Mar 24Liked by Michael Hoffman

This is so important. It doesn't matter where I go, what group of Christians I am speaking to, if I have a chance to gently bring up this truth, they are completely amazed. They never heard it before. It has been truly, intentionally hidden by some churches for centuries, and by the Catholic Church, at least since Vatican II. Thank you for providing this information for us.

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Excellent Michael.

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Mar 26Liked by Michael Hoffman

Katya here, thanks again to Roscoe!

Psalm 12:8 "The wicked walk on every side, when the vilest men are exalted."

Saint Patrick: Save me O Lord "against the craft of idolatries."

Arthur Koestler, one of the great writers of our times, says on p. 17 of The Thirteenth Tribe: "The story of the Khazar Empire, as it slowly emerged from the past, begins to look like the most cruel hoax which history has ever perpetrated."

(Good to bear in mind that the ruler of the Khazarians was called the Kagan.)

On p. 136, Koestler describes a rabbinical fable wherein the Jewish people of Baghdad were instructed to assemble on their rooftops to await a rapture in which they'd be flown on clouds to their Messiah's camp (12th c.) Makes one wonder whether the rabbis who advised Scofield used this proto-rapture as a "deliberate misdirection" (see Hoffman, Judaism Discovered) in the Scofield Reference Bible which is a nullification of the Word of God.

"I am the true vine: my Father is the husbandman." S John, XV

Ever and always thank you, Michael.

Blessed Pasqua.

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Mar 26·edited Mar 26

A blessed (Western) Holy Week*, everyone! One correction, Jerusalem was destroyed in 70 AD. Hadrian founded Aelia Capitolina in 130 AD. After the Romans, the city was added to by the Byzantines, various Islamic caliphates and dynasties, Crusaders, Seljuk Turks, Egyptian Mamluks, and the Ottoman Turks under whom the walls were built. The Crusader "Old City" was modeled after a typical medieval Italian city, and later redesigned by Muslims.

* Eastern Orthodox Holy Week is April 28-May 5, 2024.

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