thought provoking analysis and appreciate the additional context on the usage of talmudic speech in the public space (like on C-Span).

Thank you Michael.

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Important article. Well written. Thank you, Michael.

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The suppression of The Secret Relationship trilogy from Amazon is because it implicates Judaics in the true history of American slavery. Not Whites. Therefore, its banishment is protecting Judaic Supremacy, not “White Supremacy.”

This scholarship explains the real history, including the major Judaic role for which Whites have been throughly, uniquely scapegoated.

Mr. Hoffman asks, “How could this outrageous censorship have occurred without public protest, rallies, boycotts, seminars, an op-ed in the New York Times and sundry discussions and debates on network and cable television?”, and then answers, “None of that occurred because the forces of white supremacy arrayed against it were too powerful.”

Wrong, the forces of Judaic supremacy arrayed against it were too powerful! Amazon, along with every other mainstream status-quo powerhouse, will (and do) get on the clarions night and day to celebrate every heritage, culture, tradition, race, ethnicity and faith if it is NOT White or Christian (especially Catholic). The homepage of these entities will and do give that away every time. All those celebrations are easily trumped however when coming up against the power of a particular tribe, the Judaic supremacy global cabal.

Hoffman, “Banning these magisterial works of black intellect during Black History Month no less, gives us a peak behind the curtain, affording a glimpse of white supremacy at work in 2023.”

It does no such thing. The ban on the NOI trilogy is to suppress knowledge of the Judaic hand in the matter. This would be a glimpse at Judaic supremacy at work in 2023. Indeed, however, it is a peak behind the curtain that they performed this wretched censorship during “Black history month.” Judaic Power uses Blacks in America as one of their sledge hammers to relentlessly smash down what remains of positive White identity and homogeneity. They hate us both, Black and White, but will gladly use African-folk to destroy every last vestige of European-folk in the West.

Mr. Hoffman continues, “Due to their servitude to the white racists who control the funding and call the shots, it’s no surprise that Critical Race Theory’s (“CRT”) leading exponents dare not speak out on the subject of the hidden side of black slavery in the ante-bellum South, or of Amazon’s censorship of The Secret Relationship.”

CRT, and cultural-Marxist Critical Theory from whence it came, is an anti-White engine that was crafted by this same Judaic power. I would wholly agree that CRT is anti-Black to the degree that it would deny Blacks this true history concerning American slavery or the hidden truth of what Judaic exegesis has claimed, but any White who is “controlling the funding and calling the shots” is entirely of the self-hating sort who, in a bid to garner wealth or power, is entirely beholden to this Judaic power elite, bashing White identity along the way, thereby being anything but “White supremacist.”

White supremacy has long been defunct. There was a time when many Whites had crafted reasons for being able to deny the sovereignty and self-determination of non-White peoples of the Earth, and rule over them. This empire building is grotesque in my eyes, especially as someone who is witnessing the denial of sovereignty and self-determination of White countries at a global scale. I don’t know any Whites who want to rule over any other peoples, and I don’t want to. The best Whites I know are nationalists who believe we all deserve homelands where we are the unquestioned masters of our destiny, un-hypocritically desiring the same for Black people and Judaic people alike.

During past ages of genuine White supremacist activity, Whites who took up the works of Maimonides and the Talmud shamed themselves. The anti-Black attitude extant in these Judaic sources is anti-Christian and should have been burnt upon pyres.

Mr. Hoffman asks, “Has this highly influential eugenic malediction, which circulated sub-rosa in white circles for centuries before the Civil War and Jim Crow, been publicly denounced during Black History Month, or at any other time?” He states we know the answer.

The answer is no, because a Judaic supremacist power structure is in utter domination of the narrative, and they won’t withstand that their unfortunate Black useful-idiot peons, be any the wiser. Case in point, Blacks being used by anti-Black, anti-White Judaics who devilishly wield divide-and-conquer tactic.

The Black scholars that penned The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews trilogy have encountered a pathetic censorship. Justice demands this be undone.

Mr. Hoffman mentioned the disreputable gatekeepers New York Times, Amazon, Washington Post, Google and their tilt. These entities are the viciously anti-White yet somehow become “White supremacist” when shielding Judaic crimes and hegemony?

The fever of the Judaic-elite-controlled age is the hysteric tear-down of all things White. This includes our very demographics. It garners favor and promotion to deride, castigate, calumniate and outright suffocate what dwindles of the remains of European civilization. The popularization of celebrating all things non-White and non-Christian in the White, formerly Christian, world today while casting the worst display of opprobrium on celebrating that which is White and Christian is a double standard from hell that has in its crosshairs that identity which made Western Civilization and saw her exalted as Christendom.

You can be pro-Black as long as you don’t tell inconvenient truths about Judaic activity. You can’t be pro-White without earning yourself a badge of wickedry (insert anti-White pejorative here; neo-nazi, white supremacist, racist, etc)

You can be anti-White and pro-Black. Some “White supremacist” predominance, huh? However, approach the veil of Judaic supremacy and all will be devoured in the wake of its wrath.

Supposed modern power structure of “White supremacy”, notwithstanding.

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To Cory

You discredit yourself with your opening paragraph.

2. Your fixation on the oppression of white people lacks a class analysis.

In your first sentences you wrote, “The suppression of The Secret Relationship trilogy from Amazon is because it implicates Judaics in the true history of American slavery. Not Whites. Therefore, its banishment is protecting Judaic Supremacy, not “White Supremacy.” End quote.

It was the absurd position of Hitler and his Nazi party that “German Jews” were neither German nor white.

In the U.S. the vast majority of people who identify as Judaic are white.

A good portion of them are more Caucasian than some of the white nationalists who loathe them. Regurgitating Nazi racial pseudo-science does not make it valid. It fact it is abhorrent.

Jeff Bezos is not Judaic and neither are large swaths of the white ruling class in America. White supremacy is a partnership between some Judaic people and some gentiles. The whites in the ruling and upper classes do not suffer the list of grievances which you have compiled and loosely assigned to the overwhelming majority of whites in America. In part, the ruling class war has been against poor and working class whites. It is your own white elite who detest the lower classes, and that’s a fact of usury capitalism.

Historically, scapegoating of Judaics has been promoted by the gentile ruling class to distract attention from their own crimes, as we tried to show in our books Adolf Hitler: Enemy of the German People, The Role of the Merchants of Venom, Usury in Christendom and The Occult Renaissance Church of Rome. To distract from their own perfidy, Jew-hate has been mounted covertly by the occult Aryan component of the ruling class —and they are subordinate to no one, including Judaic people.

Removing the culpability of ruling class gentiles for the crimes they have inaugurated is part and parcel of a conspiracy you are helping to advance with your notion of their subsidiary relationship with “non-white Jewish supremacy.”

Perhaps you don’t realize it, but that’s the potation which the Right wing fever swamp has been brewing for centuries. Jew hate consists in precisely the shape your comment takes: supernaturally malignant Judaics with other-wordly powers that render billionaires like Bezos mere putty in their hands.

That bogeyman no longer has the power to recruit the masses. It’s a delirium largely confined to the fringes, where dwells historical illiteracy.

You wrote: “Judaic Power uses Blacks in America as one of their sledge hammers to relentlessly smash down what remains of positive White identity and homogeneity.”

That’s quite an affirmation of white impotence and black power. Poor, pitiful whites are being smashed by the black golem. Actually black people in America are more intractable and independent than many other Americans; more willing to question authority and rebel against tyranny. The working classes of all races in America are being smashed by their condition of near-perpetual debt peonage under predatory capitalism. It gravely harms all the poor and workers, black and white.

Why do whites choose to contracept and abort themselves out of existence? Oh, yes, it’s the fault of the Judaics. Everything is the fault of the Jews, I take it. What a weak, whimpering reaction to the challenges of life. It’s tragic to see you attempt to invoke the ugly scapegoat archetype to explain why it is that what you call “the white nations” are losing population, identity and cohesion.

There’s such a thing called accountability — behaving in a virile manner. In ancient Rome the virtues were grouped under the heading virillis, from which we derive the world virile. The Romans believed you were only virile —only a man — when you stopped making excuses and took responsibility for your life.

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“Your fixation on the oppression of white people lacks a class analysis.”

Yes and fixating on the Ukrainian Holodomor is not a suffering of the Ukrainian people because it lacks the class analysis of any Ukrainians who were pleasantly complicit with their full bellies.

And fixating on the dreary African state as a slave to American colonists is not a suffering of Blacks because it lacks the class analysis of Blacks who owned slaves in America or Africans who sold their kin from their homeland.

And fixating on the genocide of White South Africans since the rise of the ANC is not a suffering of White South Africans because it lacks the class analysis of White communists who signed their kin’s death note.

The existence of bought men and complicit traitors does not diminish that Judaic supremacy is thee taboo that cannot be pricked. Nor that it is an actual race-worship ideology that fuels these elites among the Judaic world power.

Bezos does not believe he is racially supreme because he is White. His action and influence uniformly undermine so much as the notion that “its okay to be white.”

Hoffman, “In the U.S. the vast majority of people who identify as Judaic are white.

A good portion of them are more Caucasian than some of the white nationalists who loathe them.“

I can’t speak for true “haters.” I’m not one. As for Judaics, I understand a great number of them have European extraction. This doesn’t temper however the furnace of anti-White hatred that these Judaic elites have impassioned against European civilization. Kind of like how Obama’s 50% White extraction didn’t seem to quell his constant “White guilt” refrains or his glee in sticking it to that Hollywood, omnipresent bogeyman, “White supremacy.” Point is, he identifies with his Black ancestry, as the global Judaic cabal identifies with their ethnic (and sometimes religious) in-group worship.

Hoffman, “White supremacy is a partnership between some Judaic people and some gentiles.”

Yes, so when NWO pushers like Elena Kagan, Barack Obama, Indian social media technocrats, Saudi Arabian billionaires, and Chinese communists, gather, it is called White Supremacy. Talk about your scapegoating. You’d do better to call it “Elite Supremacy” and thereby ease the hate-machine of the guilt-merchants contra their White whipping-boy.

Hoffman, “It is your own white elite who detest the lower classes, and that’s a fact of usury capitalism.”

These heinous traitors are the first to blame. No subversion of countries is possible without the domestic sell-outs who desire the warmest of places in Gehenna. The Bidens and Clintons and Trumps and Blairs and Sarkozys and Merkels and on and on are the loathsomest of creatures who are as anti-White as Maimonides is anti-Black. Their elite status and wealth is on the necks of those they hate. The fact that non-Judaic’s bandy with these Judaic supremacists and tow their agenda of “fight anti-semitism” and “tear down white supremacy” is proof positive of the massive flexing influence the Judaic power structure has.

Its a constant circus of psychological projection and gaslighting.

Hoffman, “Removing the culpability of ruling class gentiles for the crimes they have inaugurated is part and parcel of a conspiracy you are helping to advance with your notion of their subsidiary relationship with “non-white Jewish supremacy.””

I would never remove their culpability. The only thing I’m pointing out with Judaic supremacy is the very real power wielded by “world Jewry”. This does not implicate all people of Judaic descent. Many of them are victims of the same maniacs. The preponderance of power is so readily obvious when at a minuscule percentage of American population, Judaics wield countless positions of power and influence in media, banking, politics, etc. To an absurd degree (like in Bolshevik Russia).

And merely clear your voice, raise your hand and mention THE tribe and the avalanche of not-Judaic-supremacy will clamor down with a deafening clang.

Mention a theory of “white supremacy” and you’ll receive a clap on the back by Republicans, Democrats, Alex Jones, Hannity, Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, George Soros, Kalergi, Obama, Bushes, Clintons and an endless list of disgusting anti-White scum.

Hoffman, “Poor, pitiful whites are being smashed by the black golem.”

How dramatic. The demonstration of my point is made as simple how Blacks vote as a block in general. The drum is beat steady-on at regular interval of White-guilt-industry merchandise, galvanizing Blacks to not only vote often as high as 90+% for Marxist policy or politicians, but also to unleash waves of anti-White “revenge” crimes of murder and rape as currency for “reparations.” A disgusting reality. And to quote JLP, “not all, not all, not all” Blacks. Not all Blacks have to be criminals for there to be an astronomical problem of Black crime. Colin Flaherty, of pleasant memory, documented it all to well, “without racism, without rancor, without apology.”

Hoffman, “Why do whites choose to contracept and abort themselves out of existence? Oh, yes, it’s the fault of the Judaics. Everything is the fault of the Jews, I take it.”

Contraception and abortion are two of the major reasons for plummeting White populations. I agree 100%. I’m against them. I’m not of the sort who decries our declining numbers while having no children. My wife and I are expecting our fifth in about 7 months, and I’m pleased to trigger anti-Whites with a notion of #morewhitebabies. Quality and quantity as our ancestors’ example edified us.

Not everything is the “Judaics’ fault,” but then again not everything has to be the Judaics’ fault for there to be a very real world power cadre of Judaic self-worshippers.

Take for a moment the psychological abuse Blacks have received from the sewage spewn from Talmudic Maimonidesism. You’d be the first to not just denounce but also mollify the serious mental strain that this can inflict on the victim. The same is for the European-folk who have daily mental installations and downloads of the most heinous lies and guilt-trips the world can offer. Since the end if WWII, the nasty psychological warfare aimed at Whites has been the most debilitating sort. Sing it with me: slavery, colonization, holocaust, patriarchy, genocide. An incessant anti-White screeching which is performing masterfully in demoralizing and paralyzing Whites. This is not an excuse, this is a legitimate analysis of a screed which is no less hate-filled and potent than Maimonides.

Hoffman, “It’s tragic to see you attempt to invoke the ugly scapegoat archetype to explain why it is that what you call “the white nations” are losing population, identity and cohesion.”

I haven’t scapegoated anyone. Judaic supremacy is a major player in the NWO hegemony and I’m convinced integral to it. And most “Jews” are unawares.

Not sure why you put scare quotes on “the white nations”… Every traditionally White country founded by European-folk is being ripped down by the Great Replacement style genocidal program. United States, Canada, Sweden, Germany, Austrailia, Spain, Italy, Greece, South Africa, France, et al.

White Supremacy is succeeding so well that its accidentally stumbling into White genocide.

Its like your booklet, Hate Whitey. If someone were to declare that said book was not an exposé of anti-White vitriol because of the existence of White criminal cryptocracy coconspirators, they’d be retarded. This is the same anti-White hate of our people that I’m interested in rejecting. Not pretending that European civilization is collapsing for reasons that are exclusionary of White traitors.

Or like your talk on God’s Power Politics For The White Race. If someone were to declare that said talk was nonsensical to appeal to resuscitating the suicidal White population birthrates because there exists White criminal cryptocracy coconspirators, they’d be on drugs.

I promote the survival and thriving of my people, often, IN SPITE OF MY PEOPLE. And never with detestable hypocrisy. Every far-flung peoples on this Earth have this moral allocation and have dignity from God to be unthreatened in this manner.

And you’re right, excuse makers are weak. I’m not one, I’m doing the best by my family that I can by God’s grace. For the record I don’t keep a constant finger at “Judaic supremacy”, real though it is. As you refer to the cryptocracy, in my usual parlance I use the Talmudic-globalist-marxists. On the topic of your article however, it was absolutely demanding to clarify that the suppression of The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews was to hide Judaic involvement and keep continued the carousel of Whites scapegoated.

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Care to rejoinder?

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Concession accepted.

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Who is the white historian who wrote favorable about The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews?

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I’m not at liberty to say. His book was printed in a run of approximately 200 copies which he circulated to his colleagues a couple of decades ago. He wanted his views kept private, and to the best of my knowledge they have remained so. I respect his privacy.

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This is done by design to divide us. No one ever talks about the white slaves 300 years before there were black ones in America. In S. Africa they sold white slaves mostly who were Christians,the children and women were seperated and taken from the families never to be seen again. {Yes} there were white slaves. We have to come together to defeat this evil that has been around for thousands of years.A lot died on the ship because they kept the white slaves in the bottom of the ship.{See Dana Ashlie.com} videos on you tube.

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The vipers and hypocrites verbally chastened by the Son of God, have become the snake charmers of today in an reversed role. They hypnotize the kosmos with subtil (arum) manipulation. Truly, you can not serve two masters, even billionaires can not escape this law. No race, creed or "orientation" can trump the Judehite programme of domination.

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