Dear Mr. Hoffman, Would you agree that it is inappropriate to use the King James Bible? I agree with what you said about the Holy name of Yahweh. Not that my opinion matters. But at the same time, has not Almighty Yahweh used the King James Bible to save many individual lives in the west? Also, I used listen to and appreciate the messages of Mr. Farrakhan until he started to refer to himself as Jesus Christ. Maybe I misunderstood him. But, with all due respect, it sounded like he claims to be the second coming of Jesus.

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The King James Bible debate is one of the most bitter and contentious in Protestant Christendom and for me to enter that battle would detract from my other work. I love the King James for its majestic English and protest it for its substitution of God's name for the word LORD, as noted in today's column.

As for Louis Farrakhan's theology I would have no idea. I can only testify that in my presence and that of others I know and trust he has been a humble human being with no ego.

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I also just realized that Naomi Wolfe has been curiously silent about the atrocities in Gaza since October 7th. I used to think that she was an open-minded humanitarian. But it seems like her mind has been influenced by the judeo-protestants that she has allied herself with recently. It seems like she has become more Talmudic as she has become more religious.

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(Katya, bearing witness) A funny thing: on this day when Michael publishes an exhortation to be Christian again, without all the trappings of ego, and in his beautiful essay points to the example of Gandhi, my 4 year-old granddaughter has been carrying around a small volume as her own prized possession. It is Tolstoy, "The Kingdom of God and Peace Essays", a pocket -sized book published in 1960 by Oxford University Press. I know that Gandhi said he was much inspired by Tolstoy. On p. 414, Tolstoy says, "One lying sermon from the pulpit produces incomparably more evil than thousands of forgeries, adulterations of food [think cryptocratic poisonings, medicine], and so forth.. . . We talk of the hypocrisy of the Pharisees. But the hypocrisy of our society far exceeds...the Pharisees." And then (I am condensing) he says, p. 421, "The man of today need only make a moral effort to question the reality that is suggested to him ..." by Churchianity, Cryptocracy, advertising, hasbara, and so forth.

Pray for a Gandhian mass movement in nominally Christian hearts everywhere. The NOI have it right: this is a spiritual battle ("they know the New Testament," says Michael).

"Live not by lies." "We must again be Christian." Find and read Tolstoy. And Dostoevsky, Brothers Karamazov, for the teachings of St. Ambrose. Rid yourself of "the demon lord of inner weariness" (Pushkin/Dostoevsky). Read Hoffman's "Tetragrammaton", pray to Yahweh, give your heart to Christ, to the Way of Light and Peace and Love. Let it begin again now with each one of us.

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Katya is an eloquent ambassador of the Russian lay saints, the men of letters who have been admitted to the western canon by the force of their convictions and the beauty their prose.

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(Katya with a quick addendum): it's in the early pages of Tolstoy's book, in the essay " The Kingdom of God is Within You" that you will find his writing about resistance feeding what it resists. He says, "It is a Christian's duty to fulfill the command of not resisting evil by violence," p. 3.

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It's so obvious that violence feeds violence and more, we can see the repercussions after every war which can create enmity and hatred sometimes for generations.

However, I have always thought that only Indians could walk towards those British guns the way they did because, as a race, they are more masochistic by nature. They certainly did not fear death. Usually only those with deep religious convictions show that form of courage in the face of mortal peril.

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I appreciate your excellent article and I have always respected Farrakhan's position and what he built. He Exposed so much and helped his people magnificently. He was the only "famous" person still living who respected and supported Qaddafi during NATO's Insane War on him. However you cannot win over Insane Zionist Jewish Supremacists Psychotic Reptilian Terrorists (Zionist Israhell) by being peaceful - they'll just murder and steal more as they have proven time and time again (Just like their Father who you bow down to). There are many wonderful non-Zionist Jews and those who don't know the reality of the Torah and Talmud.

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Dear Mr. Venezio

When you repeat the "reptilian" invective you're headed into Talmudic/Kabbalistic territory: the pernicious notion that some people are genetically defective and predisposed to evil, which makes the people thus labeled targets for extermination.

In Christianity, which is the diametric opposite of Talmudic/Kabbalistic theology, all people are human beings and God's image-bearing creatures, made in His likeness. No one is a hereditary "reptile."

Beware the extent to which the smoke of Talmudic/Kabbalism entered the Right-wing, from Hitler onward. Whoever is engaged in dehumanizing others is spiritually of the Talmud/Kabbalah gnosis. Let us not be pharisees and sneer at other human beings as the apotheosis of transgression and iniquity while imagining we are morally superior. Luke 18:10-13.

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Mr. Hoffman,

You are more intelligent then that. Reptilian is one of the powerful Dark Spirits which animate/control certain people in this world. It is not a blood line. Hitler did utilize the Talmud to murder a huge amount of Jewish and other people and being he was previously Aaron (cousin of Moses) he was being true to form. In no way am I being morally superior. Based on your strict adherence to the bible you would likely define them as demons. I think you need to re-read the Old Testament and reflect on the "god" there. Regardless I much appreciate and respect your research and most of your findings. The Catholic Church and Christian religions are also controlled by the Reptilian spirit, which does not mean Catholics/Christians/Jews are Reptilians. I know you are aware of the Massacres ("god" ordained) Crusades, Inquisitions, Wars, burnings, decapitations etc in the bible and throughout recorded history. The "god" directing them through their agents were normally Reptilian.

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Many do and could take much of what you write as targeting a people for extermination. I don't because I know that is not your intention, nor is it ever mine - there are good people in all races, creeds, ethnicitys, etc. Seems like you are going the Trump/Harris/Starmer Fascist/Communist rout against Truth-speak.

No one or any group of any kind should be exterminated, though try telling that to the Zionists the last 100 years including Christian Zionists. How about so many of your Popes (Reptilian animated) that called for massacres and exterminations of the Muslims, Cathars, Jews, etc? However, like you, speaking or writing the Truth is necessary. Netanyahu and his ministers openly call for the extermination of the Palestinians. But that is expected because he is a (mass) murderer just like his Father "god"! Born Again W Bush, Blair, Howard too in a fake war which Exterminated a million Iraqi's and Afghani's mostly civilians/ defenseless women and children. Very Christian-like, actually doing what many Jewish and Christian Leaders have done throughout history (like Hitler or the Old Testament "god" with his massacres of first born and people in Palestine whose land they wanted - sound familiar?).

Many Rabbis admit they are worshiping/guided by Reptilians. Investigate the Catholic/Christian Cannabalistic/Vampiric Eucharist Body and Blood of Christ Ritual (which after investigating was one of the reasons I left the Catholic Churches horrors in my early 20's). Most robotically follow this insane sacrifice in church and some get stolen energy from it.

Go deeper!

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Sep 29Liked by Michael Hoffman

Hitler mesmerized the German people (such as at the Nuremberg Rally's but also in many other ways), many of whom were very intelligent. How did he do this? The "god" of Falsehood/ of the Nations was guiding him. The Reptilian Essence. The German people were fed false Aryan Superiority BS - copied from Jewish Supremacist BS of being "Chosen" which they were but by who? Few Jewish people nowadays lineage goes back to the "Chosen". Few Germans went against Hitler once he reached a certain point of power (most could no longer could) just like few Israeli Jews in Israel speak out against Netanyahu's Holocaust and Genocide of mostly defenseless women and children and now they can't. Good Jewish people in America and elsewhere do (Finkelstein, Mate father and son, Greenwald etc) while many are trapped in their Jewish Supremacist teachings since three years old. Do you think that W Bush, Clinton, Obama, Trump, Harris, Biden, Netanyahu and certain others are/were not memorizing people? Where does this come from? One Anunnaki "god" or another or their proxies.

You are one of the best researchers I know. Similar in my opinion to David Irving who you are similar to as you only utilize only what you can find in documents or such. This strategy gets us closer to the Truth then the BS which is most of Journalism the many past decades. But Irving utilizing this strategy came to the wrong conclusion that Hitler (previously Aaron, Columbus, Nero . . . ) did not order the Holocaust of Jews, the Intelligentsia, Poles, Gypsys, Gays, and those who spoke out against him. Equate that to a mafia boss ordering a murder but there is no written record of it so it did not happen. Or Clinton running drugs through Mena airport in Arkansas but as there is no written record of it it did not happen. Throughout history, and more so the last 6 decades, most things deleterious to the powers that be (put there by their Overlords who are often Reptilian) are scrubbed.

You are different from Irving in that you accept the Catholic Churches BS to the T on faith regardless what the documents and reality expose. The Catholic Church and all Abrahamic religions have been the absolute worst thing to happen to humanity with their "Holy Books" the absolute word of "god" and if you don't believe it you will be Holocausted, Genocided or consigned to Hell. Much of it Disgusting Blood Thirsty Racist rantings and actions of a deranged Corporeal "god" Satan. Just read Numbers. However there are sparks of the True Divine God trapped in these "holy" books which attract good people who amazingly mentally bypass the obvious Reptilian/Demon "god" Satan's and his other "gods" biography.

The "wonderful" Catholic church believed and supported Reincarnation right up to the Second Council of Constantinople in 553 AD. Oh, well I guess those Bishops there were guided by "god" where the previous 500 years they were not. What a joke. Reincarnation is another impediment on humans but at least if you realize it exists you can in some ways mitigate the negatives. Just like with Astrology which the bible rants about though in many places admits Solomon and others in power utilize it for their benefit but if others use it they must be put to death. Good ol Abrahamic religions are just wonderful.

I know you have Empathy for those suffering and being murdered and I appreciate that about you along with your Courage on many things. Few seem to have the Empathy and Courage, and maybe the intelligence to understand and discern the Truth, and then speak out while we still can!

I have been on a search for Truth since I can remember and regarding the Israeli/Palestine Conflict I have closely followed it since I was 14 during the Entebbe Raid. For some years I was a big supporter of Israel and knowing that these people (I am of partially Sephardic Descent) have some knowledge we don't and having many Jewish friends (NYC area) I went to their Synagogues and many of their classes, I guess they thought I was an Italian Jew which is partially right, and I learned what they really think about Goys. I read the bible cover to cover which the priest told me was a mistake (obviously because the Truth is clear to see which is covered up in the church and why for most of the past 2000 years people were not allowed to have bibles) I read what I could get in English on the Talmud (your books here were a great help), Torah, Koran, Hindu and Buddhist Texts and eventually came to the conclusion all religions are under the control of one Anunnaki "god" or another and each have some Sparks of True Light in them to attract the good spirited people often within one or similar cultures.

I'm sure after you have your say here you'll block me, like previous times, so it appears your right.

Best Wishes,


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John 6: 53

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A false doctrine. This is old Pagan Worship BS. As you well know the Gospels were written decades after Jesus was murdered, often contradict each other, some are from disciples of Apostles not from the Apostles who actually knew Jesus and have had at least 10 translations over the centuries.

Jesus was The Spiritual Warrior and did not come to earth "To die for our sins" (How has that worked out for humanity?) and did not believe in "Turning the other cheek". and surely not to be a Blood Sacrifice for the Vampires and Cannibals. Many falsities, changes, add-ons in the Gospels. And Paul, who was never an Apostle,, though most believe he was, but was the head of a Hit Team hired by the Pharisees to murder Jesus and his followers, when he failed at that then it was moved to Plan B and Steal (Just like his Usurper Father and also the Zionists Father) Jesus Truth & Energy and turned it into a ridiculous amalgamation of mostly modified Buddhist, Hindu and Pagan texts which billions blindly follow.

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Sep 30·edited Oct 3Liked by Michael Hoffman

"Economic boycotts and smuggled videos of Israeli war crimes should be the prime “weapons.”..."

The prime "weapon" is inculcation of broad common everyday knowledge of Talmudic-Zionism and what it perpetrates, which is what Michael works to disseminate.

Such knowledge can lead to the ONLY THING that will stop the Israeli Menace, which is the dismantling of the US Empire, Money Power and War Machine that empower and enable the Menace. We need to formulate a new political order. If we do not, we will get what is coming to us.

Most of us know the term used by the secular insurance companies for severe weather events like the one that occurred in late September, 2024 in the Talmud Belt of the southern US.

Though we may disapprove of some of what he writes in his book decrying Woke Identity politics and culture, Norman Finkelstein states that Trump's white identity politics is just as pernicious as the Left's identity politics. (Finkelstein favors the empowerment of the working class as advocated by Bernie Sanders.) So whoever wins the election, Finkelstein's statements on p. 58 are apropos: "Woke culture...evidences the arbitrary hand of a totalitarian mindset." "Today's woke politics is yesterday's Maoism come alive." (Finkelstein says he was attracted to Maoism as a teenager, but later rejected it.)

Norman Finkelstein-"I'll Burn That Bridge When I Get to It".

Only today's woke politics may eventually prove to be worse than Maoism, gradually and incrementally, because today's wokeism is powered by the corporate Money Power of the Fortune 100 Plus.

"If the Messiah should never come, here's to whatever comes"- line from "To Life לַחַיִּים" from "Fiddler on the Roof".

(Comment redacted in an attempt at coherence.)

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Sep 30Liked by Michael Hoffman

Katya here, drawn in by dawning understanding that I wish were otherwise, namely of what Michael spoke of in his previous substack, regarding "the Masada suicide mentality" of Christ's sworn enemies, the Talmudic-Zionists, who relish killing. They, Masada-like, will want to take out everyone with them. Michael says, p. 758 of Judaism Discovered, "The mixing of truth with make believe is a form of false witness." Americans are bamboozled by decades of Russophobia as foreign policy, and don't understand how alike we are (I grew up among Russian emigres) and how their literature, following their great heroes Shakespeare and Dickens, was written to warn us, to enlighten us, to deepen our Christian faith, to widen our understanding. As Pasternak said, under very bloody and silencing conditions, as a Jew converted to banned Christianity, "History began with Christ." A marvelous novel regarding the workings of the devil in Moscow, banned until the 60's, The Master and Margarita, gives a picture so relevant to what is happening in our country today as to astonish you. It's about black magic, a subject not foreign to Michael. This book's author was disappeared by the government, but his wife saved his manuscript.

The Zionists hate Russia. I am no historian, but I know how many Russian Christians were killed from the time of the Revolution through the World Wars and the Cold War. As we witness the ongoing satanic genocide in Gaza, let us not forget that nuclear war with Russia could kill 2 birds with one stone, so to speak. The Sampson Option seems to me to be a Masada Suicide tactic.

Bear with me and let me quote from Fr. Seraphim Rose's slender volume on Nihilism, in the margins of which I have often scribbled Hoffman's name: "It has, of course, been a primary intention of Nihilism to abolish Hell and the fear of Hell from men's minds, and no one can doubt their success; Hell has become for most people today a folly and a superstition, of not a "sadistic" fantasy. ... No sensitive observer is unaware that men, in the Nihilist era more than ever before, have made of earth an image of Hell ... The tortures and miseries of this life are indeed a foretaste of Hell, even as the joys of a Christian life--joys which the Nihilist cannot imagine, so remote are they from his experience --are a foretaste of Heaven ... even the most extreme Nihilist, while serving the demons and invoking them, has not the spiritual sight necessary to see them as they are. The Satanic spirit, the spirit of Hell, is always disguised in this world ..." p. 98. Underneath I have written the names Pico Della Mirandola, Ficino, Agrippa, Trithemius, Reuchlin--all from Michael's Occult Renaissance Church of Rome. Fr. Rose's Nihilist comes from these men and others, from the Talmud and Kabbala, from the reaching of these into our once Christian, now Woke, lives. The Nihilist goal is total destruction, the Sampson Option, the Masada suicide mentality. This is the world our Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the Living God, has overcome. The Kingdom of God is Within You, and is not of the Earth. The Russians have been trying to tell us. Among such a cacophony of intellectuals, Dostoevsky lamented.

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“Zionism cannot exist without the deaths of Judaic people. Those deaths are Zionism’s raison d’etre. They must die so Zionism can live”

Could the sacrifice of their own on 10/7 relate to an esoteric meaning about the red heifer sacrifices?

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That’s a good question.

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