Publish the book in Ukrainian.

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The Israelis stormed the Al Aqsa Mosque. What did the Israelis expect to happen. I abhor violence, but, close to 80 years of being the recipients of torture, murder and a sadistic occupation will drive people to hit back. I'm surprised it didn't happen sooner.

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True. The Ottoman Empire was quite the hey-day for those living in the neighborhood. Just ask the Christian population how that worked out for them across north Africa and the middle east.

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First you should learn what self-defense is:


noun [ uncountable ]

/ˈsɛlfˈdɪˈfɛns, ˌsɛlf-/

(Brit self-defence)

skills used to protect yourself from attack

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Words still have meaning? Sarc.

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The Israeli leadership can’t be racist since Jews and Arabs in Israel are not of different races. Though it is the descendants of European Jews running the show, they are genetically close enough to Arabs to not cross racial boundaries. More accurately, perhaps a discripter such as ethnicist could be applied. In reality, many of those claiming to be “Palestinians” are likely Greeks and southeast Europeans removed. “Palestinian” lives are not valued by those who you would think would value them most, those claiming to be fellow Arabs. A win for “Palestinians” would mean to make Israel look like most of the rest of the middle east that doesn’t live off oil revenue, in other words, another of the world’s shit-holes. “Palestinians” do have a homeland, it’s called Jordan, where they speak the same language, are the same religion, and have the same culture, short of the violence.

I agree that those living in Gaza are hostage to their leadership, but on some level, it is not much different than living in America, where our leadership is increasing looking like a doomsday cult, that in some shape or form will have to be taken care of before it is too late.

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What about Thursday’s attack on Syrian civilians which wiped out entire families, uncovered in the “tricknology” of western news—?

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Oct 8, 2023Liked by Michael Hoffman

What about Thursday’s attack on Syrian civilians which wiped out entire families and was not covered in the “tricknology” of western news—?

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I agree that all events should be reported and in context, both of which are almost never done by mainstream media. Ukraine, Israel, and Syria are in some respects an updated version of the Spanish civil war namely, testing fields for new weaponry.

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Among my first thoughts was the hardness of Hamas and their allies in being willing to inflict the inevitable awful retribution, coming hell to pay, upon their populace.

P.S. Then again, as for India's independence. I peeked at the end; (Bose did it)

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The Palestinians were never going to get a state of their own. Let's stop fooling ourselves, Michael. You know as well as I do what the endgame of the Jews is in Israel and the Middle East. The Palestinians figure they might as well take out as many Jews with them as possible.

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This is a disgusting comment, and it wouldn’t surprise me if it was written by an agent provocateur.

Cryptocracy Alert: when you see the expression “the Jews“ you know that a generalization like that —when associated with some extremely negative characterization— marks the writer as part of the problem, not the solution.

You shouldn’t become what you oppose. If you want to make the world a better place you don’t cast generalized aspersions on ethnicities; that’s racism and this old world, has suffered enough of it.

The commenter’s last sentence reveals a certain obscene insouciance about killing Jewish people. Again, pay attention to the fact that this is the type of rhetoric that the Cryptocracy seeks to associate with those who have reasonable objections to Zionism and Talmudism. In many respects the rhetoric reflects the mentality of Talmudists and Zionists toward the Palestinians.

Some people are proud of their hatred for others, yet regard themselves as morally superior to those others.

I’m leaving “Chucky’s” comment up, at least for the time being, as an abject lesson in the attempted subversion of the cause of Justice for Palestine, something which can only be achieved in alliance with Jews and Israelis of goodwill.

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Stop with the feigned outrage, Michael. I'm not an "agent provocateur," just a guy speaking the truth. I've actually read your books and learned a lot from them. Funny how you defend those who've banned your work from widespread distribution because of WHO it discusses.

There will be no "two state solution," and you know it. You've even written about "Greater Israel," haven't you? Nile to Euphrates, that's the plan. No room for "Palestine," is there?

Israel is a Talmudic state. You know this, too. It's not "hatred" to point out the truth.

There was no "insouciance," obscene or otherwise, in my pointing out the mindset of those Palestinians attacking Israel. They WANT to be martyrs because it's a suicide mission and their religious beliefs teach them that they'll be rewarded in the afterlife for it. Thus, they go into it knowing they'll be destroyed, so they resolve to take as many Jews (yes JEWS - the people they're targeting ARE JEWS) with them as possible.

Grow up, Michael - you can do better than your silly, faux-outrage reply. (And drop the word "insouciance" from your vocabulary - you're not Paul Craig Roberts.

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Well since the fake AI generated attack by hamas features in your analysis as bona fide and the myriad who simply KNOW fakery when they see it from the usual talmudic warriors suspects ho hum, as believers in an air rational conspiracy theory, WHY check out the images.yourself and feed them into your free ai analysis program since no one is trying to hide anything from researchers OK


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Jan 31·edited Jan 31

The way I look at it, by blockading Gaza for a decade keeping the population on a semi-starvation diet, and by "mowing the grass" --the term Israeli's use to describe periodic military incursions into Gaza, and finally by using snipers to kill peaceful Palestinians during the Great March of Return (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2018%E2%80%932019_Gaza_border_protests), I don't really know what the Israelis could expect other than a explosion of violence. Completely predictable. Gaza is a school in violence! The Palestinians gave peace a chance "Ghandi style" just 5 years ago. It wouldn't surprise me that in the aftermath of the Great March of Return began the planing for the obviously well coordinated October 7th event. While it is regrettable that Hamas resorted to this violence, which by they way they have a right to as resistance to an occupying force, what was their alternative? To slowly waste away? To have all their rights trampled upon? To be routinely met with unjust random violence of "mowing the grass?"

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