You are opposed to hate with every fiber of your being?

There is a time for love and a time for hate (Ecclesiastes 3).

You are trying to inform us that you prefer only the in-breath and not the out-breath. When someone, anyone, hates you, always has and always will, what is your response - to kneel before before them and claim you love them? They do not care for your version of truth.

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My response is to obey the command of Jesus to love our enemies, and to do good to those who persecute us.

He also said if you love me, keep my commandments.

These are requirements for a Christian.

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I didn't know you were a Christian.

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Jesus was not a Christian. Following the story, he had to die in order to become Christ. Jesus remained Jewish until death. The tip-off would also be that he was a Rabbi who wished to rid what he viewed as corruption under the Jewish elders. Christians follow what was structured under Paul. It's easier to get people to follow "what the dead guy said" than the one who is living.

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He is Apollo in Abrahamic garb tis all.

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The Bible, or Penteteuch/Torah, is a Greek invention. Added to later, not that much later, by the Romans (in Greek of course because they were mostly Greek too).

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Yes, as St. Stephen did, to kneel before them and claim you love them.

In “Mere Christianity” C.S. Lewis says that what is probably the least popular teaching of Christ has to do with loving your enemies. This from a man who fought in the trenches of WWI when he was 18. How do you love those who kill? To love the sinner, but not the sin; rather discern the sin and work against it with all your heart.

You could say our epoch’s movement away from Christianity (into Ecumenism—a grave heresy—see Father Seraphim Rose’s books) has led to widespread acceptance of false teaching. So to do C.S. Lewis justice in an earlier quote I gave from his preface to St. Athanasius, the full quote is: “Where our [beliefs/mass assumptions] are false, they will aggravate the error with which we are already dangerously ill.”

What is hate? Lewis also has a marvelous trilogy on the subject, his sci-fi answer to H.G. Wells, who did hate, btw, the 3rd volume called “That Hideous Strength.”

Anti-hate would be the Light that shine the in Darkness, but the Darmess comprehended it not. John 1:4 —thank you, Michael, for your forever work—

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“The Light that shineth in darkness, but the darkness comprehended it not”—mistakes both from “auto-correct” and a three year-old at my elbow—the child is of God!

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Hello Katya. I don't think C. S. Lewis is always a good source. I remember reading in "Letters of C. S. Lewis", in one of the last letters in the book, dealing with the Sermon on the Mount, that he seems to believe that Jesus was prophesying the end of the world rather than the destruction of Jerusalem, which occurred in 70 AD. It was a library book and I cannot find it now.

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If you loved the likes of me, which The Christ commanded you to do, why not give me a blue heart "like" approval symbol? You gave one to another commenter here because she agrees with you. Is that Christianity to pick and choose?

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I DON’T agree with him! I hear Truth—that’s the Christian part, through all the fog and anger.

Ecclesiastes on hate: it’s the cruel and malevolent behavior that calls for hate, not the human being, for whom there is hope always—

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Hate is not "called for" ; it is merely a description of the way the world functions. Yin & Yang; every coin has two sides. You can't love everybody all the time and if you try, you are fooling yourself. This is no time for pretense. We are in mortal danger and we have to stick up for ourselves in a realistic manner. Softies will not make it. We are physical beings, by the grace of God, and we have to protect our physical lives.

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Dec 9, 2023
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This business of "love the sinner, hate the sin" is just abstraction. Normal people of normal mental health do not function in that manner.

My own interpretation of "being in the world but not of the world" has nothing to do with the above. Lots of Christians don't take this physical life seriously because the Real Deal is supposedly to be found in "heaven", for which this physical life is supposedly a preparation. Typical attempt to separate that which can never be uncoupled.

JMO, but I think that is pretty lightweight. However, while we are here, we must allow desire to erupt and to submerge ourselves in this physical life. There will be plenty of time for us in the next world, however it might be constituted. Thanks kindly for replying to my comment.

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Welcome, Horsea T. I am glad you found us. This is no ordinary Substack platform. I learn a lot from it. Clicking the "heart" symbol indicates that someone agrees with a comment. If someone does not indicate that they agree with you, it does not mean they do not love you as a person. I hope you continue to read Michael Hoffman's columns. I for one welcome disagreement. Without people disagreeing, this platform would seem like a cult, which it definitely is not. Disagreement makes the platform more interesting also.

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Tante grazie Signor Hoffman.

Che Dio la benedica 🙏

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If we take at face value that there were no atrocities committed against Israelis on 10/6, why should we be any more likely to believe that Gaza's Arabs are being killed by the Israeli's? Alternatively, if there are a large number of deaths of Gaza's Arab children, it is due to an average age around 18, therefore, it is not hard to classify nearly half of Gaza as "children".

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If this is a "no one was killed at Sandy Hook" type of pretense that there were no innocent Israeli civilians massacred on Oct. 7 please take your view to some other website. A minimum level of lucidity is required in order to participate in this forum.

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It was rhetoric. I have no doubt there are high death counts in war or genocide. The numbers involved are always difficult to ascertain, but more important is not to dismiss that people died. As for who is dying in Gaza, statistically it will be a lot of the pediatric population based on demographics. Most people would consider this a tragedy, Hamas on the other hand may not.

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SK wrote:

"As for who is dying in Gaza, statistically it will be a lot of the pediatric population based on demographics. Most people would consider this a tragedy, Hamas on the other hand may not." (end quote)

Always the ultimate evil is posited as Palestinian.

For "most people" however, the deaths of the thousands of innocents in Gaza "is a tragedy." Who could these people be? Are they the mass murderers in the Israeli government who perpetrate the massacres, or the majority of the Israelis, who, according to polls, support them?

It appears that we are expected to believe that it is the Palestinians of Hamas who "may" approve of the slaughter of their mothers, fathers, children and wives in Gaza. Most of the rest of humanity are not so bloodthirsty, or Machiavellian.

This level of make-believe, the imposition of a vision the exact opposite of what is transpiring, doesn't surprise me. Chin-deep in the blood of Palestinian civilians, we are supposed to imagine that the Israelis are nonetheless largely blameless, even though the Israeli government consists of openly racist, genocidal cabinet ministers and leaders who have publicly called for Gaza to be "flattened, "erased," incinerated like Dresden, and even atomic bombed.

Ah, but it's Hamas who we must single out as uniquely cold-hearted. If you swallow enough FOX News and CNN, and read the NY Post and Wall Street Journal fish-wrappers on a daily basis, you could be led to accept a tale like that. The golem in America surely do.

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I do not consume any of those sources you reference and recommend that you look a bit deeper into Islam. As for the Israeli's, I do not believe there was a surprise attack because the chances of that are about nil. Unfortunately, none in government will be held accountable though essentially, they were enablers of what took place on 10/7. As for those in Gaza, yes, Hamas sees them as disposable. Those taken hostage by Hamas reportedly will be killed unless demands are met. With that in mind, they are not entitled to any protection themselves, should be shot on site, with surrender taken off the table. That aside, should you ever find yourself under the dominion of Islam, you won't find yourself in a warm fuzzy atmosphere. History bears that out.

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History bears out that until the advent of Talmudic Zionism, adherents of Judaism were treated well under Islam, much better than they were often treated in "Christian" nations. In fact, during the first two decades of the twentieth century, pogroms against Judaic people in Moldavia (present day Moldova) and Ukraine drove many rank and file Judaic people into the arms of Soviet Communism and Talmudic Zionism.

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The Talmud predates Islam. Zionism can be said to date from the fall of the first temple, certainly the second. Christianity does have a long track record of hostility and not just toward Jews, the Protestant reformation being a testament to that. As for life under Islam, what's to be expected is recorded in the Koran. Isolated times of relative tolerance did exist, but exceptions don't make the rule. For the most part, it resembled "out of the fire, into the pan".

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I hope it's alright to post this here. Please send the following letter to your Congressman or woman and to your Senators. Dr. Cornel West, who is a good friend of Dr. Norman Finkelstein, writes the following:

"It’s bad enough that POTUS ordered a veto of the UN Security Council ceasefire vote. Now it appears he circumvented Congressional review to expedite the sale of deadly munitions to continue Israel’s genocidal campaign in Gaza. Congress must immediately investigate and determine if President Biden violated Section 36(b) of the Arms Export Control Act. We must cease and desist unconditional military aid to the State of Israel.

The US veto at the UN to block a vote to end Israel’s barbaric genocidal campaign in Gaza is an act of spiritual obscenity and moral bankruptcy. We must fight to cast a light on the precious Palestinian children, and innocent women and men being slaughtered by Israeli forces enabled by the US government! We must have an immediate ceasefire, end of the siege and end of the vicious Israeli occupation!"

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Dr Cornel West is spot on except for the fact that regarding another class of innocents, unborn human beings, he supports abortion on demand up to the ninth month of pregnancy, which is a type of infanticide.

So we have the perverse situation of “right to life” Republicans supporting the mass murder of Palestinian children in Gaza, and we have men like Dr. West defending the children of Palestine, but not unborn human beings in the womb.

God help us.

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Thanks for your writing: Ask this question, is the Talmud anti-Semitic? Well, it depends on who's reading it. If the reader is a Chauvinistic supremacist, the Talmud is finally a glimmer of truth. But the modern civilized man gags, and uncontrollably vomits on its pages.

Those like some commenter's, that claim that Ecclesiastes says you should breath in, and then breath out. (Well I think you should spit it out myself.) Those we call the Anti-System, they work tirelessly for the destruction of humanity and all social institutions. Then in America we have Eschatology. It used to be God that had to "DO-END-TIMES, by crashing a giant meteor into the earth, or something (no more floods). Now with nuclear deterrence it is man that has taken over the Eschatology job. And all the Eschatology mavens have gravitated into the military and foreign affairs positions.

The probable trouble with all the books you quote is that they are a cross between reading the Talmud and commenting on the Talmud. Don't comment, just read it, it is clear enough.

The Talmud is an oral tradition for 1,000's of years and a written tradition for 500-600 years. It will never be changed or updated. My recommendation is not an opinion piece nor a research. It is a direct reading of key passages. Once you see it, you'll have no questions and no delusions that it will finally all work out. A short book by Israel Shahak, (126 pages) an Israeli himself. I uploaded my copy here:


Nowadays all conflicts are caused because I have "an uncle". He gives me money, bombs, and a main-stream-media narrative that hides my atrocities. My Uncle likes chicken fights. He has a few prize "Cocks". I am sure that he won't give up his favorite hobby.

I think that it is safe to say that all world problems emulate from the American congress. Presidents can't do anything without the funding approval. Those few that dare to question, well, they vote for the funding anyway. This November every last congressman should be swept OUT. Let America be run by freshmen politicos.

So I don't blame Jews or their distorted superiority. It is a thrilling game whereby 16 million people can control the destinies of 8 billion people. Once they own planet earth, they can rent-it-out. (To whomever is left.)



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Noam Chomsky “a Judaic scholar?” What are his qualifications for that? Is he not simply a linguist turned activist?

It is commendable that Chomsky condemns the historical slaughters of Palestinians. But overall, I have no use for him. He is overly selective in his condemnations. I heard him once in an interview objecting that the magnitudes of Pol Pot’s mass murders were overestimated, even though he could not refute that the murders were occurring. He has continually exposed himself as an apologist for anything communist.

And his recent shameful declarations that the unvaccinated should be involuntarily separated from the population to fend for themselves should cause one to write him off altogether. That is not attributable to old age babbling. It is the cheese coming off the cracker.

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Maybe we should strive for coexistence since perfect love is impossible. Israel could become multicultural like most nations and have a one state.

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Maybe we should strive for coexistence since perfect love is impossible. Israel could become multicultural like most nations and have a one state.

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"The blood of Arab children is before my eyes." Is this what ignites your fire from within? The question of what burns it inside you with such zeal comes to mind. I admire your effort in history, your desire to expose the spirit of harlotry, and I have purchased books and revisionist subscriptions by mail before. I do however also think the blood of the Arab children is before God's eyes as well. Nothing under heaven happens without him approving it. This is not to say God has approved evil, by any means. Simply free choice and its repercussions. What I like to emphisize is the spiritual matter of the continued covennant changed at the cross. It seems the jews will never get on board. The murdered children are safe too. We all are under the sun experiencing the gnashed teeth from evil one way or another. Identifying and exposing tactics of manipulation will not stop the end from coming. It is a form of information war and your zeal has spread. The information war done against the jews has the tendency to make people quote love your enemy type of Scriptures. Your research places you at a lonesome place. I am under authority myself and as such my focus is snatching others from fire as Scripture states, spiritually. While I belive the babylonian talmudist have left their mark in the world and apparently continue to be exalted by the jews, I am also reminded that the jews carried God's blueprints and Christ geneaology. I think Scripture addresses them as such. Their purpose fulfilled. The attention they drew after the cross and beyond into history would be no different than the spirit of fascim and communism found in the asian countries. These are influences permeating time, a sort of fertilizer to bring spiritual yield. It is in hardship that the mind draws closer to God, unfortunately. I wanted to make sure your vision was of the ideologic type, weighting on the spiritual procreation.

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There is a symbiotic relationship between international predatory capitalism and the weaponized Talmudic-Zionist genocide directed against the people of Gaza. The destruction of Palestine as a national entity means there will be less people with which to share energy revenues. See the link below:


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