Mr Ritter strikes me as a little too excitable. He predicts that Sunni Pakistan will intervene with nuclear weapons if the Israelis nuke Shiite Iran.
In my opinion, the Pakistani attitude would be more like “a pox on both your houses”.
That situation would change if the Israelis were to nuke the Haram Al Sharif, the third holiest shrine in Islam located in Jerusalem, which can’t happen, because Israelis themselves would suffer widespread radiation sickness, and death.
The combined military force of the United States, Great Britain, and France in an alliance with the Israelis in an all out war, would be more than a match for Hezbollah and Iran— the latter a nation deeply penetrated by Mossad.
Pro-Israeli forces would win the war, but lose the peace. Given that amid the carnage and destruction would come a permanent alienation of the Arab and Persian masses even more so than now, , in which insurgencies both low level as well as intense, would plague the Israelis for decades.
Insurgencies like what America fought in Iraq and Afghanistan cannot be won by the Israelis. That is how their ship of state will be sunk.
Meanwhile, I believe the Israelis will continue to skirt and push the boundaries of a troop invasion in Gaza, in terms of perhaps a limited incursion on the ground by Israeli infantry and armor into Gaza.
For all of the bluster of the leaders of countries like Turkey and Egypt, they have shared a general torpor and lassitude with regard to the dispossession and mass murder of the Palestinians over the course of the past 21 years.
Moreover, the Saudis this week are hosting various merry national festivals and parties with international bankers and assorted cryptocrats. It couldn’t be any more clear that the Saudi ruling class could not care less about the starved and bombed Gaza, except in terms of imagery and rhetoric.
Mr. Ritter’s intuition of doom for the Israeli ethno-state would seem to be correct in the sense that Zionist Rabbi Joseph Soloveitchik intended when he stated that a Zionist state that was not a safe haven for Judaic people would tend to prove that the raison d’etre of Zionism is wrong and futile.
Zionism is the grand trick the Masonic Cryptocracy has played on “the Jews.”
There are several reasons that the Muslim/Arab world does not "commemorate". First, reading the Koran reminds them to kill Jews for any reason. When you have that, there's no need for show-tunes. Second, the Muslim world is not known for being prolific in any form of media, other than perhaps printing copies of the Koran.
Finally, if this is correct: "I see you a Koran and raise you a Talmud", our only response to events there should be to stay out of it. But that won't happen for several reasons, first, the arms industry, and second, evangelical Christianity. Should things go south for the Israelis, Crusades redux is right around the corner.
"…in the history of Jewish persecution, the Muslims were always relatively better (more benevolent) than the Christians. We do not find tragedies such as the Chmielnicki massacres in the annals of our communities…in Islamic lands. The position has now been radically reversed… tens of millions of Muslims, in particular Arabs, have become Amalekites…What has brought about the wave of hatred that has engulfed the Moslem world? We all know that the major reason is the founding of the State of Israel.”
The preceding statement is from the late Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik, dean of New York’s Yeshiva University and “one of the foremost religious Zionist authorities of the 20th century." Cf. Rabbi Yaakov Shapiro, "The Empty Wagon" (Bais Medrash Society, 2018), pp. 1239-1240.
The media is all lies and propaganda, so how can we know anything that's going on over there unless we go there ourselves. I have strong evidence to support the idea that war is a psychological operation - a kind of controlled demolition (sometimes with fireworks) in strategic relocation of populations. most of the fighting is purely psychological, mental and emotional - the media won't claim atrocities on both sides with no proof to back it up except for an image or some text or a video that could've been taken anywhere at any time. I only say this to say that we need to use our critical thinking skills in this situation. We give up our power and consent to things through our engagement of this media. They show us moving images on a screen to get a petrol reaction from us and we think that's reality. they need the vitriol in their alchemical processes in the transmutation of the psyche of the population, The news is no more real than your favorite scene from the latest marvel movie shown in the theater. N.EW.S.: North East West South - your mind is like a mental compass that can be moved via media in any direction that they want and your awareness or attention helps to create the simulacrum, or the overlay of staged events on to reality so you cannot tell the difference between what is real, what is theater, and what is imagined.
In that vein, I happened to be thinking of this while driving home yesterday since lately it has been cluttering my brain. I talked it into my phone. What a feature. Beats my former method:
What is the threshold for believability? Government is known to lie and may lie about everything but just because information is not issued by the government, does not make it accurate. The only way to know is to determine the motivations of the source. As individuals, we rarely have first-hand knowledge about our source. Is the person disseminating government information any more knowable than a book’s author? Government hastily puts information together, and often quite sloppily. Sophisticated people can often easily disprove what is offered. An individual writer usually does not have the time to amass hundreds of references, some or all being fraudulent or misrepresentations. You might disagree with the authors conclusions, but the references are there, and verification is typically easy to accomplish, unlike what is propagated by the government. But when it comes to omitting references or something thinly referenced, again, what is the threshold for believability? Color graphics, memes, talking points and repetition are not enough to convey believability. The answer may be what seems to be more or less likely, but that requires either a depth of knowledge or short of that, recognizing patterns. However, identifying patterns based solely on repetition of “facts” will end you back to where you started; what is believable? Motive. Cui Bono. It is a simple, but accurate explanation.
Right - we are in agreement. The Ukraine event was staged, so why would I think this scene would be different? I have analyzed enough footage to prove to myself they are using CGI. We are essentially watching a made-for-TV movie. What I think may even be of greater importance is the ideas, archetypes and thoughtforms attached to these events in the context of religion and race in western society. A thing only has power when we give it ours.
Pastor Chuck Baldwin of Liberty Fellowship gave a powerful sermon on Sunday (10/22) on “The Wars of the Jews”—very much worth listening to at He pointed out that the warring spirit of Jewish Zionists created Bolshevism and Nazism. The US funded both of these entities. He said both fascism and communism are controlled by the central banks which are controlled by Zionist (Talmudic) Jews. He said (and I agree) we live in a war drenched society with war drenched churches. Our histories have been so erased and rewritten for so long now that our bewilderment is a kind of dementia. Television gave us the Vietnam Nam war in color—we boomers were children. Michael Hoffman, in his Revisionist History newsletter #34 says, “The main reason that the Judeo -Masonic U.S. government is at war with Islamic system of banking and finance. . .is implacably opposed to usury, hence it is the mortal enemy and economic rival of the whole rotten system of global financial monopolies based on the Federal Reserve Bank, the International Monetary Fund and the World Trade Organization.”—He wrote this in 2004. —It never stops, the killing of Arabs and Southeast Asians and Molslems of European origin as well as Orthodox Christians, and who can count the children, and since usury and child-trafficking and abortion and the trans industry (big money) are intimately connected, the numbers are mind boggling, and the grief is unbearable. We know that our American “economy” is in very big trouble right now—about to be wiped out maybe—so we have a great flare-up in the war that never ends. Yes, it matters to record the crimes against long-suffering Gaza, but these aren’t new, they have been all around us all the time, and we watch. I think Michael must be right, and here’s another quote from the same newsletter: “It is on behalf of this wicked system that, since 9/11, many Americans of a slave orientation are flag-waving themselves into a stupor as they celebrate and defend their own executioners and worst enemies, in a remarkable display of mass-psychosis seemingly unprecedented in the history of the world.” History is repeating. Thank you, Michael, for your powerful writing all these years.
If one actually looked around, one would note this paradox: those who actually study the Talmud desire to be left alone, while those accused of studying the Talmud are least likely to have ever cracked its cover.
Now the use of the word Zionism is interesting, since you don't have to be Jewish to be a Zionist, many Jews are not Zionists, and most Zionists are not Jewish.
There are many Jews involved in intellectual matters. It is simply a manifestation of a higher average IQ than the general population however, the absolute number of non-Jews in similar endeavors is vastly greater. Seeing a Jew hiding behind every misadventure (or rock), is the surest way to build bridges with the Islamic world however, you may not like what you find in their writings, which is certainly not to leave others alone. It is a religion of conquest, in some respects not much different than the one-worlders we are saddled with, most of which I hate to break it to you, are not Jews.
The command and control center for Israel in my opinion is Washington D.C.
PNAC (Program for a New American Century), officials in government, Christian religious leaders, media and news outlets prop-up Zionist propaganda. PNAC, authored by two Zionist Jews. Sponsored by an outrageously disproportionate number of Zionist Jews. PNAC Lays out plans and schemes for this age of domination in the middle East. Members of government holding offices of power and influence hold dual citizenship in the USA and Israel. MANY Christian evangelical preachers support and boast their support for Zionism. Ben Shapiro, Mark Levin and others cast their spells and propaganize the duty for "moral" people to support the "chosen people" of their God. Truly, Ben is correct by stating that he helps Israel more by staying in the US, than taking up arms and fighting in their holy land. Not to mention the allegiance our presidents have to the Zionist state of Israel. They should just go ahead and make it the 51st state, or at the very least a official US territory. The shot callers are definitely not in Israel. Israel is an outpost of the West, to be a perpetual 1/3 part of an Hegelian dialectic. Their will never be a final synthesis, Israel is engineered for continual victim hood and psychopathic acts of violence against "less than human" non members of the tribe.
"Military men are just dumb, stupid animals to be used as pawns in foreign policy."
This is the contempt for all goyim that Michael writes about always. Dr. Chuck Baldwin says that Ashkenazy Jews masquerading as the “Chosen People” is the greatest fraud in history. (A liberating revelation for me.) Because there has been only ONE group whose mass death we honored, the “anonymous dead” of the rest of us and of the world have gone, not so much unmourned as rendered diminished in memory—which has been a true spiritual/ mental handicap for the rest of us who lost our families too. A psychic numbing that maims and distorts history so that we follow criminal rulers. With our history and memory so terribly misshapen and controlled, atrocity has become normal. But we can break out of this by not complying with the innumerable controls being thrust upon: open our eyes, hear, and pray.
Regarding your last sentence, Smedley Butler, "War is a Racket" was on to the scam 100 years ago. Yes, 100 years ago. No Israel, barely a Theodore Herzl. War is an old scam.
Yeah, that will solve the problem, as if there is a limit to the number of people who or ideologies that want to wreck your life, while using a descriptor other than "chosen".
You seem to want to defend the 'Chosenites' who aren't Jews but who are impostors (per Revelation 2:9 and 3:9 in the King James Version). Good luck with that.
Saying "If there were no Jews" is kind of a stupid statement seeing as how they are there, and they are being used by the kingdom of darkness overlords to run the world system. Jesus didn't refer to them as the Synagogue of Satan for no reason.
Try quoting the whole statement and not fragmenting the thought. At least we seem to agree that they are being used. And if not them, then Christians re-enacting the crusades could be substituted.
"Amy (Goodman's) podcast today, Oct. 23, is recommended." Democracy Now's coverage of the Israeli genocide against the Palestinians has been excellent, especially today ( Oct. 24) with Rami Khoury. Amy Goodman does something that the rest of the MSM are not and do not do. She is an investigative reporter and she reports the news. It's a shame that she supports elective abortion on demand and the "trans" mutilation movement. Therefore, I cannot support "Democracy Now", which often seems to be "Hypocrisy Now". But by listening to Goodman we get advance warning of the New Age Occult and Leftist agendas.
To Michael,
You presciently included in a recent R.H. Bulletin the fact of massive amounts of weapons left behind in Afghanistan. Now the consequences of that (and more) have been verified. Will there be additional blowback against Washington and the Israeli state? See the following articles:
Note my qualifier in introducing Amy Goodman, recommended solely "on the Palestine issue."
I extract information from Talmudic, Trotskyite, Luddite, etc. journals, broadcasts, books and so forth. Goodman is very good on Palestine.
I don't understand human beings. For example many Leftists like her see the humanity of Palestinians and struggle for their rights, while denying rights to unborn humans in the womb.
Meanwhile, Right wingers affirm the humanity of unborn children but have no significant problem with the Israelis indiscriminately bombing Palestinian children and their mothers.
The Bible teaches that since the Fall, we are all of us marked by the defect of Original Sin. Through the grace of Jesus Christ we can be transformed from sinners into saints. In return we endeavor to love Him and keep His commandments (John 14:15).
Consistency is not the strong suit of most people, likely because few have the time, inclination or intellect to delve into why they believe what they believe.
You were doing well keeping your comments professional and free of bigotry, but now you are regressing to the familiar, tired 1930s atavisms: "They" (the Jews) are being used by the kingdom of darkness overlords to run the world system. Jesus didn't refer to them as the Synagogue of Satan for no reason."
Bigoted generalizations like that are not welcome in these comments. In Washington D.C. thousands of Jewish people protested the Israeli bombing of Gaza. Judaic people like Amira Hass, Norman Finkelstein and many tens of thousands have worked to rescue the Palestinian people and tell the truth about the Israeli war machine. Why do you indict them all with your generalizations? This is what the Talmud does to gentiles and you are doing it to Jews. Enough!
Let's get free of biased, shuttered thinking and open our minds and hearts to a decent estimation of our fellow humans. Condemning an entire ethnicity is not permitted here. Any further remarks of that tenor will be removed. I will not allow the comments section of this Substack column to be turned into the personal bulletin board of prejudiced persons.
You don't make a lot of sense. You think you do, but you don't, with your "If's." My guess about you is that you're an extremely dissatisfied narcissist who can find no consolation in any information that differs from your repertoire of 'established facts.'
Dear Gordon
Mr Ritter strikes me as a little too excitable. He predicts that Sunni Pakistan will intervene with nuclear weapons if the Israelis nuke Shiite Iran.
In my opinion, the Pakistani attitude would be more like “a pox on both your houses”.
That situation would change if the Israelis were to nuke the Haram Al Sharif, the third holiest shrine in Islam located in Jerusalem, which can’t happen, because Israelis themselves would suffer widespread radiation sickness, and death.
The combined military force of the United States, Great Britain, and France in an alliance with the Israelis in an all out war, would be more than a match for Hezbollah and Iran— the latter a nation deeply penetrated by Mossad.
Pro-Israeli forces would win the war, but lose the peace. Given that amid the carnage and destruction would come a permanent alienation of the Arab and Persian masses even more so than now, , in which insurgencies both low level as well as intense, would plague the Israelis for decades.
Insurgencies like what America fought in Iraq and Afghanistan cannot be won by the Israelis. That is how their ship of state will be sunk.
Meanwhile, I believe the Israelis will continue to skirt and push the boundaries of a troop invasion in Gaza, in terms of perhaps a limited incursion on the ground by Israeli infantry and armor into Gaza.
For all of the bluster of the leaders of countries like Turkey and Egypt, they have shared a general torpor and lassitude with regard to the dispossession and mass murder of the Palestinians over the course of the past 21 years.
Moreover, the Saudis this week are hosting various merry national festivals and parties with international bankers and assorted cryptocrats. It couldn’t be any more clear that the Saudi ruling class could not care less about the starved and bombed Gaza, except in terms of imagery and rhetoric.
Mr. Ritter’s intuition of doom for the Israeli ethno-state would seem to be correct in the sense that Zionist Rabbi Joseph Soloveitchik intended when he stated that a Zionist state that was not a safe haven for Judaic people would tend to prove that the raison d’etre of Zionism is wrong and futile.
Zionism is the grand trick the Masonic Cryptocracy has played on “the Jews.”
Michael Hoffman
Yeah, it is all pretty sick.
the Hebrews cannot understand that since they are so smart they lose the battle to kill off the goys
They aren't Hebrews.
There are several reasons that the Muslim/Arab world does not "commemorate". First, reading the Koran reminds them to kill Jews for any reason. When you have that, there's no need for show-tunes. Second, the Muslim world is not known for being prolific in any form of media, other than perhaps printing copies of the Koran.
Finally, if this is correct: "I see you a Koran and raise you a Talmud", our only response to events there should be to stay out of it. But that won't happen for several reasons, first, the arms industry, and second, evangelical Christianity. Should things go south for the Israelis, Crusades redux is right around the corner.
Dear Dr. Karp
"…in the history of Jewish persecution, the Muslims were always relatively better (more benevolent) than the Christians. We do not find tragedies such as the Chmielnicki massacres in the annals of our communities…in Islamic lands. The position has now been radically reversed… tens of millions of Muslims, in particular Arabs, have become Amalekites…What has brought about the wave of hatred that has engulfed the Moslem world? We all know that the major reason is the founding of the State of Israel.”
The preceding statement is from the late Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik, dean of New York’s Yeshiva University and “one of the foremost religious Zionist authorities of the 20th century." Cf. Rabbi Yaakov Shapiro, "The Empty Wagon" (Bais Medrash Society, 2018), pp. 1239-1240.
The state of Israel represents the end of dhimmi status. Perhaps that was simply a bridge too far for many in the region.
The media is all lies and propaganda, so how can we know anything that's going on over there unless we go there ourselves. I have strong evidence to support the idea that war is a psychological operation - a kind of controlled demolition (sometimes with fireworks) in strategic relocation of populations. most of the fighting is purely psychological, mental and emotional - the media won't claim atrocities on both sides with no proof to back it up except for an image or some text or a video that could've been taken anywhere at any time. I only say this to say that we need to use our critical thinking skills in this situation. We give up our power and consent to things through our engagement of this media. They show us moving images on a screen to get a petrol reaction from us and we think that's reality. they need the vitriol in their alchemical processes in the transmutation of the psyche of the population, The news is no more real than your favorite scene from the latest marvel movie shown in the theater. N.EW.S.: North East West South - your mind is like a mental compass that can be moved via media in any direction that they want and your awareness or attention helps to create the simulacrum, or the overlay of staged events on to reality so you cannot tell the difference between what is real, what is theater, and what is imagined.
In that vein, I happened to be thinking of this while driving home yesterday since lately it has been cluttering my brain. I talked it into my phone. What a feature. Beats my former method:
What is the threshold for believability? Government is known to lie and may lie about everything but just because information is not issued by the government, does not make it accurate. The only way to know is to determine the motivations of the source. As individuals, we rarely have first-hand knowledge about our source. Is the person disseminating government information any more knowable than a book’s author? Government hastily puts information together, and often quite sloppily. Sophisticated people can often easily disprove what is offered. An individual writer usually does not have the time to amass hundreds of references, some or all being fraudulent or misrepresentations. You might disagree with the authors conclusions, but the references are there, and verification is typically easy to accomplish, unlike what is propagated by the government. But when it comes to omitting references or something thinly referenced, again, what is the threshold for believability? Color graphics, memes, talking points and repetition are not enough to convey believability. The answer may be what seems to be more or less likely, but that requires either a depth of knowledge or short of that, recognizing patterns. However, identifying patterns based solely on repetition of “facts” will end you back to where you started; what is believable? Motive. Cui Bono. It is a simple, but accurate explanation.
Right - we are in agreement. The Ukraine event was staged, so why would I think this scene would be different? I have analyzed enough footage to prove to myself they are using CGI. We are essentially watching a made-for-TV movie. What I think may even be of greater importance is the ideas, archetypes and thoughtforms attached to these events in the context of religion and race in western society. A thing only has power when we give it ours.
Pastor Chuck Baldwin of Liberty Fellowship gave a powerful sermon on Sunday (10/22) on “The Wars of the Jews”—very much worth listening to at He pointed out that the warring spirit of Jewish Zionists created Bolshevism and Nazism. The US funded both of these entities. He said both fascism and communism are controlled by the central banks which are controlled by Zionist (Talmudic) Jews. He said (and I agree) we live in a war drenched society with war drenched churches. Our histories have been so erased and rewritten for so long now that our bewilderment is a kind of dementia. Television gave us the Vietnam Nam war in color—we boomers were children. Michael Hoffman, in his Revisionist History newsletter #34 says, “The main reason that the Judeo -Masonic U.S. government is at war with Islamic system of banking and finance. . .is implacably opposed to usury, hence it is the mortal enemy and economic rival of the whole rotten system of global financial monopolies based on the Federal Reserve Bank, the International Monetary Fund and the World Trade Organization.”—He wrote this in 2004. —It never stops, the killing of Arabs and Southeast Asians and Molslems of European origin as well as Orthodox Christians, and who can count the children, and since usury and child-trafficking and abortion and the trans industry (big money) are intimately connected, the numbers are mind boggling, and the grief is unbearable. We know that our American “economy” is in very big trouble right now—about to be wiped out maybe—so we have a great flare-up in the war that never ends. Yes, it matters to record the crimes against long-suffering Gaza, but these aren’t new, they have been all around us all the time, and we watch. I think Michael must be right, and here’s another quote from the same newsletter: “It is on behalf of this wicked system that, since 9/11, many Americans of a slave orientation are flag-waving themselves into a stupor as they celebrate and defend their own executioners and worst enemies, in a remarkable display of mass-psychosis seemingly unprecedented in the history of the world.” History is repeating. Thank you, Michael, for your powerful writing all these years.
If one actually looked around, one would note this paradox: those who actually study the Talmud desire to be left alone, while those accused of studying the Talmud are least likely to have ever cracked its cover.
Now the use of the word Zionism is interesting, since you don't have to be Jewish to be a Zionist, many Jews are not Zionists, and most Zionists are not Jewish.
There are many Jews involved in intellectual matters. It is simply a manifestation of a higher average IQ than the general population however, the absolute number of non-Jews in similar endeavors is vastly greater. Seeing a Jew hiding behind every misadventure (or rock), is the surest way to build bridges with the Islamic world however, you may not like what you find in their writings, which is certainly not to leave others alone. It is a religion of conquest, in some respects not much different than the one-worlders we are saddled with, most of which I hate to break it to you, are not Jews.
The command and control center for Israel in my opinion is Washington D.C.
PNAC (Program for a New American Century), officials in government, Christian religious leaders, media and news outlets prop-up Zionist propaganda. PNAC, authored by two Zionist Jews. Sponsored by an outrageously disproportionate number of Zionist Jews. PNAC Lays out plans and schemes for this age of domination in the middle East. Members of government holding offices of power and influence hold dual citizenship in the USA and Israel. MANY Christian evangelical preachers support and boast their support for Zionism. Ben Shapiro, Mark Levin and others cast their spells and propaganize the duty for "moral" people to support the "chosen people" of their God. Truly, Ben is correct by stating that he helps Israel more by staying in the US, than taking up arms and fighting in their holy land. Not to mention the allegiance our presidents have to the Zionist state of Israel. They should just go ahead and make it the 51st state, or at the very least a official US territory. The shot callers are definitely not in Israel. Israel is an outpost of the West, to be a perpetual 1/3 part of an Hegelian dialectic. Their will never be a final synthesis, Israel is engineered for continual victim hood and psychopathic acts of violence against "less than human" non members of the tribe.
"Military men are just dumb, stupid animals to be used as pawns in foreign policy."
Henry Kissinger
This is the contempt for all goyim that Michael writes about always. Dr. Chuck Baldwin says that Ashkenazy Jews masquerading as the “Chosen People” is the greatest fraud in history. (A liberating revelation for me.) Because there has been only ONE group whose mass death we honored, the “anonymous dead” of the rest of us and of the world have gone, not so much unmourned as rendered diminished in memory—which has been a true spiritual/ mental handicap for the rest of us who lost our families too. A psychic numbing that maims and distorts history so that we follow criminal rulers. With our history and memory so terribly misshapen and controlled, atrocity has become normal. But we can break out of this by not complying with the innumerable controls being thrust upon: open our eyes, hear, and pray.
Regarding your last sentence, Smedley Butler, "War is a Racket" was on to the scam 100 years ago. Yes, 100 years ago. No Israel, barely a Theodore Herzl. War is an old scam.
What the "Chosenites" fail to consider is that what goes around comes around.
Yeah, that will solve the problem, as if there is a limit to the number of people who or ideologies that want to wreck your life, while using a descriptor other than "chosen".
You seem to want to defend the 'Chosenites' who aren't Jews but who are impostors (per Revelation 2:9 and 3:9 in the King James Version). Good luck with that.
Not at all. If there were no Jews, there would still be the same problems, and another group chosen to deflect attention.
Saying "If there were no Jews" is kind of a stupid statement seeing as how they are there, and they are being used by the kingdom of darkness overlords to run the world system. Jesus didn't refer to them as the Synagogue of Satan for no reason.
Try quoting the whole statement and not fragmenting the thought. At least we seem to agree that they are being used. And if not them, then Christians re-enacting the crusades could be substituted.
"Amy (Goodman's) podcast today, Oct. 23, is recommended." Democracy Now's coverage of the Israeli genocide against the Palestinians has been excellent, especially today ( Oct. 24) with Rami Khoury. Amy Goodman does something that the rest of the MSM are not and do not do. She is an investigative reporter and she reports the news. It's a shame that she supports elective abortion on demand and the "trans" mutilation movement. Therefore, I cannot support "Democracy Now", which often seems to be "Hypocrisy Now". But by listening to Goodman we get advance warning of the New Age Occult and Leftist agendas.
To Michael,
You presciently included in a recent R.H. Bulletin the fact of massive amounts of weapons left behind in Afghanistan. Now the consequences of that (and more) have been verified. Will there be additional blowback against Washington and the Israeli state? See the following articles:
Dear Arnold
Note my qualifier in introducing Amy Goodman, recommended solely "on the Palestine issue."
I extract information from Talmudic, Trotskyite, Luddite, etc. journals, broadcasts, books and so forth. Goodman is very good on Palestine.
I don't understand human beings. For example many Leftists like her see the humanity of Palestinians and struggle for their rights, while denying rights to unborn humans in the womb.
Meanwhile, Right wingers affirm the humanity of unborn children but have no significant problem with the Israelis indiscriminately bombing Palestinian children and their mothers.
The Bible teaches that since the Fall, we are all of us marked by the defect of Original Sin. Through the grace of Jesus Christ we can be transformed from sinners into saints. In return we endeavor to love Him and keep His commandments (John 14:15).
Consistency is not the strong suit of most people, likely because few have the time, inclination or intellect to delve into why they believe what they believe.
Dear Mr. Yost
You were doing well keeping your comments professional and free of bigotry, but now you are regressing to the familiar, tired 1930s atavisms: "They" (the Jews) are being used by the kingdom of darkness overlords to run the world system. Jesus didn't refer to them as the Synagogue of Satan for no reason."
Bigoted generalizations like that are not welcome in these comments. In Washington D.C. thousands of Jewish people protested the Israeli bombing of Gaza. Judaic people like Amira Hass, Norman Finkelstein and many tens of thousands have worked to rescue the Palestinian people and tell the truth about the Israeli war machine. Why do you indict them all with your generalizations? This is what the Talmud does to gentiles and you are doing it to Jews. Enough!
Let's get free of biased, shuttered thinking and open our minds and hearts to a decent estimation of our fellow humans. Condemning an entire ethnicity is not permitted here. Any further remarks of that tenor will be removed. I will not allow the comments section of this Substack column to be turned into the personal bulletin board of prejudiced persons.
You don't make a lot of sense. You think you do, but you don't, with your "If's." My guess about you is that you're an extremely dissatisfied narcissist who can find no consolation in any information that differs from your repertoire of 'established facts.'
I have a feeling that they just kicked the BDS movement into hyperdrive, and the world will never forget this, not this time.
Thank You.
I will Tweet it to my followers.