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Jan 10, 2024
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But, but, permesso:

It strikes me that Michael is presenting to us two manifestos of apparently (remember the teaching that appearances deceive) different ideologies, which would be ruled by the creed of the church of the fallen angels. Not to be too literal, but where in this world is there a Christian nation that governs by the Divine Lord Jesus’, teaching NOT to return injury for injury, and to practice the Christian revenge of overcoming evil with good? As Dante, Shakespeare, Dostoevsky, and A. Dugan would say, a government without God is the geopolitics of demons. Where is there a Christian nation on this earth ruled by Christians who have not turned themselves into heretics? Not just through diabolical hypnosis, which is powerful, but through “grotesque sloth” —Michael’s words— of not becoming aware, of not discerning. How long will we not use the gift of mind that God gave us?

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Jan 10, 2024
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Quote: "In light of what Judaism teaches about the Gentile, the National Socialist response must be seen as righteous Non-Jewish self-defense. It is not Christian, but it follows natural law and therefore cannot be condemned if happened."

If you continue to attempt to in any way justify the Nazi mass murder of Judaic civilians and other innocents you will be banned. You will not use my column for such nefarious purposes. You're on notice.

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Jan 9, 2024
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I read that the pen used for AF diary was not available when she supposedly wrote it.

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They're the same picture...

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“Truth is truth to the end of reckoning.” (Shakespeare, Measure for Measure, Act V)

In being held hostage by the mendacious counterfeits of a culture built on lies (e.g. free trade, super-materialism, ecumenism—new age) we have lost our ability to discern, to say no.

There is still time if we could learn our language anew! Now and forever, thank you Michael.

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You try to find similarities between Zionism and National Socialism but missed two important differences:

First, the Israelis have not set out to systematically exterminate the Arabs. If they had, most or all of the Palestinian problems would be dead by now. That is not a small difference.

Second, German Jews were in no sense to a threat to the existence of Germany. They were loyal to Germany, even proud of their German culture, and served loyally in the First World War. They were slaughtered in mass killings such have never even been remotely approached by the Israelis because of a bizarre ideology of racial purity that had zero basis in reality.

The Israelis, however, have been locked in a life and death struggle for survival, particularly in 1948-49 when they were by no means the great military power they are today. The Arab leadership was openly boasting of their intention to slaughter the Jews, and it was they who let loose the dogs of war. In that bloody struggle the Jews behaved no differently than any other country or ethnic group would have done, and were in fact far more lenient with their defeated enemies than the Arabs would have been with them were the situation reversed.

Where is your concern for the people who are destroying America today?

Moreover, I believe some of your quotes from Jewish leaders have been falsified and are not reliable. In his book PALESTINE BETRAYED, Ephraim Karsh has given specific examples of this tendency even by Israeli New Historians to selectively edit and even falsify quotes.

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As Mr. Hoffman writes, it’s “a hall of mirrors”. (p. 174, Judaism Discovered).

A real quote from Israel Shahak of Hebrew University, Jerusalem: “As for Gentiles, the basic T——-c principle is that their lives must not be saved” (p. 175).

Another mass death happening all around comes out of our “healing” profession. Could this inversion explain our Rockefeller/Big Pharma system of murderous medicine? (Not to mention the abundance of food that poisons.) The occult was written into medicine when mathematics caused the human being to disappear, and the sacred language of Latin was employed so the people could no longer understand, in short, a totalitarian system crafted out of scientist. That all of this comes crashingly together now —- “Like doth quit like, and Measure still for Measure.” Sharks must have known how alchemically p (kabbalistically) processed we were to become.

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Read scientism for scientist, and Shaks—Shakespeare—for Sharks. Thank you techno- narcissism.

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About Israel Shahak, what does some quote from him regarding who knows what have to do with the entire history of modern Israel?

About big pharma and poisons in the food, that's bad - but when it comes to the disappearance of people due to mathematics, the use of Latin to establish scientific totalitarianism, and the relationship between alchemy and the Kabbala, I can't get into that right now as I have some other comments to answer.

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I agree, except that "Classical Latin evolved into a vernacular deemed a working and literary language by the Catholic Church." (Source-Wikipedia article-"Latin (Lingua Latina") Koine Greek and Paleo-Hebrew are the original Scriptural languages. (From a compilation of various encyclopedic sources) Nevertheless, with the use of Latin terms in medicine, since Latin is a root language, there is less disagreement about the meaning of the medical terms. "Medical Latin still enables, or at least facilitates, the use of multilingual specialist literature. It is indispensable in communication with scientists from other countries. It enables them to precisely define and differentiate between concepts." (Source-Via Medica Journals)

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Please provide evidence that any of the quotes I have cited are inauthentic or fake. Regrettably, they are accurate, and a shameful reflection of the racism and hatred evinced by Talmudic Zionism.

I don’t see how anything you’ve written in your comment vitiates the Israeli genocide in Gaza, about what you have nothing to say.

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(1) You did not respond to my first point: "First, the Israelis have not set out to systematically exterminate the Arabs. If they had, most or all of the Palestinian problems would be dead by now. That is not a small difference."

(2) You did not respond to my second point: "Second, German Jews were in no sense to a threat to the existence of Germany. They were loyal to Germany, even proud of their German culture, and served loyally in the First World War. They were slaughtered in mass killings such have never even been remotely approached by the Israelis because of a bizarre ideology of racial purity that had zero basis in reality."

(3) About the alleged genocide in Gaza, there is no genocide. That's preposterous. If the Israelis really wanted to wipe out the people in Gaza there would be hundreds of thousands of dead Palestinians by now. The Israelis have been making a sincere effort to minimize casualties, which Hamas makes very difficult by fighting wearing civilian clothes and hiding behind civilians for protection.

Can you provide evidence that those quotes are authentic? As evidence of their falsehood I present not only Herzl's futuristic novel Altneuland, in which he envisaged Arabs and Jews living together in peace, but also the entire history of the Zionist movement and its establishment in the land of Israel, in which sincere efforts for co-existence were rejected by the Palestinian leadership (while there were ordinary Palestinians who would have been content to co-exist). You don't understand the Islamic dimension to this problem, and have a false idea of the poor helpless innocent Arab lambs being persecuted by the evil Jews.

As to Talmudic Zionism, much of the Zionist movement was deeply secular in its origins and had little if anything to do with the Talmud.

Also, I repeat: "Where is your concern for the people who are destroying America today?"

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"first point...If they had, most or all of the Palestinian problems would be dead by now. " That is your presumption. How do you know? And you refer to human beings (Palestinians) as "problems". Such terminology indicates a Nazi mentality.

"second point..." Mr. Hoffman's assessment of the Nazis vis-a-vis the German Judaics is in agreement with your second point. The statements and actions of the Israeli leadership indicates that it also has a bizarre supremacist ideology with zero basis in reality.

"third point..." Ditto of your first point presumptuousness. In fact, Ralph Nader (on Democracy Now-January 5, 2024) stated that it was very likely that one hundred thousand Gaza residents had ALREADY died due to disease and malnutrition. Ralph Nader is not some conspiracy blogger. I take seriously what he says, as everyone should. It is not just the munitions, it is the deliberate destruction of healthcare infrastructure and forced starvation that constitutes genocide. (1948 Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide-Articles Two and Three-entered into force in 1951) The state of "Israel" is a signatory. (signed by the Israeli government on August 17, 1949 and subsequently ratified) The judgement of the International Court of Justice against Serbia in relation to the Bosnia conflict of the 1990s is applicable in the extreme to the Israeli genocide against the Palestinians, according to Francis Anthony Boyle, American human rights lawyer and professor of international law at the University of Illinois College of Law and graduate of Harvard Law School (https://www.aa.com.tr/en/africa/south-africa-will-win-order-in-icj-case-with-very-significant-consequences-for-israel-veteran-lawyer/3104029)

"...You don't understand the Islamic dimension to this problem..."

"...in which sincere efforts for co-existence were rejected by the Palestinian leadership (while there were ordinary Palestinians who would have been content to co-exist)."

You don't understand the Zionist dimension to this problem.

If someone breaks into one's home, the home invader has a fight on his or her hands. There is no "effort to co-exist".

Even in cities of Palestinian citizens of Israel, there was resistance to the Israeli takeover. The only reason Ben-Gurion did not expel the Palestinians of Nazareth, is because he feared that expelling Christian Arabs might provoke an outcry throughout the Christian world. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nazareth#History)

Apparently, the current Talmudic-Zionist leadership no longer fears such a backlash. Today, one out of every 4 of the descendants of the 20% of the Palestinians who remained inside the perimeters of the Israeli state after 1948 are considered "internally displaced Palestinians", but restrictions remain on the rights of the remaining 3 out of 4 Israeli Palestinians, as well as on Druze and Bedouin. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arab_citizens_of_Israel#History) But such "tolerance" is on the wane. Mass arrests of Israeli Arabs have been ramping up under Netanyahu's Talmudic-Zionist "War Cabinet".

As for Zionists, some are Talmudic, and yes, much of the Zionist movement was "secular", viz.: atheists and Stalinists.

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[“If they had, most or all of the Palestinian problems would be dead by now. " That is your presumption. How do you know? And you refer to human beings (Palestinians) as "problems". Such terminology indicates a Nazi mentality.]

That was in response to the argument that Zionism was like Naziism. The Israelis have not set out to systematically exterminate the Arabs. The use of the word “problem” was an error. I was thinking of the phrase “Palestinian problem” and should have written “most or all of the Palestinians would be.” So I have benefitted from your editorial skills.

About the Israeli leadership having “a bizarre supremacist ideology with zero basis in reality,” saying that the Jews have a right to return to their biblical homeland is a simple statement of fact.

I do not believe Nader’s figures at all, nor do I believe that there has been a deliberate destruction of healthcare infrastructure in all of the years prior to the current war. As to your legal argument, I do not believe that there is any guilt for genocide where no genocide has occurred.

I said “...You don't understand the Islamic dimension to this problem...in which sincere efforts for co-existence were rejected by the Palestinian leadership (while there were ordinary Palestinians who would have been content to co-exist)." You responded with “You don't understand the Zionist dimension to this problem.”

I do understand the Zionist dimension of this very well – the Jews have a right to settle in their biblical homeland. And what do you think of Islam? Are you a Muslim? Do you believe the Quran is a revelation of God and that the Arabs have a permanent right to all land taken in their great period of expansion more than a thousand years ago?

About your home invasion scenario, Israel is the home of the Jewish people. Much of the land they settled was desolate and unoccupied. Tel Aviv was nothing but sand. If the Arab nations had not attacked Israel on the first day of its independence but accepted the nation instead, the Palestinians could have stayed in many of their villages.

About BenGurion and Nazareth, maybe that story is true maybe it isn’t. Wikipedia is useful for some information but is often biased as I have seen in other areas having nothing to do with Israel. Even citing an American University publication for support is not authoritative as universities are full of leftist and even anti-Israel bias.

“Even in cities of Palestinian citizens of Israel, there was resistance to the Israeli takeover.” No doubt you think the Israelis should have allowed themselves to be killed, or have taken ship back to Europe. The Arabs of Nazareth or anywhere else had no right to decide if the Jews could return to their ancestral homeland or not.

As to restrictions on the rights of Israeli Arabs, equal rights requires equal responsibilities. People who are hostile to a state refuse to accept it as legitimate cannot turn around and demand full rights. Of course there are Arabs who accept Israel and cooperate, but it is impossible for the Israelis to accurately tell who is who. People in many other countries in the world suffer under various restrictions and that does not bother you in the least. Guess what – even in America people suffer injustices and unfair restrictions, as in the COVID lockdowns. We live in an imperfect world where perfect justice does not exist.

You object to “Talmudic Zionism” – and what about Islamic expansionism based on the Qur’an? What is your opinion of that?

I want to answer your other post but may not continue this discussion after that.

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Arnold E.

just now

Historic Palestine in not the Biblical home of today's people who call themselves Jews. European Judaics are mostly unrelated to the people of the ancient Near East. Mainly they are of eastern and central European Slavic, Turkic and western European descent. Sephardic Judaics are of Arab, Berber and Turkish descent. If there is a spiritual connection of SOME Talmudists to Historic Palestine, it is to the Pharisees. Jerusalem of old was completely and utterly eradicated according to the prophecy of Jesus on the Mount of Olives. According to Josephus and other historical sources, the Temple at Jerusalem was made of the highest quality material. Today's so-called Western Wall is made of common stones. It is the wall of a Roman fortress built after the destruction of Jerusalem. Today's Jerusalem was built by Byzantines, Fatimids, Egyptian Mamluks and Crusaders. The wall that now surrounds the old city was built by the Ottoman Turks in the 1500s.

Yes, Jaffa, today's south Tel Aviv, was mostly undeveloped from1800 to 1900. So was today's megalopolis of northeast Philadelphia. It was only Pennypack Woods, which served as a sporadic hunting ground for the Lenni Lenape. The point is that with industrialization and technology, development occurs automatically.

"People in many other countries in the world suffer under various restrictions and that does not bother you in the least." Yes it does bother me. But we were on another subject. The horrible Azeri/Turkish (Nato) ethnic cleansing of the Armenians of Artsakh. Burma, Xinjiang, Sudan, the avoidable casualties caused by the Turkish/Syrian earthquake, the needless, senseless war over eastern Ukraine/Donbass Republics, Cop City.

"Guess what – even in America people suffer injustices and unfair restrictions, as in the COVID lockdowns. We live in an imperfect world where perfect justice does not exist." I am in 100% agreement with you on this point. I might add that the argument can be made that the official COVID/vaccine narrative was the Greatest Psyop in the History of the World. (https://www.abebooks.com/9781312529380/Masking-Truth-Covid-19-Destroyed-Civil-1312529385/plp)

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"First, the Israelis have not set out to systematically exterminate the Arabs."

The Nazis didn't want to systematically exterminate the Jews, It's not like they went and say hunted them in their stronghold in the USA . They just wanted them "off from their lands". Same as the jews, who want the Palestinian land. To the zionist jews the killing of people is a side effect of wanting the land.

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There is some kind of a theory that the Germans did not really want to systematically exterminate the Jews, that events just created their own momentum and things got out of hand, but many do not accept that. I suppose you have heard of the Wannsee Conference. I visited the villa where it was held - now a museum/memorial. It was a very strange feeling to be in the same room where Eichmann, Heydrich, and others had systematically planned the extermination of the Jews.

The Germans just wanted the Jews off of their lands? You mean Belgium, Holland, Norway, France, Poland. Czechoslovakia, Hungary,, Rumania, and Denmark were German lands?

The Germans did not hunt the Jews in the USA, ergo it follows logically that they did not want to systematically exterminate the Jews? That is what the logicians call a non sequitur. The Germans did not hunt the Jews in the USA only because they were unable to do so. In the areas where they had power, they did attempt a systematic and methodical extermination.

The Israelis do not want all of the Arabs to be dead - Arabs in Israel proper are not being exterminated and in fact have more rights than they do in most or all other Arab countries - but if the Arabs want to destroy them then they have no right to complain when they lose.

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"Arabs in Israel proper are not being exterminated..." (not yet anyway, see my reply above) ...and in fact have more rights than they do in most or all other Arab countries..." (nearly all the governments of the Arab countries are client states of WARshington). And in one Arab country whose government is NOT a client state, Syria, Christians have full rights and were protected until the Israeli backed and CIA/NATO backed al-Qaeda and "ISIS"/Daesh terrorists were set loose upon them.

"As to genocide, that is completely false, there has been no genocide." In other words, it would be OK if Israel were killing them at a lower daily rate.

"Oh, I forgot, “international law” is something that only applies when it can be used as a weapon against Israel, and doesn’t apply to the Russians or the Chinese or to many other countries." You have it backwards. "Israel" is the only exception. Milosevic, Black Africans, arrest warrant out for Putin for evacuating children from armed conflict zones, etc., ad infinitum. But no war crimes trials for Israeli war criminals thus far. The International Court of Justice has no enforcement powers against states, and cannot try individuals. Only the International Criminal Court can try and jail individuals.

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["Arabs in Israel proper are not being exterminated..." (not yet anyway, see my reply above)]

Not yet, and not any time in the future either.

About the rights Arabs have in other countries, you said that nearly all the governments of the Arab countries are client states of WARshington. They may have ties with and get benefits from Washington, but I don’t believe Washington dictates their domestic policies. How much does Washington really control what is going on in Tunisia, Algeria, Yemen, Oman, the UAE and other countries? In other words, I don’t think it is the fault of Washington that there is not a single democracy anywhere in the Islamic world. After all, democracy is contrary to Islam which is still an extremely powerful cultural factor even if the governments themselves are not overtly committed to Sharia law.

About Christians having full rights in Syria, that country was one of the worst dictatorships on the planet before it collapsed as a result of many different factors. I find it hard to believe that the CIA and NATO are entirely to blame for that, and if it were not for them Syria would be peaceful, prosperous and free today.

[“As to genocide, that is completely false, there has been no genocide." In other words, it would be OK if Israel were killing them at a lower daily rate.] The question was about the truth or falsehood of the genocide charge. Also, here is a Substack article showing that the West Bank Arabs are not poor helpless lambs being persecuted for no reason by the evil Jews. https://iraslomowitz.substack.com/p/israels-eastern-front.

As to international law being applied to Putin, I don’t think he will ever wind up in a Western court. It is easy to make some legal declarations knowing they will never be enforced. And what about Tibet, or the Muslims in northwest China? Does international law apply to the Chinese? They will ignore any legal restrictions.

Actually, I mentioned Russia and China because they are so powerful as to be above the law for all practical purposes, but I was thinking more specifically about the Middle East. International law is not applied to the Saudis, the Syrians, the Egyptians, nor is it effectively or meaningfully applied to the terrorist groups who have been firing missiles at civilian targets in Israel for years, which is a violation of “international law.” Nasser’s blockade of Eilat was a violation of international law, as were the attacks of Arab armies in 1948 – but they do not care about international law and pay no attention to it, unless it is useful as a weapon against Israel.

There have been no war crimes for Israeli war criminals because there are no Israeli war criminals. Of course there are bad eggs everywhere – remember My Lai? But as a matter of policy the Israelis have followed standard rules of war no worse than those of America and Britain when they were at war. It is impossible to wage modern war with no civilian casualties. In fact when we consider the British and American bombings of WW2 the Israelis have been remarkably restrained. In WW2 not the slightest concern was had for civilian casualties. Destroying Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan were considered to be legitimate war goals and civilian casualties were considered to be an inevitable necessity.

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Yes, the allies in WWII committed atrocities on a huge scale and the Israelis emulate them. Apparently, the Israelis do not have a hero like Major Hugh Thompson at My Lai.(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hugh_Thompson_Jr.)

The US is not complicit in the state crimes of Russia, China, Burma, etc. The Biden administration in complicit in large scale atrocities (genocide) via the Israelis (Article 3-Genocide Convention) and in not attempting to use its power and influence to stop the genocide (Article 1-Genocide Convention). The Nasser regime was good at developing Egyptian infrastructure but incompetent in foreign relations. He gave the Israeli regime the excuse they needed for the 6 day land grab, which led to a sporadic three year war of attrition. But that has nothing to do with the atrocities now being committed by today's Israeli regime. The Hamas attack is no excuse for the large scale atrocities against non-combatants perpetrated by the Israelis.

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"Yes, the allies in WWII committed atrocities on a huge scale and the Israelis emulate them. Apparently, the Israelis do not have a hero like Major Hugh Thompson at My Lai."

The Israelis are imitating Allied air raids? 80,000 - 100,000 thousand people were killed in the firebombing of Tokyo, the most disastrous air raid in sal of history if I am not mistaken. The Israelis are emulating that?

Here is a video about your so-called genocide.

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Israel was built on stolen land through terrorism and murder the main result of which saw the reason it was 'desperately trying to survive'.

Whatever happened in Europe they had no right to the Palestinians land. Palestinians had no part in what happened before and Balfour no right to promise it to them after similarly promising it to the Arabs for help in defeating the Ottoman Turks.

Until the Zionist incursion the Jewish remnant, Christians and Palestinians had lived peaceably in the area for some 1500 years.

Israel had a systematic plan for the ethnic cleansing and murder as documented in Plan Dalat, known and discussed by the leadership. Over time they destroyed some 500 Palestinian towns and villages.

The result of Plan Dalat was the Nakba - a crime against humanity. The events at Deir Yassin give lie to your comments regarding Israel's 'victimhood'.

75 years on and nothing has changed. Its still carrying out ethnic cleansing and currently enacting genocide against the Palestinians in Gaza.

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“Israel was built on stolen land”? Much of the land was legally purchased – barren land that had been neglected for centuries that no one cared about. Travelers to Turkish Palestine in the 19th century witnessed the poverty, desolation and neglect resulting from of centuries of corrupt and incompetent Turkish misrule.

The Turks took the land by force of conquest – and how do you think the Arabs got it? I suppose you have heard of the huge Islamic empires established by the power of the sword.

It was the Arab states that launched a war of aggression against Israel the very day it declared independence – that aggression was in defiance of “international law,” a resolution of the United Nations. Oh, I forgot, “international law” is something that only applies when it can be used as a weapon against Israel, and doesn’t apply to the Russians or the Chinese or to many other countries.

They had no right to Palestinian land? (1) Did the Palestinians create the land, and form its rivers, valleys, and mountains? (2) It is Jewish land. The Arabic homeland is the Saudi Arabian peninsula. And, many of the Palestinians actually moved in to Palestine after the Jews and the British brought modern Western improvements, so there were more jobs for higher wages, with better educational opportunities and more legal rights. Many Palestinians came from Jordan, Egypt, Syria and Lebanon to benefit from Jewish/British modernization and have not been in the land from time immemorial as they falsely claim.

And, there has never at any time been an independent Palestinian nation in all of history.

As to British diplomatic duplicity, do you know what the Middle East has been for the last 5,000 years of recorded human history? And Arab help in defeating the Turks was minimal, of no real military significance.

“Until the Zionist incursion the Jewish remnant, Christians and Palestinians had lived peaceably in the area for some 1500 years.” 1948 – 1500 = 448. If you think Palestine has been a peaceful region since 448 AD you are mistaken. And, Christians live with more peace and security under Israeli rule than they do in any other Arab country. Palestinian independence – does the world really need one more cruel and corrupt Arab dictatorship?

As to plan Dalet, the Israelis were far-sighted enough to plan well in advance against the very real possibility of plans to exterminate them. Perhaps you think they should have just laid down and allowed themselves to be killed. Jews and Arabs could have lived together in peace if it had not been for Arabic inability to accept Jews as equal partners.

As to the destruction of towns and villages, how many Arabic towns and villages have been destroyed in Syria and Lebanon in the past 50 years? Oh, never mind, the Jews weren’t involved, so who cares? And, once again, those villages were destroyed in a war started by Arab nations seeking to destroy Israel. Would you be happier if they had succeeded and all of the little Arab villages remained while all of the Jews had been exterminated, as the Arab leadership boasted of doing?

As to Deir Yassin, don’t forget, there are two side to every story.

(1) If the Israelis had really had a policy of systematically slaughtering Arabs, we would hear of many Deir Yassins. But we do not.

(2) Secondly, the Israeli version of events was that Deir Yassin was a legitimate military objective, and was attacked as part of a campaign to secure the Jerusalem – Tel Aviv road in response to frequent Arab attacks. The Arabs put up some resistance and when the fighting was over it was found they had been fighting among civilians who were inevitably casualties.

(3) Curious, that Arab massacres of Jews are of no concern to you (such as that of Hebron in 1929).

“75 years on and nothing has changed. Its still carrying out ethnic cleansing and currently enacting genocide against the Palestinians in Gaza.”

The Israelis offered to negotiate over the newly conquered territories after 1967, and the official Arab response was “No peace, no recognition, no negotiations.” And, the Palestinian leadership has repeatedly refused serious offers. As to genocide, that is completely false, there has been no genocide.

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‘Much of the land was legally purchased …’ – the map of land actually owned by ‘Israel’ in 1946 it is miniscule, absolutely tiny.

If ‘no one cared about’ that land it wouldn’t have been necessary for the Haganah, Irgun and Stern gang to take it by force or the nascent state keep it by terror. There is equally as much barren land in Saudi or Sinai but it doesn’t give European colonial settlers the right to take it by force.

‘The Turks took the land by force…’ - Yes but the Turks then didn’t drive out the inhabitants from their homes and land in concerted acts of terror.

‘Arab states that launched a war of aggression …’ - That ‘war of aggression’ was actually a war of defence. For 5 months prior to the start of the war Israeli terrorists had been ethnically cleansing Palestinians from their own land. That led to the Nakba before Israel had even declared a state. Only in the black is white Zionist mindset could you call that an act of aggression. It was a war fought on their (Palestinians) own land and for their own land. It was Israeli aggression in stealing that land and the war they waged on the Palestinians that led to that reaction.

Palestinians had lived in that land since before Roman times. The reality is that they were mostly converted Jews who became Muslim after the Arab’s took over Palestine. They were not Arabs who moved to that land as a result of invasion. It also ignores the many thousands of Christians who lived there since biblical times who converted to Christianity from Judaism. The Jews who lived there were the true remnant and didn’t want to see massive influx of European settlers either because all had lived relatively peacefully before the advent of the Zionist project.

‘Arab help in defeating the Turks was minimal..’ - Arab support for defeating the Ottoman Turks which was crucial to Britain taking over that land and in its duplicity it promised it to both communities. If it wasn’t so important why did they need Arab support with bribery?

‘And, Christians live with more peace and security under Israeli rule than they do in any other Arab country’ - I think that is a straight out falsehood. Christians had lived peaceably in Syria and were an important part of that community. Judaism is anti-Christian as is well described in the Talmud. Young Jews spitting on elderly Nuns is never a good look.

‘Perhaps you think they should have just laid down and allowed themselves to be killed’ - no but they shouldn’t have been there in the first place. That they were there should have meant settling on an agreed peace and a 2 state solution. What Israel's true intentions were is easily seen by looking at a map of 46/47 and comparing it to one today.

‘Jews and Arabs could have lived together in peace if it had not been for Arabic inability to accept Jews as equal partners’ - this is a bizarre comment. They HAD lived together peaceably until the arrival of the Zionist project. They could still probably have lived peaceably together if the Jews that had been murdering and ethnically cleansing them had wanted. Palestinians had even offered Jews respite because of their treatment in Europe prior and their reward was to have their homes stolen and their families killed.

‘how many Arabic towns and villages have been destroyed in Syria and Lebanon in the past 50 years’ - Of that we can agree. And you can add Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya to that list. But we know those were wars of aggression waged by America on behalf of the Zionist state. We saw the Zionist / Neo-con takeover of the state dept. by dual nationals and see the result.

‘If the Israelis systematically slaughtered Arabs, we would hear of many Deir Yassins’ - There were many Deir Yassin’s just not on that scale. Israel destroyed nearly 500 towns and villages. There were no comparable events because it achieved its objective which was to say to the Palestinians if you do NOT leave Deir Yassin will be visited upon you and your families and villages. That resulted in the Nakba so future large scale slaughter wasn’t necessary.

‘Deir Yassin was a legitimate military objective…’ - Murdering women and children is a legitimate target if your plan is to remove the indigenous population.

‘Curious, that Arab massacres of Jews are of no concern to you…’ - you are wrong but to understand these events they must be put in context. The Palestinians had become aware of the Zionist plan to take over their land by then and the large scale immigration that had begun led to ’29. It doesn’t justify murder of innocents on either side.

‘The Israelis offered to negotiate .. and the Arab response was ‘no peace…’’ - The Palestinians made huge concessions to the point of actually being willing to share their stolen homeland. But it is evident Israel had no such intention or a 2 state solution which is why they are now trying to ethnically cleanse Gaza.

‘there has been no genocide…’ - By every conceivable internationally recognised metric what is happening is genocide. Denial of the murder of innocent men women and children speaks volumes. No need to add anything further.

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Mr Hoffman, I have read 2 of your books, and learned a lot from them, but this comment of mine here will be off-topic, but it might interest you and your readers.

Years ago I was into Evolutionary Psychology readings, and it happened that one of the publications that was active in this regard was EDGE.org by John Brockman, now a well known associate of Epstein. Brockman himself is obviously Jewish, as is/was J Epstein, as were Jewish a great part of the people published and promoted by his network.

But the interesting thing, that might interest you, is that Brockman is one of the major people on which Lutz Dammbeck builds his 2003 documentary titled "The Net - the Unabomber, LSD and the Internet". (Freely available here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yn9BvNAUvcU )

I think this is a very, very interesting connection that author exposed in that documentary. I wanted to present this "link" to you, just because you had a chapter in one of your books about the "Unabomber".

I think there's something more in there, something esoteric, not immediately understood... Something to do with the way society had to go, and that was planned more than half a century ago, and different fronts were moved by something, all fronts into one general direction. Technology/Science, popular culture, Literature (science fiction boom), Mythology (UFO mythology!). And the thing that ties these all together is the idea of progress, of something better to come. Is this how people and entire (western) societies, are controlled, by creating artificial dreams, and then controlling those dreams?

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If Mr. Brockman has a had a role in revealing the pharmacological trap which ensnared Ted Kaczynski at Harvard (similar to the one that programmed Charles Manson through CIA-induced LSD psychosis at the Haight Ashbury Free Clinic), then he should be congratulated, at least in that regard .

As for your final paragraph, we are living in a present time that was engineered in the 1950s, 60s, 70s and 80s to be our future. This was accomplished by means of projecting certain privileged science fiction themes and their inevitability, as scripted by the same engineers. This inevitabilism hypnotically suggests that resistance to the schema of The Planners is futile, and the vision they impose and subsequently induce is inevitable. I have examined this conditioning phenomenon in my books "Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare" and "Twilight Language," as well as several issues of our "Revisionist History®." newsletter.

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Dear Mr Hoffman,

The genocidal hate speech in Nazi Germany and Talmudic-Zionist “Israel” have striking parallels. One cannot help to notice the hypocrisy.

My inquiry to your post is one of inheritance and whether the promise made to Old Testament Abraham, Israel's patriarch, as well as patriarch to them in union to Christ by adoption, that Canaan continues to be the possesion of the Jews today.

Just before Old Testament Israel were to take possession of Canaan that God had promised to them, He warned Moses they were going to apostatize with the gods of the heathen nations, and the penalties He would charge them as a result (Deut 28–33). Although Joshua was able to stave off the appetite Israel possessed to practice idolatry, once he had gone there were no other leaders like him and Moses who would commit themselves to regulate Israel's obedience to God as carefully as they did. We notice in Scripture that even Josiah was not a disciplined regulator of obedience as Moses was, resulting in the gradual demise of holiness that eventually became inevitable among the Israelites.

The practice of idolatry during the time of the Judges was to a reasonable extent curtailed but not all judges honoured God's requirement for holiness. Similarly, this could also be said of some of the kings of Israel—with exception to David and a few others. Followng Solomon's reign, the apostasy intensified once the division of the twelve tribes ensued into two kingdoms, Israel and Judah.

Sadly, the progression of idolatry became so bad that God's severest forms of judgment needed to be unleased, and it brought destruction, death and long durations of captivity and foreign pagan rule to Israel and Judah's enemies.

God having forwarned Moses what would happen, forced His hand to bring severe judgment and disperse Israel and Judah to the then known world, and the remainder into captivity to their enemies. But not without the promise was this penalty brought becauae they could return and relocate to the land of Canaan if they repented. God's mercies ever endure!

I have made the case above so I could present my questions below, which are:

Is there any record that Israel repent of their idolatry in order to fufill God's promise they could return to the land of Canaan after their captivity to the Assyrians?

And again, is there any record that Judah repent of their idolatry in order to return to the land of Canaan, as God had promised, after their captivity to the Babylonians?

And last but not least,

Is it the will of God that Jews, since 1948, legitimately possess the land of Palestine, part of which is now called Israel, to fufill the promise God gave to Abraham in Genesis 17, that it would belong to his decendants forever?

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Please read the 13th tribe by Arthur Kessler, and Stephen Sizer‘s book on who biblically has the right to Palestine.

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Koestler not Kessler.

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The title Thirteen Tribes is an interesting one. When I saw the title of Arthur Koestler's book, it immediately took my thoughts to what I already know about the number 13, and the significance it has in the occult and its symbolism. An obvious example, if one knows what they are looking for and where to look, are the symbols found pasted on the dollar bill, many of which are synonymous to the number 13. When I first knew of this on the dollar bill, I realised how long America has been under direct demonic influence, not only in banking, but every sector of life.

Together with Thirteen Tribes, you have supplied me with very important leads to valuable information I have found on rhe website of Stephen Sizer, Mr Hoffman.

Many thanks.

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Unreal. I guess the storming of Normandy was in vain.

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One thing about the Arab-Israeli conflict: the history of the world is full of countless wars and conflicts. All over the world there are wars, injustices, exploitations, oppressions, it is part of the human condition. There was fighting between Egypt and Turkey in the 1830s and 40s when Israel did not even exist. And you mentioned many other examples, including the senseless and useless war in the Ukraine.

About historic Palestine, much depends on your view of the Bible. Unlike many people, I believe the events describing Abraham and the Jewish people really occurred, and God has given the Jews a claim to the land. This does not mean they have carte blanche and everything they do is right or justified. Even in Bible times there were wicked kings with evil policies. Their own prophets describe the wickedness and sinfulness of the Jews - see Isaiah chapter one - but still God has a purpose for them there and they have a right to some kind of homeland there.

And about the Lenni Lenape in Pennsylvania, there is no way their culture could have survived into the modern age. The same could be said of little Palestinian agricultural villages. Even if Israel had never come into being and the land was gobbled up by Syria or Egypt, who knows how many of them would be gone now anyway?

About the Great COVID Psyop, I am currently reading "Corona-Fascism: How Politicians Used A Virus to Eliminate Privacy, Enrich Themselves, and Put the Final Nail In Liberty's Coffin" - also Robert Kennedy's book "Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health" portrays Dr. Fauci as a cruel, corrupt, incompetent monster - an allegedly cruel, corrupt and incompetent monster I should say.

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Thank You so much for printing these truths and working to bring them to our awareness.

I have searched far and wide for the wisdom revealed on this page.

The world does not know the truth revealed here. But they need to know it. About the Nazis. About the Zionists. Quoting the perpetrators in their own words. The truth.

And it is much appreciated.

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