The only big difference between the big three Abrahamic religions that I can tell is interest on money, which I send your video on, to many.

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And FYI: I was Christened Episcopalian, Baptized a Baptist, Confirmed a Catholic, was Knighted in the Order of Saint John. My mother's Scottish family, the Irwin Clan, may have had been run out of southern Spain years ago, 'converso,' with dark skin and black hair. It all gets so deep. So much is lost in translation and antiquity.

No telling what is going on between Bibi's ears, or anyone else's. Many point to British Freemasonry, hence British Palestine and America's support via the Rothschild debt. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MkbHErKisYA

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Among the things that never ceases to amaze me in the dangling carrot that is held out under the guise of "those that bless Israel will be blessed, those that curse Israel will be cursed," and as applied in the geo-political context, is that there has been no bigger "blesser" nation than the U.S. since Israel was established, and particularly once the phony Holocaust narrative took root and went into overdrive.

Yet, by the foolish believers' standards of "being blessed," this nation has been anything but blessed in that way ever since it began our "blessing" of Israel. The thought that perhaps we've been on the side of antichrist/the-sons-of-hell all along never seems to cross their mind.

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Jewish people were severely and unconscionably persecuted and murdered by the criminal Nazis in a series of war crimes which are undeniable. This needs to be stated clearly.

It needs to be stated there have been many holocausts across oceans of time in recorded history. There is one taking place now in Gaza.

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So were communists, gypsies, and others.

Unless I'm mistaken Michael, you fully realize that the "6M Holocaust" is nonsense, correct?

There weren't even that many of them on hand, much less leaving over 5M (now) remaining as "survivors." The German government offered to pay them quite handsomely to leave the country, which flies in direct opposition to the narrative.

Either way, even the perps at the core of the bogus narrative have been forced to downgrade their 6M narrative to about 2M, which is even irrefutably high.

Let's not unnecessarily contribute to the Talmudic lies that are undermining our world.

The "jews" that are at the core of it are the power-structure jews, namely the Babylonian Talmudists. The Talmud is the most hateful tome in human history, FROM WHICH stems forth the satanic religions.

As has been pointed out, most people that can be identified as "jews" today are not aware of the extent of that all anymore than most Catholics are aware of all of the occult and satanic imagery and symbolism that permeates the Vatican.

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Dear 37

You wrote: “The German government offered to pay them quite handsomely to leave the country, which flies in direct opposition to the narrative.”

The NAZI Government did not offer to pay hundreds of thousands of Judaic people to leave Germany. The Nazis were determined to expel them, massacre them outright or confine them to slave labor in death camps infested with typhus.

As for how many innocent Judaic people were murdered — whether it was six million or one million— it was a war crime of wickedly genocidal proportions.

Nazi propaganda-type comments are forbidden here. The fact of monstrous Nazi iniquity is not debatable.

Read my book,”Adolf Hitler: Enemy of the German People.”

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Choose your next comment carefully. I'll be pointing it out to a bunch of people.

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You seriously deleted my comment?

I have zero respect for you anymore.

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It will NEVER be solved this side of heaven. Period. End of story.

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