The LGBTQRST insanity has even reached certain supermarket chains, which encourage on paper Pride handout leaflets for consumers to patronize Homo businesses. It’s not about the quality (these are knockoff products, mainly vitamin infused water, can be bought under any label. Also loudspeaker announcements reinforcing the “Pride” agenda.

I thought that Pride/Superbia/Αλαζονεία του Βίου (in I John) was the Worst of the Seven Deadly Sins?

And isn’t June the Month of the Sacred Heart of Our Lord Jesus Christ, God Incarnate? Is that why June was chosen as “Pride” Month?

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This is a brilliant piece Michael and your way of battle is so passionate and earnest.

I eagerly absorb your candour, learning all the while and somewhat amazed.. how you respectfully illustrate innate communicative powers, ones which we've allowed to erode upon the tides of abulia, waters of inane exhaustion that ceaselessly lap at the shores of online consciousness..

Language, logic and laconic lambasting... I can't help but strive to join the fray in a similar way.

Thank you for being inspiring. Bless!

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Thank you for your generous assessment.

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Thank you, Mr. Hoffman. I deeply appreciate not only your defense of vulnerable, confused children and adults, but also your defense of that other, very seldom defended organic phenomenon of nature: the human language. My family came to this country fleeing the abominations of communism. I myself lived in Soviet Russia in the early 80's as a student and observed first hand the daily savage mutilation of language... a mutilation whose purpose is to strangle human thought and communication. But the deliberate perversion of language began, as you point out, well before the trans movement or even communism. Certainly, uglification of our language accelerated with the technocratic movement which stealthily inserted colorless made up words that insultingly liken humans to machines... "things" to be improved upon, like so many Mr Potato Heads.

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Dear Theresa Connelly

Thank you for your remarks. In most cases when I meet people who lived under Soviet communism and are now residing in the West I've discovered they are more aware of media mendacity and government conspiracies than the average American.

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"And a society that appoints people like that to the highest court in the land is a society that deserves everything it is going to get…” I agree with the prescription in Matthew 18 for those who "cause children to stumble", i.e., those who promote the "gender affirming" mutilation of anyone.

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Fantastic as always Mr Hoffman, and I was delighted to see the inclusion of the Maier print, as just a few days ago used the same print found in your book Twilight Language for one of my own articles.

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As you know, the Rosicrucian Brotherhood was a fount of much of the spiritual and psychic dislocation that afflicts us now.

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"The momentum of reaction is always temporary." No, not always. Though on a different battlefield than the one you describe in your essay, here's one reaction that has a good chance of not being transitory. Shannon Phillips and her virtuoso legal representatives Console and Mattiacci's victory over her former employer. https://www.bing.com/news/search?q=shannon+phillips&qs=FT&form=QBNT&sp=2&lq=0&pq=shannon&sk=LS1&sc=10-7&cvid=319AE7A3E67E4CA0AE1F3DAE153A87D9 This is a well deserved victory over the petite bourgeoise corporate bigots at Starbucks, and it sends a message to all cancel culture corporate tyrants.

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