Removed (Banned)Oct 17, 2023
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Oct 18, 2023Liked by Michael Hoffman

You are just amazing! So grateful you wrote this. You never shy away from Truth and your writing illuminates my own prejudices and arrogance. Bless you.

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dear Michael,

Your last essay is like a Cathedral, every stone finds its place in the complex, quasi chaotic, architecture of these mad times... thank you.

I was sensing something similar about this last terrific war, a true carnage, and the destiny of Zionist Israel, that blind rush towards self-destruction... but your words have enriched my minimal intuition with such a depth and and an overview that I have very rarely experienced.

I also also stunned by the human and God hating conformism conveyed by the many "christian" and "conservative" leader and pundits that seamed so reasonable on many other serious issues... This is something that I don't remember happening in Italy or even in Europe, a brutal dialectic that doesn't allow any nuances. I believe you are right, the true "Arians" are moving their mostly unwitting troops to push for the realization of that synchronous Kabbala prophecy.

Thank you again

your friend, Riccardo

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Has your position on Talmudism changed? I find rather different sentiments here than in your earlier works (eg Judaism's Strange Gods). This article seems to suggest that it is the Zionist version of Judaism, inculcated by Aryan Occultists, that is problematic--and hints that the 'original' Judaism is less harmful. But that isn't the interpretation I find in your previous research.

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Dear Mr. Bornhauser

Thank you for your query.

Here is the "original" Talmudism as I clearly stated in my Oct. 17 study:

"One of the earliest laws distinguishing between Jews and gentiles is found in the Talmud Bavli, in Sanhedrin 57a: “Regarding bloodshed, the following distinction applies, if a non-Jew killed another non-Jew, or a non-Jew killed a Jew, the killer is liable for execution; if a Jew killed a non-Jew, he is exempt from punishment.”

I did not qualify, moderate or attempt to explain away BT Sanhedrin 57a. It stands as a self-evident indictment of Talmudism.

However, the failure to distinguish what I term the "weaponization" of the Talmud by Zionism would constitute a type of misdirection similar to that which the Church of Rome's Medici, Strozzi and Fugger bankers used to distract attention from their inaugural role in the institutionalization of usury in the West.

It's important to grasp the qualitative difference between the Talmud of Babylon and its derivative halachic texts as they were employed before Zionism and now, in this age of Israeli supremacist rule by bloodshed. Among the most implacable foes of Israeli mass murder and dispossession in occupied Palestine are the minority of Talmudic sects that reject Zionism.

The "Three Oaths" found in tractate Ketubot which I quoted, prevented pre-Zionist Talmudists from founding a Judaic army, waging military war and occupying Palestine. Is that singular fact not worth anything? Were it not for Zionism, Talmud or no Talmud, the "Holy Land" would consist of a Palestinian government, police and nation untouched by Israeli mass expulsions and mass murder. There would be no nuclear weapons in the Middle East. Peace between Arabs and Jews would be the order of the day. The positives are too transparent to need to list.

I have written nothing that moderates the hate speech in the Talmud, or its anti-Biblical and anti-Christian nature, or the oppression of women and low regard for gentiles which it imparts. I have however, pointed to the fact that some of those negatives, contrary to what is often imagined by those who have a superficial acquaintance with the תורה שבעל פה ( Torah sheBeal peh), were for centuries restrained by the requirements of Ketubot 111a and the halacha derived from it.

If you have read my big book on Talmudism ("Judaism Discovered") you are cognizant of the extent to which the resort to sharp business practices, guile, fraud, bribery and deception were utilized by persons in thrall to the Talmud and subsequent textual elaborations having binding legal authority, such as Maimonides "Mishneh Torah" and Karo's "Shulchan Aruch," and dozens of others.

Furthermore, because Jesus is an object of scorn and intense bigotry in Talmudism, the influence of His Church was often obstructed by various forms of subversion. For black people the impact of having been labeled hereditary slaves by the Talmudic gloss on Canaan and Ham, and Maimonides' assessment of blacks as subhuman in his "The Guide of the Perplexed" has led to untold misery and enslavement for persons of African descent.

None of these facts should cause scholars to fail to set the record straight in matters of war and dispossession in the Israeli occupation of Palestine, and the fact that Talmudism by itself is not responsible for the ongoing bloodshed and land theft there. A denial of those facts represents a denial of the genius of the Talmud in its astute assessment of what the non-Jewish world is willing to tolerate. Unlike the fundamentally suicidal meshugannah Zionists who have inflamed almost the entire Muslim world against "Israel," the Talmud brokered a kind of permanent truce with the goyim by refraining from undertaking the formation of an army and engaging in military warfare.

The relative peace that ensued from that bargain permitted the Jewish advance, from the mid-17th century onward, in the realm of finance, challenging the monopoly heretofore enjoyed by Rome's massive usury operations. Even in that pursuit, we have an Aryan model as the template for pioneering "centralized" usury operations. The Bank of England, founded in 1694, evolved into functioning as a private corporation which managed the debts of the government in return for lucrative fees. The US Federal Reserve Bank is patterned on that apostate Protestant financial system, which some Jews, like other ethnicities, copied and in certain respects, eventually surpassed.

There is the larger question of the extent to which Talmudists may have on occasion persuaded gentiles to fight their wars for them. The question itself is largely proscribed by the western media and academia. To suppress questions is to force them underground where they fester into conspiracy theories that gain credibility solely because they have about them the aura of the forbidden. Perhaps the most controversial asseveration along these lines centers on the involvement of Talmudists in the Bolshevik revolution in Russia; which is a question for another time.

Michael Hoffman


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Oct 18, 2023·edited Oct 19, 2023

"America’s Neoconservatives are willfully blind. No matter how many times insurgencies with deep roots among the people, whether in Vietnam, Iraq or Afghanistan have defeated the mighty United States of America, as well as their Israeli partners in Lebanon...

"Palestinian sympathizers in Egypt, Syria and Lebanon, as well as non-Arab countries such as Indonesia and Pakistan—are also nations where more than half the population is under 18, as compared with the Caucasian nations and parts of Asia where more than half the aging population is frequently over the age of 40 or 50... "It’s a script crafted by Jew haters intended to lead the Jewish people over a cliff marked "Masada"." (closed quote)

My response to your analysis here is a big ?????.

I do not see how any of this has the possibility of destroying the Judaic people or even the hierarchy of the Israeli state. From top to bottom of the passages quoted above:

The North Vietnamese and Viet Cong had the support of the Soviet Union and they possessed competent anti-aircraft defenses. Iraq was defeated and now is ruled by a puppet government of Washington, as are all the governments of the Arab nations except for Syria. Afghanistan is a total basket case. Syria is totally impotent militarily. It is a puzzlement why the Russians are even there.

Iran is a basket case and is too militarily incapable and, like Pakistan and the East Asian Muslim nations, too geographically far from "Israel" to pose a military threat. In James Bamford's book "Spy Fail", (pp.182-184), published in January 2023, he notes a precarious situation relating to accumulating nuclear waste at the Israeli Dimona reactor. As anything approaching the reactor by air would be destroyed, it seems that the occult "Aryans" will have to devise a seismic weapon to achieve their objectives.

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Oct 18, 2023Liked by Michael Hoffman

Thank you for this thought provoking essay. Quite a flip! but can one be sure that Cosimo was Aryan and not a Crypto?

I have though for some time that as soon as the Israelis know that they can get away with it, they will go in and slaughter every man woman and child. By that time, their control of the media will be such that the rest of the world won't even know. They are already sweeping the net clean as we move inexorably towards totalitarianism. Will any of those children reach 18?.

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I am a fan, and I have learned so much from your articles. But I am clearly not knowledgeable enough to understand this seeming "flip" as others are calling it. I have often wondered if the term "the chosen people" was a coy double entendre--chosen to do the difficult work that makes the usurious money system of the cryptocracy function.

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You have ensnared yourself into the very net you've weaved, where up is down, down is up and there is neither up nor down anymore.

'Oh what a tangled web we weave/When first we practice to deceive.'

_Zionism 'weaponizing the Talmud' to destroy the Jews and to suicide themselves_. You are really curling the curl, aren't you?

Your explanatory casuistry reveals that you have innoculated yourself with the Talmudic thinking (virus) methodology, as a result of having yourself immersed 24/7/365 in Talmudism, having become a Talmid Chacham.

The explanation is very simple, look no further, the jews have gone to the extreme and in doing so they have awakened and turned the world against them; in exterminating the Palestinians they have caved their own grave and gotten the opposite of what they intended; they have pulled the rubber to the point of snap, it's that simple.

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"Covert Jew haters are today urging the Israelis to go into Gaza and “Kill ‘em all.”

So the likes of Jordan Peterson are actually covert haters or anti-Palestinian cowards, as per your previous article?

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Dear Mr Shay

As a general principle a Jew hater, whether covert or otherwise, does no favors to the Palestinian cause.

As for Dr. Peterson, I seriously doubt he has sufficient consciousness to know that by supporting Zionism and giving a blank check to Israeli mass murder he is actually contributing to the destruction of Jewish people.

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Thanks for the article. Overall, it lays out reality. A bit of nit-picking: While it is true that Bomber Command "tasked itself", it did so on Churchill's instruction. You could have added that Churchill was behind the blockade, post WWI, that starved to death, millions of Germans, and that he was a Judeophile. As a side note, "appeaser" Chamberlain green-lighted the long range Lancaster bomber in 1937. As I have asked rhetorically, who were they going to bomb? Portugal? Iceland?

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Dear Curmudgeon

I'm not certain I understand what you mean by "Judeophile," other than the dictionary denotation, "lover of Jews," which, if that's the case, you can include this writer.

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Thorough and succint for a great cause. Thank you for the education, I will share it far and wide

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Oct 22, 2023·edited Oct 22, 2023

"The Scagegoating of Jews"

Mr. Hoffman, once a brilliant researcher & essayist, has clearly lost his mind and/or is under grave threat to "change" his stances.

Hoffman wants us to believe the poor, innocent "Jews" (Revelation 2:9, 3:9) didn't bring us Babylon banking. He claims "Aryans" did it! Namely, Catholics: "By this ruse, the German and Italian 'Catholic' origin of the ascendance of the accursed Money Power over the West—the root of evil—was ascribed to 'the Jews' rather than papal gentiles."

Mr. Hoffman knows the history of Babylon banking, so he is without excuse. In 1215, the great Magna Carta of England was drafted. Before the Medicis and other "Aryan usurers." What did the Magna Carta proscribe?

"If anyone has taken a loan from Jews, great or small, and dies before the debt is paid, the debt is not to incur interest for as long as the heir is under age, whoever he may hold from. And if the debt comes into our hands, we will take only the principal recorded in the charter."

"If a man dies owing money to Jews, his wife may have her dower and pay nothing towards the debt from it. If he leaves children that are under age, their needs may also be provided for on a scale appropriate to the size of his holding of lands. The debt is to be paid out of the residue, reserving the service due to his feudal lords. Debts owed to persons other than Jews are to be dealt with similarly."

(paragraphs 10 & 11 of that Great Charter)

I hope and pray Mr. Hoffman's health will recover and/or he is able to free himself of whatever malign influence is driving him to be an apologist for the Synagogue of Satan today. I'd rather not believe he is merely a willing traitor to Jesus Christ and humanity, perhaps in exchange for money and/or his freedom.

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Ultimately, Israel wants that Gaza strip. Why stop there? Question, how to justify outrageous acts of barbarism on civilian populations? Very easy, crack open a history book. Gulf of Tonkin, Pearl Harbor, holocaust, 911 (I know.. most believe the official narrative), Dresden, Nagasaki, Baghdad, etc, etc.

I watched some videos, maybe they were propaganda maybe not. I watched Hamas infiltrate the Israeli border with bulldozers, explosives, fan-parachute contrivance, 4x4s, motorcycles, bicycles, and walking.

I know that the United States border is a bit larger than the Israeli border (290 miles (470 km) north-to-south and 85 miles (135 km) east-to-west at its widest point. That being said, if a "invasion" such as this occurred, even with Biden and his host of sycophants surrounding him, they would have dropped the hammer and little to no ground would have been taken by the invading force. Israel, advertised as a secure state with secure borders, seemed suspiciously deficient in repelling the Hamas marauders. Maybe "too deficient". Is this ultimately going to be a path for occupation and eviction of Gaza? We will see.

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