The moment that they try (and they will), Hezbollah and Iran will let loose a reign of destruction on Tel Aviv the likes of which have never been seen. The US carriers will be sent to the bottom of the sea with hypersonic missiles. Turkey will also get involved. WW III will then be on.

That’s what Israel wants, that’s what they’re going to get. Then they can have their “Greater Israel” on an ash heap.

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Dear Chucky

Yours is similar to speculation along these lines which is increasing on the Internet of the , "I dare you (Israel) variety." Here's my take:

The combined military force of the United States, Great Britain, and France in an alliance with the Israelis in an all out war, would be more than a match for Hezbollah and Iran— the latter a nation deeply penetrated by Mossad.

Moreover, Hezbollah and Iran are completely outclassed in the air. Hezbollah has no air force of course, and the Iranian air force is comparatively second rate (and that's being charitable). The Israeli Air Force can significantly and dramatically degrade Iranian military assets. The US has been looking for just such a pretext for j a mass bombing operation against Iran since the days of Reagan.

Pro-Israeli forces would win the war, but lose the peace. Because, amid the carnage and destruction, would come a >permanent< rage and alienation of the Arab and Persian masses, even more so than now, in which insurgencies on the ground, both low level as well as intense, would plague the Israelis for years and fatally weaken the Zionist imperium.

People's war insurgencies, like what America attempted to defeat in Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan, cannot be won by the Israelis. That is how their ship of state will be sunk. The Neocons know and don't care. Masada is their watchword.

Work and pray for peace and the protection of all civilians, including Israeli civilians.

Michael Hoffman


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IMHO, there are the Iranian “Fattah” missiles, cousin to the Kinzhals. And couldn’t they just bring down our entire rotten financial system, based on trillions in derivatives, without firing a shot? It is, and always has been, all about oil. (cf. Andrei Martyanov)

By the way, Michael, your superb writing about Moses Hess in newsletter #40 should be required reading in the US of Amnesia. Your quote from Hess is the quote to end all quotes: “The Jews, in the natural history of the social animal world, had the worl-historic mission to bring out the predator in mankind.”

And somewhere else you said that we whose sense of history is bamboozled are infinitely susceptible to manipulation.

O Divine and adorable Lord Jesus Christ, save our souls—

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Pray for peace!!!!! There is NO other solution. Pray for Peace! Say it loud, publicly, and every single day!

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Highly relevant these days is Michael's 2003 booklet: "The Role of the Merchants of Venom; The Trend Toward Shadow Play in the Resistance to Judaism and Zionism." Per chance, I started reading this a few days ago and it explains a lot about the what and why of recent events. Especially, on pages 19 through 22...Empowering Purim and Violent tirades against "the Jews" that reflect a rabbinic mentality. In short, taking the rabbinic talmudic bait that provokes violence against them plays right into their hands. On page 6 of that booklet, the history of Hamas as a US/Israeli black op is described and I can't help but think that as such, Hamas is being used to create the bait needed to go after bigger fish...such as Iran with, of course, the help of western powers. The best course of action is to not take the bait. It's a little crude, but Bill Hicks was right on with his "pick up the gun" act (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DyZ44msgpv8). Today, James Roguski, ( a fellow substacker who has been warning the world of what the WHO and their cryptocratic puppet masters are planning for the world) recommended the following protest poem (W.H.O knew) by Dan Fitzgerald @ https://jamesroguski.substack.com/. I bring this up because it's always necessary to know about what evil deeds are being concocted for us while we are distracted with the main event.

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Dear David

Thank you for citing “The Merchants of Venom.”

Hamas is unconsciously acting a part in a script which grants the enemies of the Palestinian people the right to Holocaust Gaza in the name of preventing another Holocaust against the Jews.

The macabre theater is suffused with Neanderthal responses: you club me, I club you.

I’m confident no alien life form from another planet would stick around for very long once having gotten a gander at Stone Age revenge spectacles like the one unfolding in the “Holy Land.”

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IMHO, there are the Iranian “Fattah” missiles, cousin to the Kinzhals. And couldn’t they just bring down our entire rotten financial system, based on trillions in derivatives, without firing a shot? It is, and always has been, all about oil. (cf. Andrei Martyanov)

By the way, Michael, your superb writing about Moses Hess in newsletter #40 should be required reading in the US of Amnesia. Your quote from Hess is the quote to end all quotes: “The Jews, in the natural history of the social animal world, had the worl-historic mission to bring out the predator in mankind.”

And somewhere else you said that we whose sense of history is bamboozled are infinitely susceptible to manipulation.

O Divine and adorable Lord Jesus Christ, save our souls—

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Dear Katya

Moses Hess was an enemy of the Jewish people, encouraging negative conduct.

The atheist Karl Marx famously referred to Hess as "my Jewish rabbi," which tells us something about the nature of Hess's "theology."

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Yes, as I try to understand the satanic dimension of the Talmud. Your first post on all this, speaking of Gandhi, of not walking into a suicide trap, seemed so right. And yet we cannot wrap our minds around it, so “poisoned”—your word—have our minds been by the satanic virus—again, so much thanks to you for your endurance and deep study and teaching—

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Forgive my hand-wringing: the name and idea of “The Grand Inquisitor” comes also from Hess? Whom Dostoevsky assuredly read. Dostoevsky describes the effects of a smiling, well-mannered satan, sprinkling his “fairy dust” over polite, educated society—he foresaw not only Lenin, but the Bolshevik destruction of Russia (and holocaust of Russian Christians)—all this in “Demons”. But prefiguring what is happening now—both with Ukraine and Israel—Netanyahu is not the only “biblical psychopath” out there, leading us into collective destruction. Forgive me, but the sorrow is beyond measure—

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Dear Katy

I have no information on Dostoyevsky linking the Grand Inquisitor to Moses Hess. I thought his was a specific reference to one of the hierarchs of the Church of Rome.

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Yes (this would be an abstract for a 25 p. paper in your course on Hess)—the epic quotes you give from his work on “The Revival of Israel”—he speaks of grand Inquisitors: but Dostoevsky’s Grand Inquisitor could also have been a Bolshevik and possibly a Zionist—a character first sketched out in “Demons”—and remember how the rest of mankind is soul-deficient in the Talmud? Re the double-mindedness of the Amy Goodman’s of the world regarding abortion: why some killings are ok and others not—my mother, an MD, was very troubled by the fact that pregnancy was treated as a “medical condition” in modern med, and not as a sacred state—remember the raging debates in the ‘70’s over whether babies had souls and medicine deemed that souls didn’t come into embryos until—now, it’s never—it’s the whole soul-deficiency thing of all life except Jewish life (for whom abortion is a civil right)—it’s all Bolshevik, as is the perpetual slaughter. I have a paper to write, thank you!!

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And cosmic irony? Dostoevsky’s “Demons” was conceived in Dresden in 1869. A thousand years are but a day to the Lord. And your banner quote on the 2023 Bulletins: “The past is never dead. It’s not even past.”—

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Netanyahu is captive to Talmudic-Zionist psychopaths in his government. He could not stop the war crimes even if he wanted to. He is under indictment for corruption.

Probably the best English translation of Demons is the 1994 translation by Larissa Volokhonsky and Richard Pevear. The chapter "At Tikhon's" is included as an appendix, rather than as chapter nine of the Second Part. "At Tikhon's" was rejected by Dostoevsky's publisher of the magazine in which the rest of the novel was serialized, because Stavrogin's (Nicolas) confessions were considered too risque. The translators retrieved "At Tikhon's" from Soviet-era archives. Part One just sets the stage for Part Two, which is much more interesting. I haven't reached Part Three yet.

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Arnold, I think Demons is profoundly prophetic, not only of the Russian Revolution, but also of the world wars, —in the margins of pp.17-24 of Michael’s book on Hitler, I have marked “Demons” many times as Dostoevsky’s astonishing prophecy into our future, our captivity to the occult powers, the destroying of our children by Woke-ideology. Part Three is the grand culmination. Is Stavrogin a prototype Stalin? Stalin studied to be a Jesuit priest after all. Put the chapter “At Tikhon’s” in its proper place and read through. Remember that the suicide’s full name is Alexei Nilych (son of nihilism) Kirillov, where “Alexei” is a holy Christian name. The Brothers Karamazov could be said to be the long, hard cure—the antidote—to Demons. No wonder real reading is suppressed. Part Three describes Lenin and Trotsky. Proto-Zionism— I wish you happy reading. The truth is a joy for the battered soul. And note the importance of fire. “Iskra”—the Spark—was the Bolshevik newspaper—Bolshevik, btw, means majority whereas the other party, the Mensheviks—means lesser—were the real majority. Another crypto-cratic-craft trick of words.

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Dear Katya

Not intending disrespect or blasphemy when she made the observation: Dorothy Day termed The Brothers Karamazov "the fifth gospel." She didn't intend her statement to be taken in a literal sense, rather as a dramatic indication of how literature can supplement Scripture.

One correction: Stalin studied in an Orthodox Christian seminary, not a Jesuit one.

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Yes, my mistake, sorry. And yes, I was in fact raised on Paradise Lost, and so many great works of English literature as—not replacing the Gospels—but as an armor against a world descending into chaos—so hard to say in these brief boxes. But Alyosha, and Ivan too, lead us out of a labyrinth of tangled and fallen thought—too many words, you might say, but truly “mi ritrovai per una selva oscura, Che la diritta via era smarita” —it’s your John Dee coming to pass now, and the great remedies in Shakespeare that we’ve been blinded to—remember that I am in daily soul combat with very Woke children—

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Dear Katya The Great, You are magnificent: Remember in Part Three of Demons, Pyotr Stepanovich (Correction-it's hard for me to keep the names straight in this novel), the ringleader of the "Fivesome", was the only major conspirator who did not die and was not captured by the authorities. It seems Dostoevsky was hinting that the "game" was still unfolding. The novel ends circa 1870, the year V I Lenin was born. As for being captive to occult powers, Kirillov and Stavrogin took the blame for the crimes of others by committing suicide.

In 1894, Stalin enrolled in a Russian Orthodox seminary in Tiflis (Tbilisi). Remember from "The Occult Renaissance Church of Rome", the Corpus Hermeticum was brought by a Greek Orthodox priest to Marcilio Ficino, an Italian priest, astrologer and a reviver of Neoplatonism. Maybe Hermeticism influenced Stalin?

P.S. - Katya, I surmise that you speak Russian and other foreign languages. I believe Michael is good in foreign languages too. If so, both of you have an advantage over me and most Americans in being deep thinkers. The only foreign languages I can read and speak are minimally proficient tourist French and Spanish. I could not understand spoken French if my life depended on it.

See-Stalin's library : a dictator and his books, by Geoffrey Roberts, also Lenin: The Man, The Dictator and the Master of Terror, by Victor Sebestyan

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Thanks for the recommendation. The whole body of Michael’s work (am halfway through the newsletters and have just begun Judaism Discovered)—describes the very deep rootedness (o how to say it), marbling of our civilization with the occult before our eyes, and so much of it in our (dis)education—There was much Neoplatonic-Hermeticism in Russia which was so influenced by European philosophy—as if time never was and Jesus’ great struggle for our souls is still now with the Pharisees. —I have taught for decades and do see Dostoevsky’s Demons in the mindsets of our people. Scott Ritter said “you can’t solve a problem you can’t define”—Michael’s work gives us the tools for beginning to discern and define—

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As l recall, Marx referred to Hess as "my COMMUNIST rabbi".

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See definitions in:All

Second World War




destruction or slaughter on a mass scale, especially caused by fire or nuclear war.

"a nuclear holocaust"

Similar:cataclysm, disaster, catastrophe, destruction, devastation, demolition

annihilation, ravaging, inferno, fire

conflagration, massacre, slaughter

mass murder, carnage, butchery

extermination, liquidation, genocide

ethnic cleansing.



a sacrifice in which the offering was burned completely on an altar

Any questions??

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