Dear Michael,

I saw this posted at 3:39 pm, and after finishing chores I sat down and read it. Just finished.

Thanks for your analysis! Much to take in. We’re going to a Rogation Procession and Tridentine Latin Mass this evening. Praying for your mission of truth.

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Thank you, Mr. O’Malley.

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Mr. Hoffman

Your assessment of Tucker Carlson at the hands of his adversaries is truly spot on.

Thanks again for taking time out to reveal to all of us that Christ is on His throne and ruling in the affairs of men.


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Dear Mr. Sall

All for King Jesus!


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A very wise, brilliant, and courageous scholar and author, Eustace Mullins, said a long time ago, "Never trust anyone who is allowed to appear on Television." That of course includes Tucker Carlson. The reason is glaringly obvious. Television (Talmudvision) is completely owned and controlled by the racial enemy of Aryans. The descendants of this Turkic-Mongol tribe also own the U.S. Congress, the Executive branch, the Judiciary, the mass media, the financial system, etc. ad nauseum and everything else of any significance that directly impacts our lives. They openly brag and laugh about it: (quote/paraphrase - "What need we fear who knows our plans when none can call our power to account?".) Carlson was given a longer leash than most to foster the illusion of genuine opposition to the ruling class. As with all of their serfs, even the highly paid and high profile ones, the Jews eventually throw them under the bus when they feel they've outlived their usefulness to them, just to create a stir among the Goyim, or for no reason at all. It's all theater, folks. Enjoy the show while you're being prodded over the abyss into oblivion.

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Hereticdrummer wrote:

A very wise, brilliant, and courageous scholar and author, Eustace Mullins, said a long time ago, "Never trust anyone who is allowed to appear on Television." That of course includes Tucker Carlson. The reason is glaringly obvious. Television (Talmudvision) is completely owned and controlled by the racial enemy of Aryans.

Michael Hoffman replies:

Actually, assuming you are not mad and that facts matter to you, Fox News is “completely owned” by so-called “Aryans.”

Hereticdrummer wrote:

The descendants of this Turkic-Mongol tribe also own the U.S. Congress, the Executive branch, the Judiciary, the mass media, the financial system, etc. ad nauseum and everything else of any significance that directly impacts our lives.

Michael Hoffman replies:

The preceding statement is the tired old Hitler delusion, which occult pied-pipers inside the Cryptocracy scripted for the “Fuhrer,” and which Hereticdrummer, having learned nothing from history, regurgitates: it’s all the fault of the Jews (“Turkic-Mongol tribe”).

According to you, the poor little rich boys among the “Aryan” Germans (Fugger dynasty) and Italians (Medici, Strozzi dynasties) are not guilty of the rise of Mammonism in the West, or of anything else. They have been relieved of culpability for their crimes; meanwhile all Judaic people are burdened with the suspicion of at least some complicity in evil. That’s the pernicious myth that lead the German people to the most catastrophic defeat in their history, and placed a pistol in the mouth of the demonic fool who channeled the lies.

The fable laid down by the occult imperium that manipulated Hitler and has you dancing on their string, runs like this: Alexander Hamilton, Nicholas Biddle, George Fitzhugh, Edmund Ruffin, Albert Pike, J.P. Morgan, Woodrow Wilson, Aleister Crowley, J. Edgar Hoover, Winston Churchill, Franklin Roosevelt, Harry Truman, Lyndon Johnson, the Dulles bros., Bill and Hillary Clinton, George Bush per and fils, John Kerry, Prince (now King) Charles, Jimmy Savile, Margaret Thatcher, Michael Hayden, John Brennan, William Barr, Mike Pompeo, Lindsey Graham, Joe Biden, William J. Burns, Bill Gates and Tony Fauci, were and are, all just pitiful, blameless “Aryans” fiendishly manipulated by those master conspirators, “the Jooze,” who own everything and control everything.

Your rubbish is self-indicting — recycled neo-Nazi offscourings calculated to alienate and drive away potential opponents of the Establishment. You insult the intelligence of my readers with puerile fantasies which you exploit my Substack column to promote.

Hereticdrummer wrote:

Carlson was given a longer leash than most to foster the illusion of genuine opposition to the ruling class. As with all of their serfs, even the highly paid and high profile ones, the Jews eventually throw them under the bus when they feel they've outlived their usefulness to them…

Michael Hoffman replies:

The Murdoch family are not “Jews,” but don’t let the truth obstruct your 39¢ rap.

Who in their right mind could possibly believe your phantasmagoria? I have a hunch that you don’t expect anyone to believe it and that you’re not as obtuse as you appear. Your real agenda most likely is to taint my Substack column. It won’t work. Your revival of ancient hatred and historical fraud has blocked you from this comments section henceforth. Agents of the Cryptocracy must go elsewhere to propagate their bunkum.

Michael Hoffman

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I am very confused with your constant use of the royal “we”. There’s absolutely no need to use it at all, let alone as frequently as you do. Example: take the claim “we say it’s cold outside”. Well, there is absolutely no reason to state “we say … “. Just assert: “It is cold outside.” and on and on. “We believe Biden is a bad president… “. No. “Biden is a …”. Every statement that you use “we” can be said in an objective, impartial, third voice.

You should use a good editor to review your essays, and eliminate all the unnecessary “we’s” … which are all of them.

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