As always good work , thank you and never stop telling the truth.

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So agree, so true. Let us not sin against hope by drifting away from what we Christians once knew as Christ’s Truth. “Thus we observe the conflict between truths perceived deep within and lies people force themselves to assent to in institutions and in public. In the name of Christ and the will of the people, the law of Christ and the will of the people is overthrown.” Michael Hoffman, “Twilight Language,” p. 39

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The quote is actually from p. 39 of "Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare". But you have the right sentiments.

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Thanks, p. 39 of “Secret Societies”—the ongoing horror of what’s happening now is unbearable to the brain and eye. From Pres. Assad’s speech on Saturday at the Arab Summit: “Zionism is outpacing itself in barbarism.” See Larry Johnson at sonar21.com. He went on to say there is no justice and no law in the West with which to negotiate. Michael’s podcast and teachings on the Talmud are stomach-turning and truly hard for us who brought up as Christians, or at least with a sense of right and wrong, to comprehend—to get it that “the synagogue of Satan” is very real and has infiltrated much of our lives as an ideology of murder, of rage, of hate. I sent his podcast to family members and friends—the response is unbelievable and so sad. Spiritual weaponry, the full armor of God, is the one true thing.

(So glad, Arnold, that you are reading “Demons”—yes, Pevear and Volokhonsky. When you finish, start again right away and reread!)

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