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WHT doesn't it occur to you that in the places where yhvh behaves in this talmudic fashion, that that talmudists changed the text so make you think God is evil, yet somehow Jesus also says he yhvh are one? Failing to understand this represents a grave idiocy too obvious to be innocent to my mind.

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Douglas Reed simply dislikes parts of the Old Testament which are so awful to many people who believe in Jesus. This is becaise we have.to use deductive reasoning and it's clear that if the babylonian jews could get that persian fairytale of esther into the OT and they mix truth with fiction everywhere else, then some nasties were inserted in yhe OT. I'm not a betting man but I'd put everything on it because it's so highly unlikely not to have been tampered with since these very people had it in their clutches ... and that can be the only thing that explains how dire our situation is currently. Extreme discernment required with the.bible even tho it contains s the only real truth. But yes reed, who left such a great record of ww2, later fell back into the dialectic in his wonderdul critique of Rhodesia where he gave the very Anglo miners represented by rothschild ltd via rhodes, a free pass. Farmers in southern Africa always give the mines a free pass. However his most interesting book I only read by chance, the prisoner of Ottawa.

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Yes, the Book of Esther is a problem but we once we toss out one book in the Bible all the others are up for grabs. Esther was ignored by Jesus, which tells us something. We can do the same.

I can't see Reed's book "The Controversy as Zion" as anything other than a sad revival of the destructive heresy of Macron.

However, Reed's welcome biography "The Prisoner of Ottawa" of the lesser of the two Strasser brothers (Otto), is a stepping stone to undoing the Hitlerian mythology, in that the murder of Gregor Strasser by Hitler was an inexcusable crime for which the Neo-Nazis have never minted a credible justification.

Even Stalin granted show trials. Gregor got a bullet in the head because Hitler announced he (the Führer) WAS the German court. Hitler's homicidal egoism is beyond staggering. His is the leadership template agents of the Cryptocracy hold up for emulation by the most disaffected elements of the extreme Right-- absolute dictatorship, divine right of kings, papal infallibility. Call it what you will, it is the original sin of the denial of the depravity of human nature, which ought to teach us that no one man can be trusted with too much power or authority on earth.

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The Controversy of Zion is disliked in many quarters, IDK why. What I got.out of it was his fabulous case against the British media especially in the early stages of the war, I believe, it's been a while, and also he alludes to other writings of his where he reports firsthand on how regular Jews had degraded Ukrainian villages to utter poverty tgrougg liquor sales and debt. I dont know that he advocated for any alternative other than to stop the war, but maybe thats where it got boring towards the end. Khazarian or whatever people want to call Jewish migration from the East, hatred of cossaks sure is enduring, something I haven't seen mentioned in analysis over the past 2 years especially ially since I found Ukraine’s ambassador to Southern Africa is Abrahamovich. It would be interesting to see what perce Tage of all diplomats are non Ukrainian.

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