Thanks for your analysis concerning the Tucker interview with Mr. Cooper and the media and government response to it. I see historical research in pursuit of the truth as producing a mirror where we can collectively look into - one that shows us where we truly succeeded and failed. Your efforts along with others help to polish that mirror. Without that polished mirror, our collective learning fails and as a result our social situation becomes up for grabs to those who care only for power. Once again, thanks.

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Many thanks to Michael for this examination of Carlson's revisionist history interview and the way in which it has been so vehemently demonized by the "Lilliputian fist of the NYT" -- which tells us how weak and desperate the illegitimate White House feels itself to be. I would not have listened otherwise.

In this fascinating dialogue, Darryl Cooper mentioned that the farce of the Nuremberg Trials was mounted in order to affix a "binary model as rhetorical device" on the victor's narrative of history, the good guys vs the bad guys equation -- impossible to go into here the full scope of the shrinking of mind and spirit that involves. And how it teaches hate. But Michael brings up the Inquisition, and from this article and interview we might learn that we in the "West (Allies)" have lived for decades under an Inquisitorial model of thinking. We should beware of the collective insanity this could lead us to, as Darryl Cooper eloquently describes (Jonestown).

In response to Tucker's observation that current conditions in the UK and the USA would make it look as though we really lost WWII, Mr. Cooper made the fascinating statement that the US and the Soviet Union conquered the West; certainly demonic seeming ideologies have swept in to our lives. By Michael's analysis, I realize perhaps what Cooper means: we are living under a neo-Stalinist ideology, which will impose upon us what we can know and not know, lest we be branded as heretics. Silenced and disappearing. Or continuing to watch our world be murdered. Martyr Made.

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> "..administration condemns trafficking in this moral rot.."

Yoink! I'm gonna file that one away for future use. It's loaded with weird wonders.

Something about the concept of trafficking moral rot being condemned by a White House spokesperson condemns the House as an identifier of forms of moral rot trafficking.

Go figure. Must be keeping tabs on their competition.

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(Katya here)

Roscoe commented to me last night that he thought that the 'teaching' of history in America ("the mythologizing of historical events" as psychological warfare) is like Lysenko science under Stalin: mass (intellectual) starvation.

"Moral rot" = mental rot and soul rot.

I look forward to listening to Darryl Cooper. Thanks, Michael.

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