Partisan terror in WWII and Palestine
The double standard of the civic magic that is shredding our psyche
Copyright©2024 by Independent History and Research • www.revisionist
Subscriber “Roscoe” (Katya) left a comment to which I have replied. To view her entire statement go to the comment section of our previous post, “Anatomy of a Hate Crime.”
Dear Katya
This paragraph of yours is the elephant in the room that is being maximally avoided and suppressed with regard to the mass murder in Lebanon and Gaza:
"Churchill went after the Germans was an attempt at ethnic cleansing, along with the post-war Morgenthau plan…gave us a rehearsal for what is going on now, complete with the ideology of collective punishment, all ‘enemy-less-than-human’ life maimed or destroyed. David Irving's Apocalypse 1945: The Destruction of Dresden and Dagmar Barnouw's Germany 1945: Views of War and Violence give documentary/photographic testimony..." (Katya)
The Palestinians and Lebanese are not ignorant of our history. They are conversant with the celebrated chronicle of the WWII terrorists known as Stalinist partisans, French Resistance fighters and Tito’s partisans (responsible for the slaughter of tens of thousands of Christian civilians, for example at Tezno and Macelj) — hailed almost without qualification as "heroes" because the killing of the civilians who comprised the Axis "bad guys" — allegedly "got what they deserved."
This is an inhuman standard. Palestinian resistance fighters naively adopted the bloody partisan “heroic” standard for their own liberation struggle, deciding that Israeli civilians supportive of the racist-Zionist massacres could be legitimately terrorized, and the West would in any event approve.
They overlooked a singular fact: the WWII-era terrorism toward German, French, Spanish-Catholic and east European Christian anti-Communist people was in support of masonic and Soviet objectives entirely alien to the post-Arafat, Muslim-Palestinian and Lebanese resistance.
Palestinian "partisan" actions are excluded from the “good terrorist” partisan hagiography and confined to the Malleus maleficarum of “Arab terrorism,” where any Lebanese or Palestinians thus labeled can be killed with impunity, along with their entire family, neighborhood and city.
A corrupt double standard is at work. What passes for history, whether alternative or orthodox, has largely missed the inner dynamic of it. There have been few parallels drawn between the justifications enshrined for partisan violence in the Second World War and the employment of similar violence by oppressed Arabs under Israeli subjugation.
Consequently, the analysis of the Israeli slaughter perpetrated in Gaza is emptied of comprehension to such an extent that Palestinian civilian deaths have become little more than a statistic, eliciting in the West a vague sense of unease.
Any comparable slaughter of 45,000 Israelis in sustained bombings over the course of a year (!) would precipitate a raging, five-alarm fire of conscience-driven horror and outrage, necessitating urgent intervention both humanitarian and military on the part of a coalition of western nations.
Progressive elements delude themselves into imagining they are purging Europe, Britain, Canada and the US of racism while simultaneously volunteering to submit to the demands of Zionism’s anti-Arab racism, leading to the business-as-usual mass murder we have witnessed since the autumn of 2023.
This is not a revelation on my part, given that most of these facts are almost too transparent to require explication. They have been "in the air," humming inside our collective consciousness since first we glimpsed them on social media and even on occasion in the pages of the New York Times — reports of the disproportionate, indiscriminate Israeli bombing of the Arab population of Gaza, and more recently Lebanon.
It is inauthentic for people to claim that Michael Hoffman's insights are necessary to see these crimes and the theologically-based racism that drives them.
These facts are in the open. They constitute the civic magic of the Revelation of the Method.
What does that signify? It betokens knowing and not doing; knowing and experiencing indifference, which is a two-fold evil: genocide in Palestine and the "murder" of our mind and spirit as we decay in the revelatory knowledge that we are a people of pretense whose morality is ersatz, in that it comes alive only when triggered by Allied or Zionist tropes and agit-prop.
We adore WWII Allied terrorists and execrate Palestinian partisan forces. This double-mind is the undoing of us.
Like tectonic plates tearing at each other before an imminent earthquake, our inner being quakes in the process of tearing our minds apart by the sheerly bipolar process in which we are enmeshed.
The war is now: above all it is a war for possession of our mind; for the alchemical distillation, solve et coagula of a new man and woman, so-called.
Yet, in actuality their alchemical creature is a degenerate humanoid removed ever farther from the imago Dei that bestows upon us our only dignity, and without which we are bereft of any rights we can exert to counter the tyranny of the god of this world.
Copyright ©2024 by Independent History and Research •
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Revisionist historian Michael Hoffman explores the ascendance of the Neoplatonic-Hermetic-Kabbalistic mind virus in his book The Occult Renaissance Church of Rome. He explicates the alchemical processing of humanity in Twilight Language. He is the author of eight other volumes of history and literature including Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare, as well as Usury in Christendom, Judaism Discovered, and Adolf Hitler: Enemy of the German People. Michael has written extensive introductions to Alexander McCaul’s The Talmud Tested, Johann Andreas Eisenmenger’s Traditions of the Jews, and to The 1582 Rheims New Testament.
He is a former reporter for the New York bureau of the Associated Press and a former paid consultant to the news department of the New York Times. Michael’s books have been published in translation in Japan and France. Listen to his broadcasts on his Revisionist History® podcast, and find him on X (Twitter).
Revisionist History® is registered with the United States Patent and Trademark Office as the trademark of Independent History and Research, Box 849, Coeur d’Alene, Idaho 83816. All Rights Reserved.
For Further Research
If Nothing is True, Then Everything is Permitted: Occult Eschatology in Our Time
Nazis and Zionists: Genocidal Hate Speech in Nazi Germany and Talmudic-Zionist “Israel”
The Bar Kokhba War and the Creation of Palestine
The Revelation of the Method of John Kerry, Pope Francis and Tim Walz
(Katya here.) Thanks so much to Michael, for in bringing up my comment to the previous post, he shines a light on authors Irving and Barnouw, who would bear witness to his statement, "It is inauthentic for people to claim that Hoffman's insights are necessary to see these crimes and the theologically-based racism that drives them." We all have this; it is the Neoplatonic Hermetical Kabbalism that has infiltrated our souls through our history. "These facts are in the open. They constitute the civic magic of the Revelation of the Method." Hiding in plain sight.
"What does this signify? It betokens knowing and not doing," that leads to murder of mind and spirit and makes us complicit in genocide. This is the double-mindedness of the epistle of St James. The willful ignorance that is a crime and a sin for which Dante reserves a circle in Hell.
A quote from my favorite doctor: "For decades [Hoffman would say centuries] we have been conned into studying deceit." And what is the caduceus, symbol of medicine since the first world war, but the staff of Hermes in front of our eyes?
"Remember, remember the Fifth of November" -- Guy Fawkes Day. May the Prince of the Heavenly Hosts helps us reclaim ourselves in the Imago Dei from the grasp of Hell.
Referring to the final paragraph of Michael's current post: Hence, the choice between two tyrannies in the upcoming election.