Excellent job in spotlighting the regime's contempt for Slavs. I read a quote by Soros back in the 90s in which he outlined the plan to have NATO's Eastern Europeans grind it out against Putin's forces.

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Very true that Intelligence agencies control all major journalists and mainstream news publications. The granddaddy of the tabloids, The National Enquirer, was founded by Generoso Pope Jr., a CIA "asset". All of the tabloids were created as vehicles for "Camouflaged Disclosure", a methodology to Hoodwink the masses. When the Controllers have too much difficulty keeping something secret from the masses that they want to remain so, they release it in a format that subjects it to ridicule and disbelief, placing it in the tabloids embedded with vacuous celebrity gossip and tales so far fetched they would make Uncle Remus blush. No mean feat as Uncle Remus was black. It is a very shrewd strategy.

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I recall reading about Operation Mockingbird as well as German journalist Udo Ulfkotte's testimony about CIA influence in the media some years back. He alleged that dozens of influential people and institutions were basically front organizations dedicated to promoting pro-US propaganda. Even Barbara Honegger stated ex-CIA Director, William Casey, asserted in a 1981 White House meeting, "We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." Methinks it's more than complete now!

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Great work everytime, thanks Michael.

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