The truth will set you free...

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Who is defining "Truth" ?

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Michael Hoffman?

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"If you remain in my word, you will truly be my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free" John 8:31-32

Just my thoughts, If we love God, follow his commandments and seek to know the truth, the Holy Spirit will help us discern the truth about all things, the reality of any situation.

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How could i disagree? Further context when reading about twenty lines before and after show help elucidate who He was speaking to.

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Thank you again for your article Michael. Always insightful and educational. I would like to share something as one on the Right who is a custodian, purist and lover of accurate, correct, ordered, precise, proper and sound intelligent language which even Orwell [Eric Blair] taught we ought to strive for. I ask that whoever reads the following, please consider it;

If you really believe you are against the NWO agenda and thus *the Left*...then you use 'sex' [Rightspeak / Truespeak / Oldspeak / Biblespeak] NOT 'gender' [Leftspeak / Confusionspeak / Delusionspeak / Falsespeak / Inversionspeak / Trickspeak =Devilspeak], confu-sexual [Truespeak / Rightspeak etc] NOT 'trans-gender' [Leftspeak / Falsespeak etc =Devilspeak] .. you do not use 'trans-phobic" because you will learn or know this is a sordid Leftist invention, and what is called a linguistic corrupted constructed barbarous hybrid [half Latin and half Greek] compound neo-logism that breaks rules of philology in order to be formed. If we do a correct translation it literally means;

"across, over, through, passing over, going across" + "awe, wonder, fear/panic" ... now ask yourself, honestly, why are they claiming this so barbarous hybrid supposedly means what they claim and should you really trust a Leftist, who have as one of their pillars, to be language hijackers and destroyers, either by intentional act or lucent linguistic incompetence, in how you construct words correctly in intelligent English? Same goes for this so corrupted degenerate construction hybrid of "trans-gender", it literally translates to;

"across, over, through, passing over, going across" + "Creation, beginning, birth, gendered..." or it means with the second factual etymology of 'gender' also "across, over, through, passing over, going across" + "Family/Kin" ... why does the Left tell you it means something totally different? The below will elucidate;

Consider this;

When we use Socialist/Communist words [Leftist language] that have utterly corrupted and perverted false definitions [barbarisms, catachresis, solecisms, misuse and abuse], we actually help the Leftists/Socialists/Communists/Collectivists spread the sheer intellectual and linguistic degradation, stultification, poisoning and destruction of accurate, correct, ordered, precise, proper sound intelligent English [ACOPPSI] [and language in general] even more which Orwell fought against which is one of the main reasons he wrote NE-F. Those who knowingly or unknowingly perpetuate this deliberate agenda by the Left to destroy ACOPPSI English and language, well they are also helping to spread this Leftist/Socialist/Communist/Collectivist thought and linguistic poison to others, which makes others more intellectually and thus linguistically stultified by being a useful tool and fool [wilfully ignorant or just ignorant] in assisting the Leftist/Socialist/Communist/Collectivist w/o even realising it, into intellectually degenerating others into a form of “Fool/Idiot-speak” especially if one is uninformed on this very important matter.

In his important essay, ‘Politics and the English Language’, George Orwell foresaw the corrosive impact of Socialist and Communist “verbal purification” [read: hijacking and destruction of ACOPPSI English and language in general] of the life of mankind. He warned that:

*“If thought corrupts language, language can also corrupt thought. A bad usage can spread by tradition and imitation even among people who should and do know better.” *

Cultural Marxism a.k.a. political correctness is indisputably intellectual colonialism and mental fascism for the gendering/begetting [true definition] of “thought-crime.”


*"The basic tool for the manipulation of reality is the manipulation of words. If you can control the meaning of words, you can control the people who must use the words."* - Philip K Dick.

*"As societies grow decadent, the language grows decadent, too. Words are used to disguise, not to illuminate, action: You liberate a city by destroying it. Words are used to confuse, so that at election time people will solemnly vote against their own interests."* - Gore Vidal, Imperial America, 2004

*"And if all others accepted the lie which the Party imposed—if all records told the same tale — then the lie passed into history and became truth. 'Who controls the past' ran the Party slogan, 'controls the future: who controls the present controls the past.'"* - George Orwell, "Nineteen Eighty-Four" pg. 32

*"The thing about words is that meanings can twist just like a snake, and if you want to find snakes look for them behind words that have changed their meaning."* - British author Terry Pratchett (1992)

*"Political language.... is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give a appearance of solidity to pure wind."* - George Orwell

*"It's a beautiful thing, the destruction of words."* - "Nineteen Eighty-Four" by George Orwell.

*"How strangely will the tools of a tyrant pervert the plain meaning of words."* - Samuel Adams

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This is total war, war without mercy. There is only one way to deal with these demonic, sub-human, criminal pervert scum and the swine who promote and defend them. That is the Spartan way. Talking, negotiating, or attempting to reason with them is a complete waste of time. Dispatch them to the black void, post haste.

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To Hereticdrummer

The means you advocate will cause you to become like your opponents. Yours is the path of the pagan and it is closed to any true Christian who follows He who commanded us to "Love your enemy and do good to those who persecute you."

To label anyone sub-human is reminiscent of the ideology of the Talmud Bavli (cf. BT Sanhedrin 58b; BT Bava Metzia 114b), and Zionism's oppression of the Palestinians. On" Israel Radio" Feb. 29, 2008, Israeli Deputy Defense Minister Matan Vilnai called for the "Shoah" (holocaust) of the 1.5 million Palestinians residing in Gaza ( cf. Haaretz, March 1, 2008, and NY Times, also March 1). Two days after Vilnai, the deputy head of the armed forces, made his public declaration, several dozen Palestinian children and other civilians were killed in Israeli bombings in Gaza (cf. Agence France-Presse, March 5, 2008).

Moreover, agent provocateurs dispatched by US intelligence agencies are working overtime as I write these words to recruit patsies for terror plots against Democrats and Leftists. One such rigged plot helped to re-elect the Democrat Party's tyrannical Michigan governor in 2022. Yours is precisely the mentality the Cryptocracy hopes to instill in its adversaries.

Our challenge to the forces of evil should be to faithfully worship Jesus the Lord who is in command of the universe, raise and educate our Christian families, and offer admonition, education, charity and compassion to the deluded souls we see among us. We have the right to petition and protest nonviolently and most effective of all, to show by our good example of kindness and non-violence, the difference between authentic Christians and those who are lost in darkness, including pagans who imagine that they will overcome evil through violence and hatred.

God will not abandon His people.

Hope is the virtue that expects God's help.

Truth is the witness we bear in order to receive it.

Michael Hoffman

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I see you deleted my rebuttal, Mike.

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Dear Sir or Madam ("Hereticdrummer")

In your "rebuttal" you advocated violence.

I do not permit the advocacy of violence in these comments.

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Jesus himself employed violence when he drove the money changers out of the temple with a bullwhip exclaiming, "You have turned my Father's house into a den of thieves!" and physically (violently) overturning their money changing table for good measure. I've never been struck with a bullwhip and I doubt you have but rest assured, it does damage. Hit enough times with one, and depending on the strength of the bearer, it can kill you. I repeat for emphasis, that was most definitely a violent act. So I ask you, Michael, with all respect, does it not border on hypocrisy to worship a God/man, Jesus Christ, who justifiably used violence, and then flagging me for advocating the same thing, albeit under different circumstances?

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To Hereticdrummer

For the record, Jesus brandished an improvised lash that had been corded (John 2:15), not a “bull whip.” The passage in Matthew 21 involving the cleansing by Jesus of the usurers from the Temple involves no violence and it only takes a little bit of thought to deduce that fact.

The scribes and chief Pharisees wanted to destroy Jesus (Mark 11:18). They repeatedly endeavored to obtain evidence against Him in order to put him to death (Mark 14:55; Matthew 26:59), something the Jewish authorities had desperately wanted to happen. If Jesus had broken the law by lashing temple Jews, that act of His would have furnished His bitter enemies with the evidence they needed, yet none of them accused Jesus of using violence in the temple! 

Jesus hurt no human being in the temple. If He had, Our Lord would have been immediately arrested. There is therefore, nothing about Jesus’ cleansing the temple of the tables of the money men and driving out the livestock, that runs contrary to the non-violent, enemy-embracing, self-sacrificial love Jesus displayed for all eternity on the Cross at Calvary.

Michael Hoffman

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Very good, Michael. However, the incident of Jesus in the temple and how much force was actually employed against the money changers depends on which translation and interpretation you peruse, and there are many, as you are well aware. The one I read said bull whip. But did not Jesus say, "Think not that I have come to bring peace to the world, but a sword"? That is a quote/paraphrase, and an unmistakable advocation of violence. Swords are not made to gently caress our enemies with. Further, I know you correlate the New Testament with the Old, believing they are inexorably entwined and Yahweh is the supreme being and the father of Jesus. I do not profess to be an expert on such matters, but is he not also actually Jesus in the flesh, according to church doctrine? At any rate, here is a quote from Yahweh himself; " ... and ye shall be my battle axe, and weapons of war." Sounds pretty violent to me. I am not being facetious here. I also recall Jesus did not come to abolish the law but fulfill it. That would necessarily include Yahweh's commandments and admonitions.

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Dear Mr. Hoffman: I am not a theologian. But Pastor Chuck Baldwin co-authored the book "To Keep or Not to Keep; Why Christians Should Not Give up Their Guns", and recently wrote columns titled "America, Arm Your Schools NOW!" and "My Preferences For Defensive Firearms". There seems to be ample evidence from God's Natural Law for prudent self-defense. Would you fault the Nashville police for defending themselves and possibly preventing more murders?

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Hereticdrummer, as Mr. Hoffman has addressed the "violent" aspect of Jesus' actions, I comment only on the sublime messages of the two recorded temple cleansings by Jesus, one in John and the other in Matthew. St. John Chrysostom believed that these were two separate events; the former occurring at the start of Jesus' ministry.

I hope you appreciate the profundity of these miracles. Astounding that this man, the unknown son of a carpenter (in John's version), could shoo away all these Type A personalities, not just merchants but complicit Pharisees, from their place of "business" and declare himself the Son of God! And walk away without a scratch because these wretches must have seen divine power coming from His eyes. You should see this as an intense setting of priorities and showing his flock what comes first: Love of his Father and His place of worship.

Also critical to keep in mind is that in both the versions, the chief offenders were money-lenders. Usurers and simoners skirting usury laws by accepting farm products and sacrificial animals as currency. Mr. Hoffman's major area of focus regarding grave offenses against God is Usury.

Another observation is that these rascals were traffickers in slave labor, the victims being the delinquent debtors. All of these wretches using God's house as a shelter for their misdeeds. Prophetic.

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There is evidence that this was staged, like so many others. Mr. Hoffman either hasn't caught up to that yet or - more probably - is intentionally misleading his audience. See, for example: mileswmathis.com/updates.html, Gematria effect news https://youtu.be/R5XmAix6F9E

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To Thomas Mittelstaedt

It is not only the media that have reported the attack on Covenant School. Parents and relatives of the innocent victims have done so, as have school administrators and first responders. To in any way, however subtle, intimate that they all may be lying, is a mentality that is a byproduct of the mendacious Right wing fever swamp, to which Alex Jones succumbed when he recklessly cast doubt on the truthful accounts of the parents of the victims of the Sandy Hook slaughter.

I believe the Christian parents in Nashville and the administrators of the Presbyterian school.

Because someone online thinks they’ve discovered some alleged anomalies would not lead an experienced investigator to the enormity of denying the killings.

Before anyone could even begin to broach such skepticism, leg work would have to be done in Nashville. Armchair Internet sleuthing from afar is no substitute for an on-the-scene investigation, as any cop or reporter worth their salt will testify.

I perceive the hand of the Cryptocracy among many of those alleged sleuths online whose ego causes them to try and commandeer the narrative of a major crime by denying it and thereby dismissing all of the concerns that naturally arise from such killings.

Overnight, a handful of these people are able to distract attention from an issues-oriented debate by declaring the crime is staged. Those people then become the center of attention as others ask for more details of the alleged "staging," and all the issues-oriented debate —which the crime initially raised—are pushed aside.

By that ruse, the killings in Nashville, linked to transgender ideology, become a non-issue, a tidy feat that suits the Cryptocracy. I see the hand of the Crytpocracy in the Right wing.

For further research:



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To Mr. Hoffman,

In Chapter 3 of Fletcher Prouty's book JFK: the CIA, Vietnam and the Plot Assassinate John F. Kennedy, Prouty goes into detail how the military and intelligence agencies used LARPers in mock executions and simulated terrorist events "countless times" all over the world from 1950s until well into the 1980s for Psychlogical Operations. (PSYOPS).

I do not think it is inappropriate to wonder when did they stop doing this.


I do think it is significant Prouty put the chapter in his book on the Kennedy assasination. A mock execution of a president would be the perfect crime.

"Only the little secrets need to protected. The big secrets are kept by public


Marshal McCluhan


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I've studied enough of these to know this was a hoax, just like Sandy Hook, the Boston Marathon Bombing, Batman/Aurora,Pulse Nightclub, Parkland, Las Vegas, Uvalde and so many others. Ever since 9/11, they have been running mass casualty drills- they simply film them and tell you they were real. We should believe NOTHING from the government or the corporate propaganda media--why would you believe anything from perpetual liars? No wonder we are literally on the brink of destruction as our own captured government is trying to kill us off with bioweapon injections and to enslave the rest of us in a digital control grid.

Just another psyop hoax to distract the sheep and get the sheep arguing over a never-happened event, while the central bankers collapse the economy and the dollar and get ready to roll out their digital currency. No wonder they call people goyim.

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To Sandra

Sandy Hook, the Boston Marathon Bombing, Batman/Aurora,Pulse Nightclub, Parkland, Las Vegas, Uvalde were all real. Also: the earth is not flat.

Do not to use my column to advance demonstrable lies.

There are many forums online that offer an outlet for fantasies that confuse, distract and demoralize people. This is not one of them. About 95% of conspiracy theory serves the Cryptocracy and I regret to say that your delusions are part of that percentile.

It is not only the media that have reported the attack on Covenant School. Parents and relatives of the innocent victims have done so, as have school administrators and first responders. To in any way, however subtle, intimate that they all may be lying, is a mentality that is a byproduct of the mendacious Right wing fever swamp, to which Alex Jones succumbed when he recklessly cast doubt on the truthful accounts of the parents of the victims of the Sandy Hook slaughter.

I believe the Christian parents in Nashville and the administrators of the Presbyterian school.

Because someone online thinks they’ve discovered some alleged anomalies would not lead an experienced investigator to the enormity of denying the killings.

Before anyone could even begin to broach such skepticism, leg work would have to be done in Nashville. Armchair Internet sleuthing from afar is no substitute for an on-the-scene investigation, as any cop or reporter worth their salt will testify.

I perceive the hand of the Cryptocracy among many of those alleged sleuths online whose ego causes them to try and commandeer the narrative of a major crime by denying it and thereby dismissing all of the concerns that naturally arise from such killings.

Overnight, a handful of these people are able to distract attention from an issues-oriented debate by declaring the crime is staged. Those people then become the center of attention as others ask for more details of the alleged "staging," and all the issues-oriented debate —which the crime initially raised—are pushed aside.

By that ruse, the killings in Nashville, linked to transgender ideology, become a non-issue, a tidy feat that suits the Cryptocracy. I see the hand of the Crytpocracy in the Right wing.

For further research:



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Obviously you haven't done your research. These events were FAKE. Sandy Hook was not even an operational school! This is why they are winning because everyone trusts serial liars and believes whatever they see on Talumudvision.

And of course the earth is NOT FLAT.

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Don't worry. I won't be coming back to read or comment. It's a waste of time. Enjoy your slavery!!

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