The critics restrict their resentment to trans woman situations. They resent the affront to the feminist deity. This is sexism-idolatry, though it is commendable someone is at least saying something.

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In addition to the freedom of speech and of religion...

The First Amendment to the US Constitution guarantees The Sovereign People the right to petition the Legislative, Executive and the Judiciary for a redress (correction) to be applied to our grievances.

Our grievance is that we do not approve of what they are doing with our political power and we demand that all laws previously enacted must be ratified by us, The People, and that all new Laws also be ratified by us.

This is an emergency and until the time the laws are ratified by us, we must insist that the laws do not exist.

Time is of the essence.

Please do everything you can to refine and spread the idea.

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(Katya) "Power is in tearing human minds (and souls) to pieces and putting them together again in new shapes of your own choosing. " Orwell, 1984

"And I shall go to the grave, and on the third day rise, / And just as rafts float down a river, / To me for judgement, like a caravan of barges, / The centuries will come floating from the darkness."

Pasternak, The Garden of Gethsemane

Are we so much more gaslit then the former USSR? Russia and China think we are demon possessed. Gratitude to all those "who have been censored even from the rolls of the censored," and please read The Transgender-Industrial Complex by Scott Howard from Antelope Hill Publishing. Fight with the NOI against the adl 's "appalling history of totalitarian thought control and censorship."

"Awake thou that sleepest ... walk circumspectly, not as fools but as wise, redeeming the time, because the days are evil" (Eph 5: 14-16). Thank you Michael (and pray daily to the Archangel of that name)

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I would like to add that having the government legislate who loves and who allegedly despises transgender people is a fundamental breach of objectivity.

In my opinion those who love trans people tell them the truth about their situation in terms of nature -- biology and chromosomal reality. This is the first step to holistic healing.

Those who say they love them and have the power of the state to enforce that claim, often recommend artificial means--harmful drugs and mutilating surgeries-- as a way to affirm the male trans person's sense of being a woman.

Being for nature and contra artifice is surely the best recommendation for any human being. It's why we eat organic food and attempt to work for healthy air and soil as a way to restore the earth.

Deciding who truly cares for trans people is no business of any government, corporation or social media Tech lords. It's a debate that should be decided in the free market of ideas and in practical and compassionate action.

Restoration is always accomplished in cooperation with nature and not against it. Helping and indeed loving trans people is through nature. To have that approach criminalized is an enormous disservice to those Joe Biden claims he wishes to assist.

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The hardest lesson that Christ ever taught was about loving your enemies and doing good to those who would do you harm. You have often said, Michael, in one way or another, that we have forgotten that we are children of God, made in His image. We were made as we are by Him in our mothers' wombs for eternity. So when we are confronted with a government statement about the "rising tide of hatred" in society that must be checked by laws that punish "hate speech", arising from thought crime, we must discern somehow that we have been hypnotized into hating ourselves, women hating men, men hating women, hating our own bodies, which are never good enough and must always be fixed somehow artificially through something we buy -- this rising tide of hatred was augmented by the advertising that told us we could never be good enough just as we were, meaning we forgot that we are not bodies in this life but souls, and we have bodies. So much inversion, and nullification of Christian teaching, of tradition that honored God above all else. Your essays always give rise to fields of thought in a hostile-to-human and nature society. Another phrase from Pasternak, spoken by Strelnikov/Antipov to Zhivago before he killed himself (Strelnikov was also a forced identity change): "there was an olympianism of parasites" and these were the revolutionaries. I just wonder that of all the great deaths going on in our times, whether this chemical castration of our own children, how can we ever atone? Not to atone would be "unlove" says Zhivago. He agrees with you. To keep loving is hardest lesson of all. --Katya

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One problem is that hatred expressed by people on the right wing is usually transparent. It’s difficult to conceal.

On the Left hatred is disguised as philanthropic and humanitarian responses to the provocations of authoritarians and religious fanatics.

Yet religious-type zealotry and authoritarianism are features of Left wing praxis—Jailing those with heterodox opinions and violating conscience to further the revolt against nature.

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"...the free market of ideas". My goodness, you sound like Ron Paul! Anybody remember him? FWIW, he is still at it, still promoting freedom. And does anyone recall what the Republicans did to him in 2008? Pushed him out the door after he won debates while trying for the presidency.

If you put a gun to my head I would not vote for that party to save my life. "None" is the best party to vote for. The Libertarians are crap too, now.

You are so right about working for the restoration of the earth itself.

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