I think it is shtetl not shetl, con tutto respetto!

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The comment with shtetl and respetto was not meant to rhyme. But there it is.

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Thank you for all you do, Michael.

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I appreciate you acknowledgement.

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Yours and Mr. Downard’s work has added immense meaning and value to my life - thank you.

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So much in our lives hides in plain sight. I am stunned as a newcomer to Michael’s writing by alll that I didn’t see, was “hoodwinked” by, and how marbled our country’s foundation has become by Talmudic/Zionist casuistry and Neoplatonic-Hermetic methods. Dostoevsky’s Grand Inquisitor tells the Christ figure that if someone else takes over his conscience, he will throw down Christ’s bread and follow him who has seduced his conscience. The G.I. Tells Christ, “you thirsted for love that is free, and not for the servile raptures of a slave before a power that has left him permanently terrified.” And this, it appears to me, is what Michael describes the Cryptocracy (think of Christ’s 3 temptations by Satan) has carefully engineered in us across centuries. It’s a tremendous grief to see, but as Nietzsche, what doesn’t kill you, makes you stronger. Such courage it takes to be on Michael’s kind of quest, to acknowledge the difficult truth.

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Thank you, dear Katya.

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To what page size is this blog formatted for print?

The footer on page one obscures some of the most important opening text.

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To SoloD

The formatting is handled by substack. If there’s a problem it could be with how your computer is displaying the text. Or perhaps Substack has something wrong.



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I got to wondering if it was possible for you to print out one of your entries and make note of the page breaks so that when printed the faces of the characters in the blog are not split. This would also apply to the first page which loses text when printed.

I do not believe that I owe you an apology. My computer is perfect.

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Good day Mr Hoffman, Christians can only admire your courage in shouldering the abuse and retaliation that accompanies your opposition to hateful, anti-Christian, Zionist-Talmudists. I identify with the ostracization you have suffered for defending Christian doctrine and faith – painful as it is when proceeding from those close to you. I can only imagine what the Lord Jesus had to endure from His bloodline, Judah, that rejected Him.

I have both your books: Judaism Discovered and Judaism’s Strange Gods.

I have a question about a paragraph from your article: The ADL, Elon Musk and Hate Speech, subtitle: Defend Israeli civilians.

The paragraph in question is: "The other civilians in the region, the repeatedly massacred Palestinians, apparently don’t need to be defended. Why is that? For the sake of the rescue of innocent lives in Palestine, Lebanon and Syria, the connection between Talmudic dehumanization of non-Jews and the Talmud’s current influence over the Israeli military and the 'settlers,' needs to be documented and publicized whenever it occurs."

Could you give a broader explanation of this paragraph in more detail, at least for me, who does not fully understand it.

In anticipation of your reply.

Thank you.

Neil Rivalland.

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Dear Mr. Rivalland:

Thank you for your interest in my work and generous estimation of it.

My point is that the admirable objective of defending Israeli civilians is rarely a mission articulated by the US Congress or media when those civilians are Palestinian. I'm not sure what more has to be said about the urgent need to connect the dehumanization and second class status of Palestinians with the bigotry, racism and hate speech in the Talmud, such connection being a life-saving first step toward human rights for Palestine.

As noted in my lengthy column, Talmudic doctrine about non-Jews has been weaponized by halakhic injunctions in “Israel” and the United States. The expulsion, subjugation and mass murder of Palestinians and the Israeli slaughter of Arabs in Lebanon can only be fully comprehended within the context of the anti-gentile halakha derived from the Talmud, which was formerly concealed, obscured and denied.

In this Revelation of the Method era however, it is increasingly being published in the Israeli press, and in the case of the Steinsaltz Talmud, on the website Sefaria, in (mostly accurate) English translation, although the most reliable Steinsaltz text will be found in the incomplete printed set which was published by Random House in the 1990s.

A diligent investigator should also obtain unredacted copies of the successor halakha found in canonical works such as the "Mishneh Torah" and the "Shulchan Aruch," and several other compendiums having the force of law.

For further elucidation cf. pp. 7-9 of this writer's study, "What Does Rabbinic Judaism Say About What Makes Jews and Gentiles Different?" in Revisionist History® issue no. 111, which can be ordered for purchase by sending an e-mail with the subject heading " Issue no. 111."

E-mail to: rarebooks14@mac.com — be certain to give the name of the country where the publication is to be mailed.

US residents can simply send a check or money order in the amount of $11.50 to Independent History and Research, Box 849, Coeur d'Alene, Idaho 83816. Be sure to specify issue no. 111.

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Dear Mr Hoffman,

Thank you for your prompt reply.

It is important to document or record unreasonable attacks from the Israeli Defence Force on Palestinian, Lebanese and Syrian neighbours.

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