I fully agree with you Michael!

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You are relying heavily on NYT. Why would that outlet allow itself to release such reports unfavorable to Israel?

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I was wondering the same thing!

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FACT: for whatever reason the New York Times has been regularly publishing explicit documentation of Israeli war crimes. Why would I not reference that information?

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Because of their long-standing track record of artfully shaping public opinion to align with NWO.

As such, all their stories deserve close scrutiny, especially the ones that appear truthful.

IMO, South Africa’s Application to the ICJ does the best job of documenting Israel’s war crimes and evil misdeeds. I get a lot out of following up on their sources.

Then there’s also the great work that you do.

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Jun 7Liked by Michael Hoffman

Katya's take on the NYTimes, which I used to read religiously:

Michael points out in the bannerhead of his substack that at this point in time we are in such psychological decay that "we are EXHAUSTED BY THE TRUTH", and therefore, in keeping with rabbinic tactics (please read J.D.), the NYT may freely print the truth, mingled with fairy tale, with full confidence that their readers won't get it. Lying in plain sight. We are too confused. We have confirmation bias. As Chuck Baldwin said at this time last year: "To know the truth, you must want to know it ... to know the truth, Jesus must be the center of your life (I am the Way, the Truth)." He went on to say, "The cacophony of lies penetrates every brain." All the news that fits . . .

Michael's work is about finding the truth which is hidden daily in plain sight, no matter how much eddification (Sam Weller's famous word) we've had. The paper of lunacy teaches you how to know lunacy.

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It seems that the Times is testing the general public's reaction to the Genocide in order to determine whether the Exhaustion Factor sets in. If it does not, then the Times may play the Distraction card, possibly with some gibberish about global warming or medical scare tactics. What I don't understand is how knowledge of Talmudic passages and deception methods can be utilized to save lives throughout the Middle East and beyond.

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A Ellis wrote: "What I don't understand is how knowledge of Talmudic passages and deception methods can be utilized to save lives throughout the Middle East and beyond."

This is how: the people of the West learn that mass murder of gentiles is institutionalized in the theological creed of the Israeli state, in the form of Talmudism as weaponized by Zionism. It is not "accidental," "unintentional" or in response to attacks. Under Talmudism Arabs have deficient "nefesh" (souls). They are expendable whenever the Israel government and their partners in crime (the Israeli settlers) consider them as such.

This drastic dehumanization leads to the routine theft of their land and the killing of their civilians with utter impunity, outside any western code of humanitarian considerations or human rights.

Palestinians in Gaza are bombed or otherwise killed daily without cessation because Talmudic Zionism has rendered them less than zero. The West and its media tend view the Palestinian people through the same distorting prism.

If the reverse were true and since last October Israelis were being mass murdered on a daily basis, the outrage would reverberate from here to the Milky Way and would very soon be halted through intervention by US or European armies.

If you can't see why educating a blissfully ignorant public concerning these volatile suppressed facts can save Palestinian lives, I can't help you.

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Jun 7Liked by Michael Hoffman

Thank you. This is the most concise synopsis of why it is open season on Palestinian civilians and anyone else the Israelis can get away with murdering with impunity.

Michael Hoffman wrote: "If the reverse were true and since last October Israelis were being mass murdered on a daily basis, the outrage would reverberate from here to the Milky Way and would very soon be halted through intervention by US or European armies." So then it follows that once the general public becomes educated about the institutionalized Talmudic praxis of Israeli mass murder, the informed citizenry will petition their "democratically elected representatives" in Congress to pressure the executive branch to halt Israeli atrocities through military intervention, embargoes, etc. The "representatives" will refuse the bribes that they have been receiving from the Money Power embodied by AIPAC and Wall Street and do the right thing, because the publicity that money buys from the media during election campaigns will no longer influence an informed citizenry. I guess we have our work cut out for us in informing our friends, relatives, neighbors and co-workers.

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Katya here, and I'm probably foolish to respond, but I couldn't help thinking of the emblem of the lighted candle Michael uses on envelopes and newsletters. And who is the Light? And what good is an unlit candle? The darkness surrounds us. And if you can't save your own soul, how can you save the life (soul) of anyone else?

There is another abbatoir ferociously going on in the Ukraine, which we pray won't spill over to encompass us all. My immediate family all have Ukrainian and Israeli flags in their yards (and they read the NYT). They brush me off as being mentally ill, and they think they have the truth, and in ordinary respects they are nice people whom you would like if you didn't talk deeply. It's so tempting to cave under the pressure of exile. That's why Dante, and Dostoevsky, and Pasternak especially matter (my family doesn't read them). Pasternak, facing death, watching so many around him die, never let the candle (the Light, the Way) go out. Nor does Michael.

Which brings me to the USS Liberty: my aforementioned family is satanically (strong word) blinded and will not see the truth of that revealing event. There but for the Grace of God, who put Michael's writing into my life, might have gone I. --such are the ramblings of a woman after the much misrepresented history of D-Day.

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Katya wrote: “ My immediate family all have Ukrainian and Israeli flags in their yards (and they read the NYT). They brush me off as being mentally ill, and they think they have the truth, and in ordinary respects they are nice people whom you would like if you didn't talk deeply. It's so tempting to cave under the pressure of exile.”

My friend Mark Steeves hosts a podcast titled, “My family thinks I’m crazy.” The intellectual and spiritual war within families is ubiquitous.

We can disarm critics within and outside our families by our loving response to hate and bias and doing so in the humble realization that we too commit errors and are capable of misreading history and current events.

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