Thank you for this article. Tribe is a demagogue. Someone should help him find a hobby like shuffleboard or bird watching so he can stop polluting the twittersphere with his attack-dog ignorance.

I attended a conservative law school (conservative on a steep Bell Curve) in 1989-92. Our Constitutional Law professor spared us Tribe’s textbook and used Gerald Gunther’s instead. Best course I ever took.

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Thanks Michael. I appreciated you ending with a quote from A Man For All Seasons, the patron Saint of my son and I, Thomas More. That is my son’s name, and I was named John Fisher after the college my father worked in upstate Rochester.

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Brilliant take. Deeply appreciate your balance in elucidating the same ad hominens and absurdities on both sides. We're presented insipid political differences for show and then are expected to remain steadfast as their audience. An audience which all politics appear tailored for.

Political garb worn like cloaks; tailored and fashioned for their intended audience, being us, to see them as they see fit. As they intend us to see them. Misinfit-formation.

Cognitive Security is in full swing with the Behemoth think tank, The Atlantic Council laying bare their intentions for a planet wide free range spiritual detention centre. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zJX82vGW_pA

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